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Source text - Italian È significativo che, oltre all’ovvio obiettivo di accelerare il restauro e la riqualificazione fisica e funzionale del tessuto urbano patrimoniale, gran parte dell’enfasi e delle raccomandazioni fosse riservata alla necessità di costruire le competenze e di rafforzare un’organizzazione idonea a sostenere e realizzare una riqualificazione tanto complessa quanto quella dei quartieri antichi e, quindi, possono essere lette come il tentativo di gestire una conflittualità già palese. Almeno 8 delle 14 raccomandazioni possono, infatti, essere pensate come il tentativo di creare le conoscenze e le relazioni necessarie per sviluppare una rete non conflittuale di attori coinvolti nel processo di tutela del patrimonio islamico cairota. Ciò che sorprende è, invece, la quasi totale mancanza di riferimenti alla dimensione sociale ed economica del problema del degrado e della riqualificazione del Cairo islamico, quasi che l’urgenza di creare strutture e competenze adeguate fosse giudicata tanto grande da soverchiare il bisogno di un disegno strategico e funzionale complessivo.
Translation - English It is significant that, apart from the obvious aim of accelerating the physical and functional restoration and renewal of the historic built environment, much of the thrust of the conference and its recommendations addressed the need to set up suitably specialized bodies and to reinforce an organization capable of supporting and implementing a renewal project as complex as that required for the old quarters, and thus can be read as an attempt to manage an already tangible conflict. At least eight of the fourteen recommendations may be viewed as attempts to establish the knowledge, understanding and connections required to develop a non-conflictual network of stakeholders and agents involved in the safeguard of Cairo’s Islamic heritage. What is striking is the almost total lack of any reference to the financial and social aspects of the problem of decay and the renewal of Islamic Cairo, as though the need to create structures and competent bodies was judged to be so urgent as to displace the need for an overall strategic and functional plan.
Italian to English: Avant-garde
Source text - Italian In Germania, l’intento di un’inedita ricerca formale riferibile alla tematica urbana, è in gran parte connesso alla risonanza ivi suscitata dall’opera di Delaunay, fin dalla fine del 1911, grazie alla sua precoce presenza nella prima mostra del Cavaliere Azzurro, o Blaue Reiter, a Monaco, poi trasferita nel gennaio 1912 a Colonia. Nell’ottobre di quell’anno, due dei componenti del gruppo, Franz Marc e August Macke, soggiornano a Parigi, restano delusi dai cubisti della Section d’Or e, visitando lo studio di Delaunay, sono invece colpiti dalle Finestre (fig. 2), delle “pure fughe sonore” come scrive Marc a Kandinsky, anche se rimprovera al francese un attardamento su ricerche ristrette ai colori complementari e a effetti prismatici. Ma è proprio questa ordinata sapienza cromatica che avvince Macke, ancor più testimoniata ai suoi occhi, dalla ventina di tele, fra cui la prima versione della Squadra di Cardiff, esposte a Colonia, al Gereonsclub nel marzo 1913, di ritorno dalla personale tenuta da Delaunay nella galleria Der Sturm di Berlino. Forte di una rinsaldata conoscenza personale – il precedente 21 gennaio, Delaunay e Apollinaire, al rientro da Berlino, si erano fermati per una notte a casa Macke a Bonn –, Macke entusiasta convince il collezionista Bernard Köhler ad acquistare una delle Finestre, e soprattutto nei propri taccuini inizia a tracciare una serie di schizzi che riprendono e sviluppano singoli motivi della serie di Delaunay.
Translation - English In Germany, the new impetus to formal research into urban themes was largely due to the resonance generated by Delaunay’s work in that country, starting in late 1911 when Delaunay took part in the first exhibition of the Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider) group in Munich, and transferred to Cologne in January 1912. In October 1912, two members of the group, Franz Marc and August Macke, spent time in Paris. They were disappointed by the work of the cubists on display in the Section d’Or but when they visited Delaunay’s studio they were greatly struck by his Fenêtres (Fig. 2), “pure resonant fugues” as Marc described them in a letter to Kandinsky, although he also reproached Delaunay for not moving beyond his narrow preoccupation with complementary colours and prismatic effects. But it is exactly this orderly crafting of colour that so enthralled Macke after seeing Delaunay’s solo exhibition in the Der Sturm gallery in Berlin and which was, in his view, all the more evident in the twenty canvases (including the first version of L’équipe de Cardiff) on display in 1913 at the Gereonsclub in Cologne. On 21 January of the same year, Delaunay and Apollinaire stayed overnight at Macke’s home in Bonn on their way back from Berlin. Spurred by this renewed personal acquaintance, the enthusiastic Macke convinced collector Bernard Köhler to acquire one of the Fenêtres series. Above all, he began to fill his own notebooks with a series of sketches that echoed and developed single motifs from Delaunay’s work.
