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Nov 27, 2024 (posted Just finished proofreading English to Hausa the PM is Friendly and helpful with prompt payment. I shall work with Capital Linguists again!...more, + 10 other entries »
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Tiv to Hausa - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute English to Nigerian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute English to Hausa - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute English to Tiv - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute Hausa to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute
Tiv to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute Nigerian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute Hausa - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute Tiv - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute English to Yoruba - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute English to Igbo - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute English to Fulah (Fulani) - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute English to Nigerian Pidgin - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute Nigerian Pidgin to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute Nigerian Pidgin to Tiv - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour / 3.00 - 5.00 USD per audio/video minute Efik to Nigerian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour Efik to Hausa - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour Efik to Nigerian Pidgin - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour English to Efik - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour Efik to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 15 - 25 USD per hour
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1. ASSISTING LGAFC & DQM TO TAKE INVENTORY OF MATERIALS, CHECK FUNCTIONALITY OF TABLETS AND PERIPHERAL: The inventory of materials needed for training of Field functionaries and the Field Work will be taken Pre-field and batched on DQAAA basis ready for distribution to all Enumerators and Supervisors at the appropriate time.These msterials include:
a) Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) or Tablets and peripherals (Screen guard, pouch and Sim cards)
b) Census Bags
c) Functionaries Kits (Tee shirts, rain boots, rain coats etc)
If the materials are sorted at the State HQ or LGA the DQAA/SWF will work with the State data Quality Managers (SDQM)/Focal Data Quality Manager(FDQM) to batch the materials into FDQMA and subsequently into DQAAA for ease of distribution to Supervisors and Enumerators. The expected total no of each item will be given by the DQMs
Notable of these materials are the PDAs which will be used for Data collection. The DQAA/SWF shall be guided on the methodology that will be used to check the functionality of the Tablets and certify same fit for use before the commencement of the training. All faulty tablets should be given to the LGA Field Coordinator for replacement arrangement. All shortfalls of items should also be reported to the LGA FC
2. TRAINING OF SUPERVISORS AND ENUMERATORS ON DATA COLLECTION PROCESS END TO END AND CAPI: The training on CAPI will be handled by the SWF/DQM assigned to each class. This does not mean that the SWF cannot assist in content training if the need arises. The Mentor Mentee training methodology will be adhered to during the training of Enumerators and Supervisors. The SWF/DQAA is expected to create a Whats-app group for all trainees in his/her class to pass on information and to answer all their questions. The FDQM for each area shall also be added to each class whatsapp to attend to the trainees questions even after the classes. A set of video already prepared shall be sent to each DQAA/SWF and also be made available on YouTube for personal hands-on by the functionaries.
3. ASSIST FDQM IN PROFILING IN EACH CLASS : The DQAA/SWF shall be given a template in Soft copy as attendance sheet but shall actually be the basis for profiling the functionaries for field practise and subsequently Census Field Work. The DQAA is encouraged to ensure that all telephone nos are inputed correctly.
4. ASSIST FDQM IN PREPARATION FOR FIELD PRACTISE: The FDQM shall teach the DQAA/SWF on how to pick the GPS reading of the training center. This is to assist in selection of EAs for the field work. The field practical protocol shall be shared with the DQAA/SWF and this will be explained in all Classes.
5. ASSIST FDQM IN TABLET PROVISIONING: The DQAA/SWF are expected to understand the end to end process of data collection. They will guide the Supervisors and Enumerators through the MDM provisioning of tablet at the same time all over the Country. They will generate the report on how many tablets have been provisioned in each Class, and the FDQM shall confirm that the tablets can be tracked on the MDM dashboard. The DQAA/SWF shall also be responsible for helping the Enumerators and Supervisors to view the data collection applications that have been provisioned through the MDM and activate their profiles to fetch the maps of the EA assigned to them.
6. ASSIST SUPERVISORS AND ENUMERATORS TO CHECK THE CORRECTNESS OF THEIR PROFILES: All trouble shooting on Profiles shall be handled by the FDQM through the DQAA/SWF accordingly. The FDQM shall send the final profile uploaded to AGOL to the DQAA/SWF to check its consistency with the Supervisors and Enumerators. Any correction shall be effected on the AGOL.
7. ASSIST SUPERVISORS AND ENUMERATORS TO ACTIVATE PROFILE AND FETCH THEIR MAPS BEFORE LEAVING FOR THE FIELD.The DQAA/SWF shall assist in each Class for all Supervisors and Enumerators to activate their Profiles and fetch the maps of assigned SAs before leaving for the field.
