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English to Indonesian: Transcendental Reality General field: Other Detailed field: Religion
Source text - English
The discussions on the genuineness of the invisible - or transcendental reality - are the most important areas of interest for those recently studying the positive sciences. In the post enlightenment period only knowledge that could be tried and tested was regarded as real. Today, scientists who believe that there is an invisible order have started to define the invisible as real today.
Since it is difficult to explain the secrets of the universe through the five senses, people have tried to reach these realities through different channels. The first channel is the experiment-observation based empirical approach. This method is of interest of neuropsychiatry and positive science. The second path is reasoning, which lies within the realm of the theoretical, positive, religious, and social sciences - as well as psychiatry. The third channel is intuition and instinct, which are a part of neuropsychiatry, as distinct from religious science. Those studying the brain have noted an intersection between the first and third channels by using the method of trial and error on the relationship between brain screening and feelings.
The fourth channel is belief. This method is used for the points left unexplained by the other three methods. Today, neuropsychologists are increasingly interested in issues of belief, sincerity and intention. As is seen, all of these used by scientists seeking to access reality can be used without contradicting basic scientific principles.
Translation - Indonesian Pembahasan-pembahasan tentang kebenaran yang tak kasat mata—atau realitas transendental—merupakan bidang minat yang paling penting bagi mereka yang mengkaji ilmu-ilmu positif beberapa waktu terakhir. Pada periode pascapencerahan, hanya pengetahuan yang dapat diuji-cobakanlah yang dianggap sebagai nyata. Dewasa ini, para ilmuwan yang memercayai adanya pengatur tak kasat mata telah mulai mendefinisikan yang tak kasat mata sebagai nyata pula.
Karena merupakan hal yang sulit untuk menjelaskan rahasia-rahasia alam semesta melalui pancaindra, orang telah mencoba mencapai berbagai realitas ini melalui saluran-saluran yang berbeda. Saluran yang pertama adalah pendekatan empiris yang berbasis pengujian-pengamatan. Metode ini selaras bagi neuropsikiatri dan ilmu pengetahuan positif. Jalan yang kedua adalah penalaran, yang berada di dalam dunia ilmu pengetahuan teoretis, positif, agama, dan sosial—dan juga psikiatri. Saluran yang ketiga adalah intuisi dan insting, yang merupakan bagian dari neuropsikiatri, yang berbeda dari ilmu agama. Mereka yang mempelajari otak telah melihat adanya sebuah persilangan antara saluran yang pertama dan ketiga dengan menggunakan metode coba-coba terhadap hubungan antara evaluasi otak dan perasaan.
Saluran yang keempat adalah kepercayaan. Metode ini digunakan untuk poin-poin yang belum mampu untuk dijelaskan oleh ketiga metode yang lain. Dewasa ini, para neuropsikolog menunjukkan ketertarikan yang semakin besar terhadap isu-isu kepercayaan, ketulusan dan intensi. Seperti sudah disinggung, semua saluran yang digunakan oleh para ilmuwan untuk berusaha memahami realitas ini dapat digunakan tanpa bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip ilmiah dasar.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Sanata Dharma University
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Oct 2020.
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I started translating when I was still in the Sophomore year in college. I accepted translation jobs from small agencies in my hometown, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I then built my confidence by translating books for local publishers, like Bentang and ANDI Offset. When opportunity opened its door to me, I jumped to bigger, more national-known publishers like Serambi and BIP-Gramedia. I took what they offered, and I translated books from the various fields, like management, history, religion (Christian), philosophy, psychology, etc.
I also did translation for individual and group clients both from Indonesia and other countries. For a while (2003-2006), I did translation and interpretation for an NGO based in the US.
I am a full-time university teacher in Indonesia, but I never lost my passion in translation and I also teach translation subjects in my university, Universitas Ma Chung (
My clients are always happy with quality and speed of my translation. Many that I am working now were my clients from years ago.