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German to English: Heavy machinery for Caritas Baby Hospital General field: Marketing Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - German Mit zwei grossen Lastwagen wurde ein neues Röntgengerät ins Caritas Baby Hospital geliefert. Wochen lang war es von Japan aus, wo der Apparat hergestellt wird, bis nach Bethlehem unterwegs. Aber das Warten hat sich gelohnt, denn mit diesem „digitalen Röntgen- und Fluoroskopiegerät“ steht der wohl modernste Röntgenapparat des gesamten Westjordanlands im Caritas Baby Hospital.
Ein wichtiger Vorteil dieses Geräts besteht darin, dass die Strahlendosis, der die Kinder bei den Aufnahmen ausgesetzt sind, viel geringer ist. Ausserdem sind die Bilder bestechend scharf, so dass sich leichter erkennen lässt, ob es Auffälligkeiten gibt oder nicht. Eine genauere Diagnose ermöglicht bessere Behandlungsmöglichkeiten – zum Wohl der kleinen Patientinnen und Patienten. Da das Gerät auch in der Lage ist, bewegte Bilder aufzuzeichnen, müssen verwackelte Bilder nicht wiederholt werden – was bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern bisher ein häufiges Problem darstellt.
Ola Musleh, die das Projekt betreut, ist begeistert von dem neuen Apparat: „Es wird deutlich kürzere Wartezeiten geben. Was beim Röntgen bisher fünf Minuten dauerte, geht heute in fünf Sekunden.“ Sie ist froh, dass die Maschine nun endlich in Bethlehem ist, gleichzeitig weiss sie aber, dass noch ein großes Stück Arbeit vor ihnen liegt, bevor das Gerät das erste Kind durchleuchten kann. Erst müssen alle Einzelteile und die hochsensiblen technischen Einheiten zu einem Gerät zusammengebaut werden. Danach müssen jene Mitarbeitenden geschult werden, die diese komplizierte Apparatur bedienen werden. „Es ist ein grosser Aufwand – aber ganz bestimmt zum Wohl der der kleinen Patienten im Caritas Baby Hospital.“
„Die Anschaffung wurde ermöglicht durch die US-Agentur für Internationale Entwicklung und die grosszügige Unterstützung der amerikanischen Bevölkerung durch USAID Cooperative Agreement No. AID-294-A-13_00003“
Translation - English Two large trucks delivered a new X-Ray machine to the Caritas Baby Hospital. It spent weeks on its way from Japan, where the machine was produced, on its way to Bethlehem. But it was worth the wait; this new "digital fluoroscopy x-ray machine" is probably the most modern x-ray machine in the whole of the West Bank, and it's right here at the Caritas Baby Hospital.
One important advantage of this machine is that the dose of radiation that children are exposed to when they are being examined is much lower. Not only that, but the images are higher definition, making it much easier to tell whether or not there are any anomalies. A more accurate diagnosis means better treatment possibilities - which is good news for the little patients. As the machine can also record moving images, there is no longer an issue with blurred pictures, which was previously a major problem with infants and young children.
Ola Musleh, who is overseeing the project, is thrilled with the new machine: "this is really going to reduce waiting times. What used to take five minutes with the x-ray machine, we can now do in five seconds." She is glad that the machine is finally in Bethlehem, but at the same time she knows that they still have a lot of work ahead of them before the machine can x-ray the first child. First, all the parts and highly-sensitive technical units need to be assembled to build the machine. Then all staff members who are going to be using this complex device need to be trained in using it. "It's going to take a lot of effort, but there's no doubt that the little patients at the Caritas Baby Hospital will benefit."
"The purchase was made possible by the US Agency for International Development and the generous support of the American people through USAID Cooperative Agreement No. AID-294-A-13_00003."
Portuguese to English: What is Natural Gas? General field: Other Detailed field: Petroleum Eng/Sci
Source text - Portuguese O Gás Natural é um combustível fóssil que se encontra na natureza, normalmente em reservatórios profundos no subsolo, associado ou não ao petróleo. Assim como o petróleo, ele resulta da degradação da matéria orgânica, fósseis de animais e plantas pré-históricas, sendo retirado da terra através de perfurações.
Inodoro, incolor e de queima mais limpa que os demais combustíveis, o Gás Natural é resultado da combinação de hidrocarbonetos gasosos, nas condições normais atmosféricas de pressão e temperatura, contendo, principalmente, metano e etano.
