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KOLKATA ( South ) alias CALCUTTA ., West Bengal, India

Native in: English Native in English, Spanish Native in Spanish
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Translation education Graduate diploma - THE ' UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA ' , INDIA .
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CV/Resume English Middle (ca.1100-1500) (PDF), English (DOCX), Spanish (DOCX)

+ < ' An Epigraph - Encomium --- The ipso - facto Phenomenae ' > ...

At prima facie, most humbly & gently due to grand gesture & lenient levity I,prerogatively preserve the profound privilege to approach & assert before you àpriori the following momenta, statements & memoranda in a holistic manner that it will en verite draw & drag your kind attention & leitmotif consideration through viable implementation .

Sumna cum laude, as an avid, intuitive, aussiduous aspirant as well as versatile, veritable, innovative seeker in course of today's conventional academic & contemporary professional arena , also the synchronous personnel sphere I herewith genuinely intended & fervently inclined to reveal & introduce myself en mass in such way to obtain an erudite accoladation & condign perusal in toto, ne plus ulta .

At the set, d'abord, pro-higher education, I have already completed vide Post Graduate degree in Master of Arts academically in conclusive tenure. En suit, apart from this, I have too pursued & terminated the promotive Diplomas on two external - over sea's languages, respectively under the deemed - distinguished institutions within a tentative years . En seq ; - - - 

1 >. La langue française i;e French language from L' Institut de Chandernnagor, H.E.D.W.B, Govt. India .

2 >. El idioma español i;e Spanish language from ‘ University of Calcutta ’, India . 

Moreover, au courant I concluded the correspondence course on Hindi as an official language under The Central Hindi Directorate, New Delhi. En core, intermittently, en passant, partaking the distance mode of study programme on dulcet Urdu language under celebreted Jamia Millia Islamiaoprarated & sponsored by SAARC, simultaneously .

Adding to it, as a cogitative àplomb & enthusiastic savant, I by myself congenially endure & comply an atypical aptitude & acquired adeptness to interpret & negotiate with extra ' more or less ' several exotic & indigenous tongues in fluxSavoir faire to read, write, speak & presume, inter alia these are equipped with & framed in this regards .            

A ) . The European -- English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, etc .

B ) . The Asian -- Arabic, Japanese, Nepali, etc . 

C ) . The Indian -- Marathi, Panjabi, Gujrati, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Odia, Tamil, Malayalam & so on .

De-facto, an oficionado connoisseur & the persona grata factotum, forthwith élan aforté inquisitively many a time in gusto to cherish & ameliorate the intellectual-phsycological vista deliberatelly attain & betake in so called linguistic convocations, viz ; cultural - occasional seminar, convocational conclave, multi-purpose activity, educative rendezvous, witty-nitty contest, reciprocal reunion, theme based exhibition & fair, national festival, etc. All these déjà-vues & rudiments broaden mental - parochial boundary & install invaluable live experiences .

Thus, more augmentive criteria & stimulative discretions are discharged au fondEstretching onwards, more often con brio by self - perseverence & endeavour I attempt & resort the unique task of traduction cum decipheration due to manifold sundries, narrations, orations, snippets - articles, sementics - quatations ipse dixit, conversations, etc . 

Along with these, ad interim becoming a maverick - sportive competitive pursuéepovisionally appear & sit for various Govt., Semi - Govt., PSU, or Tantamount Satuatory - Autonomous firm's organized recruitment examinations, & obiter dictum, qualified a few one en fait, duly .

Unequivocably,' An ambition recherché is higher to do something greater - better - forever '. Ergo, tendering this promising gratitude, should you favor & grant me with immediate or ad hoc selection cum recommendation, I hereby solemnly assure - promulgate that competently & comprehensively I, would try & strive my level best - uttermost in ex tenso to retain vested onus & contrive imposed incumbents dexterously by ex cathedra .

In this manner, I possess the flair to work on own initiative or be an integral part of functionary - faculty & the authorized - administration in peri pessu .

Galore Kudos, Thanking you ex parte. I pledge & solicit to remain. Sincerely yours ,


Place - Kolkata , W B , Union Republic of India, Asia .

