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Spanish to English: Más allá de la decarbonización/Beyond Decarbonizing (Ecologistas en Acción) Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Spanish Un marco regulatorio que proteja a la ciudadanía
Hasta el momento, se ha evidenciado una clara incapacidad de los gobiernos y las instituciones europeas para desarrollar una regulación armonizada y coherente en esta materia, con normas inconexas entre sí y escasa concordancia entre fines y medios, y confiando exclusivamente en medidas basadas en mercados como el de carbono. Es necesario poder asegurar que los fondos públicos europeos vayan a proyectos verdaderamente sostenibles y huir de la tendencia marcada por determinadas normas, como el Plan Industrial del Pacto Verde (GDIP) , la Ley sobre industria de cero emisiones netas (NZIA) o la Ley Europea de Materias Primas Fundamentales (CMR) , que parecen más orientadas a incrementar la competitividad empresarial y asegurar la acumulación capitalista que a alcanzar los objetivos medioambientales.
Las subvenciones deben estar condicionadas a determinados criterios, como límites a la descentralización de los procesos, programas de buenas prácticas o la estabilidad en el empleo -con programas de reciclaje para mantener la plantilla-, tanto en el momento de la adjudicación como durante el posterior control de los proyectos beneficiarios. Para ello, debe configurarse un sistema de indicadores claros y estrictos e implantarse un instrumento independiente que audite el cumplimiento de los mismos.
Para acercar la industria a los puntos de consumo-generación y evitar que industrias se asienten en otros países con una regulación medioambiental y social más laxa o inexistente, deben implantarse mecanismos de ajuste de carbono en las fronteras y establecerse por ley un sistema de trazabilidad que permita a los consumidores conocer el origen, proceso e impacto de los productos o servicios que está adquiriendo. También debe ponerse en marcha un sistema de sanciones que desincentive las posibles fugas y que proteja a la ciudadanía, ofreciendo herramientas de denuncia y compensación que pueda dirigir tanto a las empresas contaminantes como a las administraciones que han posibilitado esa contaminación.
Translation - English A Regulatory Framework to Protect Citizens
To date, European governments and institutions have become evidently incapable of developing coherent and harmonious regulations on this matter, with mutually incompatible regulations lacking alignment with ends and means and being heavily reliant on market-based measures related to carbon. It is necessary to ensure European public funding is allocated to truly sustainable projects, and to part ways with tendencies marked by certain standards, such as the Green Deal Industrial Plan (GDIP) , the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) or the Conflict Minerals Regulation (CMR), which seem beset on increasing enterprise competitiveness and capital accumulation rather than on reaching environmental goals.
Subventions should be conditional on certain criteria, such as limits to processes relocation, good practice programs, and employment stability—with retraining and reskilling programs to sustain payrolls—both when awarded as well as during its subsequent management. To do so, a clear and strict indicator system must be developed alongside an independent instrument aimed at auditing its compliance.
To bring industry closer to consumption and generation points while avoiding relocating to other countries with more permissive or inexistent environmental regulations, carbon adjustment mechanisms should be implemented between borders, and a tracking system should be adopted allowing consumers to learn the origin, process and impact of the products and services being acquired. A sanction system should also be introduced to detract potential leakage and protect citizens by offering reporting and compensation tools to address polluting companies as well as any administration which allowed pollution to occur.
English to Spanish: In ag, the only constant is change/En agricultura, la única constante es el cambio (TED Talk) General field: Science Detailed field: Agriculture
Source text - English
[11] 00:00:45.178 [1354] --> 00:00:47.114 [1412]
And that change was necessary
[12] 00:00:47.548 [1425] --> 00:00:50.717 [1520]
as we went from X number
of people in the world
[13] 00:00:51.018 [1529] --> 00:00:54.888 [1645]
to line of sight on 10 billion people
in this world by 2050.