Gás Natural Associado
O Gás Natural associado é aquele que, em reservatórios, se encontra dissolvido em óleo ou se apresenta como uma “capa” de gás. Este tipo de gás, antes de ser distribuído, precisa ser separado do óleo.
Gás Natural Não-Associado
O Gás Natural não-associado é aquele que, em reservatórios, se encontra livre de óleo ou apresenta pequena quantidade deste componente. Este tipo de gás é de mais fácil comercialização, já que não é necessário um processo para separação de componentes.
Antes de ser distribuído por gasodutos, o Gás Natural passa por uma unidade de processamento, na qual são retiradas impurezas como água, outros gases e areia, além de componentes condensáveis e mais pesados, como gasolina natural e o gás liqüefeito do petróleo (GLP ou “gás de cozinha”).
As reservas de Gás Natural no Brasil são amplas e novas reservas estão sendo descobertas, o que garante o abastecimento em todo o território brasileiro por muito tempo.
Obs.: essa composição pode variar a partir do reservatório onde o gás é encontrado.
Translation - English What is Natural Gas?
Natural gas is a naturally-occurring fossil fuel, normally found in deep underground reserves, with or without oil. Like oil, it is the result of the degradation of organic material, prehistoric plant and animal fossils and is extracted from the earth through perfurations.
Odourless, colourless and cleaner burning than other fuels, natural gas is the result of a combination of gaseous hydrocarbons in normal atmospheric conditions of pressure and temperature and mainly contains methane and ethane.
Associated Natural Gas
Associated Natural Gas is gas which is found in reserves and is dissolved in oil or appears as a ”layer” of gas. This type of gas must be separated from the oil before it can be distributed.
Nonassociated Natural Gas
Nonassociated Natural Gas is gas which is found in reserves and is free from oil or contains a small quantity of this component. This type of gas is the easiest to market as it does not need processing to separate the components.
Before being distributed through pipelines, natural gas goes through a processing unit where impurities such as water, other gases and sand are removed, as well as condensable and heavier components like natural gasoline and/ or liquefied oil gas (GLP or “cooking gas”).
Brazil has large reserves of natural gas and new reserves are being discovered which guarantee supply over the whole country for a long time to come.
Note: this composition may vary depending on the reserve where the gas is found.
Arabic to English: Kuwait Ministry of Health Regulations on Non-Ionising Radiation Sources General field: Medical Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Arabic
تحديد رسوم التراخيص التي تحصلها وزارة الصحة
«الأنباء» تنشر لائحة تنظيم وحيازة واستخدام وتداول المصادر غير المؤينة
الأحد 21 سبتمبر 2014 - الأنباء
الأنباء تنشر لائحة تنظيم وحيازة واستخدام وتداول المصادر غير المؤينة
أصدر وزير الصحة د.علي العبيدي قرارا وزاريا رقم 145 لسنة 2014 بشأن لائحة تنظيم استيراد وحيازة واستخدام وتداول المصادر غير المؤينة.
مادة أولى: تعتمد اللائحة المرفقة والخاصة بتنظيم استيراد وحيازة واستخدام وتداول المصادر غير المؤينة.
مادة ثانية: تلغى القرارات الوزارية أرقام 257 لسنة 1993 و403 لسنة 2002.
مادة ثالثة: يبلغ هذا القرار من يلزم لتنفيذه ويعمل به من تاريخ نشره في الجريدة الرسمية.
وفيما يلي لائحة تنظيم استيراد وحيازة واستخدام وتداول المصادر غير المؤينة:
مادة أولى: في هذه اللائحة تعني المصطلحات التالية المعاني المبينة قرين كل منها كما يلي:
1 ـ الأشعة غير المؤينة: هي أشعة لا تسبب تأينا عند اختراقها للمادة، وطاقتها أقل من او يساوي 12.4 الكترون فولت او من يساوي 3×1510 هيرتز. وهي عبارة عن المجالات الكهربائية والمغناطيسية او الموجات الكهرومغناطيسية، وتندرج تحتها كذلك الموجات الصوتية.
2 ـ الموجات الكهرومغناطيسية: وهي موجات متغيرة زمنيا وتشمل الموجات ذات التردد المنخفض وموجات الراديو والميكروويف وموجات الرادار.
