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English to Mongolian: AURTTX2002 Inspect and service transmissions (manual)
Source text - English AURTTX2002 Inspect and service transmissions (manual)
Modification History
Release: Release 1
Comment: Replaces AURT206670A Inspect and service transmissions (manual)
Unit code updated to meet policy requirements
Reference to OHS legislation replaced with new WHS legislation
Licensing statement added to unit descriptor
Unit Descriptor
Unit descriptor
This unit covers the competence required to inspect and service manual transmissions in an automotive retail, service and/or repair context.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements may apply to this unit in some jurisdictions. Users are advised to check with the relevant regulatory authority.
Application of the Unit
Application of the unit
This unit of competency applies to the following and should be contextualised to the qualification to which it is being applied:
• light vehicle, heavy vehicle, outdoor power equipment, mobile plant.
The unit includes identification and confirmation of work requirement, preparation for work, inspection, analysis and servicing of manual transmissions and completion of work finalisation processes, including clean-up and documentation.
Work requires individuals to demonstrate judgement and problem-solving skills in managing own work activities and contributing to a productive team environment within the scope of this unit. This includes an understanding of the level of work to be performed.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not applicable.
Employability Skills Information
Employability skills
This unit contains employability skills.
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge section and the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.
Elements and Performance Criteria
1. Prepare to undertake the inspection of manual transmissions
1.1. Nature and scope of work requirements are identified and confirmed
1.2. WHS requirements, including individual State/Territory regulatory requirements and personal protection needs are observed throughout the work
1.3. Procedures and information such as workshop manuals and specifications, and tooling required, are sourced
1.4. Methods appropriate to the circumstances are selected and prepared in accordance with standard operating procedures
1.5. Resources required for inspection of manual transmissions are sourced and support equipment is identified and prepared
1.6. Warnings in relation to working with manual transmissions are observed
2. Conduct inspection and analyse results
2.1. Inspection is implemented in accordance with workplace procedures and manufacturer/component supplier specifications
2.2. Inspection results are compared with manufacturer/component supplier specifications to indicate compliance or non-compliance
2.3. Results are documented with evidence and supporting information and recommendation(s) made
2.4. Report is processed in accordance with workplace procedures
3. Prepare to service manual transmissions
3.1. WHS requirements, including individual State/Territory regulatory requirements and personal protection needs are observed throughout the work
3.2. Procedures and information required are identified and sourced
3.3. Resources required for servicing manual transmissions are identified and support equipment is identified and prepared
4. Carry out service
4.1. Service is implemented in accordance with workplace procedures and manufacturer/component supplier specifications
4.2. Adjustments made during the service are in accordance with manufacturer/component supplier specifications
5. Prepare equipment for use or storage
5.1. Service schedule documentation is completed
5.2. Final inspection is made to ensure protective guards, safety features and cowlings are in place
5.3. Final inspection is made to ensure work is to workplace expectations
5.4. Equipment is prepared for use or stored to workplace expectations
5.5. Job card is processed in accordance with workplace procedures
Required Skills and Knowledge
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.
Required skills
• apply research and interpretive skills sufficient to locate, interpret and apply manufacturer/component supplier procedures, workplace policies and procedures
• apply analytical skills required for identification and analysis of technical information
• apply plain English literacy and communication skills in relation to dealing with customers and team members
• apply questioning and active listening skills for example when obtaining information from customers
• apply oral communication skills sufficient to convey information and concepts to customers
• apply planning and organising skills to own work activities, including making good use of time and resources, sorting out priorities and monitoring one's own performance
• interact effectively with other persons both on a one-to-one basis and in groups, including understanding and responding to the needs of a customer and working effectively as a member of a team to achieve a shared goal
• establish safe and effective work processes which anticipate and/or resolve problems and downtime, to systematically develop solutions to avoid or minimise reworking and avoid wastage
• use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly calculate time, assess tolerances, apply accurate measurements, calculate material requirements and establish quality checks
• use workplace technology related to the inspection and servicing of manual transmissions, including the use of diagnostic and servicing tooling and equipment, measuring equipment, computerised technology and communication devices and the reporting/documenting of results
Required knowledge
A working knowledge of:
• WHS regulations/requirements, equipment, material and personal safety requirements
• dangers of working with manual transmissions
• identification of application, purpose and operating principles
• types and layout of service/repair manuals (hard copy and electronic)
• inspection procedures
• service procedures
• enterprise quality procedures
• work organisation and planning processes
Evidence Guide
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.
Overview of assessment
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit
It is essential that competence in this unit signifies ability to transfer competence to changing circumstances and to respond to unusual circumstances in the critical aspects of:
• observing safety procedures and requirements
• communicating effectively with others involved in or affected by the work
• selecting methods and techniques, appropriate to the circumstances
• completing preparatory activity in a systematic manner
• identification of application, purpose and operating principles
• conducting inspection, servicing and operational testing in accordance with workplace and manufacturer/component supplier specifications
• completing service of manual transmissions and associated components within workplace timeframes
• equipment is presented to customer in compliance with workplace requirements
Context of, and specific resources for assessment Application of competence is to be assessed in workplace or simulated worksite
Assessment is to occur using standard and authorised work practices, safety requirements and environmental constraints
Assessment is to comply with regulatory requirements, including Australian Standards
The following resources should be made available:
• workplace location or simulated workplace
• material relevant to the inspection and servicing of manual transmissions
• equipment, hand and power tooling appropriate to the inspection and servicing of manual transmissions
• activities covering mandatory task requirements
• specifications and work instructions
Method of assessment
Assessment must satisfy the endorsed assessment guidelines of the automotive industry's RS&R Training Package
Assessment methods must confirm consistency and accuracy of performance together with application of underpinning knowledge
Assessment must be by direct observation of tasks, with questioning on underpinning knowledge and it must also reinforce the integration of key competencies
Assessment may be applied under project related conditions and require evidence of process
Assessment must confirm a reasonable inference that competence is able not only to be satisfied under the particular circumstance, but is able to be transferred to other circumstances
It is preferable that assessment reflects a process rather than an event and occurs over a period of time to cover varying quality circumstances. Evidence of performance may be provided by customers, team leaders/members or other persons subject to agreed authentication arrangements
Competence in this unit may be assessed in conjunction with other functional units which together form part of the holistic work role
Range Statement
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.
