Japanese to English: Academic translation | |
Source text - Japanese リーマンショック後の景気後退によって日本企業は研究開発費を削減し、最近では企業業績の回復とともにやや取り戻す動きがみられていたが、東北地方太平洋沖地震は日本企業に大きなダメージを与え先行きの不透明感が増し、今まで以上の社会の閉塞感は否めない。(省略)・・・「お客様は神様」というが、客からのクレームをニーズとし、それにチャレンジしていく企業家精神は、どの時代にあっても必要であるし、学ぶことは多いものだ。 | Translation - English After the economic downturn caused by the Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy, Japanese enterprises cut down on the research costs but they seemed to go back to the former state, due to the economic recovery. However, the Great East Japan Earthquake brought a considerable damage to Japanese economy and cast a shadow on future prospects. It is undeniably the greatest social blockage so far. […] Despite the “our client- our god” motto, there are still many things to learn, and what is necessary, during any period of time, is an entrepreneurial spirit, that takes client’s claims as the enterprise’s needs and strives to live up to the challenges they set. |