3 ـ الموجات الصوتية: وهي موجات ميكانيكية تسبب اضطرابا في الوسط المحيط. وتشمل موجات الصوت المسموعة ـ الموجات تحت الصوتية ـ الموجات فوق الصوتية.
4 ـ الموجات تحت الصوتية: وهي موجات لا يستطيع الشخص العادي سماعها وذات تردد أقل من 20 هيرتز.
5 ـ الموجات الصوتية المسموعة: وهي موجات يستطيع الشخص العادي سماعها وذات تردد من 20 هيرتز الى 20 كيلو هيرتز.
6 ـ الموجات فوق الصوتية: وهي موجات لا يستطيع الشخص العادي سماعها وذات تردد من 20 كيلو هيرتز الى 20 جيجا هيرتز.
7 ـ الأشعة البصرية: وهي أشعة كهرومغناطيسية تشمل الأشعة فوق البنفسجية والأشعة المرئية تحت الحمراء ويدخل من ضمنها أشعة الليزر والضوء النابض المكثف.
8 ـ أشعة الليزر: وهي حزمة من الأشعة البصرية تشترك في ترددها وتتطابق موجاتها بحيث تحدث ظاهرة التداخل البناء بين موجاتها لتتحول الى نبضة بصرية ذات طاقة مكثفة.
Translation - English Explanation of license fees collected by the Ministry of Health
"Al-Anba" publishes the regulations on importation, possession, use and handling of non-ionising radiation sources
Sunday 21st September, 2014 - Al-Anba
Health Minister Dr. Ali Al-Obeidi has issued ministerial decree No. 145 of 2014 concerning the regulations on the importation, possession, use and handling of non-ionising radiation sources.
Article One: this regulation concerns the import, possession, use and handling of non-ionising radiation sources.
Article Two: ministerial decrees 257 and 403 for the years 1993 and 2002 respectively are hereby repealed.
Article Three: the works referred to in this decree are to be implemented from the date of publication in the Official Gazette.
The following regulation concerns the import, possession, use and handling of non-ionising radiation sources:
Article One: the terms contained in this regulation are defined as follows:
1 -– Non-ionising radiation: radiation that does not cause ionisation upon penetration of a substance, with a strength of less than or equal to12.4 eV or equal to 3 × 1510 Hertz. It is caused by electric and magnetic fields or electromagnetic waves and falls below the frequency of sound waves.
2 - Electromagnetic waves: variable time-waves including low-frequency waves, radio waves, microwaves and radar waves.
3 - Sound waves: mechanical waves that cause disruption in the surrounding medium. These include audible sound waves, infrasonic waves and ultrasonic waves.
4 - Infrasonic waves: waves that are below a person's normal hearing range, ranging between 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
5 - Audible sound waves: waves that are within a person's normal hearing range, between 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
6 Ultrasonic waves: waves that are above a person's normal hearing range, ranging between 20 KHz to 20 GHz.
7 - Optical radiation: electromagnetic radiation including ultraviolet radiation and infrared radiation, and includes laser and intense pulsating light rays.
8 - Laser radiation: a spectrum of optical radiation which matches the frequency of the waves resulting in an overlap phenomenon which causes the waves to appear as a pulse of
Spanish to English: Conditions of Service Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish 1 - Objeto
En base a estas condiciones generales ............. ofrecerá al Usuario un canal para formular propuestas de adquisición de bienes y/o obtención de servicios. Estas condiciones regulan las obligaciones de ambas partes y los derechos y deberes que se adquieren o asumen al utilizar los servicios de la plataforma de ..............
2 - Descripción general del servicio
Para la utilización del servicio, el Usuario deberá registrarse en la web, y a partir de este registro podrá formalizar una o varias propuestas de compra de productos y/o servicios a través de la plataforma de .............., indicando las características o el tipo de prestaciones de dichos productos y/o servicios.
El Usuario recibirá información de servicios propios de los proveedores de ................... de las características de los que haya solicitado, y podrá aceptar o rechazar libremente su contratación. En el caso de que el Usuario acepte una oferta, ............... trasladará la aceptación del Usuario al proveedor, momento a partir del cual se iniciará una relación directa entre el Usuario y el proveedor. ................. quedará exento de cualquier responsabilidad que se pueda derivar de las relaciones entre el proveedor y el Usuario.