Inspection methods
Inspection methods include visual, aural and functional assessment (including: fluid leakage, selection)
Specific requirements
Specific requirements may include:
• manual transmissions, front and/or rear wheel drive configurations
• belt drive transmissions
Other variables may include:
• power take off assemblies,
• multiple forward and reverse gears,
• synchronised and non-synchronised gear selection,
• metal and non-metal gears
• electrical/pneumatic controls
• transverse/longitudinal mounting
• helical, double helical and spur gears
• transaxle, overdrive, transfer case and belt drive speed control
Servicing to include fluids, filters, adjustments and operational testing, visual inspections and documents
WHS requirements are to be in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and enterprise safety policies and procedures. This may include protective clothing and equipment, use of tooling and equipment, workplace environment and safety, handling of material, use of fire fighting equipment, enterprise first aid, hazard control and hazardous materials and substances
Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment is to include that prescribed under legislation/regulations/codes of practice and workplace policies and practices
Safe operating procedures
Safe operating procedures are to include, but are not limited to the conduct of operational risk assessment and treatments associated with vehicular movement, hazardous substances, electrical safety, machinery movement, manual lifting and shifting, working in proximity to others and site visitors
Emergency procedures
Emergency procedures related to this unit are to include, but are not limited to emergency shutdown and stopping of equipment, operating safely in the event of fires, enterprise first aid requirements and site evacuation
Environmental requirements
Environmental requirements are to include but are not limited to waste management, noise, dust and clean-up management
Quality requirements
Quality requirements are to include, but are not limited to regulations, including Australian Standards, internal company quality policy and standards and enterprise operations and procedures
Statutory/regulatory authorities
Statutory/regulatory authorities may include Federal, State/Territory and local authorities administering acts, regulations and codes of practice
Tooling and equipment
Tooling and equipment may include hand tooling, meters, gauges and load testing devices
Materials may include lubricants, spare parts and cleaning materials
Communications are to include, but are not limited to verbal and visual instructions and fault reporting and may include site specific instructions, written instructions, plans or instructions related to job/task, telephones and pagers
Sources of information/documents may include:
• verbal or written and graphical instructions, signage, work schedules/plans/specifications, work bulletins, memos, material safety data sheets, diagrams or sketches
• safe work procedures related to the inspection, analysis and servicing of manual transmissions
• regulatory/legislative requirements pertaining to the automotive industry, including Australian Design Rules
• engineer's design specifications and instructions
• organisation work specifications and requirements
• instructions issued by authorised enterprise or external persons
• Australian Standards
Unit Sector(s)
Unit sector Mechanical Miscellaneous
Co-requisite units
Not applicable.
Competency field
Competency field Technical - Transmission
English to Mongolian: Dictionary of English-Mongolian Abbreviations /A/
Source text - English AA Automobile Association
AA Alcoholics Anonymous
AAA American Anthropological Association
AAAAW Anti-Aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons
AAACom Army Anti-Aircraft Command
AAAL American Academy of Arts and Letters
AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
AAATC Anti-Aircraft Artillery Training Center
AAC American Armament Corporation
AAC Anti-Aircraft Cannon
AACR American Association of Cancer Research
AADC American Academy of Dermatology and Syphilogy
AAF American Association of Engineers
AAFCE Allied Air Forces Central Europe
AAFTC Army Air Forces Training Center
AAHPER American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
AAL American Airlines
AAN American Association of Neuropathologists
AANS American Academy of Neurological Surgery
AAOO American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
AAOP American Academy of Oral Pathology