Mainly IT>EN translation and proofreading in the following areas:
* Marketing/Promotional copy - especially for tourism/hospitality industry - also product launches, catalogues, press releases
* Social sciences - urban history and renewal, cultural policy and heritage
* Journalism - opinion pieces, feature articles, editorials
* Narrative/fiction - including original creative writing
NoFLoM: no financial, legal or medical texts, please.
All translations will be charged on target, that is, on the final product.
DVD projects:
provided the English-language subtitles for 'I nazisti a Roma' (Istituto Luce/Light History);
provided the English-language subtitles for two dvds on 'Saschenhausen concentration camp' (Light History)
Book projects:
-another film synopsis/treatment project (43,700 words) for Luca Di Fulvio; currently in production and awaiting definitive title;
- La via dei lupi, Carlo Grande, Ponte alle Grazie, excerpts (one third of the book) for promotional purposes;
- The Mannequin Man, translation of L'Impagliatore by Luca Di Fulvio, published in the UK by Bitter Lemon Press (104,743 words);
- Terragni e il razionalismo lariano,Motta Editore/Comitato nazionale per le celebrazioni del centenario della nascita di Giuseppe Terragni, 2004 (I did not translate the Introduction);
- Dover Beach, by Luca Di Fulvio, full translation commissioned by Cecchi Gori for promotional purposes (91,936 words) + translation of synopsis, film currently in pre-production with Colorado Films;
Parts of publications:
- "tamtam" 2006/s two articles in this periodical from Torino Internazionale, dealing with urban renewal and industrial design
- "METROPOLIS. The Avant-Gardes' Vision of the City 1910-1920"; three chapters in the catalogue of the exhibition at the GAM Torino, February 2006
- "Breaking the surface. Histories, geographies and images of the island Italy" (E. Mazzetti) in "italian reflexions. The identity of a country in the representation of its territory", Touring Club Italiano and Societa' Geografica Italiana, 2004 (English language edition of "riflessi italiani: l'identita' di un paese nella rappresentazione del suo territorio");
- sections of the catalogue for the "In the light of Apollo" exhibition which accompanied the Athens Cultural Olympics, 2004;
- promotional material for the Provincia di Ragusa;
- guides, brochures, descriptions for the Provincia di Catania (2001-2005);
Other publications:
- paper presented at the European University on the future of Cairo's Islamic Heritage
- "Italian Life", Corriere OnLine (, editorials, articles and captions (I "sit in" when the regular translator is away)
- Ciao Catania, monthy tourism magazine published by APT Catania,
- "A Guide to Cecchini's Meat Emporium" (Dario Cecchini's guide to enjoying meat - the Etruscan way) (not for the faint-hearted);
Miscellaneous projects:
- patent for pharmaceutical product for use in ophthlamics;
- Turin's winning bid to be World Book Capital 2006;
- "A brief history of the Averna Distillery" (presented at a round table on the history of Italian accounting practice and business innovation);
- background brief on the "Carta di Siracusa"/"Siracusa Charter" for the reassessment and protection of Sicily's archaeological heritage;
- background brief on world poverty for the Gorbachev Foundation;
- report on water contamination and monitoring solutions,
- report on civic associations and community involvement in politics;
- press releases/launch material for Heinekin, Roba da Kappa, Samsung, Trenitalia;
- numerous documents for the Partito radicale/Radicali italiani;
I'm happy to provide small test samples free of charge (no more than 100-150 words, please, returned in pdf) as well as references to clients who provide full contact details. I appreciate prompt and courteous payment for the accurate and professional service I provide.
A presto.
Keywords: tourism, art, design, marketing, promotional copy, advertising, architecture, proofreading, cultural studies, journalism. See more.tourism, art, design, marketing, promotional copy, advertising, architecture, proofreading, cultural studies, journalism, narrative, narrativa, turismo, pubblicità, correzione di bozze, editoriale, giornalismo d'inchiesta, fiction, pittura, painting, sinossi, libri, books, trattamento, treatment, subtitling, sottotitoli. See less.