3 - Especificaciones del servicio
1. Al registrarse el Usuario acepta ceder sus datos personales para poder realizar la resercva. Una vez registrado, el Usuario obtendrá un nombre de usuario y contraseña. Corresponde al Usuario garantizar su seguridad y buen uso. Podrá cambiar y renovar periódicamente la contraseña. En el caso de que el Usuario observe alguna incidencia en el uso de sus identificadores personales podrá comunicarlo a .............. a fin de prever o corregir perjuicios que se pudieran crear al Usuario.
2. Una vez haya accedido con su identificador personal, el Usuario indicará las características de los bienes y/o servicios que desee adquirir u obtener.
3. ............. comunicará las propuestas que cumplan con las características especificadas por el Usuario.
4. ................ no cobra al Usuario por el uso de la plataforma.
5. El pago de los servicios contratados mediante ............... se efectuará por pasarela bancaria mediante tarjeta. Su fecha de validez debe abarcar la fecha de inicio de obtención del servicio.
6. Las reservas podrán cancelarse hasta la fecha y hora que se indique en cada caso sin gastos de cancelación. A partir de la fecha y hora indicada la cancelación puede comportar gastos para el usuario. Las condiciones de cancelación pueden variar en cada oferta, por lo que corresponde al Usuario verificar cuales son en cada caso.
Translation - English 1 - Object
In accordance with these General Conditions, .......... will offer the User a channel through which to acquire goods and/ or obtain services. These conditions govern the obligations of both Parties and the rights and obligations that are acquired or accepted when using the services of the .............. platform.
2 - General Service Description
In order to use the service, the User must register on the website and, following this registration, may carry out one or several purchases of products and/ or services through the ................ platform, indicating the characteristics or type of services of said products and/ or services.
The User will receive information on services provided by .......... suppliers relating to the characteristics that he/ she has requested and may accept or reject their provision freely. In the event that the User accepts an offer, ............ will relay the acceptance of the User to the supplier, following which a direct relationship will start between the User and the supplier. ............. will be exempt from any responsibility that may result from the relations between the supplier and the User.
3 - Service Specifications
1. On registering, the User agrees to provide his/ her personal details to make the reservation. Once registered, the User will receive a username and password. It is the responsibility of the User to guarantee their security and good use. He/ she may periodically change and renew the password. In the event that the User observes any incident in the use of his/ her personal identifiers, he/ she can communicate this to ............. to prevent or correct negative impacts that may be created for the User.
2. Once he/she has entered with his/ her personal user ID, the User will indicate the characteristics of the goods and/ or services that he/ she wishes to buy or obtain.
3. ................ will communicate the proposals which match the characteristics specified by the User.
4. ................ does not charge the User for use of the platform.
5. Payment for services contracted through ................ will be made via card through a payment gateway. It must be valid on the start date of the service obtained.
6. Reservations can be cancelled up to the date and time indicated on each case without a cancellation charge. Following the date and time indicated, cancellation may result in charges for the user. The cancellation conditions may vary on each offer, so it is the responsibility of the User to check these in each case.
Hebrew to English: Terms of Lending General field: Other Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Hebrew
o אם מונה כונס נכסים )זמני או קבוינ( ינל רכוש הינמית או כל חלק ממנו.
o אם חינמית ביקש /יבקש למשוך את הכספים המופקדים ינל שמו בקופה ו/או את חלקם.
o אם חינמית ביקש /יבקש להינביר את הכספים המופקדים ינל שמו בקופה או כל חלק מהם , לקופה
o אם יוסל יניקול כלשהו ינל הכספים המופקדי ם ינל שם חינמית בקופה או כל חלק מהם ו /או
במקרים בהם יינקסו או ננקסו הליכי הוצאה לפוינל בקשר ינימם.
o במידה וחינמית הוכרז כ- "לקוח מוגבל" ו/או “לקוח מוגבל בנסיבות מחמירות 'י כהגדרתם בחוק
שיקים ללא כיסוי, התשמװא-1981.
o במקרה ובו יוסל יניקול כלשהו ינל שם חינמית אצל המינביד, והדבר ייוודינ לקופה.
o אם יראה לקופה , לפי שיקול דינתה , כי ארינ מקרה הפוגינ או הינלול לפגוינ ביכולות הכספית של
חינמית ו/או בבסוחה כלשהי אותה קיבלה ו /או תקבל הקופה אמת חינמית ו /או מאחר, לרבות
המינביד לשם הבטחת התחייבויות חינמית כלפי הקופה בקשר ינם הינמדת ההלוואה כאמו ר.