[14] 00:00:55.355 [1659] --> 00:00:58.959 [1767]
So as I thought about today, and thought
about how do we walk through that
[15] 00:00:58.959 [1767] --> 00:01:02.162 [1863]
and talk about the opportunity
to continue doing,
[16] 00:01:02.329 [1868] --> 00:01:04.865 [1944]
in a more sustainable way, agriculture,
[17] 00:01:05.432 [1961] --> 00:01:06.934 [2006]
I thought about three things:
[18] 00:01:06.934 [2006] --> 00:01:10.537 [2114]
One: Where have we come from?
Where are we today and where are we going?
[19] 00:01:11.238 [2135] --> 00:01:17.477 [2322]
And how do we look over the horizon
at what can be rather than what is today?
[20] 00:01:17.678 [2328] --> 00:01:20.714 [2419]
And so I thought about my family
and my family farm;
[21] 00:01:20.747 [2420] --> 00:01:22.950 [2486]
growing up on a 300 acre farm,
[22] 00:01:23.550 [2504] --> 00:01:28.221 [2644]
and when my father left for World War II,
they were farming with horses.
[23] 00:01:29.222 [2674] --> 00:01:32.726 [2779]
When he came back,
they didn’t farm with horses,
[24] 00:01:32.726 [2779] --> 00:01:35.762 [2870]
they had a John Deere B tractor
with a four-row planter,
[25] 00:01:37.431 [2920] --> 00:01:43.036 [3088]
today, we farm that farm with a high-speed
John Deere 90-foot planter.
[26] 00:01:44.338 [3127] --> 00:01:49.376 [3278]
The old planter that he farmed with
for decades would plant 25 acres a day,
[27] 00:01:50.444 [3310] --> 00:01:55.048 [3448]
the new planter plants 75 acres an hour
or 1000 acres a day.
[28] 00:01:56.049 [3478] --> 00:01:59.620 [3585]
And the tradition in agriculture
that’s really been important for the world
[29] 00:01:59.620 [3585] --> 00:02:02.122 [3660]
is how do we produce more with less,
[30] 00:02:03.190 [3692] --> 00:02:05.192 [3752]
the very definition of sustainability,
[31] 00:02:05.959 [3775] --> 00:02:09.396 [3878]
and today we define that as:
how do we lower the carbon score
[32] 00:02:09.463 [3880] --> 00:02:13.767 [4009]
and improve the environment
by making every acre more productive?
[33] 00:02:15.002 [4046] --> 00:02:17.971 [4135]
And so as we think about that,
it wasn’t just the planter
[34] 00:02:17.971 [4135] --> 00:02:20.540 [4212]
and the innovation
and the science and technology
[35] 00:02:20.540 [4212] --> 00:02:23.276 [4294]
that went into that
to improve productivity,
[36] 00:02:23.944 [4314] --> 00:02:27.981 [4435]
it was also what went into that planter
and into the ground in the seed,
[37] 00:02:28.448 [4449] --> 00:02:30.484 [4510]
and in terms of the seed genetics,
[38] 00:02:30.617 [4514] --> 00:02:34.621 [4634]
and what’s happened
to improve yields on every acre.
[39] 00:02:34.855 [4641] --> 00:02:39.593 [4783]
So if we think about
in the 1950s and 60s, when he was using
[40] 00:02:39.593 [4783] --> 00:02:42.262 [4863]
that John Deere B four-row planter,
[41] 00:02:43.497 [4900] --> 00:02:46.266 [4983]
yields in the US were
about 50 bushel an acre.
[42] 00:02:47.300 [5014] --> 00:02:50.170 [5100]
Today, they are 250 bushel an acre
[43] 00:02:50.504 [5110] --> 00:02:52.906 [5182]
because of the investment
in seed technology.
[44] 00:02:53.273 [5193] --> 00:02:57.711 [5326]
Back to how do we produce more with less
on that acre of arable ground
[45] 00:02:58.311 [5344] --> 00:03:02.282 [5463]
when over time,
as population has increased,
[46] 00:03:02.549 [5471] --> 00:03:06.520 [5590]
we have fewer acres
per capita of population,
[47] 00:03:06.520 [5590] --> 00:03:10.257 [5702]
so it’s really necessary
that we increase production
[48] 00:03:10.857 [5720] --> 00:03:13.026 [5785]
so we have enough food for the world.
