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English to Danish: Precautions for laser treatment system General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English Precautions
Identify the laser room clearly. Post appropriate warning signs in prominent locations at all entrances to the laser room.
It is recommended that all windows be opaque or covered. All reflective surfaces must also be covered or removed.
When the laser system is in operation, restrict entry and limit access to the laser room only to personnel that are both essential to the procedure and well trained in laser safety precautions.
Make sure that all laser room personnel are familiar with the laser system controls and know how to shut down the laser system instantly in an emergency.
Flash Fire Hazards
Hair, gauze, masks, cannula, and airway materials can be ignited by laser energy in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere even if thoroughly soaked with saline. The following scenario can lead to a flash fire during laser treatment:
Oxygen is administered through a mask, endotracheal tube, or nasal cannula. Leakage of oxygen generally occurs near the eye region where a tight seal of the mask is difficult to maintain, near the nasal area when a cannula is used, or near the mouth when an endotracheal tube is used.
An oxygen-rich atmosphere is created and dissipates over the face. Transient local concentrations of oxygen can greatly accelerate combustion.
During treatment, the laser beam strikes combustible material which absorbs the laser energy and heats the material above its combustion point. This may occur simply by singeing the tip of a single dry hair.
Translation - Danish Forholdsregler
Markér laserrummet tydeligt. Placér passende advarselsskilte på synlige steder ved alle indgange til laserrummet.
Det anbefales, at alle vinduer er ugennemsigtige eller tildækkede. Alle reflekterende overflader skal tildækkes eller fjernes.
Når lasersystemet er i drift, skal adgangen til laserrummet begrænses til det personale, der er nødvendigt for behandlingen, og som er oplært i sikkerhedsreglerne vedrørende brug af lasere.
Sørg for, at alt personale i laserrummet er bekendt med lasersystemets betjeningsknapper og ved, hvordan der slukkes for det i nødstilfælde.
Risiko for pludselig brand
Hår, gaze, masker, slanger og luftvejsmaterialer kan antændes af laserenergien i en iltberiget atmosfære, selv om de er vædet med sterilt saltvand. Følgende situation kan medføre pludselig brand under laserbehandlingen:
Der gives ilt med en maske, endotrakealtube eller næseslange. Ilten lækker typisk i nærheden af øjenområdet, hvor det er vanskeligt at lukke masken helt, i nærheden af næsen, når næseslangen bruges, eller i nærheden af munden, når der bruges endotrakealtube.
Luften iltmættes og breder sig over ansigtet. Ubestandige, lokale iltkoncentrationer kan fremskynde forbrænding.
Under behandlingen rammer laserstrålen brændbart materiale, der absorberer laserenergien, og materialerne opvarmes til over antændelsespunktet. Dette kan ske ved bare at brænde spidsen af et enkelt tørt hår.
English to Danish: forage harvesting General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Agriculture
Source text - English More efficient feed-in to improve feed quality
Ultimately, feed harvesting is all about one thing: how to achieve optimal quality to ensure high milk and meat production. The loader wagon is superior when it comes to crop handling and chopping quality. The 25 mm wide rotor fingers and the minimal space between the knives ensure the best results. The feed channel behind the rotor is also shorter, which means the material is pressed in the wagon faster and there is minimal contact between crop and steel.
Translation - Danish Mere effektiv foderindføring for at forbedre foderkvaliteten
I sidste ende handler foderhøst om én ting: hvordan man opnår optimal kvalitet for at sikre høj mælke-og kødproduktion. Snittevognen er overlegen, når det kommer til håndtering af afgrøden og snittekvalitet. Tændernes 25 mm brede kanter og den minimale plads til knivene sikrer de bedste resultater. Foderkanalen bag rotoren er også en del kortere, hvilket betyder, at materialet presses gennem vognen hurtigere, og der er minimal kontakt mellem afgrøden og stålet.
English to Danish: online survey General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English Survey
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Translation - Danish Undersøgelse
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Translation education
Master's degree - Copenhagen Business School
Years of experience: 26. Registered at Feb 2002.
Danish to English (Copenhagen Business School) English to Danish (Copenhagen Business School) English to Danish (Danish State-Authorized Translators and Interpreters Association (DT) Dansk Translatørforbund) Danish to English (Danish State-Authorized Translators and Interpreters Association (DT) Dansk Translatørforbund) English to Danish (Dansk Oversætter Forbund (DOF) Danish Translators Association)
Danish to English (Dansk Oversætter Forbund (DOF) Danish Translators Association)
I have specialized in translating medical and technical user documentation, installation guides, Web sites, etc.
I have extensive experience in translating user documentation for medical equipment, IFU's and technical subject matter. I am the preferred linguist for several translation agencies translating second opinions and AE/SAE on a weekly basis. I also work as an interpreter both in Denmark and abroad, and I have a lot of experience with pharmaceutical patent cases.
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Keywords: IT, User manuals, user documentation, games, video games, subtitling, installation guides, Medical instruments, Medical quipment, IFU. See more.IT, User manuals, user documentation, games, video games, subtitling, installation guides, Medical instruments, Medical quipment, IFU, interpreting, interpreter, Trados, SDLX, Danish, technology, automotive, medical, pharmaceutical, clinical protocols, informed consent. See less.