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English to Italian: Citazione / Writ of Summons Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English TRIBUNALE CIVILE DI _______
_______ spa , con sede in _______ , _______ ( CF e P.Iva _______ ), iscritta nel Registro delle imprese presso la CCIAA di _______al n° _______aderente al Fondo Interbancario di tutela dei depositi , in persona del _______, quale Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione , rappresentata e difesa dall'Avv. _______i ed elettivamente domiciliata presso il suo studio in _______, giusta procura generale alle liti rilasciata per atto del Notaio _______ di _______, Rep. n° _______, Raccolta n° _______, (all- sub 1) ;
la istante è creditrice. nei confronti della __ _______ , residente a _______, della somma di Euro 13.832,30 oltre interessi al tasso del 8% così specificata :
- Euro 4.954,01 per esposizione diretta a nome del _______ di cui 4.131,66 per sorte capitale , euro 168,53 per spese di protesto , Euro 317,85 per interessi di mora calcolati al tasso del 8% dal --/--/---- al --/--/---- e Euro 335,97 per saldo debitore del c/c _______ intestato al _______ _______ , oltre interessi al tasso del 8% dal -/-/---- al saldo ;
- Euro 8.878,29 per saldo debitore del c.c. n° _______intestato alla _______ snc oltre interessi da -/-/---- al tasso del 8% sino al saldo , somma che rappresenta il saldo debitore registrato alla data del --/--/---- nel conto corrente della _______, Agenzia di _______ , conto contraddistinto con la sigla _______ intestato al suddetto debitore ;
- In forza della predetta esposizione debitoria personale e della garanzia prestata in favore della _______ snc dichiarata fallita dal Tribunale di _______in data --/--/---- , la _______ spa chiedeva ed otteneva dal Tribunale di _______- Sezione Distaccata di _______ decreto di ingiunzione nn° _______ per l'importo complessivo di Euro 13.832,30 , oltre interessi e spese legali pari a euro 792,69, notificato in forma esecutiva alla debitore in data --/--/----, il quale non veniva opposto dalla __ _______ e diveniva irrevocabile il --/--/----.
- Dopo gli intervenuti protesti e nell’imminenza delle legittime azioni della
creditrice , la debitrice _______disponeva però del proprio patrimonio, alienando a terzi l’immobile di cui era proprietaria per la quota di ½ , con ciò annullando completamente la garanzia offerta alla esponente .
Translation - Italian ¬¬¬¬_______ CIVIL COURT
_______ spa, headquartered in ___ ___Tax Code and VAT Registration Number ______), enrollment No. ____ in the Register of Business with the _____ CCIAA (Chamber of Commerce for Industry, Agriculture and Handicraft), undersigning the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi (Interbank Deposit Protection Fund) in the person of _______, Chairman of the Board of Directors, represented and defended by counsel _______, domiciled at her office in ___ ____, under the general warrant of attorney issued in writ by the Public Notary _______ of ___, Reg. No. ___, Volume No. ___ (Attach. sub 1);
the plaintiff is in debt with __. _______, residing in _______, in the amount of EUR 13,832.30, as well as 8% interest, being:
- EUR 4,954.01 for direct exposure on behalf of _______ of which 4,131.66 as capital, EUR 168.53 for protest of bills, EUR 317.85 for interests in arrears calculated at 8% from --/--/---- to --/--/----, and EUR 335.97 for debit balance of current account number ___ registered to _______ belonging to _______, as well as interests calculated at the rate of 8% from -/-/---- to settlement of the balance;
- EUR 8,878.29 for the debit balance of current account number _____ registered to ___belonging to _______ snc, as well as interests from -/-/---- calculated at the rate of 8% up to settlement of the balance, the amount representing the debit balance registered on --/--/---- in the current account at the ___ of ___, identified by the code _____ and registered to the above-named debtor;
- As a result of the personal direct exposure and the security given in favor of ___ belonging to _______ snc declared bankrupt by the Court of _____ on --/--/----, the _______ spa asked for and was granted by the Court of _____ _____ Court Division – an injunction, No. _____, for the total amount of EUR 13,832.30, as well as interests and legal expenses equal to EUR 792.69, the debtor being notified of the enforceable injunction on --/--/----, which was not contested by __. _____ and which became irrevocable on --/--/----.
- Following protests and given the imminent legitimate actions of the creditor, the debtor, __. _____, however, ceded half the property of which she was the owner to third parties and, in so doing, she wholly annulled the security offered to the plaintiff.
We are a freelance bilingual duo (Italian mother tongue & English mother tongue) with 10+ years of experience, working together to ensure complete and thorough understanding of both source and target languages for our clients.
Our service include translation + internal review.
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