                        ` @ +@ = @+ @ ~

Keywords: ■ All About Me + Mine & My - Linguistic Instructions + Occuation & Profession " . . . Hello ! to the aspirants as Learners & Recruiters as Messrs, please, peruse & presume the ipso - facto phenomenae, en - sequi . . . . . Auto - da - fé, most gently, I incline to affirm, such as a skillful, fervid instructor cum paradigm polyglot rationally I remain by all means eagered & rectitude to have the bona fide seekers or intuitive learners, who are verily & passionately intended to get & grasp the vide external also, indigenous languages. See more.■ All About Me + Mine & My - Linguistic Instructions + Occuation & Profession " . . . Hello ! to the aspirants as Learners & Recruiters as Messrs, please, peruse & presume the ipso - facto phenomenae, en - sequi . . . . . Auto - da - fé, most gently, I incline to affirm, such as a skillful, fervid instructor cum paradigm polyglot rationally I remain by all means eagered & rectitude to have the bona fide seekers or intuitive learners, who are verily & passionately intended to get & grasp the vide external also, indigenous languages, so far, , , # AT THE SET, ATTEMPT TO INSTRUCT & MAKE LEARN OR COMPLY WITH THE MYRIAD VISTAS / ASPECTS OF SO-CALLED EXOTIC & NATIVE MODUS VIVENDI OF UNDERSTANDING OR INTERACTING FORTH WITH, DULY THE ASPIRANTS OR THE SEEKERS OR THE PURSUERS' S FOR THE SAME, IN FUCTOTUM . ~ Tally/check/Browse, my all these active personnel likely named as < ' Mr./Sir. Sumanta Biswas ' > profiles which are Registered / Tied up / Linked with following web-sites . . . . . <<< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +, etc . > > > Et caetra ; - - - ' The Cover - Messages, ut infra ' HAIL TO THEE ! MY LORDS & LADIES !, I AM THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE 'S TUTOR / FACULTY OF @ 1) ENGLISH + 2 ) . SPANISH + 3 ) . FRENCH, AS WELL ... # 1 > . The Teaching Experience in detail in Spanish Language : - - - " < ! HOLA ! AMIGO, SABKO SAALAM > " ! Viva ! ' el idioma español que me encanta demaciado para siempre ' : --- THE WRITTEN ABOVE PHASE AMPLIFIES IT SELF, , '' LONG LIVE THE SPANISH LANGUAGE WHICH ENCHANTS ME TOO MUCH FOREVER '' . * ' A nosotros nos gustamos tantos aprender, hablar, negociar y soñar el idioma español, casi todos los momentos, en la vida su propia ' . . . ! OKEY ! ' APROPOS IBID QUOTED YOU ALL MAY REALIZE THAT HOW MUCH I ADORE & DEDICATED TO THAT WORLDLY RECOGNIZED AND GLOBALLY ACCEPTED LANGUAGE . ERGO, IN THIS MANNER, I PROFOUNDLY, BY-MY SELF ENDEAUVOUR & STRIVES, INTEND AND INCLINED TO PROMOTE & MAKE ADVANCEMENT THAT MELLIFLUOUS TONGUE . BUENO, ESTIMADO SEÑOR O SEOÑRA, LES ESCRIBO, YO, E . T. A, QUE SIGNIFICA POR AQUÍ - - " EL PROFESOR - TRABAJADOR Y ATENTIVO " . ADEMÁS, SOY EL ALUMNO ANTERIOR DE C . U, LA INDIA " QUE # ERA, ES Y SERA MUY AMBICIOSO, MULTI - LINGÜISTA, VERSÁTIL Y TAN HÁBIL COMO HOY - EN - DÍA . YO, MÁS QUE SIGUE SIEMPRE EL MOTTO < " VENI, VIDI, VICI ", LA VICTORIA CON GLORIA >. ENTONCES, ASÍ, MANDA ME SUS RESPUESTAS Y CONSEJOS, LES ESPERO AHORA MISMO . >>> An alibi Ojala ! - ‘ Señor, Sumanto es un enseñador muy diligente y inteligente, también . Aprender y más estudiar consigo el idoma español sera al vertismo ayudado y estupendo, tan amable . Todo el mundo se lleva que le ira y marchare al pico de gañar ' . HENCE, DO REVEAL & UNVEIL THE VISTA OF SPANISH SPOKEN COUNTRIES ALONG WITH THOSE CONTINENTS . En tonces, Ven ! - conmigo - al mundo del español, mis queridos alumnos y amigos ..... ' Hasta la vista del pronto, por lo tanto ', Adiós . