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Sample translations submitted: 3
Arabic to English: The Russian Navy to Acquire Hypersonic Nuclear Weapons General field: Other Detailed field: Military / Defense
Source text - Arabic يوليو/ تموز ٢٠٢٠ ٢٦, الاحد نشر
(CNN) موسكو، روسيا
بوتين: البحرية الروسىة ستحوز اسلحة نووىة اسرع من الصوت و طائرات مسيرة تحت الماء
قال الرئس الروسي، فلاديمير بوتين، اللأحد، إن البحرية الروسية ستكون مُجهزة بأسلحة نووية تفوق سرعتها سرعة الصوت و طائرات نووية بدون طيار تحت الماء، وفقا لما ذكرتة وكالة أنباء تاس الرسمية.
و قال بوتين، خلال عرض سنوي للبحرية في سان بطرسبرغ، "إن المزايا الفريدة تحسين القدرات القتالية للاسطول سيتم تحقيقها بسبب الإدجال الواسع للتقنيات الرقمية المتقدمية وأنظمة ضربات الصوت التي لا مثيل لها قي العلم و المركبات تحت الماء بدون طيار وبسبب أكثر وسائل الدفاغ عن
Translation - English Posted Sunday, July 26, 2020
(CNN) Moscow, Russia
Putin: The Russian navy will acquire hypersonic weapons and underwater drones.
Russian President, Vladimir Putin, Sunday, said that the Russian navy would be equipped with hypersonic nuclear weapons and unmanned underwater nuclear drones, according to the official TASS news agency.
Putin said, during an annual naval parade in St. Petersburg, "The unique advantages of improving fleet combat capabilities will be achieved due to the widespread introduction of advanced digital technologies, unmatched strike systems in the world and unmanned underwater vehicles, are the most effective self-defense methods."
French to English: Notice de Visite: Chateau de Chambord General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - French Entrez dans l'univers du génie
Depuis sa création par le roi Francois 1er a l'aube de la Renaissance francaise, Chambord ne cesse de surprendre ceux qui le visitent. Palais construit pour le plaisir et la gloire du roi, Chambord est avant tout une oeuvre de genie, radicalement unique, qui appartient par essence au patrimonie de l'humanite.
Sa destination est symbolique, esthetique et spirituelle.
Affirmation du pouvoir royal ou evocation d'une cite ideale, le monument demeure une enigme qui n'a pas fini de reveler tous ses secrets. Parmi les plus belles oeuvres du monde, Chambord est en quelque sorte a l'architecture ce que la Jaconde est a la peinture; on y retrouve a bien des egards l'influence de Leonard de Vinci.
Un domaine royal devenu national
L'architecture singuliere du monument et l'unite du domaine, clos de murs dans ses limites actuelles depuis le XVIIe siecle, ont toujours ete respectees par les regimes politiques successifs. Louis XIV termine ainsi Chambord dans l'esprit du plan original sans qu'aucun ajout ne soit apporte depuis. Au fil des siecles, le chateau est la residence occasionnelle de souverains et de princes. La Republique francaise a fait l'acquisition du domaine dans son integralite en 1930; il est desormais place sous la haute protection du President de la Republique.
A decouvrir
Nous vous invitons a decouvrir Chambord librement, a votre rythme. Cette notice propose une approche spatiale et chronologique du lieu, sans imposer de parcours. Prolongez votre visite par la decouverte du domaine forestier de Chambord, le plus grand parc clos de murs d'Europe (5440 hectares). Des parcours amenages permettent d'observer la faune et de decouvrir la variete des paysages du domaine (etangs, forets, etc.).
Translation - English Enter into the world of the genius
Since its creation by King Francois the First, at the dawn of the French Renaissance, Chambord does not cease to surprise those who visit it. Palace built for the pleasure and glory of the king, Chambord is above all a work of genius, radically unique, that belongs in essence to the heritage of humanity.
Its destination is symbolic, aesthetic and spiritual.
Affirmation of royal power or evocation of an ideal city, the monument remains an enigma that has not finished revealing all of its secrets. Among the most beautiful works in the world, Chambord is in a way to architecture what Jaconde is to painting; we find in many ways the influence of Leonardo de Vinci.
Once a royal, now a national domain
The distinctive architecture of the monument and the unity of the domain, enclosed by walls in its present-day limits since the 17th century, has always been respected by successive political regimes. It was Louis XIV who completed Chambord while respecting the spirit of the original architecture, and nothing has been added since. Over the centuries, the chateau was a place where rulers and princes resided from time to time. In 1930, the French republic acquired the domain, which is now placed in its entirety under the high protection of the president of the French republic.
To discover
We invite you to discover Chambord as you like, at your own pace. In this information note, you will find a spatial and chronological approach, without imposing any obstacles. You can prolong your visit by exploring the forest estate of Chambord, the largest wall-enclosed park in Europe (13,450 acres). Trails and promenades will allow you to observe the fauna and to discover the state's diversified landscapes (ponds, forests, etc.).