8. ENSURE THAT ALL TABLETS ARE TAGGED WITH THE DEVICE PROFILE GENERATED: After profile activation, a unique ID shall be generated for each tablet. This should be copied out correctly by the Enumerators on a sticker which will be stuck on the back of the tablet. The DQAA/SWF shall ensure that every of his/her Enumerators and Supervisors within the QAAA adhered to this.
9. COLLECTION OF TABLETS AND OTHER FIELD MATERIALS FROM LGAFC AND FDQM FOR DESGNATED AREA OF COVERAGE. 3-6 SA: The DQAA/SWF shall work with the LGA FC to distribute field and data collection materials. All distribution to DQAA/SWF should be documented and endorsed by the LGA FC.
10. MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION TO SUPERVISORS WITHIN DESIGNATED AREA OF COVERAGE: The DQAA/SWF will also ensure that all Supervisors signed for all materials collected from him/her.
11. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION AND COMMUNITY ENTRANCE: The DQAA/SWF will also assist in Community Entrance. He/She will give report to the DQM on the level of Community Entrance and the start of Building Numbering and Household listing within his DQAA Area. If the FDQM can not see the presence of any Supervisory area on the dash board within 2hours of commencement of field Work, the FDQM will contact the DQAA for action and if within 4hours there is still no responsive action the FDQM will call the Supervisor directly
12. COVERAGE MONITORING ON TAB FOR DQAAA: The DQAA can download and view the SAs & EAs within his jurisdiction for coverage. He will therefore confirm the completion or otherwise of any EA or SA. Though the confirmation of the Supervisor will be upheld over his own. However if the two reports are at variance, there will be a check by the FDQM.
13. SYSTEMATIC FIELD CHECK: The DQAA will conduct a systematic check as prompted by the application in the course of the Field work.
14. GROUNDTRUTHING OF FLAGGED EAs: Any flagged EA by the validation tool and confirmed as such by the FDQM will be forwarded to the DQAA for a ground check. He will be allocated the building or the Household flagged for a check. If his returns runs contrary to the Enumerators result the Enumerator will be asked to do a correction and resynch to the server.
15. DAILY REPORT GENERATION: The DQAA will be given a daily report template. This will be filled on total no of EAs completed within the DQAA. This will be checked in consistence with the dashboard report to ascertain that data collected is been synched to the server.
16. DEVICE TROUBLESHOOTING: Any device problem that cannot be resolved by the Supervisor will be refered immidiately to the DQAA/SWF.
17. MATERIAL RETRIEVAL AND SIGN OFF ON SUPERVISORS AFTER ENSURING TOTAL COVERAGE: The DQAA will retrieve all tablets and other non-consumable materials like the Power bank from all Supervisors under his jurisdiction after the confirmation of completion and total coverage. A copy of the Report of retrieval shall be given to the FDQM and the materials and report shall be handed over to the LGA FC.
1. Taimakawa LGAFC & DQM DOMIN KWANA KYAUTATA KYAUTATA, DUBA AIKIN KWALUBA DA PRIPHERAL DUBA AIKIN KWALUBA DA PRIPHERAL: Za'a ɗauki lissafin kayan da ake buƙata don horar da ma'aikatan filin da aikin Filin a Pre-filin kuma a shirya su bisa tsarin DQAAA a shirye don rabawa ga duk Masu ƙidayawa da Masu Kulawa. a lokacin da ya dace.Wadannan abubuwan ban mamaki sun haɗa da:
a) Mataimakan Dijital na Keɓaɓɓen (PDA) ko Allunan da kayan aiki (Kariyar allo, jaka da katunan Sim )