AAOS American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery
AAP American Academy of Pediatrics
AAP Australian Associated Press
AAPC All African People’s Conference
AAPSS American Academy of Political and Social Science
AAS American Astronomical Society
AASW American Association of Scientific Workers
AAU Amateur Athletic Union
AAUP American Association of University Professors
AAvn Army Aviation
ABA Amateur Boxing Association
AB Alberta
ABC American Broadcasting Corporation
ABCC Association of British Chambers of Commerce
ABL American Barge Line
ABPC Associated British Picture Corporation
ABS American Broadcasting System
ABSE American Broadcasting System in Europe
AC Alternative current
ACA Agricultural Association
ACA Agricultural Co-operative Association
ACC Administrative Committee on Coordination
ACDS Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ACLS American Council of Learned Society
ACT Australian Capital Territory
ACS Automatic control system
ACS American Cancer System
ACS American Council of Surgeons
AD Anno domini
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADCC Air Defense Control Center
ADGB Air Defense of Great Britain
ADI American Documentation Institute
ADLS Air Dispatch Letter Service
ADS American Dialect Society
AED UAE dirham, د.إ
AE & P Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
AEC Atomic Energy Commission
AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment
AES American Entomological Society
AES American Ethnological Society
AESC American Engineering Standards Committee
AF Air Force
AFA Amateur Fencing Association
AFA Amateur Football Association
AFG Afghanistan
AFHQ Allied Forces Headquarters
AFN American Forces Network
AFO Agriculture and Food Organization
AFO Anti-Fascist Organization
AG Attorney General
AGM Annual General Meeting
AGS American Geographical Society
AGU American Geophysical Union
AHA American Historical Association
AI Artificial intelligence
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AK Alaska
AL Alabama
ALB Albania
ALG Algeria
ALS Air Letter Service
AM Amplitude modulation
AM Associate Member
AMA American Medical Association
Am.Cyc American Cyclopedia
AmE American English
Amp Ampere
AMPAS Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
AMS American Meteorological Society
AMS American Mathematical Society
AMVETS American Veterans of World War II
ANA American Nature Association
ANC African National Congress
ANF Atlantic Nuclear Force
ANG Angola
ANRC American National Red Cross
ANS American Nuclear Society
ANS Academy of Natural Sciences
AOU American Ornithologists Union
AP Atlantic Pact
AP American Patent
APA Agricultural Production Association
APA American Philological Association
APA Austria Press Agency
APHA American Public Health Association
Apr. April
APS American Philosophical Society
APS American Polar Association
AR Arkansas
ARA Abbreviated Registered Address
ARA American Radio Association
ARC American Red Cross
ARE Arab Republic of Egypt
ARG Argentina
ARICR American Russian Institute for Cultural Relations
ARM Armenia
ARRL Association of the Royal Red Cross
ARRL American Radio Relay Society
ARS American Rocket Society
ASA American Standards Association
ASA Acoustical Society of America
ASA Atomic Scientists Association
ASAS American Society of Agricultural Sciences
ASCAP American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
ASEA American Society of Engineers and Architects
ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations
ASIN American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
ASLIB Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaus
ASM American Society of Metals
ASP American Society of Parasitologists
AT American Terms
ATM Automatic Teller Machine
AUD Australian dollar, A$
Aug. August
AUS Australia
AUT Austria
AV Audiovisual
AVC American Veterans Committee
Ave. Avenue
AW Actual weight
AWG Amercan Wire Gauge
AWRE Atomic Weapons Research Establishment
AWS Aircraft Warning Service
AWS American War Standards
AZ Arizona
AZE Azerbaijan
Translation - Mongolian AA Автомашин эзэмшигчдын холбоо
AA Архинаас гарахад туслах олон улсын байгууллага
AAA Америкийн Хүн Судлалын Нийгэмлэг
AAAAW Агаараас эсэргүүцэн хамгаалах их бууны автомат зэвсэглэл
AAACom Агаараас эсэргүүцэн хамгаалах армийн командлал
AAAL Америкийн урлаг-утга зохиолын академи
AAAS Америкийн шинжлэх ухааны дэвшлийн нийгэмлэг
AAATC Агаараас эсэргүүцэн хамгаалах их бууны сургалтын төв
AAC Америкийн зэвсэглэлийн корпораци
AAC Агаараас эсэргүүцэн хамгаалах их буу
