English to Croatian: My child has difficulty learning. How can I make sure he gets the help he needs at school? General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy | |
Source text - English My child has difficulty learning. How can I make sure he gets the help he needs at school?
You should first talk to the school about your child and the help he or she needs.
If you think your child has a serious problem and needs special help, you can also ask the local authority (council) for a 'statutory assessment'. This is where experts, including a doctor and an educational psychologist, prepare reports on your child. You and the school also provide information about your child as part of the assessment.
The statutory assessment is a complicated process, and you will need help working through it. The local authority must put you in touch with an independent adviser, who will explain the assessment and your rights. | Translation - Croatian Moje dijete ima poteskoce u ucenju. Kako ja mogu pomoci da ono dobije svu potrebnu pomoc u skoli?
Da biste dobili potrebnu pomoc za dijete najprije se trebate obratiti skoli.
Ako smatrate da vase dijete ima ozbiljnih problema i treba specijalisticku pomoc, mozete se obratiti lokalnoj samoupravi za takozvanu 'zakonsku procjenu'.
Tada strucnjaci, ukljucujuci lijecnika i skolskog psihologa, pripremaju izvjesca o vasem djetetu.
Tijekom postupka zakonske procjene, vi kao roditelj i skola dajete informacije o vasem djetetu.
Zakonska procjena je slozen proces i vi cete trebati pomoc u snalazenju kroz taj postupak.
Lokalna samouprava mora vas uputiti nezavisnom savjetniku koji ce vam objasniti postupak zakonske procjene i vasa prava u tom postupku. |