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English to Italian
French to Italian
Russian to Italian

Rita Bandinelli
Always loved this job. Reliable & fast

Local time: 17:37 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian Native in Italian
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Complementary Medicine
Teaching and Education
General Science
Economics and Finance
Literary translations

28 years' experience in translation.
Between 1978 and 1990, translator/interpreter at Embassy of Far Eastern country. Use of French and English.
Since 1990, in-house translator and interpreter (consecutive and chuchotage) at Embassy of European country.
Translations on a number of different subjects (politics, security, EU, finance, technology, medicine, agriculture, immigration, etc);
translation of official speeches by the Ambassador and other Embassy senior officers. Translation of speeches and other documents relating to top-level visits and events. Translation of articles for the press; translation of news releases for the web.
Since 1978, Freelancer (EN>IT, FR>IT, IT>EN, FR>EN) on various subjects, both technical and literary (ranging from medicine to sociology, homeopathy, nutrition, politics, finance, business, tourism, psychology, drama, etc).
Translation of various books (EN>IT and FR>IT) for Italian publisher (subjects: Complementary Medicine, Nutrition, Health Care).
Literary translations on various subjects (non-fiction), FR>IT, EN>IT.
Great familiarity with Complementary Medicine terms.
Other experiences: teacher of English and French in junior secondary schools (1977-79); teacher of Italian as a foreign language (since 1982 to-date), both in small classes and in one-to-one tuition. This means I am also very familiar with teaching books' language.

ADSL connection,Internet Explorer 6,Microsoft Ourlook 6; working with Windows XP, 95 and NT Workstation, IT skills: Word 2003 and 98,Excel 2003,PowerPoint 2003, Access 2003.
Keywords: medicine, homeopathy, complement.medicine, medicinaalternativa, omeopatia, nutrizione, nutrition, macrobiotica, agopuntura, acupuncture. See more.medicine,homeopathy,complement.medicine,medicinaalternativa,omeopatia,nutrizione,nutrition,macrobiotica,agopuntura,acupuncture,MTC,MedicinaTradizionaleCinese,psicosomatica,biographies,biografie,arte,saggistica,literary,psychology,sociology,history,politics,EU,tourism,generalscience,mathematics,teaching,journalism,economy. See less.

Profile last updated
Mar 20, 2007