b) Jakunkuna na ƙidayar jama'a
c) Kayan aikin aiki (shirts Tee, takalman ruwan sama, riguna na ruwan sama da sauransu )
Idan an jera kayan a Hedikwatar Jiha ko LGA DQAA/SWF za su yi aiki tare da Manajan Ingantattun Bayanai na Jiha (SDQM)/Focal Data Quality Manager ( FDQM) don daidaita kayan zuwa FDQMA sannan daga baya zuwa DQAAA don sauƙin rarrabawa ga masu kulawa, da Masu ƙidaya. DQMs za su ba da jimillar da ake tsammanin babu kowane abu
Sanannen waɗannan kayan sune PDA waɗanda za a yi amfani da su don tattara bayanai. Za a jagoranci DQAA/SWF akan hanyoyin da za a yi amfani da su don duba ayyukan Allunan da kuma tabbatar da dacewa iri ɗaya don amfani kafin fara horon. Dole ne a ba da duk allunan da ba su da kyau ga Mai Gudanar da Filin LGA don daidaitawa Hakanan ya kamata a ba da rahoton duk gazawar abubuwa ga LGA FC
2. TARBIYAR MASU SUPERVISORS DA LISSAFI AKAN TSARIN TARIN BAYANI AKAN TSARIN KARSHEN DATA DA CAPI: SWF/DQM za ta gudanar da horon akan CAPI. Wannan baya nufin cewa SWF ba zai iya taimakawa wajen horar da abun ciki ba idan bukatar hakan ta taso Za a bi tsarin horarwar yayin horar da Masu ƙidaya da masu kulawa. yayin horar da Masu ƙidaya da masu kulawa. za a bi tsarin horarwar Mentor Mentee yayin horar da Masu ƙidaya da masu kulawa. Ana sa ran SWF/DQAA za ta ƙirƙiri ƙungiyar Whats -app ga duk waɗanda aka horar da su a ajinsa don isar da bayanai da amsa duk tambayoyinsu. Hakanan za'a saka FDQM na kowane yanki a kowane aji a whatsapp don halartar tambayoyin masu horarwa koda bayan darasi. Za a aika da saitin bidiyo da aka riga aka shirya zuwa kowane DQAA/SWF sannan kuma a samar da shi akan YouTube don hannun masu aiki.
3. TAIMAKA FDQM A CIKIN PROFILING A KOWANNE CLASS: DQAA/SWF za a ba da samfuri a cikin Soft kwafi azaman takardar halarta amma a zahiri za ta zama ginshiƙi don bayyana ma'aikatan don aikin filin daga baya kuma Filin Ƙidaya. Ana ƙarfafa DQAA don tabbatar da cewa an shigar da duk lambobin waya daidai.
4. TAIMAKA FDQM A CIKIN SHIRI DON K'A'AR FILIN: FDQM za ta koyar da DQAA/SWF yadda ake zabar karatun GPS na cibiyar horo. Wannan don taimakawa wajen zaɓin EAs don aikin filin Za a raba ƙa'idar aiki ta filin tare da DQAA/SWF kuma za'a bayyana wannan a duk azuzuwan
5. TAIMAKA FDQM A CIKIN BAYAR DA KWALLIYA: Ana sa ran DQAA/SWF za su fahimci ƙarshen aiki na tattara bayanai Za su jagoranci masu kulawa da ƙididdiga ta hanyar samar da MDM na kwamfutar hannu a lokaci guda a duk faɗin ƙasar Za su samar da rahoton akan adadin allunan da aka tanadar a kowane Class, kuma FDQM za ta tabbatar da cewa ana iya bin diddigin allunan akan dashboard na MDM DQAA/SWF kuma za su kasance da alhakin taimaka wa Masu ƙidayawa da Masu kulawa don duba aikace-aikacen tattara bayanai waɗanda aka tanadar ta hanyar MDM da kunna bayanan martaba don ɗauko taswirar EA da aka ba su.
6. TAIMAKA MASU SUPERVISORS DA ENUMERATORS DOMIN KWANA PROFILE DA KAWO TASSARARSU KAFIN TASHIN FILIN fDQM za ta sarrafa ta DQAA/SWF daidai FDQM za ta yi amfani da ita ta hanyar DQAA/SWF daidai da haka. FDQM za ta aika bayanin martaba na ƙarshe da aka ɗora zuwa AGOL zuwa DQAA/SWF don bincika daidaiton sa tare da Masu Kulawa da Masu ƙidaya. Duk wani gyara za a yi a kan AGOL. Duk wani gyara za a yi a kan AGOL.
7. TAIMAKA MASU SUPERVISORS DA ENUMERATORS DOMIN KWANA PROFILE DA KAWO TASSARARSU KAFIN TASHIN FILIN .DQAA / SWF za su taimaka a kowane aji don duk masu kulawa da masu ƙididdigewa don kunna bayanan martaba da debo taswirar SAs da aka ba su kafin su tashi zuwa filin.
