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English to Slovak: Dunedin by Shena Mackay General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Some hours after Olive had dropped him off in Crystal Palace Parade, the boy from New Zealand left the park to a few drenched sports fanatics and the life size models of prehistoric beasts which lurked in the grass and lakes and foliage, and set off for home. It had been a good day. His name was Jay Pascal and he was nineteen years old, dark-eyed, with loose black, blue-tipped curls recently barbered by a friend’s Swiss Army knife. Jay felt he was getting the hang of London now, as he made his circuitous way to Waverley Road, in no hurry.
Jay had crossed the Pacific innocently optimistic that he would find the house. The vastness, noise and dirt of London had appalled him. After several weeks of wandering, lacking an A to Z, lacking everything but the clothes he stood up in and a plastic carrier bag containing a book and his blunt and grubby shaving and washing kit since his passport and money had been stolen, he had surmised that he was getting close. He knew the name of the road he was looking for but the directions given by such passers-by as deigned to stop vanished as he expressed his polite thanks and he realised that he had been watching a bird or speculating on the meaning of a slogan on a T-shirt and not listening at all. One night as he searched the grey serpentine streets with ghostly gardens he heard birds singing in the trees. ‘Nightingales’, he thought and stood enchanted, looking up into pollarded clumps of leafy twigs which concealed diurnal birds charmed from sleep by the streetlamps. He stretched out behind a hedge in someone’s garden and slept until the whine and glassy rattle of an early milk-float woke him up.
He came to a café where men were already eating breakfast, smoking, reading newspapers before beginning or ending their working day. He was sick with hunger that pounded in his head behind his gritty eyes. He went in and walked up to the counter, intending to offer to wash dishes in return for breakfast. Before he could speak, in the silence that had fallen, the proprietor, perceiving him to be loony, slammed down yesterday’s sandwich in front of him and told him to bugger off out of there. Jay ate the sandwich gratefully in the street but he had been shamed in front of the men in the café. It had been companionable inside, in the smell of tea and cigarettes and frying food. He took note of the name: Double Egg Café. He would come back one day, clean and shaven with money in his pocket, and order a double-egg breakfast with all the trimmings. The works.
Translation - Slovak Olive ho vysadil na Crystal Palace Parade. Niekoľko hodín potom, chlapec z Nového Zélandu, odišiel z parku a vybral sa domov. V parku ostalo len zopár športových nadšencov premočených do nitky, a modely prehistorických zverov v životnej veľkosti, ktoré číhali v tráve, jazerách a v lístí. Bol to pekný deň. Chlapec sa volal Jay Pascal, mal 19 rokov, tmavé oči a voľné čierne kučery s modrými končekmi. Nedávno ostrihané kamarátovým švajčiarskym nožíkom. Jay pomaly nadobúdal pocit, že už Londýn pozná, keďže išiel svojou okružnou cestou na Waverley Road bez toho, aby sa ponáhľal.
Keď Jay prekročil Pacifik bol optimistický a naivne veril, že by mohol nájsť ten dom. Rozľahlosť, hluk a špina Londýna ho šokovala. Túlal sa bez ničoho, odvtedy čo mu ukradli jeho peniaze a pas. Mal len oblečenie, ktoré mal momentálne na sebe a igelitovú tašku. V nej mal knižku, bezvýznamné špinavé veci na holenie a taštičku s vecami na umývanie sa. Blúdil už niekoľko týždňov. Odhadoval, že sa už blíži k cieľu. Poznal názov ulice, ktorú hľadal. Zastavoval okoloidúcich, o ktorých si myslel, že mu pomôžu. Kým im však zdvorilo poďakoval, cestu zabudol. Uvedomil si, že buď pozoroval vtákov, alebo rozmýšľal nad sloganmi na tričkách okoloidúcich. Vôbec ich nepočúval. Jednej noci prehľadával sivé kľukaté ulice so strašidelnými záhradami. V stromoch počul spievať vtáky. Pomyslel si: „Sláviky“. Stal tam a očarene sa pozeral hore na zhluky orezaných listnatých vetvičiek. V nich sa ukrývali vtáky, ktoré sa prebúdzali zo spánku kvôli pouličným lampám. Ľahol si a zaspal za živým plotom v cudzej záhrade. Spal tam, až kým ho nezobudilo pišťanie a rinčanie skla rannej donášky mlieka.
