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Spanish to English: Piece on Technology in Business General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Spanish Su innovación socio-tecnológica representa la tercera revolución industrial. Una revolución que conlleva la creación de lo equivalente a la línea de ensamblaje, pero para la información. Entender en qué consiste la creación de esta línea de ensamblaje de la era digital nos ayuda a imaginar el futuro del empleo.
El primer paso para crear una línea digital de ensamblaje, es tener una interfaz que encapsule complicados procesos de logística en una simple acción. Por ejemplo, puede ser un simple botón que nos permite pedir un taxi en una aplicación como la de Uber. El segundo paso consiste en identificar microtareas de flujos de trabajo que controlen a los recursos físicos y humanos. Por ejemplo, en el caso de una carrera de taxi podemos distinguir tareas tales como identificar dónde se encuentra el pasajero, a dónde se dirige, asignarle un vehículo y conducirlo por las calles. El tercer paso es automatizar algunas de esas microtareas.
Translation - English Their socio-technological innovation represents the third industrial revolution, one that brings with it the creation of the modern equivalent of the assembly line, but for information. Understanding the creation of this digital age assembly line helps us to imagine the future of employment.
The first step in creating a digital assembly line is to have an interface that condenses complicated logistical processes into one simple action. For example, a single button that allows us to order a taxi through an application like Uber. The second step is to identify the microtasks of workflows that control physical and human resources. For example, in the case of a taxi journey we can distinguish tasks such as identifying where the passenger is, their destination, assigning a vehicle and driving it through the streets. The third step is to automate some of those microtasks.
German to English: Financial Marketing Piece General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - German
Die meisten der großen Sanierungsprojekte im Vereinigten Königreich werden von Privatunternehmen durchgeführt. Sie sind für internationale Investoren über eine Reihe von Sektoren im ganzen Vereinigten Königreich attraktiv. Der Verband für Sanierungsinvestition (RIO – Regeneration Investment Organisation) fungiert als ehrlicher Vermittler, indem er ausländische Investoren bei der Ermittlung, dem Verständnis und der Finanzierung dieser Projekte unterstützt. RIO hilft Investoren, den britischen Markt zu durchdringen und dort ihre Chancen zu nutzen; beispielsweise werden internationalen Investoren Sanierungsvorhaben wichtiger Städte, die es zu unterstützen gilt, vorgestellt.
Translation - English Most major redevelopment projects in the United Kingdom are carried out by private companies. These projects are attractive to international investors across a number of sectors throughout the UK. The Regeneration Investment Organisation (RIO) is an honest broker, helping foreign investors to identify, understand and get involved with these projects. RIO assists international investors in breaking into the British market and taking advantage of opportunities there by, for example, presenting them with renovation projects in key cities in need of financing.
German to English: Literary Piece for Travel Magazine General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - German Sssssst! Klack! Die Gondeltür ist geschlossen, die Skier stehen fest, auf geht’s zur ersten Abfahrt. Einmal in die Runde geschaut: Eine Ski-Familie mit zwei Kindern und zwei Jugendlichen. Bestens gelaunt. Er zeigt sich sofort, der klitzekleine, kinderleichte Unterschied zwischen einem einfachen Skitag und einem echten Erlebnistag. Das Spielerische ist bei den Kindern längst Ritual. Beim Fahren in der Gondel geben sich die Kleinsten vollkommen ungestört und pfeifen auf alles Unbedeutende um sie herum. Die durch den Atemhauch angelaufenen Scheiben tragen vergängliche Fingermalereien, und jeder Ruckler des Tragseils über die Stützrollen wird gezählt, ganz schnell: „Eins, zwei, drei …!“ Und ganz laut: „Acht! Es sind acht Stützräder …!“ Wunderbar, dieses Losgelöstsein, diese Achtsamkeit auf Kleinigkeiten.
Translation - English With a loud CLACK the gondola doors close. The skis stand tall in their box and off it goes, the first departure of the day. A quick look around. There is a family with their two children and two teenagers. They’re in a good mood, but their difference in attitude is obvious immediately. For the two oldest its a day on the slopes. But for the youngest, it’s a day of real adventure. Playfulness is a ritual amongst children, and these two are no different. Unperturbed by the gondola journey, they shriek and awe at everything in sight. The windows are covered in finger-paintings, created out of circles of breath, and every lurch over a support wheel is counted. “One… Two… Three…” And even louder: “Eight! There’s eight wheels!” It’s wonderful, this innocence, this attention to detail.