8. TABBATAR DA CEWA DUKAN KWALLON KAFA ANA YIWA TAMBAYA TARE DA SIRRIN NA'URARA : Bayan kunna bayanan martaba, za a samar da ID na musamman ga kowane kwamfutar hannu Masu ƙidayawa yakamata su kwafi wannan daidai akan sitika wanda zai makale a bayan kwamfutar hannu DQAA/SWF za su tabbatar da cewa kowane mai ƙididdigewa da masu kulawa a cikin QAAA sun bi wannan
9. TATTALIN KWALLIYA DA SAURAN KAYAN FILIN DAGA LGAFC DA FDQM DOMIN YANAR GIZO 3-6 SA: DQAA/SWF za ta yi aiki tare da LGA FC don rarraba filin da kayan tattara bayanai. Duk rarraba zuwa DQAA/SWF ya kamata a rubuta da kuma amincewa da LGA FC.
10. RABON KAYAN GASKIYA GA MASU SIFFOFI A CIKIN YANAR GIZO: DQAA/SWF kuma za ta tabbatar da cewa duk masu kulawa za su sanya hannu kan duk kayan da aka tattara daga gare shi/ta.
11. SAURARA MAI GIRMA DA SHIGA AL'UMMA: DQAA/SWF kuma za ta taimaka wajen Shigar Al'umma. Zai ba da rahoto ga DQM game da matakin Shigar Al'umma da fara Ƙirƙirar Lambobin Gidan Gida a cikin Yankin DQAA . Idan FDQM ba za ta iya ganin kasancewar kowane yanki na Kulawa a kan allon dash a cikin awanni 2 na fara aikin filin ba, FDQM za ta tuntuɓi DQAA don aiki kuma idan a cikin sa'o'i 4 har yanzu babu wani matakin amsawa FDQM za ta kira mai kulawa kai tsaye.
12. Kulawa da ɗaukar hoto akan TAB DQAAA: DQAA na iya saukewa kuma duba SAs & EAs a cikin ikonsa don ɗaukar hoto Don haka zai tabbatar da kammalawa ko akasin haka na kowane EA ko SA Ko da yake tabbatar da Sufeto za a kiyaye a kan nasa. Koyaya, idan rahotannin biyu sun bambanta, za a yi rajista ta FDQM.
13. BINCIKEN FILIN SYSTEMATIC: DQAA za ta gudanar da bincike na tsari kamar yadda aikace-aikacen ya sa a yayin aikin Filin
14. GASKIYAR GASKIYA NA FLAGGED EAs : Duk wani alamar EA ta kayan aikin tabbatarwa kuma an tabbatar da haka ta FDQM zuwa DQAA don duba ƙasa Za a ba shi ginin ko kuma a ba shi tutar Gidan don dubawa. Idan dawowarsa ya saba da sakamakon ƙididdiga za a nemi mai ƙididdigewa ya yi gyara kuma ya sake daidaitawa zuwa uwar garken.
15. RANAR RAHOTO NA KULLUM: Za a ba DQAA samfurin rahoton yau da kullun. Za'a cika wannan akan jimlar EAs da aka kammala a cikin DQAA Za a duba wannan daidai da rahoton dashboard don tabbatar da cewa an daidaita bayanan da aka tattara zuwa uwar garken.
16. MATSALAR NA'URATA : Duk wata matsala ta na'urar da mai kulawa ba zai iya magance ta ba za a koma ta nan take zuwa DQAA/SWF.
17. KYAUTATA KYAUTATA DA SHAN KASHE A KAN SUPERVISORS BAYAN TABBATAR DA GWAMNATIN RUBUTU: DQAA za ta dawo da duk allunan da sauran kayan da ba za a iya amfani da su ba kamar Bankin Wuta daga duk masu kulawa da ke ƙarƙashin ikonsa bayan tabbatar da kammalawa da ɗaukacin ɗaukar hoto. Za a bai wa FDQM kwafin rahoton da aka dawo da shi kuma za a mika kayan da rahoton ga hukumar ta LGA FC.
Without any doubt education is the motor of development of each country and economy. The efficiency of any country’s workforce drives the economic development of that country while workforce productivity depends on its educational system.
Subsequently, all countries offer colossal importance to educate their citizens guaranteeing as many citizens as possible to have access to secondary education as a route to the higher education. The effect of education on society turns out to be better as the number of people increases having access to secondary education.
It is inappropriate and not enough if we merely rely on the number of people engaged in providing service. Their ability and experience are also countable. The best positive result can be extracted out of an employee if she/he is properly motivated
The force which energises sustains and directs person’s effort in achieving a goal is motivation. A highly motivated person having an adequate understanding of the job will work hard towards achieving the organisational goal.
Motivation is considered as one of the most imperative matters in all the organisations, no matters whether it is private or public sector.
