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Translation Volume: 2 days Completed: Oct 2017 Languages: English to Malay
Three page translation of waiver agreement
Law (general)
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Translation Volume: 900 words Languages: English to Malay
Working on 900 words legal document related to Resale Price Maintenance
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English to Malay: Maritime Spatial Planning General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Source text - English The requirements of the shipping industry need to be balanced nationally and internationally in relation to other interests in respect of safety requirements, accessibility and environmental impact. Effective planning of shipping channels and routes and supporting infrastructure on land would help to reduce the burden on the environment and increase the volumes of cargo and passenger traffic.
Shipping constitutes a traditional activity at sea and is likely to be affected by other new or expanded uses of the sea demanding space that imply less flexibility for the shipping. In some cases it may also result in limiting the space for shipping as other uses of marine space or protection of areas for fish habitats is recommended through a MSP process.
Challenging questions:
There is an increase of activities at sea and we expect more competition of space. For instance, a country can allocate space for off shore windparks, protected areas etc. that may influence the location/width/passage of shipping route.
1. What is required in the Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning processes in order to consider the shipping interests of other countries?
2. Under what kind of circumstances shipping stakeholders are ready to make changes in the existing shipping routes locations?
3. What are the best ways of involving shipping stakeholders in the Maritime Spatial Planning processes of the Baltic countries?
4. What kind of additional research is required from the perspective of shipping?
Translation - Malay Keperluan industri perkapalan perlu diseimbangkan pada peringkat nasional dan antarabangsa sehubungan dengan kepentingan lain yang berkaitan seperti keperluan keselamatan, kebolehcapaian dan impak terhadap alam sekitar. Rancangan berkesan saluran dan laluan perkapalan serta infrastruktur sokongan di darat bakal membantu mengurangkan beban alam sekitar dan meningkatkan kadar lalu lintas kapal kargo dan kapal penumpang.
Perkapalan merupakan aktiviti tradisional di laut dan besar kemungkinan terkesan oleh kegunaan baharu dan tambahan lain di laut yang menuntut ruang, mengakibatkan kurangnya fleksibiliti untuk perkapalan. Sesetengah kes mungkin juga berakhir dengan pengehadan ruang perkapalan kerana penggunaan marin yang lain atau perlindungan kawasan habitat ikan disyorkan menerusi proses MSP (Rancangan Ruang Maritim).
Persoalan mencabar:
Aktiviti di laut kini semakin bertambah dan kami menjangkakan lebih banyak persaingan ruang. Contohnya, sebuah negara boleh memperuntukkan ruang untuk ladang angin lepas pantai, kawasan perlindungan dll. yang mungkin mempengaruhi lokasi/keluasan/laluan perjalanan kapal.
1. Apakah yang diperlukan dalam proses Rancangan Ruang Maritim Baltik bagi menimbangkan kepentingan perkapalan negara lain?
2. Dalam keadaan berbentuk bagaimanakah pemegang taruh perkapalan bersedia untuk membuat perubahan terhadap lokasi laluan perkapalan sedia ada?
3. Apakah cara terbaik untuk melibatkan pemegang taruh perkapalan dalam proses Rancangan Ruang Maritim di negara-negara Baltik?
4. Apakah bentuk penyelidikan tambahan yang diperlukan daripada perspektif dunia perkapalan?
English to Malay: Games App (Mobile) General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English Go through a unique set of challenges to reach the ultimate goal.
Are you an arcade game lover? [Confidential] throws you straight into the deep-end with a flurry of challenges that’ll keep you hooked for hours on end!
A multi-faceted arcade gaming experience that continues to be developed and added to regularly, [Confidential] has something for everyone, entertaining players of all ages whether you’re looking for a long gaming session or you need to kill some time waiting for your bus.
Expect to have your hands full with [Confidential] as it puts all your skills to the test. Navigate your way down long stairways while dodging various obstacles, dart through complex mazes and complete a host of additional challenges while showcasing your quick movements and sharp reflexes. Playing [Confidential] is an exercise in concentration, with an array of creative ways to work both your mind and your fingers.