AACR Америкийн өмөн үү (хор т хавдар) судлалын нийгэмлэг
AADC Америкийн арьс өнгөний өвчин судлалын нийгэмлэг
AAF Америкийн Инженерүүдийн Нийгэмлэг
AAFCE Төв Европ дахь агаарын цэргийн нэгдсэн хүчин
AAFTC Армийн агаарын цэргийн хүчний сургалтын төв
AAHPER Америкийн эрүүлийг хамгаалах, бие бялдрын хүмүүжил, чөлөөт цагийн холбоо
AAL Америкийн агаарын тээвэр
AAN Америкийн мэдрэлийн эмгэг судлаачдын холбоо
AANS Америкийн мэдрэлийн мэс заслын академи
AAOO Америкийн нүд, чих, хамар хоолой судлалын академи
AAOP Америкийн амны хөндийн эмгэг судлалын академи
AAOS Америкийн гэмтэл согог заслын академи
AAP Америкийн хүүхдийн өвчин судлалын академи
AAP Австралийн хэвлэл мэдээллийн агентлаг
AAPC Бүх Африкийн ард түмний бага хурал
AAPSS Америкийн нийгэм, улс төрийн шинжлэх ухааны академи
AAS Америкийн одон орон судлалын нийгэмлэг
AASW Америкийн шинжлэх ухааны ажилтнуудын холбоо
AAU Сонирхогчдын спортын тамирчдын эвлэл
AAUP Америкийн их сургуулийн профессоруудын холбоо
AAvn Армийн иргэний нисэх хүчин
ABA Сонирхогчдын боксын холбоо
AB Канадын Альберта муж
ABC Англи хэлний цагаан толгой
ABC Америкийн радио, телевизийн корпораци
ABCC Их Британы худалдааны танхимуудын холбоо
ABL Америкийн усан замын тээвэр
ABPC Их Британы киноны корпораци
ABS Америкийн радио, телевизийн систем
ABSE Европ дахь Америкийн радио, телевизийн байгууллага
AC Хувьсах гүйдэл
ACA Хөдөө аж ахуйн холбоо
ACA Хөдөө аж ахуйн хоршооллын холбоо
ACC НҮБ-ын Зохицуулах хороо
ACDS Зэвсэглэлд хяналт тавих, хураах агентлаг
ACLS Америкийн шинжлэх ухааны нийгэмлэгийн зөвлөл
ACT Австралийн нийслэлийн газар нутаг
ACS Автомат хяналтын систем
ACS Америкийн хорт хавдар судлалын систем
ACS Америкийн мэс засалчдын зөвлөл
AD Манай эриний (МЭ)
ADB Азийн Хөгжлийн Банк
ADCC Агаарын довтолгооноос хамгаалах удирдлагын төв
ADGB Их Британы агаарын цэргийн хүчин
ADI Америкийн шинжлэх ухаан, техникийн баримт сэлтийн хүрээлэн
ADLS Агаарын шуудангийн үйлчилгээ
ADS Америк нутгийн аялгууны нийгэмлэг
AED Дирхам, АНЭУ-ын албан ёсны валют
AE & P Онц бөгөөд бүрэн эрхт элчин сайд
AEC Атомын эрчим хүчний комисс
AERE Атомын эрчим хүчийг судлах байгууллага (Англи)
AES Америкийн шавьж судлалын нийгэмлэг
AES Америкийн угсаатан судлалын нийгэмлэг
AESC Америкийн техникийн стандартын хороо
AF Агаарын цэргийн хүчин
AFA Сонирхогчдын туялзуур жадны холбоо
AFA Сонирхогчдын хөлбөмбөгийн холбоо
AFG Афганистан улсын тамирчдын код
AFHQ Холбоотны зэвсэгт хүчний штаб
AFN Америкийн цэргийн радио холбооны сүлжээ
AFO НҮБ-ын Хүнс, Хөдөө Аж Ахуйн Байгууллага
AFO Фашизмыг эсэргүүцэгч байгууллага
AG Ерөнхий прокурор
AGM Байгууллагын бүх гишүүдийн жилийн тайлангийн хурал
AGS Америкийн Газарзүйн Нийгэмлэг
AGU Америкийн Геофизикийн Холбоо
AHA Америкийн Түүхийн Нийгэмлэг
AI Хиймэл оюун ухаан
AIDS Дархлалын олдмол хомсдолын хамшинж
AK АНУ-ын Аляска муж улс
AL АНУ-ын Алабама муж улс
ALB Албани улсын тамирчдын код
ALG Алжир улсын тамирчдын код
ALS Агаарын шуудан
AM Дууны долгионы далайцын модуляц
AM Сурвалжлагч гишүүн
AMA Америкийн Анагаах Ухааны Нийгэмлэг
Am.Cyc Америкийн нэвтэрхий толь бичиг
AmE Америкийн англи хэл
Amp Ампер, гүйдлийн нэгж
AMPAS Америкийн кино урлаг, киноны техникийн академи
AMS Америкийн Цаг Уурын Нийгэмлэг
AMS Америкийн Математикийн Нийгэмлэг
AMVETS Дэлхийн II дайны ахмад дайчдын Америкийн холбоо
ANA Америкийн байгальчдын холбоо
ANC Африкийн Үндэсний Конгресс
ANF Атлантын цөмийн зэвсэгт хүчин
ANG Ангол улсын тамирчдын код
ANRC Америкийн улаан загалмайн нийгэмлэг
ANS Америкийн Цөмийн Нийгэмлэг
ANS Америкийн байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны академи
AOU Америкийн Шувуу Судлалын Нийгэмлэг
AP Атлантын гэрээ
AP Америкийн патентын эрх
APA Хөдөө аж ахуйн үйлдвэрлэлийн холбоо
APA Америкийн хэл бичгийн нийгэмлэг
APA Австрийн хэвлэлийн агентлаг
APHA Америкийн Эрүүлийг Хамгаалах Нийгэмлэг
Apr. Дөрөвдүгээр сар
APS Америкийн Философийн Нийгэмлэг
APS Америкийн Туйл Судлалын Нийгэмлэг
AR АНУ-ын Арканзас муж улс
ARA Бүртгэгдсэн хураангуй хаяг
ARA Америкийн Радиогийн Холбоо
ARC Америкийн Улаан Загалмайн Нийгэмлэг
ARE Арабын Бүгд Найрамдах Египет Улс
ARG Аргентин улсын тамирчдын код
ARICR Америк-Оросын Соёлын Харилцааны Хүрээлэн
ARM Армен улсын тамирчдын код
ARRL Британы хатан хааны улаан загалмайн нийгэмлэг
ARRL Америкийн радио сонирхогч, богино долгиочдын холбоо
ARS Америкийн Пуужингийн Нийгэмлэг
ASA Америкийн Стандартын Холбоо
ASA Америкийн Сонсголзүйн Нийгэмлэг
ASA Атомын эрдэмтдийн холбоо
ASAS Америкийн хөдөө аж ахуйн шинжлэх ухааны нийгэмлэг
ASCAP Америкийн хөгжмийн зохиолч, зохиогч, хэвлэн нийтлэгчдийн нийгэмлэг
ASEA Америкийн инженер, уран барилгачдын нийгэмлэг
