English to Indonesian: China Iron & Steel General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general) | |
Source text - English The China Iron & Steel Association’s annual coming together of the great and good from the global world of iron ore appears to have lost its mojo.
For several years when Chinese steel mills were still buying their imported iron ore on an annual contract basis, senior mining officials from Vale, Rio and BHP tended to avoid speaking at the conference. The closed-door, benchmark price negotiations historically kicked off in October; the miners had to be cautious, and relations were often tense. Their names would be on conference delegate lists, but like Sumatran rhinos they were rarely seen in the wild. In contrast, CISA’s opening address at the conference was often combative, and stated exactly where they felt the pricing direction should go; that’s to say, by what percentage it should go down by.
| Translation - Indonesian Acara tahunan Asosiasi Bijih Besi dan Besi Cina (CISA) yang mengumpulkan tokoh-tokoh dunia di bidang bijih besi tampaknya telah kehilangan jimat-nya.
Selama beberapa tahun ketika pabrik baja Cina masih mengimpor bijih besi secara kontrak tahunan, pejabat pertambangan senior dari Vale, Rio dan BHP cenderung untuk menghindari berbicara di konferensi. Negosiasi tertutup untuk harga patokan secara historis dimulai pada bulan Oktober; perusahaan penambang harus berhati-hati, dan hubungan pihak-pihak sering tegang. Nama-nama mereka berada di daftar delegasi konferensi, tapi ibarat badak Sumatera, mereka jarang terlihat di alam liar. Sebaliknya, pidato pembukaan CISA di konferensi itu sering agresif, dan menyatakan persis ke arah mana harga harus menuju; yaitu, dengan berapa persen harga itu harus turun.
English to Indonesian: Remuneration, Indemnity and Protection of Trustee General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s) | |
Source text - English Any Trustee being a corporation shall be entitled to charge and be paid out of the Trust Fund and the income thereof remuneration in accordance with its scale of fees from time to time in force or as otherwise agreed from time to time in writing between the Trustee and the Settlor or in the event of the death of the Settlor, the Protector, if one shall be appointed, and any such Trustee or its parent or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof may without accounting for any resultant profit act as banker and perform any service on behalf of the trust estate (including without limitation any company, partnership or other entity whose shares or ownership interests are comprised directly or indirectly in the Trust Fund) and on the same terms as would be made with a customer; | Translation - Indonesian Setiap Wali (Trustee) yang berupa korporasi berhak untuk memungut biaya dan dibayarkan dari Dana Perwalian (Trust Fund) dan pendapatan daripadanya sebagai remunerasi sesuai dengan skala biaya yang berlaku dari waktu ke waktu atau sebagaimana yang telah disetujui dari waktu ke waktu secara tertulis antara Wali dengan sang Pembayar (Settlor) atau dalam hal kematian Pembayar, dengan Pelindung (Protector) apabila diangkat, dan setiap Wali tersebut atau induknya atau anak perusahaan atau afiliasi daripadanya boleh bertindak sebagai bankir tanpa menghitung keuntungan yang dapat terjadi, dan boleh melakukan layanan apapun atas nama kepentingan wali (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada perusahaan, kemitraan atau badan lainnya yang mempunyai saham atau kepemilikan langsung atau tidak langsung dalam Trust Fund) dan dengan menggunakan ketentuan yang sama seperti yang akan dibuat dengan pelanggan lainnya; |
English to Indonesian: Hydro Demolition General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering | |
