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English to Croatian - Rates: 0.09 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour Croatian to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour
Croatian to English: Zlatni rat beach General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Croatian Zlatni rat, najpoznatija plaža u Hrvatskoj, nevjerojatno je mjesto koje je stvorila majka priroda, a nalazi se blizu Bola na Braču, najvećem dalmatinskom otoku. Brač je poznat po vinu, ribi, maslinama i cijenjenom bijelom kamenu. Mnogi otočani ispričat će ti glasinu da je Bijela kuća u Washingtonu sagrađena od bračkog kamena. No od kamena je još ljepša ta duga šljunčana plaža, koja se poput ispružene ruke prostire u Jadransko more. Zahvaljujući savršenom vjetru i valovima omiljeno je okupljalište surfera i kitesurfera. Oblik i duljina plaže ovise o izmjeni plime i oseke, morskim strujama i vjetru. Zapadni vjetar maestral, koji puše svakog popodneva, na plažu privlači mnoge surfere. A budući da nema pijeska i morskih trava, savršena je lokacija za ronjenje. No, Zlatni rat nije samo okupljalište zaljubljenika u sport i kretanje: osim mnogih mogućnosti za aktivni odmor, na plaži se možeš opustiti i uživati u zalasku sunca iza planina pijuckajući čašu hrvatskoga vina. Na Zlatnom ratu doživjet ćeš zlatne trenutke!
Još jedno skriveno blago, na kojem ćeš se osjećati kao da si na privatnoj plaži, jest plaža Lubenice na otoku Cresu. Na plaži se uobičajeno nalazi samo pokoji plivač, a pogled je kao s razglednice. A ako tražiš prekrasna, pitoreskna mjesta, pješčane i šljunčane plaže, prirodne zaljeve i slikovite pejzaže, otok Krk pravi je izbor za tebe. Vela plaža u Baškoj poznata je po svim tim epitetima, a nudi i različite mogućnosti sportskih aktivnosti. Ako tražiš nešto potpuno drugačije i nesvakidašnje, posjeti plažu Saplunara na otoku Mljetu, najruralnijem otoku u Hrvatskoj i pravom prirodnom dragulju. Na plaži nema ni hotela ni restorana, samo nekoliko lokalnih objekata okruženih gustom borovom šumom, u kojima se nudi tipična hrvatska hrana. To je pravo robinzonsko i hedonističko iskustvo u jednom!
Translation - English Zlatni rat, the most famous beach in Croatia, is a true wonder of nature, and is located on Dalmatia's largest island of Brac. Brac is well-known for its wine, fish, olives and the famous white marble. Many of the islanders will tell stories of how the White House in Washington was built from Brac stone. Yet even more beautiful is the long sandy beach, which like an outstretched arm reaches out into the Adriatic Sea. Owing to the perfect wind and waves, it is the favorite haunt of surfers and kitersurfers. The shape and length of the beach depends on changes of tides, currents and wind. The west wind breeze, which blows every afternoon, attracts numerous surfers to the beach, and since there is no sand or seaweed, it is a perfect place for diving as well. But Zlatni rat is more than just a gathering place for sports enthusiasts: in addition to the many opportunities for active vacationing, the beach is a place where you can relax and enjoy the sunset over the mountains, while sipping a glass of Croatian wine. You will treasure each moment you spend on Zlatni rat!
Yet another hidden gem which feels like a private resort, is the beach Lubenice on the island of Cres. There is only an occasional swimmer, and the view is simply picture postcard stunning. If you are looking for beautiful, picturesque places and sand and pebble beaches, as well as natural bays and scenic landscapes, the island of Krk is the right choice to make. Vela beach in Baska is known for all of the above, and offers a variety of sports activities. If you are looking for something different and out of the ordinary, visit the Saplunara beach on the island of Mljet, the most rural of Croatia's islands and a real gem of nature. There are no hotels or restaurants on the beach, only a few local facilities, surrounded by a thick pine forest, offering typical Croatian cuisine. It is a place offering boundless solitary enjoyment!
Croatian to English: Miroslav Krleza short bio General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Croatian MIROSLAV KRLEŽA
Rođen: 7. srpnja 1893. u Zagrebu
Umro: 29. prosinca 1981. u Zagrebu
Najplodniji i najsvestraniji književnik u povijesti hrvatske književnosti, Miroslav Krleža, koji se rodio 7. srpnja 1893. u Zagrebu, ostvario je vrhunske domete u svim književnim vrstama. Iako je nasljedovao bogatu europsku kulturnu i književnu baštinu, nije se priklonio nijednom utvrđenom modelu pa se ni njegov opus ne može svrstati ni u jednu stilsku formaciju.