ASEAN Зүүн Өмнөд Азийн улсуудын холбоо
ASIN Загас болон газар уснаа явагч, хэвлээр явагч судлаачдын Америкийн нийгэмлэг
ASLIB Тусгай номын сан, мэдээллийн товчооны нийгэмлэг
ASM Америкийн Төмөрлөгийн Нийгэмлэг
ASP Америкийн Шимэгч Судлаачдын Нийгэмлэг
AT Америкийн техникийн нөхцөл
ATM Мөнгөний автомат машин
AUD Австрали доллар, Австралийн албан ёсны валют
Aug. Наймдугаар сар
AUS Австрали улсын тамирчдын код
AUT Австри улсын тамирчдын код
AV Дуу, дүрс бичлэг
AVC Америкийн ахмад дайчдын хороо
Ave. Өргөн чөлөө
AW Бодит жин
AWG Дамжуулагч утасны голч тодорхойлох америк стандарт
AWRE Атомын зэвсгийн шинжилгээний байгууллага
AWS Агаарын довтолгооны урьдчилан мэдээлэх алба
AWS Америкийн цэргийн стандарт
AZ АНУ-ын Аризона муж улс
AZE Азербайжан улсын тамирчдын код
English to Mongolian: Dictionary of English-Mongolian Abbreviations /B/
Source text - English B.A Bachelor of Arts
BA British Airways
BAEC British Atomic Energy Corporation
BAH Bahamas
BAR Baikal-Amur Railway
BASOR Bulletin of American Society for Oriental Research
BAU British Engineering Standard Association Unit
B.B. Blue Book
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BC Before Christ
BC British Columbia
B.C. Birth Certificate
BEAS British European Airways Corporation
BEd Bachelor of Education
BEDA British Electrical Development Association
BEL Belgium
BEMA British Embassy Military Attaché
BESA British Engineering Standards Association
BIDAC Bidding and Acceptance Committee
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
BIS Bank for International Settlements
BIS British Interplanetary Society
B.J Bachelor of Journalism
BLA Bilateral agreement
BLR Belarus
BM Bronze medal
B.M Bachelor of Medicine
B.M.N British Merchant Navy
BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation
BOB Bureau of Budget
BOTU Board of Trade Unit
BP Blood pressure
BP Bills payable
B.P British Patent
B.Ph Bachelor of Philosophy
B.R Book of Reference
BRA Brazil
BrE British English
BRCS British Red Cross Society
BRRL British Radio Relay League
Bros. Brothers
B.S British Standards
BSA Bibliographical Society of America
BSc Bachelor of Science
BSD British Standard Dimension
BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalophaty
BSIB Boy Scout International Bureau
BSLW Beaumont Sour Lake And Western Railway Company
BSM Bronze Star medal
BSWCC British Short Wave Correspondence Club
BST British Summer Time
BTT Bank telegraphic transfer
BTTO Brutto
BTU British thermal unit
BUL Bulgaria
BUP British United Press
BWA Baptist World Alliance
Translation - Mongolian B.A Урлагийн бакалаврын зэрэг
BA Британы агаарын тээврийн компани
BAEC Британы атомын эрчим хүчний корпораци
BAH Багами улсын тамирчдын код
BAR Байгаль-Амарын төмөр зам
BASOR Дорно дахиныг судлах Америкийн нийгэмлэгийн товхимол
BAU Британы инженер техникийн стандартын нийгэмлэгийн нэгж
B.B. Хөх ном (Английн нууцын зөвлөл буюу парламентын комиссын албан ёсны тайлан)
BBC Их Британы Би-Би-Си агентлаг
BC Манай эрины өмнөх (МЭӨ)
BC Канадын Британы Колумби муж
B.C. Төрсний гэрчилгээ
BEAS Британ-Европын агаарын тээврийн корпораци
BEd Боловсролын бакалавр зэрэг
BEDA Британы цахилгаан техникийн холбоо
BEL Бельги улсын тамирчдын код
BEMA Британы ЭСЯ-ны цэргийн атташе
BESA Британы техникийн стандартын нийгэмлэг
BIDAC Тендер зарлах, хүлээн авах хороо
BIH Босни Герцеговин улсын тамирчдын код
BIS Олон улсын тооцооны банк
BIS Британы гариг хоорондын нийгэмлэг
B.J Сэтгүүл зүйн бакалаврын зэрэг
BLA Хоёр талт хэлэлцээр
BLR Беларусь улсын тамирчдын код
BM Хүрэл медаль
B.M Анагаах ухааны бакалаврын зэрэг
B.M.N Британы худалдааны хөлөг онгоцны флот
BOAC Британы далайн чанад дахь агаарын тээврийн корпораци
BOB АНУ-ын Төсвийн Товчоо
BOTU Худалдааны зөвлөл
BP Цусны даралт
BP Төлбөрийн баримт
B.P Британы патент
B.Ph Философийн бакалаврын зэрэг
B.R Лавлах ном
BRA Бразил улсын тамирчдын код
BrE Британы англи хэл
BRCS Британы улаан загалмайн нийгэмлэг
BRRL Британы радио сонирхогчдын холбоо
Bros. Ах дүүс
B.S Британы стандарт
BSA Америкийн Номзүйн Нийгэмлэг
BSc Шинжлэх ухааны бакалаврын зэрэг
BSD Британы стандарт хэмжээс
BSE Үхрийн галзуу өвчин
BSIB Олон улсын Бойскаутын товчоо
BSLW Америкийн төмөр замын компани
BSM “Хүрэл Од” медаль
BSWCC Британы богино долгионы радиочдын клуб
BST Британы зуны цагийн хуваарь
BTT Банкны цахилгаан гуйвуулга, шилжүүлэг
BTTO Бохир жин
BTU Британы дулааны нэгж
BUL Болгар улсын тамирчдын код
BUP Британы хэвлэл мэдээллийн газар
BWA Дэлхийн загалмайтны эвсэл
English to Mongolian: Dictionary of English-Mongolian Abbreviations /C/...
