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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Somali to English - Standard rate: 0.04 USD per word / 18 USD per hour Swahili to English - Standard rate: 0.04 USD per word / 18 USD per hour English to Somali - Standard rate: 0.04 USD per word / 18 USD per hour Swahili to Somali - Standard rate: 0.04 USD per word / 18 USD per hour English to Swahili - Standard rate: 0.04 USD per word / 18 USD per hour
Somali to English: Municipal Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Somali Before 2008, Hargeisa municipality had relatively low capacity in financial and investment management. Compared to current standards, there was little appreciation of the importance of raising local revenues. Many systems were out-dated with records requiring manual processing, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability, as well as enormous difficulty in conducting any analysis. Furthermore, tracking money from its neighborhood
source to its spending destination was difficult. There were also several instances where money meant for capital expenditure was spent on operations instead.
Introducing digital accounting, billing and financial management systems In order to remedy this, new digital systems known as the Accounting Information Management System (AIMS) and Billing Information Management System (BIMS), both funded by UN-Habitat, were introduced. Although the implementation of AIMS took place in
2008 and BIMS in 2010, there was a long period of learning and adopting the systems, and therefore substantive revenue changes were only seen in 2014. Once taxpayers had been registered in the system after their first payment, it became much easier to target them for future payments.
Translation - English Kahor 2008, dawlada hoose ee Hargeysa waxay lahayd awood saami ahaan hoosaysa xaga dhaqaalaha iyo maaraynta maalgashiga. Marka la barbardhigo heerarka hadda jira, waxaa jira kor u kac yar oo ah muhiimada kor u qaadista canshuurta maxaliga ah. Nidaamyo badan ayaa dhacay oo leh diiwaanno u baahan in looga shaqeeyo gacan, taasoo horseedaysa daahfurnaan la'aan iyo isla xisaabtan la'aan, sidoo kale dhibaato weyn ku ah sameynta taxliilin kasta. Intaas waxaa sii dheer, dabagalka lacagta iyo ilaha ka ag dhaw halka ay ku baxeysay ayaa dhib aheyd. Waxa kale oo jiray dhowr jeer oo lacag loogu talagalay u isticmaalka magaalada badalkeed lagu bixiyay hawlgallada.
Soo saarista nidaamka xisaabinta dhijitaalka ah, biilashada iyo nidaamyada maareynta maaliyadeed Si tan loo daweeyo, nidaamyo cusub oo dijitaal ah oo loo yaqaan Nidaamka Maareynta Macluumaadka Xisaabaadka (AIMS) iyo Nidaamka Maareynta Macluumaadka Biilashada (BIMS), oo labaduba ay maalgeliso UN-Habitat. In kasta oo hirgelinta AIMS ay ka dhacday 2008 iyo BIMS na 2010, waxaa jiray muddo dheer oo barasho iyo la qaadashada nidaamyada ahayd, sidaa darteed isbadalada la taaban karo ee dakhliga waxaa la arkay kaliya 2014. Markii canshuur bixiyaasha lagu diiwaan galiyay nidaamka kadib canshuur bixintii ugu horeysa, waxay noqotay mid aad u fudud in lagu hiigsado lacagaha mustaqbalka.
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Mar 2023. Became a member: Jul 2023.
Am Abdikadir Garat a Somali linguist with 5+ years experience. I have worked as humanitarian worker in UHCR and also in the private sector. I was certified with HIPAA by
I work as professional interpreter in Boostlingo.
Dynamic and steadfast translator with sufficient years of experience.
Rates can be negotiable but quality and deadline are never negotiable.
The tools I use are as follows:
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Ms Excell
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Do not hesitate to contact me for more details.
Keywords: Somali<>English linguist with vast experience in linguistic service.
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