Osebujnost su njegova stvaralaštva, među ostalim, i iste tematske cjeline u svim djelima, esejima, romanima, dramama, opsesivne teme intelektualca suočena s rasapom individualne svijesti. Oko Krležina života i djela lomila su se koplja, od ideološke pripadnosti do uklopljenosti u društveni sustav. Uređivao je sve, od Legendi preko časopisa do Zastava. Na mnogo što je odgovarao novim književnim djelom: Moj obračun s njima, Dijalektički antibarbarus. Najveću je možda poruku dao suvremenim Baladama Petrice Kerempuha. A lucidni eseji i dnevnički zapisi aktualno su i živo štivo, koje danas itekako vrijedi čitati.
Desetljeća Krležina stvaralaštva obilježila su 20. stoljeće, značila pravu razdjelnicu, tematsku, ideološku i estetsku mjeru svega što je napisano u tom razdoblju u hrvatskoj književnosti. No, u skladu s njegovim geslom da je cijeli život pjesma bez poante, Krležina fizička smrt 1981. godine nije značila kraj. Osobit kakav je bio, ostavio je naraštajima marginalije, rukopise koji će tek biti otvoreni, i samo Krleža zna, što poručiti Hrvatima.
Zastao je Filip kod tog starog i trulog zida i dotaknuo ga rukom kao da dira jedan dragi i zaboravljeni grob. Kiša je s vjetrom izlizala steznike: ispod morta provirivale su na sve strane cigle, a tek na jednom mjestu ostao je još modrikasti jezičac koksovog plamena pod stalkom naslikane gvozdene patent-peći; ugledavši taj davno pokojni znamen, Filip je osjetio kako se u njemu rastvaraju daleke, pomrle slike, i tako mu je bilo kao da pred neshvatljivo ogromnim prostorima stoji potpuno sam.
Translation - English MIROSLAV KRLEZA
Born: July 7, 1893 in Zagreb
Died: December 29, 1981 in Zagreb
The most prolific and versatile writer in the history of Croatian literature, Miroslav Krleza, who was born on July 7, 1893 in Zagreb, has written some of the finest literature in all genres. Eventhough he benefited from a rich European cultural and literary heritage, he did not adopt a single, established model, and therefore his work cannot be classified into a single stylistic formation.
His work is characterized, among other things, by similar subjects in all of his works, essays, novels, dramas, including the obsessive theme of the intellectual facing a disintegration of individual consciousness. Krleza's life and work are the subject of much dispute, especially with regard to his ideological convictions and place in contemporary society. He was a prolific editor, working on such texts as Legende, the novel Zastave and editing various journals. He commented on many current topics through literary work: Moj obracun s njima (My conflict with them), Dijalekticki antibarbarus (The Dialectical Antibarbarus). His most important message is perhaps contained in his modern Balade Petrice Kerempuha (Ballads of Petrica Kerempuh). His lucid essays and diary entries are a relevant and lively read, and are well worth reading even today.
The many decades of Krleza's career have left a significant mark on the 20th century, marking a turning point and setting a standard in terms of theme, ideology and aesthetics for Croatian literature of the period. But true to his belief that life is but a song with no end, Krleza's phyisical death in 1981 did not mark the end. Always original, he left future generations his Marginalije, manuscripts which are yet to be opened, containing his message to his fellow Croats.
Filip stopped by the old and rotten wall, and touched it with his hand, as if touching a fond and forgotten grave. The stays were worn out by the rain and wind: underneath the mortar bricks protruded on every side, and only in one spot there remained a bluish latch of coke-flame under the stand of a painted patent furnace; seeing that long-forgotten sign, Filip felt the distant, dying images dissolve within him, and he felt all alone in front of incomprehensibly vast spaces.
Translation education
Master's degree - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Dec 2018. Became a member: Dec 2018.
English (University of Zagreb, verified) English to Croatian (University of Zagreb, verified) Croatian to English (University of Zagreb, verified)
Crowdin, DejaVu, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, GTS, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
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A translator and content creator with 15 years of professional experience, including legal, technical, marketing, literature and general IT. I also offer QC services for subtitles.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Philology, 2008 – 2016
Bachelor’s Degree, English Language and Literature/Letters, philosophy, 2005
Anglo-American University, Prague, The Czech Republic, 1998 – 1999
A Comparative Analysis of the Great American and Arab Novel: A Study of the USA and Cairo Trilogies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
Re-examining Diversity and Social Justice in the Academy, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021 (Ed.)
”The notion of cultural intimacy in the work of Viktor Pelevin”, Philological Studies, 1/2009, October 10, 2009
“Cross-cultural perspectives in late modernism: Dos Passos and Mahfouz.” Second Biennial John Dos Passos Society Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 2-4, 2016.
Keywords: croatian, legal, software, localization, contracts, certificates, technology, marketing, finance, literature. See more.croatian, legal, software, localization, contracts, certificates, technology, marketing, finance, literature, general IT, court interpreter. See less.
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