Afrikaans to English: Bester newsletter December 2014 General field: Science Detailed field: Agriculture | |
Source text - Afrikaans Het die ureum pril jou gekul? (Dorryn du Toit)
Die prys van ureum prille het hierdie jaar verrassings in die kostestruktuur van herkouerrantsoene veroorsaak.
Ureum prille is 'n nie-proteïen stikstof. 'n Herkouer word op twee maniere bevoordeel deur die hersirkulering van ureum na die rumen. Eerstens is dit verantwoordelik vir die verhoging van die rantsoenstikstofkonsentrasie. Hierdie addisionele stikstof stel die mikroörganismes in staat om voort te gaan met sellulosevertering en dus ontginning van energie uit die rantsoen. Tweedens kan dit teweegbring dat meer aminosure vanaf mikrobiese proteïen uit die laer spysverteringskanaal geabsorbeer word en tot beskikking van die weefsel kom.
Die verskil tussen ureum prille en korrels is uitkenbaar aan die partikelgrootte. Prille se deursnee is tussen 1-2.8mm en dié van korrels, 2-4mm. Suid-Afrika is 'n netto-invoerder van beide ureum prille en korrels. Geen ureum word plaaslik vervaardig nie. Die grootse hoeveelheid ureum prille wat plaaslik verbruik word, word vanaf die Midde-Ooste ingevoer.
Die plaaslike ureumprys word grotendeels deur die internasionale kunsmis ureumprys bepaal. Volgens onderstaande grafiek, varieer die prys elke jaar en is dit nie tendensgedrewe nie. Die internasionale prys word beïnvloed deur vraag- en - aanbod, politieke kwessies, brent-ruolie en die waarde van die Rand:Dollar verhouding.
| Translation - English Have urea prills fooled you? (Dorryn du Toit)
The price of urea prills caused some surprises with regard to the cost structure of ruminant rations this year.
Urea prills consist of a non-protein nitrogen compound. A ruminant benefits in two ways from the recirculation of urea to the rumen. Firstly, it is responsible for an increase in the nitrogen concentration of the ration. The additional nitrogen enables micro-organisms to continue with cellulose digestion, and thus allows for harvesting the energy from the ration. In the second place, it can facilitate the absorption of more amino acids from microbial protein by the digestive tract. These amino acids are then available for absorption by tissue.
The difference between urea prills and granular urea is the size of the particles. The diameter of prills is between 1 and 2.8 mm and that of granular urea is between 2 and 4 mm. South Africa is a nett importer of both. Urea is not manufactured locally. The largest amount of urea prills that is used locally are imported from the Middle East.
The local urea price is mainly determined by the international fertiliser urea price. The figure below illustrates the fact that the price fluctuates every year, and is not driven by trends. The international price is affected by demand and supply, political issues, the price of Brent crude oil and the value of the rand:dollar rate.