o ינל פי שיקול דינתה הבלינדי וללא חובת הנמקה , ככל שיחול שינוי בהסדר התחיקתי בקשר ינם מתן
הלוואות לינמיתי קופות גמל.
o ינם היוודינ לקופה או לחברה , באמצינות הודינה שתימסר ינל- ידי חינמית ו /או בכל דרך אחרת , ,נל
קרות אחד מהאירוינים המנויים ליניל , תודיינ הקופה לינמית ינל כוו נתה לפרוינ את ההלוואה מתוך
הכספים הינומדים לזכות חינמית בקופה.
o חינמית מתחייב להודיינ לקופה באופן מיידי ולא יאוחר משבינה ימים , ינל קרות אירוינ מהאירוינים
המנויים ליניל.
o מובהר בזאת כי ינל פי הדיו חלה חובת דיווח למס הכנסה וניכוי מס הכנסה במקור , במקרה של
פירינון מוקדם, כאמור ליניל. כמו כן, בכל מקרה כאמור, הקופה תהא רשאית לבצינ פירינוו מוקדם
בהתאם לינרכי הפדיון של הקופה שיחושבו בהתאם לתקנון הקופה וההסדר התחיקתי (, ולנכות
את המס במקור, בהתאם להסדר התחיקתי החל ינל קופות גמל.
o חינמית נותן בזאת לקופה הוראה בלתי חוזרת לדווח למס הכנ סה ולנכות מתוך הכספים שנצברו
לזכות חינמית בקופה את המס במקור , בכל מקרה בו תוינמד ההלוואה לפירינון מוקדם , וזאת ללא
כל צורך במשלוח הודינה נוספת, מינבר למשלוח הודינה כאמור בסיניף זה.
o בנוסף, תהא החברה של הקופה רשאית לאחוז בכל הצינדים המשפטיים שתמצא לנכון לצורך גביית
סכומי ההלוואה שסרם נפרינו , וכן לממש את הבסוחות שניתנו או שיינתנו לקופה )ככל שניתנו או
יינתנו( או כל חלק מהן, בכל אופן שתמצא לנכון
Translation - English
o If the appointed receiver (temporarily or permanently) occupies the Client's property or any part thereof.
o If the Client has requested/ intends to request that the funds loaned to them by the Fund be withdrawn, in part or in full.
o If the Client has requested/ intends to request that the funds loaned to them by the Fund be transferred, in part or in full, to another fund.
o If any condition is imposed on the funds loaned to them by the Fund, in part or in full, and/ or where execution proceedings have taken place in connection with them.
o If the Client is declared to be a "restricted customer" and/ or "restricted customer under aggravated circumstances" as defined in the Checks without Cover law of 1981.
o If an attachment is imposed on the Client by their employer and this becomes known to the Fund.
o If the Fund, in its discretion, sees that an incident is damaging or may be damaging to the Client's financial status, and/ or any capital they have received or will receive, the Fund will accept the Client's word and/ or ask their employer to guarantee the Client's liabilities to the Fund pertaining to said loan.
o The Fund has the sole discretion and is not obligated to give reasons, if there is a change in the legal arrangement pertaining to clients of the Fund.
o If the Fund or the Company is informed by the Client or through any other means, that the events listed above have occurred, the Fund will inform the Client that the loan is to be repaid from the funds deposited to the Client by the Fund.
o The Client shall inform the Fund immediately and in no more than seven days, of the occurrence of the events listed above.
o The law makes it clear, that the Client is obligated to report any foreign income and foreign income deduction at the source in the event of early repayment, as mentioned above. Additionally, in any such event, the Fund is entitled to demand early repayment (the value of which will be calculated in accordance with the regulations of the Fund) in accordance with the statutory arrangements applying to provident funds.
o The Client hereby irrevocably undertakes to inform the Fund of any foreign income and income deduction at the source using the funds credited to the Client by the Fund. In the event that the loan is repaid early, there is no need for further correspondence beyond that which is described in this section.
o In addition, the Fund company is entitled to take all legal steps it deems necessary to collect outstanding loan amounts as well as the capital which has been given or will be given to the Fund (or any part thereof) in whatever way it sees fit.
Catalan to English: Contract for Service Provision General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Catalan Él preu s'abonarà en pagaments parcials.
