[email protected]
Slovak to English
English to Slovak
Czech to English or Slovak
Hungarian to English or Slovak
Translation of:
Legal Documents (birth certificates, genealogy,...)
Education Certificates
Business Contracts, Minutes and Records
Instruction Manuals
Press Releases
Historical Text
Literary Translation (restrictions apply)
Research Papers, Textbooks and other.....
Any other request for translation please e-mail.
Interpretation Services (restrictions apply)
The translator is a native of Slovakia. She
completed her degree in education. She worked
as a teacher in Slovakia. After immigrating to
Canada and a short break in teaching she continued
to teach in Ontario. Pursuing professional and
personal growth, the translator has completed
a number of courses in education at the University
of Toronto and University of Western Ontario.
ESL (English as a Second Language) is one of her
many qualifications.
For the following language combination:
Slovak to Enflish / English to Slovak
The translator is registerd with the PWGS (Public
Works and Government Services, Federal Government
of Canada) - Translation Bureau in Ottawa 1-819-997-1912,
and is an ATIO Associate in Translation for the Province
of Ontario 1-800-234-5030.