I am an ATA-certified English to Swedish translator with an extensive background in finance and banking. I translate in a variety of fields, including material that requires a finance professional’s in-depth knowledge of the industry. After earning a graduate degree in Economics, I worked for nearly a decade as a fund analyst, financial consultant, and senior financial analyst for international banks in Sweden and abroad. Since then, I have lived and worked in an English-speaking environment for 15+ years, giving me a high degree of expertise in both languages and cultures.
Since 2016, I have been working to produce clear and accurate translations from English into Swedish. Through my involvement with Swedish organizations abroad and my frequent visits to the country, I have close and up-to-date contact with Swedish culture and contemporary language.
Professional memberships:
Associate, American Translators Association (ATA), USA
Associate, Delaware Valley Translators Association (DVTA), USA.
BA in English, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
MS in Economics, Lund University, Sweden
MS in Social Science, Lund University, Sweden |