[49] 00:03:13.026 [5785] --> 00:03:16.096 [5877]
And what’s resulted in all that is today,
[50] 00:03:16.730 [5896] --> 00:03:21.601 [6042]
instead of 2000 calories per person
in the world, we have 3000 calories,
[51] 00:03:22.035 [6055] --> 00:03:24.171 [6119]
and because of that improvement,
[52] 00:03:24.471 [6128] --> 00:03:28.708 [6255]
we’ve been able to do other things
with crops like create renewable energy
[53] 00:03:28.708 [6255] --> 00:03:31.478 [6338]
and biofuels from that crop
[54] 00:03:31.645 [6343] --> 00:03:34.347 [6424]
in addition to feeding
the world’s population.
Translation - Spanish
[11] 00:00:45.178 [1354] --> 00:00:47.114 [1412]
El cambio fue necesario
[12] 00:00:47.548 [1425] --> 00:00:50.717 [1520]
al pasar de un número «x»
de población mundial
[13] 00:00:51.018 [1529] --> 00:00:54.888 [1645]
a una cantidad previsible de
10 mil millones hacia el 2050.
[14] 00:00:55.355 [1659] --> 00:00:58.959 [1767]
Entonces, al pensar en el hoy,
en cómo navegar eso,
[15] 00:00:58.959 [1767] --> 00:01:02.162 [1863]
y en la oportunidad de
seguir haciendo de esto
[16] 00:01:02.329 [1868] --> 00:01:04.865 [1944]
una agricultura más sustentable,
[17] 00:01:05.432 [1961] --> 00:01:06.934 [2006]
pensé en tres cosas:
[18] 00:01:06.934 [2006] --> 00:01:10.537 [2114]
¿de dónde venimos,
dónde estamos hoy y hacia dónde vamos?
[19] 00:01:11.238 [2135] --> 00:01:17.477 [2322]
Y, ¿cómo podemos mirar más allá
a lo que podría ser, en vez de lo que es?
[20] 00:01:17.678 [2328] --> 00:01:20.714 [2419]
Así que pensé en mi familia
y en mi granja familiar
[21] 00:01:20.747 [2420] --> 00:01:22.950 [2486]
de 120 hectáreas donde crecí.
[22] 00:01:23.550 [2504] --> 00:01:28.221 [2644]
Mi padre sembraba a caballo
antes de ir a la 2da Guerra Mundial.
[23] 00:01:29.222 [2674] --> 00:01:32.726 [2779]
Cuando regresó,
ya no usaban caballos,
[24] 00:01:32.726 [2779] --> 00:01:35.762 [2870]
sino un tractor John Deere B
con un sembrador de cuatro filas.
[25] 00:01:37.431 [2920] --> 00:01:43.036 [3088]
Hoy sembramos con un John Deere
de alta velocidad, de 27 metros de alto.
[26] 00:01:44.338 [3127] --> 00:01:49.376 [3278]
El sembrador viejo que usó por décadas
plantaba 10 ha por día.
[27] 00:01:50.444 [3310] --> 00:01:55.048 [3448]
El nuevo planta 30 ha por hora
o 1000 por día.
[28] 00:01:56.049 [3478] --> 00:01:59.620 [3585]
Y la costumbre más reconocida
de la agricultura a nivel mundial
[29] 00:01:59.620 [3585] --> 00:02:02.122 [3660]
es cómo producir más con menos,
[30] 00:02:03.190 [3692] --> 00:02:05.192 [3752]
la verdadera definición de sostenibilidad.
[31] 00:02:05.959 [3775] --> 00:02:09.396 [3878]
Hoy se define como:
¿cómo bajamos el índice de carbono
[32] 00:02:09.463 [3880] --> 00:02:13.767 [4009]
y mejoramos el medio ambiente
al hacer a cada hectárea más productiva?