TERCERA El termini de lliurament dels béns objecte d'aquest contracte per a cadascun dels lots és:
Installació pilot: abans del ....................
Installacions personalitzades; ...... mesos des dela signatura del contracte.
Migració i posada en funcionament: en un termini màxim de ...... mesos des de la signatura del contracte.
QUARTA.- El termini de 'garantia' del subministrament serà d'un any, a comptar des de la formalitzacióde l'acta de conformitat de l'execuciórdel contracte de cadascuna de les institucions, finalitzat el qual. es procedirà al retorn de la garantia definitiva dipositada per l'adjudicatari.
ClNQUENA.- L'empresa'adjudicatàría ha de lliurar el subministrament objecte del contracte en el temps fixat en el plec de clàusules administratives particulars. Si el contractista incorre
en mora per causes que li siguin imputables, l'Administració podrà optar indistintament, per la resolució del contracte per la imposició de les penalitats establertes als articles 95 RDL 2/2000, sense que sigui necessària la intimació prèvia de la mora per part de l'Administració.
L'import de les penalitats no exclou la indemnització de danys i perjudicis a qué pugui tenir' dret l'Administració, originats per la demora del contractista. A més, l'Administració podrà retenir la garantia definitiva per tal d'assegurar el compliment de les penalitats quan no es puguin deduir del pagament, i per garantir la indemnització per danys i perjudicis, si escau.
SISENA.Corresponen al Departament de Cultura les prerrogatives de direcció, interpretació, modificació i suspensió d'aquest contracte, en la forma i les condicions que la legislació de
contractes de l'Estat estableix per als de naturalesa administrativa.
SETENA.- Aquest contracte té caràcter administratiu i es regeix pel Reial Decret Legislatiu 2/2000, de 16 de juny, pel qual s'aprova ei text refós de la Llei de Contractes de les Administracions Públiques.
Translation - English The cost will be paid in partial installments.
THIRD – The delivery period for the goods in question in the contract for each of the lots is as follows:
– pilot installation: before ..................;
personalised installations: ....... months following the signing of the contract;
– expansion and bringing online:at most a period of ......... months following the signing of the contract.
FOURTH – The duration of the guarantee of will be one year, starting from the time the act is formalised in accordance with the fulfillment of the contract with each of the institutions, upon whose completion, proceedings will be made for the return of the final guarantee deposited by the adjudicator.
FIFTH – The adjudicating firm must deliver the provisions in question in the contract within the time stipulated in the bidding conditions. If the contractor incurs a demurrage because of unforseen circumstances, the Administration will have the option to indiscriminately dissolve the contract or to impose the penalties defined in articles 95 RDL 2/2000, without prior notification of the demurrage being necessary on the part of the Administration. The cost of the penalties does not exclude damages to which the Administration may have a right, stemming from the contractor's delay. In addition, the Administration will be able to retain the final guarantee in order to ensure the fulfillment of the penalties when they cannot be subtracted from the payout and to guarantee the payment of damages if this suits.
SIXTH – Corresponding to the CBUC are the prerogatives of management, interpretation, modification and suspension of this contract in the style and conditions which state contract legislation establishes for those of an administrative nature.
SEVENTH – This contract is of an administrative nature and is governed by the Royal Legislative Decree 2/2000, 16th June, by which the entire text of the Law of Contracts for Public Administrations is approved.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Cambridge
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Mar 2015.
Adobe Acrobat, MateCat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Memsource, Transit Satellite, Translation Workspace, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
My name is Jamie and I've been translating freelance on and off for the last seven years.
I recently decided to pursue translation full-time and for the last two months I've had great opportunities to put all the skills and experience I've learnt so far to good use.
I have been a language student since I was eleven and have used every opportunity in my professional and personal life to improve my skills in the eight languages I now speak.
I don't have an exclusive background in the translation industry, which I feel is an asset to both me and my clients. It means I can appreciate the translation process from a corporate perspective and empathise a lot more with the concerns non-translators may have, as I have been on the other side of the fence as well. The other advantage I have is having worked in two vastly different sectors, one of which is the booming world of healthcare IT, I have first-hand knowledge and use of the most current vernacular in both healthcare and Cloud-based IT in several languages.
Based both on my professional and personal history, I really enjoy cultivating successful working relationships with clients, both LSP's and direct, and don't just see that as a business-winning exercise, but a long-term commitment to providing quality services.