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Nov 4, 2020 (posted Working hard on my MA in Translation German to English at the moment!:) Completing an amazing selection of translation projects - this week's is a critical essay by Klaus Anders
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English to Bulgarian: Overview of current legislation in the European Union on smoking General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - English Overview of current legislation in the European Union on smoking
Smoking and Tobacco
The EU Tobacco Products Directive introduced new and revised existing laws on the regulation of tobacco and cigarettes. The Directive regulates tobacco and smoking by: setting maximum emission levels for tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and other substances; requiring manufacturers and importers to report ingredients and emissions to competent authorities; prohibiting flavoured roll-your-own tobacco and cigarettes; initiating minimum packet coverage for health warnings; banning certain misleading descriptors on tobacco packaging; setting minimum cigarette pack sizes at 20 units and minimum roll-your-own tobacco bag sizes of 30g; introducing security features for the supply chain of tobacco products; allowing Member States to prohibit cross-border distance sales of tobacco products; and obliging manufacturers and importers of novel tobacco products to notify the competent authority six months before the intended placing on the market.
Translation - Bulgarian Общ преглед на действащото законодателство за тютюнопушене в Европейския Съюз
Пушене и тютюнeви изделия
Директивата на ЕС за Тютюневи изделия въведе нови и преработи съществуващите закони за регулиране на тютюна и цигарите. Директивата регулира тютюновите изделия и тютюнопушенето чрез: определяне на максимални нива на емисиите на катран, никотин, въглероден окис и други вещества; изискване от производителите и вносителите да докладват съставките и емисиите до компетентните органи; забраняване на ароматизирани тютюни и цигари; въвеждане на минимално покритие на опаковките със предупреждения за здравето; забрана на някои заблуждаващи описания върху тютюневите опаковки; определяне на минимален размер за цигарени кутии до 20 единици и минимален размер до 30гр за пакет тютюн; въвеждане на функции за сигурност за веригата за доставки на тютюневи изделия; позволяване на държавите-членки да забранят трансграничните продажби от разстояние на тютюневи изделия; и задължаване на производителите и вносителите на нови тютюневи изделия да уведомят съответните власти шест месеца преди пускането на продукта на пазара.
German to English: Northern Cyprus General field: Other Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - German Nordzypern
Weitaus komplizierter stellt sich die Lage in Bezug auf Zypern dar. Hier haben wir es mit einem offenen politischen Konflikt zu tun, der im Jahre 1975 zur Proklamation des „Türkischen Bundesstaates von Zypern“ führte. Dieser Staat ist seither nur von der türkischen Regierung anerkannt worden. Was war geschehen?
Die exponierte Lage Zyperns im Mittelmeer machte die Insel seit altershehr zum Spielball von Machtinteressen. Griechen, Römer, Araber, Türken, Kreuzritter, Venezianer und Briten wechselten einander als Herren ab. Die Bevölkerung bestand und besteht in der Mehrheit aus Griechen und in der Minderheit aus Türken. Im Jahre 1960 entstand in einer Übereinkunft der Garantiemächte Großbritannien, Türkei und Griechenland erstmals ein unabhängiger Staat Zypern. Alle drei genannten Länder sollten kleine Truppenverbände auf der Insel unterhalten, unter anderem die Grundlage für das Fortbestehen der beiden britischen Militärbasen. Das Verhältnis der Regierungs- und Ämterverteilung sollte 7:3 betragen. Unterschiedliche Interessen der Volksgruppen seit Jahrzehnten führten immer wieder zu teilweise blutigen Auseinandersetzungen.
Translation - English The situation in Cyprus is a very complicated one. In this case we are talking about an open political conflict, which led to the declaration of the “Turkish Federated state of Cyprus” in 1975. Since then this state has only been recognised by the Turkish government. What happened?
The exposed location of Cyprus in the Mediterranean has put the island at the mercy of political interests since ancient times. Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks, Crusaders, Venetians and the British have taken turns as rulers. The majority of the population has always been and still is Greek and the minority is Turkish. As a result of an agreement between the guarantors: Britain, Turkey and Greece the independent Republic of Cyprus was proclaimed for the first time in 1960. All three countries were supposed to maintain small troop units on the island, this was among other reasons the basis for the continued existence of both British military bases. The ratio between the government and administration distribution was supposed to be 7:3. The different interests of the ethnic minorities have for centuries led again and again to sometimes bloody conflicts.
English to Bulgarian: Charter for eco-friendly events General field: Other Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - English Charter for eco-friendly events
Events offer ephemeral opportunities for sharing, convey values, create social bonds and support local economy. Yet, they are also contributors to pollution and environmental pressure which directly and/or indirectly impact the marine environment.
"Company name", a key civil society player, also acts as a spokesperson for oceans, coastlines and the people who enjoy them, in every event in which it participates. As part of its initiative for guiding society through ecological transition and its mission to protect and preserve the marine environment, the Association presents its Eco-friendly Events Charter here below.
This Charter, which addresses the challenges of conserving natural resources, of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste generation, outlines 8 objectives to adopt to curb the event-related ecological footprint.
Rolling out this Charter calls for signatories to make an active, voluntary commitment. It implies compliance with these guidelines at every stage of the event (preparation, production, closing), bolstered by initiating overall management of our sustainable development initiative.
Translation - Bulgarian Харта за екологични мероприятия
Провеждането на екологични мероприятия предлага възможности за споделяне, изразяване на ценности, създаване на социални връзки и подкрепа на местната икономика. В същото време те допринасят до замърсяване на околната среда , което въздейства директно и/или косвено върху морската околна среда.
Сърфрайдер Фондация Европа, ключов участник в гражданското общество, по време на участието си във всяко мероприятие също действа в качеството на говорител за океаните, крайбрежните ивици и хората, които им се наслаждават. Като част от инициативата си за напътване на обществото чрез екологичен преход и мисията си за защита и закрила на морската околна среда, Асоциацията представя по-долу своята Харта за Екологични събития.
Тази Харта, която адресира предизвикателствата за опазването на природните ресурси, намаляване на емисиите на парникови газове и генериране на отпадъци, очертава 8 цели, които са приети, за да се намали екологичния отпечатък по врече на мероприятията.
Въвеждането на тази Харта призовава поддръжниците ѝ да поемат активно доброволно задължение. Това поставя изискване за съобразяване с тези насоки във всеки етап на мероприятието ( подготовка, производство, затваряне), подкрепени чрез въвеждането на общо управление на нашата инициатива за устойчиво развитие.
My love affair with languages started at the age of 13 and 30 years and 6 languages later I am still spellbound!
I have a professional background in education, banking and tourism industry where I have had the opportunities to hone my language skills.
I am an ardent reader and enjoy the challenge of translating literature/ journalism and so facilitating the understanding between peoples of different cultures, backgrounds and beliefs.
As a strong believer that we can still do something about our planet I love working on environmental and ecology projects and support the work of the Surfrider Foundation.