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Jun 22, 2022 (posted Recently I've been translating texts related to misuse of prescription drugs, an agreement, a data protection statement, and an official decision....more »
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Specializes in:
Investment / Securities
Finance (general)
Advertising / Public Relations
Business/Commerce (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Environment & Ecology
Internet, e-Commerce
Law: Taxation & Customs
Also works in:
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Construction / Civil Engineering
Human Resources
Furniture / Household Appliances
Cooking / Culinary
Finnish to English - Rates: 0.25 - 0.25 EUR per word / 50 - 50 EUR per hour English to Finnish - Rates: 0.16 - 0.16 EUR per word / 50 - 50 EUR per hour
Finnish to English: Market review text General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Finnish Huolimatta jo maaliskuun lopulta asti jatkuneesta voimakkaasta toipumisesta on yrityslainamarkkina edelleen hyvin houkuttelevasti hinnoiteltu. Suuri osa yrityslainamarkkinasta hinnoitellaan nyt yhtä leveälle kuin loppuvuodesta 2018, jolloin tapahtui edellinen suuri myyntiaalto yrityslainoissa. Vaikka onkin vaikea kaikesta teknisestä tuesta huolimatta nähdä yrityslainojen yltävän yhtä tiukoille tasoille tämän vuoden aikana kuin ennen koronapaniikin alkua, tarjoaa markkina silti merkittävää tiukentumispotentiaalia loppuvuodelle.
Translation - English Despite the strong recovery that has continued since the end of March, the corporate bond market remains very attractively priced. A large part of the corporate bond market is now priced as broadly as in late 2018, when the last widespread corporate bond sell-off took place. Although it is difficult to envision corporate bonds reaching levels as contracted as before the beginning of the coronavirus panic this year despite all the technical support, the market still retains substantial narrowing potential for the second half-year.
Finnish to English: Market review text (ii) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Finnish Pääsääntöisesti markkinoilla vallitsi näkemys, jonka mukaan talouksien avautuminen merkitsee V-muotoista toipumiskäyrää heijastaen koronapandemian tartunta- ja kuolleisuuslukujen taittumista länsimaissa ja päätettyjen elvytystoimenpiteiden positiivisia vaikutuksia. Myös odotukset virusrokotteen löytymisestä avittivat positiivisia markkinaodotuksia. Markkinat viittasivat kintaalla heikoille talousluvuille ja yritysten romahtaville tuloksille.
Translation - English The general view on the market was that the opening of economies will give rise to a V-shaped recovery curve, reflecting a reversal of the coronavirus pandemic’s infection and mortality rates in the Western countries and the positive effects of the decided stimulus measures. Hopes of finding a vaccine also boosted positive market expectations. The market waved aside poor economic data and collapsing corporate earnings.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Apr 2020. Became a member: Apr 2020.
I have over 10 years of experience in translating business texts from Finnish to English on a full-time basis. I also translate from English to Finnish from time to time. My areas of specialisation are mutual funds, sustainable investment, financial reporting, business communications and contracts. I also have a good understanding of supply chain management, logistics, purchasing, sustainability and environmental issues, economics, and SAP. I pay attention to detail and research my translations carefully, and spare no effort in revising my translations to produce high quality text.
I have spent a large part of my life abroad, and I have received a mainly English-language education. Having been educated and brought up in English-speaking environments, English has become my strongest written language. That is why I am first and foremost a Finnish to English translator. I also have the most experience translating from Finnish to English.
I received my master's degree in French and Translation Studies in 2003 from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, and I have applied this learning to my Finnish to English translations. Much of the progress that I have made as a professional translator has been while working as an in-house translator at Bellcrest Translations Ltd between 2004 and 2016, where I focused on Finnish to English translation work for fund management companies and various other, mostly Finnish companies.
I became a freelancer in 2017 and I completed a BBA in International Business in 2021. Business studies have been highly beneficial for translating texts related to financial reporting and the investment markets, for example, as I now have a good understanding of accounting concepts that are used in financial statements, rather than just translating a series of terms without fully understanding their meaning. I also have a solid understanding of economics.
If you have a text in the financial field or in another area which needs to be translated from Finnish to English, please get in touch and let's see if we can collaborate!