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Spanish to English: Teenager invents test for detecting cancer General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish El científico perdió un amigo por culpa del cáncer, y aunque no era su especialidad, ja habia empiezado sus investigaciones. Tres años más tarde, descubrió una forma de detectarla que cuesta US$0.3 y toma solo cinco minutos. Estaba estudiando l`impacto del cancer mientre que su amigo estaba morriendo.
El adolescente nació en Maryland y está a punto de cambiar la realidad de millones de personas con su invento que es "rápido, simple y efectivo".
Se trata de un sensor de papel que cuesta solo US$0.3 y detecta tres tipos de cáncer -páncreas, ovario y pulmón- en cinco minutos. A través de este sensor se detecta la proteína mesotelina que se encuentra en la sangre de los enfermos de estos tipos de cáncer.
Para ello utilizó anticuerpos que son entretejidos en una red de nanotubos de carbono. De esta manera se obtiene un marcador que únicamente reacciona ante dicha proteína.
Según explica, la prueba tiene 100% de efectividad y, como si fuera poco, comentó que habría sido desarrollada hace nada menos que 60 años. A todo esto se le suma que presentó su investigación a 200 laboratorios .... la Universidad de Johns Hopkins decidió apoyarlo en su desarrollo.
Translation - English The scientist lost a friend to cancer, and even though it was his specialism he had already started his research. Three years later, he discovered a mode of detection that only costs $0.5 and only takes five minutes. He was studying the impact of cancer whilst his friend was dying.
The teenager was born in Maryland and is at the point of changing the lives of millions of people with his invention which is "fast, simple and effective`.
It is a paper sensor that costs only $0.3 and detects three types of cancer - pancreatic, ovarian and lung - in five minutes. Via this sensor the protein mesothelin is detected which is found in the blood of patients with these types of cancer.
For this, he used antibodies that are woven into a network of carbon nanotubes. In this way, a marker is obtained that only reacts to said protein.
As he explains, the test is 100% effective and, as if that were not enough, he commented that it would have been developed no less than 60 years ago. Additionally, he presented his research to 200 laboratories ... the Johns Hopkins University decided to support him in its development.
Portuguese to English: Introdução - Introduction General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Linguistics
Source text - Portuguese A ciência avança de forma cumulativa, de tal sorte que resultados de estudos anteriores são usados para expandir, revisar e aprofundar resultados e perguntas de pesquisas atuais. Na era da informação (por exemplo LEVY, 1999) e da economia do conhecimento (por exemplo SHIN; TEICHLER, 2013) na qual vivemos, o compartilhamento, a comparação e a generalização de resultados científicos é possível a uma velocidade nunca antes imaginada, graças, principalmente, a dois fatores: o uso das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (NTIC) (por exemplo WARSCHAUER, 2003; FINARDI; PREBIANCA; SCHMITT; ANDRADE, 2014) e o uso do inglês como língua franca acadêmica (KNIGHT, 2014; JENKINS, 2013). Ainda que o inglês seja a língua estrangeira mais estudada e falada no mundo (KRAMSCH, 2014) e no Brasil (FINARDI, 2014), o impacto do uso desse idioma na produção e circulação do conhecimento, e no processo de internacionalização da educação ainda é pouco conhecido, apesar de algumas exceções (por exemplo, HAMEL, 2013; JENKINS, 2013).
A fim de sanar parcialmente essa lacuna, este estudo oferece uma reflexão sobre o papel do inglês na circulação da produção acadêmica brasileira, e no processo de internacionalização do ensino superior, por meio da análise da produção científica em português e em inglês de uma área específica do conhecimento, qual seja, a de Artes e Humanidades. Para tanto, o estudo revisa políticas educacionais, linguísticas e de internacionalização em relação ao papel do inglês no Brasil, analisando os dados da produção científica em português e em inglês na área de Artes e Humanidades –Subárea Linguagem e Linguística. A escolha da área e subárea se justifica por dois motivos: 1) a área de Artes e Humanidades e subárea de Linguagem e Linguística tem uma forte tradição de circular sua produção por meio de livros e capítulos de livros (FIORIN, 2007), em vez de circular em periódicos e 2) um dos principais programas de internacionalização no Brasil, o Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras (CsF), não inclui essa área nem essa subárea em seu menu.