Prišiel ku kaviarni, kde muži jedli raňajky, fajčili a čítali noviny. Robili tak pred začiatkom alebo koncom ich pracovného dňa. Za jeho statočnými očami sa ukrýval hlad, ktorý mu dunel v hlave, a od ktorého mu bolo zle. Vošiel dnu, a podišiel k pultu s úmyslom ponúknuť pomoc s umývaním riadu výmenou za raňajky. Nastalo ticho. Majiteľ kaviarne považoval Jaya za mentálne zaostalého. A predtým než stihol Jay niečo povedať, majiteľ mu hodil sendvič z predošlého dňa s tým, aby vypadol. Jay zjedol sendvič na ulici. Bol vďačný, ale cítil hanbu pred mužmi v kaviarni. V kaviarni bola priateľská atmosféra s vôňou čaju, cigariet a vyprážaného jedla. Poznačil si názov kaviarne: Double Egg Cafe (Kaviareň Dvojité vajíčko). Jedného dňa by sa sem chcel vrátiť, ale čistý, oholený a s peniazmi vo vrecku. Objednal by si na raňajky dvojité vajíčko s bohatou oblohou. So všetkým.
English to Slovak: Julia Donaldson, Lydia Monks - Sugarlump and the Unicorn General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Julia Donaldson, Lydia Monks
Sugarlump and the Unicorn
The unicorn has a silver horn,
Her eyes are bright and blue,
And when she hears a horse’s wish
She can make that wish came true.
Sugarlump was a rocking horse.
He belonged to a girl and boy.
To and fro, to and fro,
They rode on their favourite toy.
“Here in the children’s bedroom
Is where I want to be.
Happily rocking to and fro.
This is life for me!”
But when the children were out at school
Sugarlump hung his head.
“Oh to be out in the big wide world!
I wish I could trot,” he said.
“Done!”came a voice, and there stood a beast
With twisty silver horn.
“I can grant horses’ wishes,”
Said the snow-white unicorn.
She pawed the ground and tossed her mane
And flashed her eyes of blue.
Seven times she turned around,
And the horse’s wish came true.
Now Sugarlump was a farmer’s horse,
Pulling his cart and load.
Clippety-clop, clippety-clop,
He trotted along the road.
“Here in the open countryside
Is where I like to be.
Clippety-clop, clippety-clop,
This is the life for me!”
But time went by and the hills grew hard.
Sugarlump hung his head.
“Oh to be free of this heavy load.
I wish I could gallop!” he said.
“Done!” came the voice of the unicorn,
And she flashed her eyes of blue.
Seven times she turned around,
And the horse’s wish came true.
Now Sugarlump was a racing horse
With a jockey on his back.
Gallop-a-jump, gallop-a-jump,
They thundered down the track.
“Here on this famous race course
Is where I like to be.
Gallop-a-jump, gallop-a-jump,
This is the life for me!”
But time went by and the jumps grew hard.
Sugarlump hung his head.
“Oh to slow down and have some fun!
I wish I could dance,” he said.
“Done!” came the voice of the unicorn,
And she flashed her eyes of blue.
Seven times she turned around,
And the horse’s wish came true.
Now Sugarlump was a circus horse
With his tail tied in a bow.
Dancing and prancing around the ring,
The star of every show.
“Here in this splendid circus
Is where I like to be.
Dancing and prancing, prancing and dancing,
This is the life for me!”
But time went by, and the children’s cheers
Made Sugarlump hang his head.
“Oh for a child to ride me!”
I want to go home,” he said.
“Done!” came the voice of the unicorn,
And she flashed her eyes of blue.
Seven times she turned around,
And horse’s wish came true.
Sugarlump was a rocking horse,
But where were the girl and boy?
Time had flown and they both had grown
And forgotten their favourite toy.
Alone in the attic, Sugarlump sighed,
“I wish I had never been born!”
“But I have a better wish for you,”
Came the voice of unicorn.
She pawed the ground and tossed her mane
And flashed her eyes of blue.
Seven times she turns around
And – the unicorn’s wish came true!
Now Sugarlump is a fairground horse
On a beautiful merry-go-round.
Merrily up he rises
and merrily down to the ground.
“Here in this fabulous fairground
Is where I love to be.
Merrily, merrily, round and round,
This is the life for me!”
So Sugarlump is a happy horse.
The children are happy too…
And the unicorn with the silver horn
Closes her eyes of blue.
Translation - Slovak Julia Donaldson, Lydia Monks
Sugarlump a jednorožec
Tento jednorožec má strieborný roh ,
Žiarivé, modré oči a je kráskou,
Keď počuje želanie koníka
Splní ho svojou mocou čarovnou.
Sugarlump bol hojdacím koníkom.
Patril dievčatku aj chlapcovi.
Dopredu aj dozadu, dopredu aj dozadu.
Takto jazdili na svojom obľúbenom koníkovi.
Ale keď deti odišli do školy
Sugarlump zvesil hlavu smutne.
“Och tak byť v šírom svete!
Želám si, aby som mohol klusať,” povedal hlasne.
