Afrikaans to English: Develop your resilience General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. | |
Source text - Afrikaans Waarneming met intensie – vestig positiewe ervaringe
Die brein se negatiewe ingesteldheid: Dit is ‘n saak van lewe of dood om miljoene jare te oorleef en die brein se voorkeurreaksie is steeds om mens te “help oorleef” deur op die negatiewe te fokus. Alledaagse gebeure soos die nuus, verkeer en om al jou verantwoordelikhede te hanteer, word steeds deur die brein as ‘n saak van lewe en dood gesien. Die brein reageer meer intens op negtiewe as op positiewe insette.
Waarom is dit moeiliker om positiewe neurale eienskappe te vestig? Dit is nie genoeg om terloops van positiewe ervaringe kennis te neem nie; dit word nie outomaties in jou brein gestoor nie. Jy moet bewustelik vir ongeveer 20 sekondes by die ervaring bly; dit indrink. Dít waarop jy bewustelik jou aandag laat rus, maak ‘n afdruk op jou brein en vorm dit - breinelastisiteit
Voorbeeld: Indien jy nie bewustelik jou aandag op ‘n positiewe ervaring hou nie, gaan dit deur jou brein soos ‘water deur ‘n sif. Dit is soms ‘n inherente swakheid in baie fornele programme oor stresbestuur en “self-compassion”. Dit voel vir die duur van die opleding goed, maar het nie ‘n blywende effek nie.
Die neurosielkundige Rick Hanson skryf “To take in the good, you have to want to help yourself.” Hy stel die volgende stappe voor
Vier stappe om die goeie in te neem
H – Having a positive experience
E – Enrich it
A – Absorb it
L – Link positive and negative material (this step is more complicated and optional)
| Translation - English Observation with intention – establish positive experiences
The brain’s negativity bias: It is a case of life or death to survive for millions of years and the brain’s default reaction is still to help humans survive by focusing on the negative. Everyday occurrences like the news, traffic and handling all your responsibilities is still seen as a case of life or death by the brain. The brain reacts more intensely to negative input than positive input.
Why is it more difficult to establish positive neural traits? It is not enough to notice positive experiences in passing, it is not stored in your brain. You have to consciously stay with the experience for about 20 seconds, drink it in. The things you consciously focus your attention on, makes an imprint on your brain and forms brain elasticity.
Example: If you don’t consciously keep your attention focused on positive experiences, it goes through your brain like water through a sieve. This is sometimes an inherent weakness in many formal programs about stress management and self-compassion. For the duration of the training it feels good, but it has no lasting effect.
The neuroscientist Rick Hanson writes: "To take in the good, you have to want to help yourself." He suggests the following steps to take in the good.
H - Having a positive experience
E - Enrich it
A - Absorb it
L - Link positive and negative material (this step is more complicated and optional)