If you’re looking for a unique gaming experience that promises hours of fun without the excitement letting up, [Confidential] is for you.
So what are you waiting for? Clear your schedule and download [Confidential] for free today!
• This app may require read and write permissions to your storage for score share feature
Translation - Malay Lepasi set cabaran unik hingga sampai ke matlamat terakhir.
Anda peminat permainan arked? [Confidential] akan buat anda terkapai-kapai dengan cabaran menggelabahkan sampai berjam-jam!
Pengalaman permainan arked dengan pelbagai rupa cabaran yang sentiasa dibina dan dibangunkan secara berterusan, [Confidential] menawarkan pilihan untuk semua, menghiburkan pemain tak kira usia sama ada untuk sesi yang panjang atau sambil menunggu bas.
Tengok saja nanti tangan anda akan penuh dengan [Confidential], sebab [Confidential] akan menguji segala kemahiran anda. Turun di tangga yang tinggi sambil mengelak halangan, meluru pada jalan berliku-liku dan selesaikan cabaran-cabaran lain sambil menunjukkan gerakan pantas dan tindak balas tepat. Bermain [Confidential] boleh menambah konsentrasi, dan memberi peluang kepada minda dan jari menjadi kreatif.
Jika anda mencari pengalaman permainan unik yang menjanjikan jam demi jam keseronokan tanpa henti, [Confidential] pasti pilihan anda.
Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Kosongkan jadual anda untuk muat turun percuma [Confidential] hari ini.
App ini mungkin akan memerlukan kebenaran baca dan tulis pada storan anda untuk ciri perkongsian markah
Malay to English: Perpustakaan Awam Islam General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Malay Abstrak. Era moden perpustakaan Islam yang dapat dirujuk sebagai latar belakang diwakili oleh perpustakaan akademik di barat. Perpustakaan Islam akademik di Malaysia bermula lebih awal berbanding idea pembentukan Perpustakaan Awam Islam (PAI) sekitar tahun 1975 dengan diikuti perancangannya pada tahun 1978. PAI telah ditubuhkan untuk menyediakan akses kepada sumber-sumber pengetahuan yang berwibawa bagi menyokong perkembangan agama Islam di Malaysia. Tujuan utama koleksi PAI adalah untuk langkah mengukuhkan akidah rakyat. Kewujudan bersama dengan muzium Islam dan sebuah balai cerap astronomi telah direka untuk menekankan konsep hab pengetahuan budaya dan tamadun Islam. Maklumat berkenaan PAI sangat sedikit menyebabkan penubuhan dan perkembangannya kelihatan hilang daripada profil kepustakawanan Malaysia. Kertas kerja ini mengumpul data dan maklumat, termasuk kajian deskriptif berkenaan PAI. Kajian ini telah dijalankan melalui penyelidikan perpustakaan dan temu bual dengan Wan Alias Wan Abdullah sebagai perintis, Samsiah Sanat (kakitangan pengasas yang masih bekerja di PAI) dan dua pustakawan semasa. Penilaian ke atas pertumbuhan dan pendekatan yang diambil dalam membangunkan PAI, mendapati bahawa struktur organisasi dan sumber kakitangan memberi kesan kepada pembangunan PAI. Objektif untuk membangunkan masyarakat dan negara melalui perkhidmatan perpustakaan perlu dilakukan dengan cara yang terancang dan profesional. PAI telah dikenali sebagai perpustakaan penyelidikan awam di negara ini dan bermula dengan perlaksanaan yang baik dalam peranannya membangunkan perpustakaan masjid. Potensi PAI perlu dibangunkan sepenuhnya dan diletakkan dalam persekitaran yang dinamik untuk berkembang dalam kedudukan sebagai perpustakaan Islam utama. Kehadirannya dalam sistem perpustakaan Malaysia perlu diberi fokus supaya PAI boleh mencapai objektifnya dan diangkat sebagai perpustakaan khusus negara serta dikenali oleh negara-negara Islam.
