English to Romanian: SeaWorld Admits Spying On Animal Rights Group | |
Source text - English SeaWorld has acknowledged one of its workers infiltrated an animal rights group but has vowed to end the practice.
Joel Manby, the aquatic theme park's chief executive, admitted to the incident of spying during a conference call with investors on Thursday.
SeaWorld San Diego worker Paul McComb was suspended last year after he was accused of posing as an activist for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
The group said Mr McComb, who is still employed by SeaWorld, attempted to incite violence during a peaceful protest.
PETA said the theme park's refusal to sack Mr McComb shows its willingness to condone corporate spying.
| Translation - Romanian Lumea Mării a recunoscut că unul dintre muncitori a înfiltrat un grup pentrudrepturile animalelor, dar a promis să pună capăt practicii.
Joel Manby, diredtorul executiv al parcului tematic acvatic, incidentul de spionaj a fost admis joi în timpul unui apel de conferinţă cu investitori.
Paul McComb, muncitorul Lumea Mării din San Diego a fost suspendat anul trecut, după ce a fost acuzat că s-a pozat ca un activist al Oamenii pentru Tratarea Etic a Animalelor. (PETA)
Grupul a declarat că dl McComb, care este încă angajat de Lumea Mării, a încercat să incite la violenţă în timpul unui protest paşnic.
PETA a declarat că refuzul parcului tematic de a demite dl McComb arată diponibilitatea de a trece cu vederea asupra spionajului corporativ.
English to Hungarian: SeaWorld Admits Spying On Animal Rights Group | |
Source text - English SeaWorld has acknowledged one of its workers infiltrated an animal rights group but has vowed to end the practice.
Joel Manby, the aquatic theme park's chief executive, admitted to the incident of spying during a conference call with investors on Thursday.
SeaWorld San Diego worker Paul McComb was suspended last year after he was accused of posing as an activist for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
The group said Mr McComb, who is still employed by SeaWorld, attempted to incite violence during a peaceful protest.
PETA said the theme park's refusal to sack Mr McComb shows its willingness to condone corporate spying.
| Translation - Hungarian A Tenger Világ elismerte, hogy az egyik dolgozójuk beszivárogtatott egy állatvédő csoportot, de megfogadta, hogy véget vet a dolognak.
Joel Manby, a vízi vidámpark igazgatója elismerte, hogy a kémkedés csütörtökön, egy a befektetőkkel folytatott konferencia beszélgetés közben történt.
Paul McComb, a Tenger Világ San Diego-i dolgozóját az elmúlt évben felfüggesztették miután megvádolták, hogy az Emberek az Állatok Etikus Kezeléséért állatvédő szervezet aktivistájaként pózolt . (PETA)
A csoport szerint, hogy Mr McComb, aki még mindig a Tenger Világ alkalmazottja, egy békés tüntetés alkalmával megpróbálta az erőszakkeltést.
A PETA szerint az, hogy a park megtagadta Mr McComb kirúgását, azt mutatja, hogy hajlandó elnézni a vállalati kémkedést.