Source text - English ¢ cent
CA California
CAD Canadian dollar, C$
CAD Computer aided design
CAE Computer aided engineering
CAF Central American Federation
CAI Conference Aeronautique International
CAM Computer aided manufacture
CAN Canada
Capt. Captain
CAS Civil Air Service
CASE Computer aided software engineering
CAT College of Advanced Technology
CAT Computer assisted training
CB Confidential book
CBAT Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBF Cerebral blood flow
CBI Central Bureau of Information
CBS Columbia Broadcasting System
CBT Competency based training
CBT Computer based test
CBW Chemical and Biological warfare
CC Cash credit
CCA Commission for Conventional Armaments of United Nations Security Council
CCC Customs Cooperation Council
CCD Conference of Committee on Disarmament
CCICMS Council for Coordination of International Congresses of Medical Sciences
CCJO Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations
CD Civil Defense
CD Compact disk
CD Contagious disease
CDD Certificate of Disability for discharge
CDL Canal defense light
CDO Central distributing office
CDRS Civil Defense Rescue Service
CDV Civil Defense Volunteers
CEA Council of Economic Advisers
CEC Central executive committee
CEEC Committee of European Economic Cooperation
CEERL Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute
CEMA Council for Economic Mutual Assistance
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFM Council of Foreign Ministers
CG Council General
CGO Committee of Good Offices
CH Custom House
CHF Swiss franc
CHI Chile
CHN China
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIB Counter Intelligence Branch
C-in-C Commander in Chief
CIOMS Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CJ Chief Justice
CM Corresponding member
CMH Congressional Medal of Honor
CMR Cameroon
CNN Cable News Network
CNS Central nervous system
CNY Chinese yuan, ¥
Co Company
CO Colorado
COC Chamber of Commerce
COCOM Coordinating Committee of East-West Trade Policy
COD Cash on delivery
COI Central Office of Information
COL Columbia
Col. Colonel
Com.Mil.Aff Committee on Military Affairs
COMSAC Communication satellite corporation
CONUS Continental United States
CORC Coordinating Committee
COSEC Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students
COSPAR Committee on Space Research
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CPIT Committee for Promotion of International Trade
CPR Chinese People’s Republic
CPU Central Processing Unit
CQ Commercial quality
CR Championship Record
CRC Costa Rica
CRCA Committee on Radio for Civil Aviation
CRO Croatia
CSB Central Statistical Bureau
CT Connecticut
CUB Cuba
CV Curriculum Vitae
CWPE Chemical war protective equipment
CYP Cyprus
CZ Combat zone
CZE Czech Republic
Translation - Mongolian ¢ цент
CA АНУ-ын Калифорн муж улс
CAD Канад доллар, Канадын албан ёсны валют
CAD Компьютерын тусламжтайгаар дизайн боловсруулах
CAE Компьютерын тусламжтайгаар инженерчлэлийн загвар боловсруулах
CAF Төв Америкийн Холбоо (Гондурас, Гватемал, Сальвадор улсууд багтана)
CAI Олон улсын нислэг зүйн бага хурал
CAM Компьютерын тусламжтайгаар үйлдвэрлэх
CAN Канад улсын тамирчдын код
Capt. Цэргийн ахмад цол
CAS Иргэний агаарын тээврийн алба
CASE Компьютерын тусламжтайгаар програмчлалыг инженерчлэх
CAT Дэвшилтэт технологийн коллеж
CAT Компьютерээр дамжуулан сургах
CB Нууцалсан мэдээллийн эмхэтгэл
CBAT Одон орны радио долгион судлах төв товчоо
CBC Канадын радио, телевизийн “Си-Би-Си” корпораци
CBF Тархины цусны эргэлт
CBI Мэдээллийн төв товчоо
CBS Радио, телевизийн “Си-Би-Эс” компани
CBT Чадамжид суурилсан сургалт
CBT Компьютерт суурилсан сорил
CBW Хими, биологийн зэвсэглэл
CC Бэлэн мөнгөний зээллэг
CCA НҮБ-ын Аюулгүйн Зөвлөлийн Ердийн зэвсэглэлийн асуудал хариуцсан комисс
CCC Гаалийн хамтын ажиллагааны зөвлөл
CCD Зэвсэглэл хураах хорооны бага хурал
CCICMS Олон улсын анагаах ухааны их хурлуудын зохицуулах зөвлөл
CCJO Еврейн байгууллагуудын зөвлөлдөх зөвлөл
CD Иргэний хамгаалалт
CD Компакт диск
CD Халдварт өвчин
CDD Тахир дутуугийн учир цэргийн албанаас чөлөөлөгдөх батламж
CDL Сувгийн хамгаалалтын гэрэл
CDO Хуваарилалтын төв захиргаа
CDRS Иргэний хамгаалалтын аврах алба
CDV Иргэний хамгаалалтын сайн дурынхан
CEA АНУ-ын Ерөнхийлөгчийн дэргэдэх эдийн засгийн зөвлөхүүдийн зөвлөл
CEC Гүйцэтгэх төв хороо
CEEC Европын эдийн засгийн хамтын ажиллагааны хороо
CEERL Электроникийн эрдэм шинжилгээний төв хүрээлэн
CEMA Эдийн засгаар харилцан туслах зөвлөл
CEO Гүйцэтгэх ахлах ажилтан
CFM Гадаад хэргийн сайд нарын зөвлөл
CG Ерөнхий консул
CGO Сайн санааны үйлчилгээний хороо
CH Гаалийн газар
CHF Швейцарь улсын албан ёсны валют
CHI Чили улсын тамирчдын код
CHN Хятад улсын тамирчдын код
CIA Тагнуулын АНУ-ын Төв Газар
CIB Сөрөг тагнуулын хэлтэс
C-in-C Ерөнхий командлагч
CIOMS Олон улсын анагаах ухааны байгууллагуудын зөвлөл
CIS Тусгаар Улсуудын Хамтын Нөхөрлөл
CJ Ерөнхий шүүгч
CM Сурвалжлагч гишүүн