Conforme sugerem Pinheiro e Finardi (2014), a não inclusão desta área e subárea no CsF representa uma limitação uma vez que não reconhece o papel dessa área e subárea para a internacionalização. Em relação à tradição da área de Artes e Humanidades e subárea de Linguagem e Linguística de publicar mais em livros do que em periódicos, vemos que essa tendência não se aplica às áreas tecnológicas que fazem parte do CsF.
Translation - English Science advances cumulatively, in such a way that findings from previous studies are utilised to develop, review and deepen understanding and current research questions. In the age of information (for example, LEVY, 1999) and the `economy` of knowledge in which we live (for example, SHIN; TEICHLER, 2013), the sharing, comparison and generalisation of scientific results is possible at a speed never previously imagined, thanks, principally, to two factors: The use of Communication and Information Technologies (CaIT) (for example WARSCHAUER, 2003; FINARDI; PREBIANCA; SCHMITT; ANDRADE, 2014) and the of English as an academic `lingua franca` (KNIGHT, 2014; JENKINS, 2013). Even if English is the most studied and spoken foreign language in the world (KRAMSCH, 2014), as well as in Brazil, the impact of the use of this language in the production and circulation of knowledge, and in the process of globalising education is still little known, apart from certain examples (for example, HAMEL, 2013; JENKINS, 2013).
In order to partially fill this gap, this study offers a reflection on the role of English in the circulation of Brazilian academic production, and in the process of the globalisation of higher education, via the analysis of scientific production in Portuguese and English, respectively, in a specific area of knowledge, that is, Arts and Humanities. To this end, the study reviews policies in education, linguistics and globalisation, in relation to the role of English in Brazil, analyzing data from scientific findings, in Portuguese and in English, in the area of Arts and Humanities – the subarea of Language and Linguistics. The choice of subject matter and subarea is justified for two reasons: 1) The area of Arts and Humanities and the respective subarea of Language and Linguistics has a strong tradition of circulating its findings through books and book chapters (FIORIN, 2007), in the place of circulation via journals and 2) One of the main internationalization programmes in Brazil, the `Science without Borders` Programme (SwB), does not include this area or subarea in their programme.
As suggested by Pinheiro and Finardi (2014), the non-inclusion of this area and subarea in SwB represents a limitation once it does not recognize the role of this area and subarea in globalisation. With respect to the tradition of the area of Arts and Humanities area and the subarea of Language and Linguistics publishing more in books than in periodicals, we see that this trend does not apply to the areas of technology that make up part of SwB.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Sep 2020.
I am a professional translator in Spanish and Portuguese to English (and vice versa), currently sharing my time between Europe and South America and Greece. I specialize in Education, Pedagogy, Psychology and Economics with Politics. I have studied Educational Psychology, and I have taught and my translations services been engaged in numerous countries around the world.
Throughout my years as a Teacher-Linguist, I have created a diverse translation portfolio, as I have been involved in translation projects for private clients in business, Marketing, for PHd students and lecturers, as well as the charity sector, where my services have often been engaged to provide translation for refugees when accessing medical care, legal assistance and general support.
I have also translated other documents, manuals and certificates in a wide variety of fields such as foreign affairs, politics, business, marketing, education and psychology.
Having been born and brought up in London, with an Italian background, and lived in France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Brazil and South East Asia I can understand cultural diversity and tackle issues of linguistic appropriation.
I have used various translating software programmes, and my CV is attached for your reference.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further details, am happy to discuss your needs by phone or in a Free meeting in my private, secure, online room. This profile includes test samples of my work.