“Stane sa tak!” povedal hlas a tu zrazu stála príšera
So strieborným rohom prepleteným.
“Viem splniť koníkové želania,”
Povedal jenorožec so snehovobielým zafarbením.
Zadúpkala kopýtkom po zemi a pohodila hrivou
Zaklipkala jedným i druhým očkom modrookým.
Sedem krát sa dookola otočila,
A koníkové želanie sa stalo skutočným.
Sugarlump bol teraz farmarským koníkom,
Ťahal vozík s nákladom.
Klip-klop, klip-klop,
Klusal po ceste pochodom.
“Tu v šírej prírode
Je miesto, kde chcem byť.
Klip-klop, klip-klop,
Takto chcem žiť!”
Ale prešiel čas a chodiť po kopcoch bolo čoraz ťažšie.
Sugarlump zvesil hlavu smutne.
“Och tak byť slobodným, bez tohto nákladu.
Želám si, aby som mohol cválať!”povedal hlasne.
“Stane sa tak!” zaznel hlas jednorožca,
Zaklipkala jedným i druhým očkom modrookým.
Sedem krát sa dookola otočila,
A koníkové želanie sa stalo skutočným.
Sugarlump bol teraz dostihovým koníkom
S džokejom na chrbte pretekal smelo.
Galop a skok, galop a skok,
Burácal po dráhe rýchlo.
“Tu na dostihovej dráhe je miesto,
Kde chcem byť.
Galop a skok, galop a skok,
Takto chcem žiť!”
Ale prešiel čas a skákanie bolo čoraz ťažším.
Sugarlump zvesil hlavu smutne.
“Och, tak spomaliť a zabávať sa!
Želám si, aby som mohol tancovať,” povedal Sugarlump hlasne.
“Stane sa tak!”zaznel hlas jednorožca,
Zaklipkala jedným i druhým očkom modrookým.
Sedem krát sa dookola otočila,
A koníkové želanie sa stalo skutočným.
Sugarlupm bol teraz cirkusovým koníkom
Na chvoste s veľkou mašľou.
Tancoval a predvádzal sa v cirkusovej aréne,
Hviezda každej šou.
“Tu v úžasnom cirkuse je miesto,
Kde chcem byť!
Tancovať a predvádzať sa, predvádzať sa a tancovať,
Takto chcem žiť!”
Ale prešiel čas a detský smiech ho už netešil
A Sugarlump zvesil hlavu smutne.
“Och, keby tak deti opäť na mne jazdili!
Chcem ísť domov,” povedal Sugarlump hlasne.
“Stane sa tak!” zaznel hlas jednorožca,
A zaklipkala jedným i druhým očkom modrookým.
Sedem krát sa dookola otočila,
A koníkové želanie sa stalo skutočným.
Sugarlump bol opäť hojdacím koníkom,
Ale kde je chlapec a dievčatko?
Zletel čas a obaja vyrástli
A zabudli na svoje obľúbené koníčatko.
Sam hore, v podkroví, Sugarlump si vzdychol,
“Želám si, aby som sa nikdy nenarodil!”
“Ale ja mám pre teba lepšie želanie, “
Zaznel hlas jednorožca.
Zadúpkala svojím kopýtkom po zemi a pohodila hrivou
Zaklipkala jedným i druhým očkom modrookým.
Sedem krát sa dookola otočila
A jednorožcové želanie sa stalo skutočným.
Sugarlump je teraz kolotočovým koníkom
Na krásnom detskom kolotoči.
Veselo sa hore dvíha
A veselo dole k zemi skočí.
“Tu na nádhernom kolotoči
Je miesto, kde túžim byť!
Veselo a veselo, dookola a dookola,
Takto chcem žiť!”
Tak Sugarlump je veselým koníkom.
Deti tiež majú úsmevy široké …
A jednorožec so strieborným rohom
Zatvorí svoje očká modrooké.
Translation education
Other - linguisttraining
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Nov 2019.
Personal Profile: I am a teaching assistant with wide range of experience across foundation stage, key stage 1 and key stage 2. I have particular expertise working with children who are learning English language as an additional language, and also enjoying children who have SEN and behaviour difficulties. I am creative, patient and helpful towards children. I also have great passion for languages, and translate general plus specialized texts. I am always keen to learn more, improve my skills, and grow professionally. I am flexible with a reliable approach towards work. I am responsible, able to work on my own initiative, but also a good team player. I pay attention to details and learn quickly.
Keywords: slovak, literature, children's literature, school documents, speech and language therapy reports, recipes, cooking, culinary, cosmetics, beauty products. See more.slovak, literature, children's literature, school documents, speech and language therapy reports, recipes, cooking, culinary, cosmetics, beauty products, directions for use of various products, ingredients, tourism, general texts in various fields, . See less.