CMH Конгрессын Хүндэт медаль
CMR Камерун улсын тамирчдын код
CNN Кабелийн телевизийн “Си-Эн-Эн” сүлжээ
CNS Төв мэдрэлийн систем
CNY Юан, БНХАУ-ын албан ёсны валют
Co Пүүс, компани
CO АНУ-ын Колорадо муж улс
COC Худалдааны танхим
COCOM Өрнө-Дорнын худалдааны бодлогын зохицуулах хороо
COD Барааг хүргэж өгөх үед төлбөрийг нь хийх
COI Британы мэдээллийн төв газар
COL Колумби улсын тамирчдын код
Col. Цэргийн хурандаа цол
Com.Mil.Aff Цэргийн асуудал эрхэлсэн хороо
COMSAC АНУ-ын холбооны хиймэл дагуулын корпораци
CONUS Америкийн газар нутаг
CORC Зохицуулах хороо
COSEC Оюутны үндэсний холбооны нарийн бичгийн дарга нарын зохицуулах газар
COSPAR Сансрын судалгааны хороо
CPA Мэргэшсэн нягтлан бодогч
CPIT Олон улсын худалдааг хөгжүүлэх хороо
CPR Бүгд Найрамдах Хятад Ард Улс
CPU Компьютерын төв боловсруулах байгууламж
CQ Худалдааны чанар
CR Аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээний дээд амжилт
CRC Коста Рика улсын тамирчдын код
CRCA Иргэний нисэхийн радио холбооны олон улсын хороо
CRO Хорват улсын тамирчдын код
CSB Статистикийн төв товчоо
CT АНУ-ын Коннектикут муж улс
CUB Куба улс
CV Товч намтар, СиВи
CWPE Химийн зэвсгээс хамгаалах хэрэгсэл
CYP Кипр улсын тамирчдын код
CZ Байлдааны бүс
CZE Чех улсын тамирчдын код
English to Mongolian: Dictionary of English-Mongolian Abbreviations /...X, Y, Z/
Source text - English X
Xmas Christmas
Xnty Christianity
X ray X ray
YAC Youth Adult Council
YC Youth Council
YEM Yemen
YHA Youth Hostels Association
YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association
YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association
YT Yukon
ZAM Zambia
ZIM Zimbabwe
ZST Zone Standard Time
Translation - Mongolian X
Xmas Зул сарын баяр
Xnty Христосын шашин
X ray Рентген туяа
ZAM Замби улсын тамирчдын код
ZIM Зимбабве улсын тамирчдын код
ZST Бүсийн тогтсон цаг
English to Mongolian: AURHTB3002 Diagnose and repair heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
Source text - English AURHTB3002 Diagnose and repair heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
Modification History
Release: Release 1
Replaces AURT310166A - Repair hydraulic braking systems
Performance Criteria, Range Statement and Critical Aspects of Evidence updated to modern heavy vehicle technologies
Unit Descriptor
This unit describes the performance outcomes required to diagnose and repair hydraulic braking systems fitted to heavy vehicles. It involves diagnosing deviations from correct operation, repairing hydraulic braking system components and associated systems, and undertaking post-repair testing procedures.
Licencing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements may apply to this unit in some jurisdictions. Users are advised to check with the relevant regulatory authority.
Application of the Unit
Work applies to the hydraulic braking systems of heavy vehicles in the road transport, mining, construction and agricultural environment.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Employability Skills Information
This unit contains employability skills.
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.
Elements and Performance Criteria
1. Prepare to diagnose and repair a heavy vehicle hydraulic braking system
1.1. Workplace instructions are used to determine job requirements
1.2. Workplace health and safety (WHS) requirements are observed and applied throughout the work
1.3. Procedures and information are sourced and interpreted
1.4. Diagnosis options are analysed and those most appropriate to the circumstances are selected
1.5. Appropriate diagnostic tools and equipment are selected and prepared
2. Diagnose a heavy vehicle hydraulic braking system
2.1. Diagnostic tests are performed according to workplace procedures and without causing damage to components or systems
2.2. Faults are identified from diagnostic test results and causes of faults are determined
2.3. Diagnosis findings are reported according to workplace procedures, including recommendations for necessary repairs or adjustments
3. Repair a heavy vehicle hydraulic braking system
3.1. Repair options are analysed and those most appropriate to the circumstances are selected
3.2. Appropriate tools, techniques and materials are selected and prepared
3.3. Repairs and component replacements and adjustments are carried out without causing damage to components or systems and according to workplace procedures and manufacturer and component supplier specifications
3.4. Post-repair testing is carried out according to workplace procedures and relevant legislation
4. Clean up work area and finalise work processes
4.1. Final inspection is made to ensure work is to workplace expectations and vehicle is presented ready for use
4.2. Tools and equipment are checked and stored according to workplace expectations
4.3. Workplace documentation is processed according to workplace procedures
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.