Katakunci: Kepustakawanan Malaysia; Perpustakaan Awam Islam; Perpustakaan Islam; Perpustakaan khusus negara; Perpustakaan masjid; Wan Alias Wan Abdullah;
Translation - English Abstract. The historical background of Islamic libraries during modern era can be traced back to Western academic libraries. Islamic academic libraries were developed earlier in Malaysia, compared to the idea of Public Islamic Library (PIL) which emerged in 1975, followed by actual implementation in 1978. The establishment of PIL was meant to provide access to credible resources in support of Islamic development in Malaysia. The main objective of the collection is to strengthen the beliefs of the Muslim population. Existence of PIL, side by side with Islamic museum and astronomical observatory in one space, is to stress the cultural and civilizational aspects of the religion. The scarcity of the information about PIL caused it to be buried away from the concerns of the librarianship in Malaysia. This paper collects the data and information about PIL, including the descriptive study already taken. This study was made possible by library visits and interviews with Wan Alias Wan Abdullah as the forerunner, Samsiah Sanat (as an officer still in charge of PIL) and two current librarians. Evaluation on growth and approaches taken towards realizing and developing PIL, found that structural organisation and staffing sources are affecting PIL successful development. Decision to develop society and country through library services must be well-planned and professionally executed. PIL has been known as public research library in Malaysia, with its successful inception of mosque libraries. The potential that PIL has, should be fully developed and be put in dynamic environment in order for it to be the main model of Islamic library. Its presence as part of library system in Malaysia should be highlighted so that PIL can reach its objectives and brought forward as a type of special library in Malaysia, to finally be an accepted model among Islamic countries.
Keywords: Malaysian librarianship; Public Islamic Library; Islamic libraries; national special library; mosque libraries; Wan Alias Wan Abdullah.
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Oct 2017.
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As a former academic librarian with legal education and more than 30 publications in local mainstream media, I look forward to channel my passion in language and translation to achieve clients' satisfaction. My writing life contributes immensely towards the flair of expression and accuracy of meaning that I always strive for when translating. Meticulousness, as a librarian's required skill, also applies to my current vocation.
I have been professionally involved in translation of marketing and legal documents, business news releases, biographical works, academic articles, e-training platform, political campaign tweets and app localization. In one-and-a-half-year of translating full-time, I have translated more than 150,000 source words with excellent feedbacks from my clients.
Localization of website (February 2020)
Platform to sell businesses (2581 words)
Transcreation of Children's Literature (June 2019-January 2020)
One of 5 translators involved in transcreation 12 pictorial books for Malaysian children.
UA/UI for IT software (December 2019-current)
Intermittent assignments (currently more than 5,000 words)
Marketing platform of an app (December 2019-current)
Ongoing assignments (currently more than 10,000 words)
Academic articles (December 2019-February 2020)
Translated 2 social science articles on Muslim reverts and waiting period of divorced Muslim women.
Academic articles (Aug 2018)
10-page article on sources of income from Islamic perspective.
Breastfeeding Booklet (July 2018)
28-page breastfeeding guide from Malay to English.
App localization - iOS & Android (Apr. 2018)
Video and audio editing app. Total words: 2,865.
Health and Finance Bulletin (Mar. to Apr. 2018)
Psychological health and finance advice bulletins. Total words: 3,187
Online Training Platform (1-13 Apr. 2018)
Online training platform for marketers, including .srt files, videos, hand-outs, etc. Total words: 10,763.
Business Press Releases (Oct. 2017 to Feb. 2018)
Small-scale press releases between 400 to 800 words per day on color technology, e-learning, pharmaceutical breakthroughs, autoshow, manufacturing, disruptive products, power plant technology, and financial services. Total words: 50,080.
Legal Documents (Oct. 2017)
Legal documents including certificates for foreign workers and medical practice, also waiver agreements for extreme sports.
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Keywords: malay, english, information technology, library, legal, history, social science, information science, localization, IT. See more.malay, english, information technology, library, legal, history, social science, information science, localization, IT, website, applications. See less.
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