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Sample translations submitted: 1
Arabic to English: Religion
Source text - Arabic من وصل إلى الله و أقبل عليه ذاق حلاوة الإيمان:
أيها الأخوة الكرام، والله لا أبالغ لو أن أحدنا ذاق حلاوة الإيمان لكان إنساناً آخر، لو أنه ذاق حلاوة الإيمان لغدا بيته جنة، وقد يكون بيته لا يزيد عن ستين متراً، ولغدت حياته جنة، وقد يكون دخله لا يزيد عن بضعة آلاف قليلة من الليرات، أكلنا، وشربنا، واستمتعنا، وتزوجنا، وأنجبنا، وسافرنا، هل حاولت أن تذوق حلاوة الإيمان ؟ الصحابة الكرام ذاقوا حلاوة الإيمان فأصبحوا فرساناً في النهار رهباناً في الليل، حققوا بطولات العقل لا يصدقها، فئة قليلة لا تزيد عن عشرة آلاف تصل راياتها إلى أطراف الأرض، لسنا قادرين كمسلمين أن نحافظ على استقلالنا، الآن خمس دول إسلامية محتلة، ليس أمرنا بيدنا، وللطرف الآخر علينا ألف سبيل وسبيل، أين عظمة الدين ؟ حينما ذاق الصحابة حلاوة الإيمان أصبحوا أبطالاً شجعاناً، أصبحوا شخصيات فذة، للتقريب الذي درس دكتوراه يعرف معنى الدكتوراه، عندما تجد حرف دال إلى جانب اسم إنسان، ما معنى هذه الدال ؟ أي معه وثيقة إتمام المرحلة الابتدائية، ومعه شهادة إعدادية، ومعه شهادة ثانوية، ومعه مجموع عال جداً دخل 8جامعة، ومعه ليسانس، ومعه دبلوم، ومعه ماجستير، وعندما نال الدكتوراه ألّف كتاباً، والكتاب الذي ألفه موضوعه جديد لم يسبق إليه، كلمة دال أو حرف دال يعني كل هذا، هل تصدق أن كلمة مؤمن ماذا تعني ؟ تعني مرتبة عند الله مرتبة أخلاقية، كلمة مؤمن تعني مرتبة علمية، كلمة مؤمن تعني مرتبة جمالية، عرف الحقيقة العظمى، عرف سرّ وجوده، عرف غاية وجوده، عرف لماذا هو في الدنيا، عرف حقيقة الدنيا، عرف حقيقة الإنسان، عرف حقيقة الكون، عرف ما ينبغي وما لا ينبغي، عرف ما يجوز وما لا يجوز، عرف الحلال من الحرام، عرف الخير من الشر، عرف الحق من الباطل، مؤمن، مرتبة علمية، ما اتخذ الله ولياً جاهلاً لو اتخذه لعلمه:
﴿ فَفَهَّمْنَاهَا سُلَيْمَانَ (79) ﴾
( سورة الأنبياء)
Translation - English Whoever reaches to Allah tastes the sweetness of faith
Dear Brothers, I swear to Allah I don’t exaggerate if one of us tasted the sweetness of faith he will be transformed into another man, if he tasted the sweetness of faith his home will turn into paradise, even though his house might be no more than sixty square meters, and his life becomes a paradise, may if his income is no more than a few thousand pounds , we ate, and drank, and enjoyed life, and we got married, and got children, and we traveled, have you tried to taste the sweetness of faith? Honored companions tasted the sweetness of faith they became horsemen in the daytime monks at night, have achieved heroic acts mind doesn’t conceive, a small group of no more than ten thousand whom flags reached to the ends of the earth, we are not able as Muslims to maintain our independence, now five Muslim countries under occupation, our own matters are not in our hands, and the other side has thousands ways to break through us, where is the greatness of religion? When tasted the sweetness of faith companions became brave heroes, they became unique characters, to explain further, who studied for PhD knows the meaning PhD, when you find letter D before the name of a person, what’s the meaning of that letter? this letter means that he completed primary school, along with junior certificate, along with a high school diploma, with very high grades he accessed the university, and got a Bachelor of Arts, and a diploma, and a master, and while becoming doctor he wrote a book, and the book he wrote had a new theme never explored before, the word D or letter D means all of the above, can you believe What the word believer mean? Means a certain degree from Allah, ethical degree, the word believer means scientific degree, the word believer means a beauty degree, knows the great truth, knows the secret of his existence, he knows the purpose of his existence, knows why he is on earth, he knows the truth about the world, he knows the truth about humans, knows the truth of the universe, knows what should and what should not, he knows what he may and what he may not be, he knows from the Sacred, he knows good from evil, he knows right from wrong, believer a scientific degree, if Allah takes an ignorant he teaches him:
“And we made Sulaiman (Solomon) to understand (the case)”
(Surah Al-Anbiya)
Translation education
Graduate diploma - uiversity of Algiers
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Nov 2015.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Wordfast
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My name is Abdellah HAROUNE, and I am a native speaker of Arabic and French, with advanced proficiency in English at the C2 level. I work at an agency in Algeria called Trans-Nation, where multiple languages and professions come together to deliver fast, reliable, and high-quality work.
At our agency, we bring together specialists from various languages and fields to provide diverse services to our clients. We guarantee the delivery of quality work and prioritize speed and reliability to meet our clients' needs.
Being fluent in both Arabic and French, I can effectively communicate with clients in their respective languages and understand their requirements accurately. Additionally, with my advanced level of English proficiency, I can efficiently handle clients who prefer English as their language of communication.
At Trans-Nation, we focus on delivering multilingual services with professionalism and high standards. We ensure precision and consistency in all the languages we work with and strive to provide a positive experience for our clients.
If you are seeking an agency capable of delivering fast, reliable, and high-quality services in Algeria, we at Trans-Nation are ready to meet your needs and provide efficient and professional work.
Keywords: sworn translation, Traduction officielle, Arabic, French, English