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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Slovak to English: Zákon 484 ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon č. 223/2001 Z. z. o odpadoch General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Slovak Na batérie a akumulátory uvádzané na trh bez ohľadu na ich tvar, objem, hmotnosť, materiálové zloženie alebo použitie, na spracovanie použitých batérií a akumulátorov, na nakladanie s použitými batériami a akumulátormi a na nakladanie s odpadmi zo spracovania použitých batérií a akumulátorov sa vzťahujú všeobecné ustanovenia tohto zákona, ak v tejto časti zákona nie je ustanovené inak.
Translation - English General provisions of this Act apply to batteries and accumulators placed on the market regardless of treir shape, volume, weight, material composition or use, to treatment of waste batteries and accumulators, to processing of waste batteries and accumulators and to processing of waste from waste batteries and accumulators, unless otherwise stated in this Act.
English to Slovak: Rapamycin Delivery System General field: Science Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English Rapamycin first binds a cyclophilin FKBP12, and this complex binds and inhibits the function of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), a serine threonine kinase possessing roles such as cellular growth, proliferation, and survival. mTOR acts as a central controller, regulating translation initiation through the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E, and ribosomal p70 S6 kinase pathway.
Translation - Slovak Rapamycín sa najprv viaže na cyklofilín FKBP12 a tento komplex sa viaže a inhibuje funkciu mTOR (cieľ rapamycínu u cicavcov), serín-treonín-kinázy, ktorá plní úlohy súvisiace s bunkovým rastom, proliferáciou a prežitím. mTOR pôsobí ako centrálny spínač, regulujúci iniciáciu translácie prostredníctvom eukaryotického iniciačného faktora 4E, a metabolickej dráhy ribozomálnej kinázy p70 S6.
Translation education
Master's degree - UPJS in Košice
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Jun 2014. Became a member: Jul 2014.
English to Slovak (Slovak: UPJS) Slovak to English (Slovak: UPJS)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Translation Workspace, Xtrans, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast, XTM
I am a professional striving to improve myself on a daily basis.
I started as a part-time translator years ago, during my studies. Following my graduation, I was lucky enough to score a job at one of the major translation companies. Only then was I able to fully understand the translation and localization business. I am very thankful for this experience. Now I work from home - which can have its advantages, but also disadvantages.
My main specializations are life sciences and medical translation, but I am also skilled in legal, automotive, IT and technical translation. I work for major worldwide-known brands and companies.
Keywords: slovak, czech, translation, interpreting, interpretation, consecutive, localization, medical, life sciences, life-science. See more.slovak, czech, translation, interpreting, interpretation, consecutive, localization, medical, life sciences, life-science, life-sciences, pharmaceutical, pharma, proofreading, medicine, legal, technology, computers, IT, automotive. See less.