German to English: Recent Current Affairs Article General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - German Holger Münch, der seit 2014 als Präsident das Bundeskriminalamt in Wiesbaden leitet, lieferte im ersten Panel aktuelle Zahlen zur Entwicklung der einzelnen Extremismusformen in Deutschland. Die Anzahl von Gewalttaten aus dem linksextremen Spektrum übertrifft die aus dem rechstextremen Spektrum. Aktuell ist ein deutlicher Anstieg politisch motivierter Straftaten durch rechtsextreme Täter festzustellen. Die Zahl fremdenfeindlicher Delikte, beispielsweise Brandanschläge auf Flüchtlingsunterkünfte, oder politisch motivierte Gewalt gegen Lokalpolitiker ist im letzten Jahr um 80 Prozent gestiegen. Bei den Tätern handelt es sich laut Holger Münch oftmals um Einzeltäter aus der unmittelbaren Umgebung, die in der Hälfte aller Fälle der Polizei vorher nicht bekannt waren.
Translation - English Holger Münch, who has been the President of the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden since 2014, provided the first panel with current figures on the development of individual forms of extremism in Germany. The number of violent acts from the left-extremity of the spectrum surpasses that of the right-extremity. There is currently a sharp rise in politically motivated crimes by right-wing extremists. The number of xenophobic offences, for example fire attacks on refugee shelters or politically motivated violence against local politicians, has risen 80 percent in the last year. According to Holger Münch, the perpetrators in half of all of these cases are individuals who were not known to the police before.
Spanish to English: Interview from Seminal Spanish Magazine General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Spanish Una de las máximas de los empresarios a la hora de invertir es la seguridad jurídica de un país, ¿cree que Cuba ofrece plenas garantías para afrontar inversiones?
Ni Baleària ni ninguna empresa seria invierte en un país si no encuentra garantías jurídicas suficientes. En Cuba están instaladas importantes empresas españolas del sector turístico. Los ministros Luis de Guindos y José Manuel Soria han realizado viajes a Cuba recientemente, igual que el Secretario de Estado de Comercio, Jaime Garcia-Legaz. Nadie discute hoy en el mundo las oportunidades de inversión que se abren en Cuba con la normalización de relaciones con los EEUU.
¿No le da miedo invertir en América Latina con las malas experiencias que han tenido otras empresas que han ido allí?
El riesgo es algo indisociable de la aventura empresarial, sin ello el mundo no avanzaría. Como empresa ponderamos riesgos para después tomar nuestras decisiones. Pero resulta innegable que el crecimiento económico de España pasa por las relaciones comerciales con América. Se ha de entender que Cristóbal Colón también ponderó el riesgo en su primer viaje hacia el descubrimiento.
Translation - English One of the key consideration for companies when investing is the legal stability of a country. Do you think Cuba offers sufficient guarantees to support investment?
No serious company, including Baleària, invests in a country without sufficient legal guarantees. There are many important Spanish companies already working in the tourism sector in Cuba. Economy Minister Luis de Guindos and Industry Minister Jose Manuel Soria have traveled to Cuba recently, as has the Secretary of State for Trade, Jaime Garcia-Legaz. No one questions the world of investment opportunities that are opening up in Cuba with the normalisation of relations with the USA.
Are you worried by the bad experiences that other companies have recently had after expanding into Latin America?
Risk is inseparable from business venture, but without business the world would not advance. As a company we weigh up the risks and then make our decisions. But it is undeniable that economic growth in Spain hinges on trade relations with America. Even Christopher Columbus weighed up the risks of his first voyage to the New World.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Heriot-Watt University
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Jul 2017.
I am a freelance translator and copywriter, operating out of Edinburgh, Scotland, working with both agencies and private clients. My working language pairs are German to English and Spanish to English.
I obtained my Masters in Translation at Heriot-Watt University and also spent time at Universität Leipzig and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
My specialities include Journalism, Economics, Finance, Advertising, Public Relations, Tourism, Travel and Publishing. Fields of interest further include Cinema, Film, TV, Games and Video Games.
Professional experience in Translation, Proofreading, Reviewing, Copywriting and MTPE.
Please visit my LinkedIn or have a look at my CV for more information.