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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user Kudoz editor
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Translation Volume: 4955 words Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: Russian to English
Architectural materials, bidding documents
positive Unlisted : The translation was of very high quality, precise and accurate, the translator displayed sound knowledge of the specialist terminology and style.
Translation Volume: 750 words Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: English to Russian
Architectural materials, bidding documents
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 3900 words Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: English to Russian
Architectural materials, bidding documents
positive Unlisted : It was a valuable addition to our team of translator without Olga we wouldn't have met the deadline or achieved our client's recognition
Translation Volume: 2145 chars Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: Turkish to Russian
Muteahhitlik Belgesi
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1945 words Completed: Dec 2005 Languages: English to Russian
positive Irene Bassal: excellent work, on time on budget
Editing/proofreading Volume: 6983 words Completed: Sep 2005 Languages: English to Russian
Marketing materials, hygiene products. Translation, Eng-Rus, 538 words
Medical: Health Care
positive Cinetique Translations: Olga was very proactive throughout the project and I would certainly not hesitate to employ her again or recommend her. Many thanks for your professionalism Olga !
Translation Volume: 51555 chars Duration: Jan 2006 to Feb 2006 Languages: Turkish to Russian
Technical manual, pneumatic door control system
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
14 entries
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Russian to English (Minsk Linguistic University) English to Russian (Minsk Linguistic University) English to Russian (Union of Translators of Russia) Russian to English (Union of Translators of Russia)
Adobe Acrobat, MetaTexis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ABBYY Lingvo 8.0, eFax Messenger Plus, Internet Explorer 6, Multitran, Norton System Works 2003, Office 2003, Outlook Express 6, WinRAR WinZIP, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
My translation experience has centered in the areas of
Business related documentation/general business subjects
*International sales
*Company presentations
*Custom training materials
*Letters of inquiry
*Purchase orders
*Bid documentation
*Marketing materials for multinational companies
*Marketing brochures
*Product sheets
*Government and Public Utilities
*Training and Consultancy
*Preparation of Marketing Researches
*Financial Statements
*Banking and Insurances
Construction Industry/Civil EngineeringStandards
*Frost-protected Shallow Foundations
*Direct Design of Precast Concrete Pipe for Jacking in Trenchless Construction
*Structural Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings Reports and Manuals
*Hydraulic Modeling
*Crane Safety on Construction Sites
EU AffairsMedical
*Patient Education
*Medical Research
*Drug Development
*Medical Human Subjects
*Instructions for the installation and use of medical devices
*Marketing brochures (launching new drugs)
*Antiterrorism and related topics
*Beer and wine production
GeologyOil and Gas
*Chemical reagents used to increase oil and gas field development
*Integrated EOR technologies
*Reagents development and industrial utilization
General SubjectsSignificant Clients *Bechtel International Inc.(USA)*Selhurst Partnership(UK, Guildford) *ENKA Insaat ve Sanayi AS(Turkey)*Clark Translations (USA)*Tax Analysts' International Publications (USA)*Royal Energy Inc. (Canada)*Erenoglu Translation, Consultancy and Foreign Trade Ltd.Co (Ankara-Turkey)*APEX Translations (USA)*International Technical Translations Ltd. (UK)*DCULS (UK)*ACE Language Services (UK)*Lingo24 Ltd - Professional Translation Services (UK)*Target Languages(Germany)*Babel Media(UK)*Saylon Danismanlik Ltd.(Turkey-Istanbul)*Ankatech Ltd.(Turkey-Ankara)*Aydin Tercumanlik(Turkey-Istanbul)*Cinetique Translations(UK)*SIPA SpA.(Italy)In Turkish
Эngilizce ile Tьrkзenin kombinasyonu da dahil olmak ьzere Doрu Avrupa dillerinden Rusзa ve Belarusзa'nэn Эngilizce ile her tьrlь kombinasyonunun зevirilerinde uzmanlaюtэm.
Uzmanlэk alanlarэm; Ticaret, kontratlar, hьkьmet bildirileri ve evrak?, pazarlama, finans, юahsi belge(mektup, hatэralar vs.), inюaat endьstrisi, genel ve teknik belgeleme ile Avrupa Birliрi iюlerini kapsamaktadэr. Esas olarak Rusзa ve Эngilizce зevirilere aрэrlэk verdim.
Sizi, Avrupa Birili?i kuruluюlarэ зeviri merkezine iюe alэnmamla ilgili bilgilendirmek istiyorum. Bu merkez, baрэmsэz tercьmanlarэ genellikle resmi teklif prosedьrleriyle iюe almalarэna raрmen, bana tercьme iюi verirlerken bire bir gцrьюme yolunu seзmiюlerdir. Bana bunu "зok nadir" yaptэklarэnэ bildirdiler. Baюarэlэ olduрumu dьюьnьyor ve bundan gurur duyuyorum.
Tecrьbemin bu tьr iюlerdeki amaca uygun olaca?эna inanэyor ve hizmet etmeyi arzuluyorum. Юahsi profilimde de sэraladэрэm ьzere tercьme konusunda engin bir deneyime sahibim. Verilen iюleri цngцrьlen sьrede bitireceрimi, зalэюmakta olduрum projeler hakkэnda ilerleme raporlarэ vereceрimi, iюleri her yцnьyle sizi memnun edecek doрrultuda bitireceрimi ve bana yцnelteceрiniz soru ve taleplerinizi bekletmeksizin yerine getireceрimi size garanti ediyorum.
Dillerin зeюitliliрi ve de ьzerime aldэрэm iюin bьyьklьрь dolayэsэyla ьcretleri rekabetзi seviyede tutmaya зalэюtэm. Эhtiyaз olmasэ halinde sizi daha ileri dьzeyde bilgilendirmekten зok mutlu olacaрэm.
MA in English and French,PGCE
Diploma in Translation (MA equivalent)
I have managed to keep the fees competitive due to the range of languages and volume of work I undertake. I would be happy to provide you with further information if the need arises.
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