Therefore, the employee motivation refers to a procedure where organisations inspire their employees with the shape of bonus, rewards, increment, to achieve organisational goals.
The employee performance is positively correlated to motivation. This implies if employees are motivated; it certainly helps to raise their performance. The positive correlation between motivation and performance is moderated via level of education.
Providing the employees with the right blend of direction, guidance, techniques, assets and compensation based on the goal of motivating them and making them quick to work through the way the manager wants them to do is the major aim of the motivation. Above all, the employees are the most important resource for any organisation. The growth of any employment depends on how motivated the employees are and how long they stay with the organisation
A kpenren a tan shio sha kwaghfan u henen ka ikav ki tomov ki mzehemen he hanman ipaventar. Agee a tom aren a ma ipaven tar cii ka a na mzehemen he ma kpentar cii ye. Nahan cii kpaa mba eren tom u mzehemen ne, mba dughun mfe u mer tom ne sha kwagh henen u ve zua ami ken makeranta la.
Hegen yo ityar kpishi na zege iwasen sha u nan ityesen i kwaghfan u ken makeranta ne hen u mar-nya mba ken ityar ve, inja er kwaghenen u ken koraji ua lu gbenda u henen kwagh yemen sha iaven i gande-gande kpaa la. Iwasen i makeranta u henen sha ma kpentar shin ikasentar gema ngua inja kpishi sha er ior kpishi ve seer kwagh henen sha iaven i koraji la yo.
Alu shamiga shi alua inja ga kpishi aluer se mba kenger sha ior mba ve nyer tom tseegh yo. Agee ave man kwaghfan ve kpaa kai i kenger sha mi cii. Kpa tom ve u dedoo u umen atam u ior mba eren tom mban yo sar a nan ve iwuese man icivir.
Tahav mbu na agee a eren tom man shiutesen gbenda u dedoo u or a er tom jighilii yo sar u wuese man shi u nan icivir. Or u i nan civir man iwuese sha tom u nan lua a mfe shami dedoo yo, ka nan hemba eren tom la sha shima mom sha u nan mzehemen ken ma mzough la sha u kuren mba awashima vev mbera vough.
Iwuese man icivir inan ka kwagh u wan iko sha mi gadia i ka ityo kyaa ivesen sha hanma gbenda cii u nan mzehemen ken hanma mzough shin aluer ka mzough u gomenenti shin ka or sha tseneke u na je kpaa.
Sha nahan yo, icivir man iwuese i ne mbatomov la ka tyokyaa shin gbenda u mba mzogh ve kenden a ishima i mbatomov sha, sha u nan veuyua, u kimbin man shi seer ve mtsera sha er tom u ma mzough la ua kule sha er ve ver shima la vough yo.
M er tom u mbatomov la ngua inja man zough u dedoo sha icivir man iwuese ii nan ve la. Kwaghne tese er aluer Mbatomov mba i na ve icivir shin iwuese yo, kwaghshon ka awase u kenden a m er tom ve la sha kpishi je. Kpa inja i dedoo i mzough u icivir man iwuese i nan i mbatomov aa mer tom ve la a fatyo u karen un sha kwaghfan u ve zua ami ken makeranta la.
U nan mbatomov gbenda u vough, itsesen i mimi, man shi atseregh atom, ikyav mbitomov man u na ve injar sha ahwa a kar ken nya la ka sha atoakyaa aa nan ve iwuese man icivir la ka ana ve shima i eren tom fele sha gbenda u ortesen a soo la vough yo ka icivir inan je la. Ken a kaa ne cii mbatomov mban ne ka ve je ve lu hage-hange sha mhii u ma mzough ye. Mzehemen u tom u toon ka a dondo sha icivir i ne mbatomov sha u kenden a asema ve sha man tesen mtse ve ken tom hen ma mzough ye.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Google Translator Toolkit, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, crowdin, crowdin, InQA, InQA, Personal Translator, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor,
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I am a professional translator, editor, language verifier, Language Quality Assurance (LQA) expert, SEO Copywriter and a certified Business Development Service Provider with over 11 years of experience. As a coach and MSMEs Business Services Provider, I excel in working with clients from diverse backgrounds, helping them identify their values and achieve their goals. In addition to my professional endeavors, I am actively involved in volunteering as an ambassador with ProZ Pro Bono program. Through this initiative, I contribute my language services to NGOs and INGOs in need, not only in Nigeria but also across Africa and globally, providing them with valuable linguistic support at no cost.