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German to English: Gretchen Liebhaber (excerpt) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - German Wäre die Frau nicht so vertieft gewesen in die Ausmalung einer Vergangenheit, die sie nicht müde wurde, ihren Kindern immer neu vor Augen zu halten, sie hätte bemerken müssen, daß er unsicher über das Kaffeegeschirr hinweg nach der Straße sah […]. Mit scheuem Zögern blickte der junge Mann nun wieder auf seine Mutter. Wie sie schwelgte in der Erinnerung an den siegreich durchgefochtenen Kampf mit der Sünde! Welch strenges Antlitz, jeder Zug wie gemeißelt – das feste breite Kinn, die scharfen grauen Augen, der energische Mund! Sie mochte ihres Weges allzeit sicher gewesen sein, und von all den Furchen in ihrem Gesicht hatte der Zweifel keine gegraben und keine die Reue. Zum ersten Male fiel dem Sohne mit Schrecken auf, wie anders er selbst geartet sei, daß weitgreifende Wünsche, unbezähmbare Leidenschaften in seinem Herzen brannten, in seinem Urtheil Recht und Unrecht durcheinander wirrend, die sie auseinanderhielt, gemächlich und sicher wie die weiße und schwarze Wolle der Strümpfe, an denen sie strickte.
Translation - English If the lady had not been so engrossed in her reminiscences, which she never tired of impressing on her children, she surely would have noticed that his gaze was roving uncertainly, beyond the coffee cups and over to the street […]. With shy hesitation the young man looked back at his mother. How she indulged in memories of victorious struggles with sin! What a strict countenance, each feature as though chiselled – the broad, firm chin, sharp grey eyes, energetic mouth! Maybe she had been sure of her path at all times, and none of the furrows in her face had been created by doubt or regret. For the first time, the son realized with a shock how different he was from her; far-reaching desires and uncontrollable passions burned in his heart, and in his judgement, right and wrong crossed each other confusedly, while she kept them apart, steady and securely like the black and wool from which she was knitting socks
German to English: Theophil Franz Xaver Scharwenka General field: Other Detailed field: Music
Source text - German Scharwenka hinterlässt ein Gesamtwerk von ca. 100 Kompositionen, hinzu kommen verschiedene Schriften zur Musikpädagogik und persönliche Lebenserinnerungen. Der Schwerpunkt seines kompositorischen Schaffens liegt, wie aufgrund seines überragenden Erfolgs als Pianist leicht nachzuvollziehen ist, im Bereich der Klaviermusik. Neben vier Klavierkonzerten und mehreren kammermusikalischen Werken mit Klavierbeteiligung sind in dieser Rubrik vor allem die Polnischen Nationaltänze op. 3 hervorzuheben, die ihrem Schöpfer internationales Ansehen verschafften. An größeren Bühnen- bzw. Orchesterwerken hinterlässt Scharwenka nur wenige Kompositionen, zu denen u.a. eine Ouvertüre (1869), eine Oper (1888-1892) und zwei Sinfonien (1875 und 1882) gehören. Weder im Genre der Oper noch in der Sinfonik jedoch konnte der Komponist annähernd jene Erfolge verzeichnen, die ihm im Rahmen seiner Klaviermusik zuteil wurden.
Translation - English Scharwenka has left a legacy of approximately 100 compositions, in addition to various writings on music pedagogy and personal memoirs. In the light of his outstanding success as a pianist, it is easy to see why the focus of his compositional output was piano music. Alongside four piano concertos and several chamber music works with piano, the “Polish National Dances”, op. 3, which brought him international acclaim, are particular highlights. There are only a few large-scale orchestral works. Among these is an overture (1869), an opera (1888-1892) and two symphonies (1875 and 1882). However, these were not deemed as successful as his piano music.
Translation education
PhD - University of Exeter
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Jun 2016.
My professional background is in English and German literature and in Education, and I enjoy reading a variety of other subjects, including history, arts & crafts, natural health and green living.
Apart from literature and education, I specialise in the fields of arts & crafts, music, history and cultural tourism and I have professional translation experience in scholarly and journalistic articles, fashion and marketing.
Because I am bilingual, I am keenly aware of the subtle impacts which even slightly different linguistic choices can produce and for this reason am a painstaking and careful editor of my own translations.
I previously served as Lecturer in German at the Universities of Durham and Exeter, and as Lecturer in Education at the University of Plymouth. I have worked on a three-year German/English research project at the University of Exeter, and have co-edited a bilingual volume of conference proceedings. I am at the final editing stage of a monograph on German Literature, history and culture.
Keywords: German to English, academic texts, literary translation, journalism, articles, journalistic article, conference proceedings, history, social sciences, marketing