[33] 00:02:15.002 [4046] --> 00:02:17.971 [4135]
Si lo pensamos,
no fue solo el sembrador
[34] 00:02:17.971 [4135] --> 00:02:20.540 [4212]
la innovación,
la ciencia y la tecnología
[35] 00:02:20.540 [4212] --> 00:02:23.276 [4294]
que se usaron
lo que aumentó la productividad,
[36] 00:02:23.944 [4314] --> 00:02:27.981 [4435]
sino también lo que encendía al sembrador
y lo que se enterraba con cada semilla
[37] 00:02:28.448 [4449] --> 00:02:30.484 [4510]
y lo que hacía su genética
[38] 00:02:30.617 [4514] --> 00:02:34.621 [4634]
para aumentar la productividad
en cada hectárea.
[39] 00:02:34.821 [4640] --> 00:02:38.191 [4741]
Si pensamos en las décadas
de 1950 y 60
[40] 00:02:38.191 [4741] --> 00:02:42.262 [4863]
cuando él usaba
el sembrador John Deere B de 4 filas,
[41] 00:02:43.497 [4900] --> 00:02:46.266 [4983]
la cosecha promedio en EEUU
era de 1 tonelada por hectárea.
[42] 00:02:47.300 [5014] --> 00:02:50.170 [5100]
Hoy es de 5 toneladas por hectárea
[43] 00:02:50.504 [5110] --> 00:02:52.906 [5182]
gracias a
la tecnología de semillas
[44] 00:02:53.273 [5193] --> 00:02:57.711 [5326]
con la premisa de
producir menos con más por hectárea
[45] 00:02:58.311 [5344] --> 00:03:02.282 [5463]
sabiendo que aumentó la población
[46] 00:03:02.549 [5471] --> 00:03:06.520 [5590]
y tenemos menos hectáreas
per cápita.
[47] 00:03:06.520 [5590] --> 00:03:10.257 [5702]
Es imperante que
aumentemos la producción
[48] 00:03:10.857 [5720] --> 00:03:13.026 [5785]
para proveer suficiente alimento
al mundo.
[49] 00:03:13.026 [5785] --> 00:03:16.096 [5877]
El resultado de esto hoy,
[50] 00:03:16.730 [5896] --> 00:03:21.601 [6042]
es que las 2000 calorías por persona
aumentaron a 3000,
[51] 00:03:22.035 [6055] --> 00:03:24.171 [6119]
y debido a esa mejora
[53] 00:03:28.708 [6255] --> 00:03:31.478 [6338]
y biocombustible
a partir de los cultivos
[54] 00:03:31.645 [6343] --> 00:03:34.347 [6424]
además de alimentar
a la población mundial.
English to Spanish: Lettuce Talk about Food Waste/«Tomate» el tiempo: hablemos del desperdicio alimentario (TED Talk) Detailed field: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Source text - English
[100] 00:06:09.803 [11083] --> 00:06:12.839 [11174]
And now a ton of zucchini
was homeless too.
[101] 00:06:14.474 [11223] --> 00:06:16.743 [11291]
This is where my logistic brain
comes in handy,
[102] 00:06:16.743 [11291] --> 00:06:19.312 [11368]
because these other problems
I like to solve.
[103] 00:06:19.479 [11373] --> 00:06:20.847 [11414]
Here’s what that looks like.
[104] 00:06:21.181 [11424] --> 00:06:24.217 [11515]
First, who needs
a literal ton of zucchini?
[105] 00:06:25.452 [11552] --> 00:06:28.822 [11653]
Who is willing to take this food
and how soon?
[106] 00:06:29.055 [11660] --> 00:06:34.894 [11835]
Who can store, process, cook and serve
or distribute these zucchinis to others?
[107] 00:06:35.128 [11842] --> 00:06:39.466 [11972]
And that’s not even to mention
the many practical considerations
[108] 00:06:39.466 [11972] --> 00:06:44.571 [12125]
that help us answer those questions like
storage space, temperature control,
[109] 00:06:44.838 [12133] --> 00:06:49.309 [12267]
variable shelf lives,
vehicles and fuel for transportation
[110] 00:06:49.442 [12271] --> 00:06:53.046 [12379]
and, of course, the people
who make all those stuffs happen.
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