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Indonesian to English: Curatorial Note by Kris Budiman for Travelogue Tan & Mui photo exhibition in Sangkring Art. Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Indonesian Turn Tan and Mui’s Travelogue
Kris Budiman
Dunia telah betul-betul berubah sebagai bentang yang disebut oleh Arjun Appadurai (1996) sebagai the global ethnoscape. Ketika keterikatan kepada satu negara-bangsa dan tanah-air yang tunggal tampak semakin mengabur, manusia pun menempati posisi barunya sebagai para trans-migran, makhluk-makhluk pelancong non-temporer, baik dalam pengertian fisik, intelektual, maupun imajiner. Tan Haur dan Kit Mui adalah pasangan manusia dari jenis ini, yang nyaris secara terus-menerus melancong di antara banyak titik keberangkatan (dan tanpa titik kepulangan). Dalam pelancongan-pelancongan itu mereka terus-menerus merekam ke dalam memori beragam etnoskap melalui bantuan media tertentu, terutama fotografi, sketsa-sketsa, dan mungkin media visual lain yang tak kalah praktis. Di sinilah kemudian pelancongan-pelancongan yang seakan tak berkesudahan itu sekaligus menjadi serangkaian kerja mengkonstruk ruang, baik demi tujuan produksi ataupun apropriasi estetis. Singkatnya, meminjam terminologi John Urry (1995), mereka berdua secara berkesinambungan telah dan masih terlibat di dalam aktivitas konsumsi visual.
Translation - English Tan and Mui’s Travelogue
Kris Budiman
Today’s world has transformed into a terrain termed by ArjunAppadurai (1996) as the global ethnoscape. When someone’s attachment to a certain nation, state, and motherland seems to fade away, human being then bears a brand new status as trans-migrant, non-temporary traveler creatures either in physical, intellectual, or imaginary conception. Tan Haur and Kit Mui are such kind of couple who barely ceases to travel from many departure points (with almost no return points). During their many travels, incessantly they bear in mind various ethnoscapes they ever witness through the aid of certain media, mostly photography, sketches, and other no less practical visual media. From this point onward, the seemingly incessant travels then turn into a working series of space construction, either for production or aesthetical appropriation purpose. In brief, citing John Urry’s terminology (1995), both of them has and been continuously involved in the activity of visual consumption.
English to Indonesian: Global Compliance Charter Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English 2 Group Compliance CharterCompliance CharterCompliance CharterCompliance CharterCompliance Charter
2.1 Definition of Compliance Risk
Within the Group, a number of legal entities are authorised by their respective regulator to carry on financial services activities. Each regulator has regulations with which each regulated legal entity needs to comply (the “regulatory obligations”).
Schroders defines “compliance risk” as the risk of not complying with these financial services regulatory obligations and principles of conduct articulated by relevant regulators or failure to meet other financial services statutory obligations relating to the running of our business. Compliance risk for this purpose includes the risk of direct loss to our clients and/or the Group resulting from the breach by us of applicable local, country or international laws, regulations, guidelines, principles, and professional standards relating to the conduct of financial services activites. This risk may result in:
‘Conduct Risk’ as set out in the Group’s approach to the management of Conduct Risk, including the risk of relevant detriment to our clients;
legal and regulatory risk;
reputational risk;
litigation risk;
risk of financial loss to us from compensating clients or counterparties.
Applicable local, country or international laws, regulations, principles and professional standards (the “Rules”) governing the conduct of financial services activities that create obligations for us and relate to:
Regulatory obligations resulting from laws, regulations and circulars issued or overseen by financial services regulators governing the regulated business, excluding prudential rules, for example those governing capital, liquidity and financial regulatory reporting;
The mitigation of risk of money laundering, terrorist financing, sanctions breach and bribery;
The mitigation of risk of market abuse;
Compliance with client guidelines and restrictions as set out in investment management agreements;
Compliance standards relating to financial services practices, as required by Group and/or local laws and regulation.
Other obligations applicable to the Group, such as employment, social, health and safety, tax, company or other legal or regulatory obligations, are not within the scope of this Charter.
