Open-minded, honest, strict-but fair. I like to work with different people, especially when it comes to translation. I have three book translations behind me-two from LV to ENG, and one ENG to LV. First was poetry, second-romance, and last one-biograhy and history about Legenda-Latvian military archeology group.
I love to work in music, art and literature field, but lately I prefer translations that are about military.
I have professional high school education as hotel service specialist and college education as HR specialist. I've been serving in armed forces for 7 years now and my English has improved in military field in these years, especially when it comes to military terms. Food, drinks, wine, service, military-no problem.
I've worked in 4 different countries-Latvia, Norway, United Kingdom and Ireland, and this experience allowed me to open my mind to different cultures and people.
My job experience includes head waitress, receptionist, chef assistant, assistant manager and-soldier. I'm willing to achieve more, to do more-so please, if you need any help-I will happy to help you! |