Required skills
• communication skills to:
• clarify workplace instructions and determine job requirements
• gain information from appropriate persons and assistance as required
• initiative and enterprise skills to adapt to new and emerging situations in the workplace
• learning skills to identify sources of information, assistance and expert knowledge to expand knowledge, skills and understanding
• literacy skills to:
• understand quality procedures
• read and follow information on written job instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, lists, drawings and other applicable reference documents
• obtain and record measurements
• document repairs and parts required
• numeracy skills to assess tolerances and apply accurate measurements and adjustments
• planning and organising skills to:
• plan own work requirements and prioritise actions to achieve required outcomes and ensure tasks are completed on time
• identify risk factors and take action to minimise risk
• problem-solving skills to:
• determine the underlying causes of faults
• recognise a workplace problem or a potential problem and take action
• refer problems outside area of responsibility to appropriate person and suggest possible causes
• seek information and assistance as required to solve problems
• self-management skills to:
• select and use appropriate equipment, materials, processes and procedures
• recognise limitations and seek timely advice
• teamwork skills to apply knowledge of own role to complete activities efficiently to support team activities and tasks
• technical skills to use workplace tools relating to the repair of heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems, including the use of:
• specialised tools and equipment
• measuring equipment
• technology skills to:
• operate diagnostic and test equipment
• use technology to collect, analyse and provide information.
Required knowledge
• WHS regulations, requirements, equipment and material, and personal safety requirements relating to diagnosing and repairing heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
• legislation and regulatory requirements
• dangers of working with heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
• application, purpose and operating principles of heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
• testing procedures for heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
• repair procedures for heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
• post-repair testing procedures for heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.
Overview of assessment
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit
The evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit must be relevant to workplace operations and satisfy all of the requirements of the performance criteria and required skills and knowledge.
A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to:
• observe safety procedures and requirements
• select methods and techniques appropriate to the circumstances
• complete preparatory activity in a systematic manner
• diagnose and repair a range of heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
• diagnose and repair heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems according to workplace, manufacturer and component supplier requirements
• present vehicle in a condition that complies with workplace requirements.
Context of, and specific resources for assessment
Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated workplace environment that accurately reflects performance in a real workplace setting.
Assessment is to occur:
• using standard workplace practices and procedures
• following safety requirements
• applying environmental constraints.
Assessment is to comply with relevant:
• regulatory requirements
• Australian standards
• industry codes of practice.
The following resources must be made available for the assessment of this unit:
• workplace location or simulated workplace
• heavy vehicles with hydraulic braking faults relevant to the qualification being sought
• equipment appropriate for the testing of heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
• specifications and workplace instructions
• tools appropriate for the repair, replacement and adjustment of heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems.
Method of assessment
Assessment must satisfy the endorsed Assessment Guidelines of this Training Package.
Assessment methods must confirm consistency and accuracy of performance (over time and in a range of workplace relevant contexts) together with the application of required skills and knowledge.
Assessment methods must be by direct observation of tasks and include questioning on required skills and knowledge to ensure correct interpretation and application.
Competence in this unit may be assessed in conjunction with other units which together form part of a holistic work role.
Where applicable, reasonable adjustment must be made to work environments and training situations to accommodate the needs of diverse clients.
Assessment processes and techniques must be culturally sensitive and appropriate to the language, literacy and numeracy capacity of the candidate and the work being performed.
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.
Workplace instructions may include:
• computer-generated instructions
• verbal instructions
• written instructions.
Job requirements may include:
• heavy vehicle braking system diagnosis and repair methods, processes and equipment.
Workplace health and safety (WHS) requirements:
• are those prescribed under legislation, regulations, codes of practice, and workplace policies and procedures
• may include:
• protective clothing and equipment
• use of tools and equipment
• handling of material
• use of fire-fighting equipment
• first aid equipment
• hazard control, including control of hazardous materials and toxic substances.
Procedures and information may include:
• verbal, written and graphical instructions
• signage
• work schedules, plans and specifications
• work bulletins or memos
• material safety data sheets (MSDS)
• diagrams or sketches
• safe work procedures relating to the repair and replacement of heavy vehicle hydraulic braking systems
• regulatory and legislative requirements relating to the automotive industry
• Australian Design Rules
• Engineer’s design specifications and instructions
• organisational work specifications and requirements
• instructions issued by authorised workplace or external persons
• Australian standards
• heavy vehicle hydraulic brake service requirements and repair manuals.
Diagnostic tests may include:
• visual inspection of braking system components
• measurement of linkage and actuator adjustments
• disc rotor thickness, parallelism and run-out measurements
• brake drum diameter, out-of-round, and bell-mouthing measurements
• brake fluid evaluation
Faults may include:
• poor braking performance
• braking system leaks
• dragging brakes
• excessive braking pedal travel
• abnormal braking system noise
• worn, damaged or badly-adjusted components.
Repair options may include:
• component repair procedures, including:
• removal, replacement and adjustment procedures
• dismantle, repair, re-assembly and adjustment procedures.
Post-repair testing may include:
• mobile or stationary tests to evaluate braking system performance.
Unit Sector(s)
Competency field Mechanical – Heavy Vehicle
Unit sector Technical - Brakes
I graduated Foreign Language Institute in 1994 and was employed by Mongolian News Agency - MONTSAME as a foreign political news translator. Then I changed my work and was employed as a Local Coordinator for Environmental Awareness Raising project of EU's TACIS program. During this project, our team organized an Open Parliamentary Meeting on halting illegal timber activities and it was successful. After these employment I became a freelance translator at Translation Bureau Shangai, located in Ulan Bator city.
As my friend invited in 2008, I together with my family moved to Gobisumber province to cooperate in establishing a new TVET school there. During this time, my school introduced new training curricula - Competency-Based Training and all related training documents were translated into Mongolian.
Now I am working in a private company as a High Risk trainer.
I like doing translation as these works encourage me and provide broad new knowledge.