Source text - English Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials, components, or parts into finished goods. Manufacturing commonly employs a man-machine setup with division of labour in a large scale production. It includes several techniques such as the technique of using high pressure (HP) or ultra-high pressure (UHP) water jets to cut and remove concrete from a structure, known within civil engineering as hydro-demolition. This method is widely used in the alteration or repair of structures in many industry sectors. It is recognised by civil engineers, structural engineers and consultants as the safest, most effective, vibration-free method of concrete removal. The remaining structure suffers no cracking, reinforcing steel is left undamaged and the concrete retains its original integrity. | Translation - Indonesian Manufaktur adalah proses konversi bahan baku, komponen, atau bagian menjadi barang jadi. Manufaktur umumnya mempekerjakan kombinasi manusia-mesin dengan pembagian kerja dalam produksi skala besar. Contohnya mencakup beberapa teknik seperti teknik menggunakan jet air tekanan tinggi (HP) atau tekanan ultra-tinggi (UHP) untuk membongkar dan membersihkan beton dari struktur, dikenal dalam teknik sipil sebagai hidro-pembongkaran. Metode ini banyak digunakan dalam perubahan atau perbaikan struktur di berbagai sektor industri. Hal ini diakui oleh para insinyur sipil, insinyur struktur dan konsultan sebagai metode yang paling aman, paling efektif, bebas getaran untuk pembongkaran beton. Struktur yang tersisa tidak mengalami keretakan, baja tulangan yang tersisa tidak rusak dan beton mempertahankan integritas aslinya. |
English to Indonesian: CRYSTALLIZED In VOGUE General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations | |
Source text - English HEADLINE: CRYSTALLIZEDTM – Swarovski Elements Lights Up The 2010 Paris Vogue Calendar
Pirelli, Campari, Paris Vogue: ‘tis the season for the luxury industry to roll out their steamy pinup calendars. This year, Paris Vogue, fashion’s most avant-garde major magazine, chose CRYSTALLIZED™ – Swarovski Elements as a brand partner. “Swarovski is emblematic of luxury and fashion,” says Paris Vogue’s editor in chief, Carine Roitfeld, who hired photographer Mario Sorrenti to shoot three of the hottest models working today at Paris’s legendary Lido cabaret. | Translation - Indonesian Pokok Berita: CRYSTALLIZED™ - Swarovski Elements Memeriahkan Kalender Paris Vogue Thn 2010
Pirelli, Campari, Paris Vogue: tiba musim menggelar kalender gadis cantik panas bagi industri mewah. Tahun ini, majalah fashion perintis Paris Vogue memilih CRYSTALLIZED™ - Swarovski Elements sebagai mitra merek. "Swarovski adalah simbol kemewahan dan mode," kata kepala staff editor Vogue Paris, Carine Roitfeld, yang menyewa fotografer Mario Sorrenti untuk mengambil foto tiga dari model terpanas yang bekerja saat ini di kabaret legendaris Paris Lido. |
Indonesian to English: Faint Hope for Myanmar Muslims General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics | |
Source text - Indonesian Asa Samar Muslim Myanmar
Tak ada satu pun perwakilan Muslim di parlemen Myanmar.
Perhelatan pemilihan umum Myanmar usai digelar. Liga Nasional untuk Demokrasi (NLD), partai oposisi terbesar pimpinan Aung San Suu Kyi, menyapu bersih kursi parlemen. Tersimpan harapan besar di hati kaum Muslim Myanmar atas kemenangan ini.
Kebanyakan Muslim Myanmar memberikan dukungan mereka untuk NLD. Hanya partai ini yang dianggap dapat mengeluarkan Myanmar dari junta militer yang berkuasa selama beberapa dekade. Sesuai pesan pendiri Myanmar, Aung San, partai ini juga diharap dapat lebih menghargai kelompok etnis dan agama minoritas.
Kendati, di balik gegap gempita itu, masih terselip ironi tersendiri. Diskriminasi masih membayangi pemilu Myanmar tahun ini. Tak ada satu pun perwakilan Muslim di parlemen Myanmar. Etnis Rohingya tidak dapat memberikan hak suara. Ada sejumlah kandidat Muslim yang berkualitas, tapi mereka tidak dapat mengajukan diri karena alasan politis. | Translation - English Faint Hope for Myanmar Muslims
Not one Muslim representative in Myanmar’s Parliament
Parliamentary elections in Myanmar are over. National League for Democracy (NLD), the biggest opposition party led by Aung San Suu Kyi, made a clean sweep of parliamentary seats. There was indeed great hope in the hearts of Muslims of Myanmar for this victory.
Most Myanmar Muslims gave their support to the NLD. Only this party was considered capable of rescuing Myanmar from the military junta that has ruled for decades. In accordance with the principles of the founder of Myanmar, Aung San, the party is also expected to be more respectful of ethnic groups and religious minorities.
However, behind the fanfare, there was still a hidden irony. Discrimination still loomed over the election in Myanmar this year. There is not one Muslim representative in Myanmar’s Parliament. The Ethnic Rohingya could not vote. There were a number of good quality Muslim candidates, but they could not put themselves forward for political reasons.