Translation - Indonesian 2 Piagam Kepatuhan Grup
2.1 Definisi Resiko Kepatuhan
Dalam Grup, beberapa entitas hukum diberi kuasa oleh masing-masing regulator mereka untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas jasa keuangan. Setiap regulator memiliki peraturan yang harus dipatuhi oleh setiap entitas hukum yang diaturnya.
Schroders mendefinisikan “resiko kepatuhan” sebagai resiko karena tidak mematuhi kewajiban peraturan jasa keuangan dan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan yang dikeluarkan oleh regulator terkait atau ketidakmampuan untuk memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban perundangan jasa keuangan lain yang berkaitan dengan jalannya bisnis perusahaan. Resiko kepatuhan dalam hal ini mencakup resiko kerugian langsung kepada klien dan/atau Grup karena pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh kami terhadap hukum setempat yang berlaku, hukum negara atau hukum internasional, peraturan-peraturan, pedoman, prinsip-prinsip dasar, dan standar profesional yang terkait dengan pengelolaan aktivitas jasa keuangan. Resiko ini bisa mengakibatkan pada:
• ‘Resiko Pengelolaan’ sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam pendekatan Grup terhadap pengelolaan Resiko Pengelolaan, yang mencakup resiko kerugian terkait kepada klien kami;
• Resiko hukum dan peraturan;
• Resiko reputasi;
• Resiko litigasi;
• Resiko kerugian finansial bagi kami karena memberikan ganti rugi kepada klien atau pihak rekanan.
Hukum setempat yang berlaku, hukum negara atau hukum internasional, peraturan-peraturan, prinsip-prinsip dasar dan standar profesional (“Aturan-aturan”) yang menentukan pengelolaan aktivitas jasa keuangan sehingga memunculkan berbagai kewajiban bagi kami dan terkait dengan:
• Kewajiban peraturan yang diakibatkan oleh hukum, peraturan dan surat edaran yang dikeluarkan atau diatur oleh regulator jasa keuangan yang mengatur bisnis resmi dan tidak mencakup aturan petunjuk, seperti peraturan terkait modal, likuiditas dan laporan pengaturan keuangan;
• Pengurangan resiko pencucian uang, pendanaan teroris, sanksi pelanggaran dan penyuapan;
• Pengurangan resiko penyalahgunaan pasar;
• Kepatuhan terhadap petunjuk dan pembatasan klien sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam kesepakatan manajemen investasi;
• Kepatuhan terhadap standar terkait praktek jasa keuangan sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh Grup dan/ atau hukum dan peraturan setempat.
Kewajiban-kewajiban lain yang berlaku bagi Grup seperti, masalah ketenagakerjaan, sosial, kesehatan dan keselamatan, perpajakan, perusahaan atau kewajiban hukum atau peraturan-peraturan lain, tidak termasuk dalam cakupan Piagam ini.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - English Language and Literature
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Aug 2015.
I am a native speaker of Indonesian Language with a BA in English Language and Literature. I am skillful in translating English-Indonesian as well as Indonesian-English. I have been doing translation jobs since 2008, the time when I was still a student of English Language and Literature. My great concern to translation subjects showered me with many translation experience of various types of texts, including: literature, academic articles and journals, general, research proposals, and recently legal documents.
I gained experience from working freelance with many translation agencies such as Pro Bahasa, Aksara Bahasa, and Aside from doing various translation texts, I also experience translating some books. One of the most inspiring experience is my project on translating Organized Crime in Our Times, a book by Jay Albanese published by Prenada Media about the nature of organized crime in the world. I am open to any critics and suggestions and always eager to learn new things to build great reputation in translation business. I know how important punctuality, accuracy, trust, and communication with clients are to be able to complete great translation project My other supporting expertise aside from doing translation work is English teaching in which I teach some junior and sophomores about Basic English Competence for Academic Purposes.
Keywords: Indonesian, English, English Indonesian, Indonesian English, translator, translation, localization, legal document, academic journal, social science. See more.Indonesian, English, English Indonesian, Indonesian English, translator, translation, localization, legal document, academic journal, social science, literature, advertising, proofreading, editing, media, marketing, cultural studies, biography, history, fashion. See less.