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Serbian to English: Medical research General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Serbian U uvodnom delu razmatrani su određeni terminološki, dijagnostički i
etiološki aspekti bihevioralnih zavisnosti u svetlu savremenih saznanja.
U poslednjih desetak godina sve je izraženiji trend da se terminom
“nehemijske zavisnosti” ili “bihevioralne adikcije” označe brojne kompulzivne
aktivnosti koje ne uključuju prisustvo supstance. Budući da ne postoji dijagnostička
i terminološka usaglašenost između pojmova "bihevioralne adikcije" i
"bihevioralne zavisnosti" mi smo ih ponekad koristili alternativno, ipak se
priklanjajući pojmu "bihevioralne zavisnosti".
Rezultati brojnih istraživanja ukazuju da bihevioralne adikcije i zavisnosti od
psihoaktivnih supstanci imaju mnoge sličnosti (po faktorima rizika, etiologiji,
neurobiološkim mehanizmima, po prirodnom toku bolesti, fenomenologiji,
komorbiditetu, reagovanju na lečenje i posledicama). Predloženi dijagnostički
kriterijumi zasnovani su na zajedničkim kliničkim karakteristikama bihevioralnih
adikcija i zavisnosti od supstanci (preokupiranost aktivnošću, žudnja, kompulzija i
gubitak kontrole, tolerancija, apstinencijalni sindrom i nastavak upražnjavanja
aktivnosti uprkos štetnim posledicama). Međutim, jedino je kockanje, koje je
najviše izučavano, i za čiju sličnost sa zavisnošću od psihoaktivnih supstanci ima
najviše dokaza, uključeno u novu DSM-5 klasifikaciju kao zaseban klinički entitet
u kategoriji „Adikcije i srodni poremećaji“. Za sve ostale bihevioralne adikcije
potrebna je potvrda kroz dalja istraživanja.
Translation - English In the introductory part have been discussed the specific terminology, diagnostics, and etiological
aspects of behavioral addiction in the light of modern knowledge.
In the last ten years there has been a grooving trend to mark with the term non-chemical addiction or
behavioral addiction numerous compulsive activities that do not involve presence of the substances. Since
there is no diagnostic and terminology compliance between terms behavioral dependence and behavioral
addiction, we sometimes used them alternatively, adhering to the term behavioral dependence.
Results of numerous studies indicate that the behavioral addictions and dependencies on psychoactive
substances have many similarities (according to the risk factors, etiology, neurobiological mechanisms, in
the natural course of the disease, phenomenology, comorbidity, response to treatment and consequences).
The proposed diagnostic criteria are based on common clinical features of the behavioral addictions and
dependencies on substances (preoccupation with activity, desire, compulsion and loss of control, tolerance
and abstinence syndrome and continuation of practicing activities despite harmful consequences).
However, only gambling, which was most studied and which similarity with dependency on psychoactive
substances has most evidence, is included in the new DSM-5 classification as a distinct clinical entity in the
category Addiction and Related Disorders. For all other behavioral addictions is required confirmation
through further research.
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I graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Classics Department. After graduation I started working as a proofreader in publishing houses and newspapers. Shortly thereafter, I began to translate fiction from English into Serbian language (5 published translations). Since 2010 I have been translating professional texts from the field of mechanical engineering and construction as well as contracts and law documentation.
Keywords: translating, English, Serbian, editing, proofreading, books, literature, film