Russian to English: Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation General field: Other Detailed field: Military / Defense
Source text - Russian Центральный Музей Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации
Центральный Музей Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации -
Центральный Музей Вооруженных Сил Российской - один из крупнейших музеев мира. Начав свою историю 23 декаабря 1919 г. с постоянной выставки "Жиизнь Красных Армии и Флота" в Верхних торговых рядах на Красной площади в Москве, с годами музей добился мирового признаия и стал коллективным членом Международного комитета и коллекций оружия и военной истории (ИКОМАМ), входящего в Междунвродный совет музеев. Отмечая достижения коллестива музея по военно-патриотическому воспитанию трудящихся, воинов армии и флота, Президиум Верховного Совета СССР в апреле 1975 г. наградил ЦМВС СССР орденом Красной Звезды.
Центральный музей Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации (ЦМВС РФ) является ярким примером благородного и самоотверженного слеужения главному принципу музейной профессиисохранению памяти и культурного наследия. Его коллекция насчитывеат более 820 тысяч музейных предметов. Экспозиция музея включает в себя 24 зала общей площадью более 5000 кв, раскрывающие историю вооруженных сил нашей страны начиная с создания регулярной армии в России по настоящее время.
Translation - English The Central Museum of the Russian Armed Forces
The Central Museum of the Russian Armed Forces is one of the largest museums in the world. Having started its history on December 23, 1919 with the permanent exhibition “Life of the Red Army and Navy” in the Upper Trading Rows on Red Square in Moscow, over the years the museum has gained worldwide recognition and has become a collective member of the International Committee and Collections of Arms and Military History (ICOMAM), member of the International Council of Museums. Noting the achievements of the museum’s collective on the military-patriotic education of workers, army and navy warriors, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in April 1975 awarded the Central Military Commissariat of the USSR the Order of the Red Star.
The Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (TsMVS RF) is a prime example of noble and dedicated service to the main principle of the museum profession preserving memory and cultural heritage. Its collection totals more than 820 thousand museum objects. The museum’s exposition includes 24 halls with a total area of more than 5000 square meters, revealing the history of the armed forces of our country from the creation of a regular army in Russia to the present.
Translation education
Other - Defense Language Institute, MIIS, BYU
Years of experience: 46. Registered at May 2018.
French to English (BYU) French to English (Defense Language Proficiency Test - Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center) Arabic to English (Defense Language Proficiency Test - Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center) Arabic to English (Brigham Young University) Russian to English (Monterey Institute of International Studies)
English (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) French (Defense Language Proficiency Test - Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center) Arabic (Defense Language Proficiency Test - Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center) Russian (Monterey Institute of International Studies) Russian (Brigham Young University)
English is my native language as I am from the United States. I have five years of English language-teaching experience in Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, and Germany. I have taught business, technical, medical, social, and legal English. I also have a TESOL certificate from a university Master's degree program from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California. TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. This was a two-year program in Monterey. The courses included Principles & Practices of Teaching, Research Methods for Educators, Structure of Language, Language Analysis, Second Language Acquisition, Advanced Linguistics Research, Sociolinguistics, Language Assessment, and Curriculum Design. These courses gave me basic knowledge on the language-learning process that are related to using the language in all four communication skills.
I studied French intensively for two months before departing to Geneva, Switzerland for a two-year voluntary service mission for a Christian organization. I used French daily while in France and Switzerland during those two years. My language experience focused on speaking but reading and writing opportunities were also prevalent. After these two years, I was able to test out of the first two years of university French. In addition, when I was in the U.S. army, I took the French Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) and received the highest score possible.
I studied Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) intensively at the Defense Language Institute (DLI) in Monterey, California when I was in the U.S. army. I had five hours of Arabic language classes five days a week from native Arabic instructors. I also studied Egyptian dialect at DLI for six months. Speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills were used daily. I also studied advanced MSA for one year at the university level. My two courses included Advanced Arabic Grammar and Newspaper Arabic. Daily translation work was completed. In addition, I lived in the Middle East for over four years: two years in Syria; two years in Kuwait; two months in Saudi Arabia; and one month in Dubai.
I studied Russian for 2.5 years at the university level. Speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills were emphasized. Also, I lived in Russia for 3.5 years, in Ukraine for 16 months, in Latvia for 1 year, and Azerbaijan for 4 months. I also studied Russian at the Berlitz language center in Riga, Latvia where I received the top score of 5 in speaking.
I studied German in high school for two years. I studied German for one year at the university level. I lived in Biel, Switzerland for five months and used German there. I also lived in Augsburg, German for 2.5 years when I was in the U.S. army. I recently taught English in Kassel, Germany.