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # # 2 >. The Teaching Experience in detail in French Language : - - - < < Salut !, tout le monde, laissez - faire et apprendre la langue française . >> WELL, MY GENUINE APTITUDE IMPLIES & INWARDS TO FOREIGN LANGUAGES. MOREOVER, I AM LOOKING FOR THE REAL- MACCOY & VERITABLE ASPIRANTS & LEARNERS WHO FERVIDLY ARE WILLING TO PURSUE AND PARTAKE THAT FRENCH LANGUAGE . PREVIOUSLY, I, COACHED VARIOUS CANDIDATES FOR FRENCH AS AMATEUR AND NOW IN THIS TENURE, I AM, ASSOCIATED & ASSUMED WITH THE POST AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE ’S FACULTY IN 2/3 CENTERS AT KOLKATA CITY, WB . A communiqué -- ' Cher professeur, Sumanta est un enseignateur très diligent et intelligent, du vrais . Bongré, Pour apprendre et étudier avec lui, la langue française est très utile et efficace, aussi, merveilleux, si agréable . A volontier ! en approchez - le même temps et ainsi d' accomplissement . Olé, Allez - ont tante proche, Au regagner ou voir . { " FRENCH FOR ITS FRANCOPHILE - FACSIMILE - FERVENT FOLLOWERS '' } @ > ERGO, GO FOR IT, GET INTO IT, GAIN FROM IT, THIS IS IT, INDEED . # # # De ' facto, Au - courant, I am conveying & availing too this foreign language study as " Guest - Faculty / Private Tutor " at the following sites - suburbs through off - line mode, by reaching to candidate 's house on a reasonable tenure, perks etc, viz ; - as bellow . . . ~ Around the average Out-skirts or Town 's radii of # # # >>> Bandel, Chinsurah, Chandan-nagore, Serampore, Singur, Haripal, Mogra, Pandua, Konnagore, Bally, Santragachhi, Dankuni, Kalna, Memari, Kalyani, Rana - ghat, Shyam - nagore, Barrackpore, Garia, Baruipur, Greater Howrah - Kolkata, E.t.c, West Bengal, Republic of India . HENCE, I POSSESS MORE THAN FIVE YEARS DIRECT EXPERIENCE AMIDST THESE PRE-MENTIONED GENRES. & MORE, MY INSTRUCTED CANDIDATES MADE THEIR RECKONED PLACE IN SUCH ACCOMPLISH WAY. DUE TO THE NOVICE OR INTERMEDIATE SORTS OF ASPIRANTS, I DEVISE / PREPARE THE METHODICAL PLUS VERITABLE ORIENTATION, RATHER THAN CONVENTIONAL SOLE SYSTEMATIC METHOD OF LEARNING. FOR THIS LINGUISTIC IMPLEMENTATION I HAVE MY OWN NEEDFUL ESSENTIAL SUPPLEMENTARY STUDY MATERIALS ( BI-LINGUAL + UNI-LINGUAL BOOKS & SUPPLEMENTARY C.D s, ETC ) WHICH DEFINITELY MATCH THE INTERNATIONAL & EUROPEAN PEDANTIC METHODOLOGY OF LEARNING EXCELLENCE WITH THESE OVER-SEA'S FOREIGN LANGUAGES . ! MY DEAR ALL TO THE MESSRS & MADAMS, BY-THE FACT, I AM THE ' JACK OF ALL TRADES AND MASTER OF SOME ' . As < ‘ Multum in parvo i;e much in little ‘ > . So, Learn + Lead & Earn, en mass … % Hence, arrive & achieve the apex through an agile manner . Thus, go for these, get into these & gain all these . * A Motto, in toto - " THE SOON IS ALWAYS BECOME A BOON " . # $ @ % +. See less.

Profile last updated
Jun 28, 2023

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