English to Japanese: business editorial article General field: Bus/Financial | |
Source text - English What Recruiters Look At During The 6 Seconds They Spend On Your Resume
Although we may never know why we didn't get chosen for a job interview, a recent study is shedding some light on recruiters' decision-making behavior. According to The Ladders research, recruiters spend an average of "six seconds before they make the initial 'fit or no fit' decision" on candidates.
| Translation - Japanese リクルーターが履歴書を見つめる最初の6秒間
就職面接まで残れなかった理由は謎のままかもしれないが、リクルーターの意思決定行為に関しては、最近の調査によって謎が解けてきた。 転職サイトであるラダーズの調査によると、リクルーターは履歴書に目を通し始めて平均6秒後に、候補者が「適任か適任でないか」の最初の決定を行うという。
English to Japanese: Marketing Text General field: Marketing | |
Source text - English Dear Customers:
We hope that you will enjoy your moving experience with us. For over 10 years people have chosen *** Moving & Storage as their moving professionals specializing in relocation logistics. Expertise, knowledge, safety while on the job is what we strive for. Residential relocation is our specialty. This is what we do most, and what we do best. We can accommodate your long distance and local moving needs, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With the most modern and updated equipment, and with the most elite of manpower in our industry, *** Moving & Storage has earned a lot of trust and recommendations from our past clients. We are a fast paced, growing professional moving service that takes pride of what we do best. With our moving service you do not have to worry! Your special items will only be handled with care. We are fully licensed and insured because we know that your items are important to you. We will provide you with a safe professional service.
| Translation - Japanese お客様各位
満足度の高いお引っ越しをお望みでしたら、我が社をお選びください。私たち *** Moving & Storage 社は、引っ越し物流専門のプロとして10年以上に渡り皆様に選ばれてきました。業務におけるノウハウ、知識、安全性を絶えず追求しています。住まいのお引っ越しを専門とする私たちは、豊富な経験と良質なサービスでお客様のお手伝いをいたします。長距離近距離に関わらず、毎日休みなく24時間体制でお手伝いいたします。私たち *** Moving & Storage は最新・最適の設備と引っ越し業界トップクラスの精鋭な人材を兼ね備えており、我が社を利用されたお客様たちからは、厚い信頼と共に新たなお客様へのご紹介を頂いています。私たちは自らの仕事に誇りを持ち、引っ越し業者として急成長を遂げています。お引っ越しに関するご心配は一切ご不要です。お客様の大切な所有品は、万全の注意を払って取り扱われ、その大切な品々を守る為にも、我が社は資格と保険を完備しています。プロの手による安全なサービスをご提供するのが私たちの仕事です。
English to Japanese: News Article General field: Other | |
Source text - English DNA and Human Rights - A court decision limits the scope of police DNA databases
HOLDING DNA samples and fingerprints of suspects who are later acquitted, or have the charges against them dropped, violates their right to privacy, the European Court of Human Rights ruled unanimously on December 4th. Its decision, which is binding on all 46 members of the Council of Europe, will have an immediate impact on around 850,000 innocent people whose genetic profiles are stored on the police DNA database in England and Wales.
| Translation - Japanese DNA と人権 警察の DNA データベース管理範囲を制限する判決
犯罪容疑者の DNA サンプルや指紋を、無罪判決が下りた場合もしくは容疑が取り下げられた場合もなお警察が保管し続けるのは個人のプライバシー権の侵害に値する。12月4日、欧州人権裁判所は満場一致でこのように判決を下した。判決内容は欧州評議会の全46加盟国に適用される。イギリスのイングランド地方およびウェールズ地方では、85万人にもおよぶ罪のない一般人の遺伝子情報が警察の DNA データベース内に保管されているが、この判決が直ちに影響してくるだろう。
English to Japanese: Textbook General field: Science | |
Source text - English 3.4 Elements
All words in English are formed from an alphabet consisting of only 26 letters. All known substances on Earth -- and most probably in the universe, too -- are formed from a sort of "chemical alphabet" consisting of 111 presently known elements. All element is a fundamental or elementary substance that cannot be broken down by chemical means to simpler substances. Elements are the building blocks of all substances. The elements are numbered in order of increasing complexity beginning with hydrogen, number 1. Of the first 92 elements, 88 are known to occur in nature. The other four -- technetium (43), promethium (61), astatine (85), and francium (87)-- either do not occur in nature or have only transitory existences during radioactive decay. With the exception of number 94, plutonium, elements above number 92 are not known to occur naturally but have been synthesized, usually in very small quantities, in laboratories. The discovery of trace amounts of element 94 (plutonium) in nature has been reported recently. The syntheses of elements 110 and 111 were reported in 1994. No elements other than those on the Earth have been detected on other bodies in the universe.
| Translation - Japanese 3.4 元素
English to Japanese: Biography General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Other | |
Source text - English David Tycho: Biography
David Tycho was born in Vancouver B.C., and later attended U.B.C., where he studied painting under renowned Canadian artist Gordon Smith. After working through a number of Modernist styles, he arrived at his personal interpretation of figurative expressionism, which remained his focus until moving to Asia in 1984.
In Kyoto, Tycho was exposed to Shodo, a Japanese style of calligraphic painting. He was particularly intrigued by the paintings of Zen monks, whose fluid, gestural brushwork often renders the characters illegible, and ultimately abstract. At the same time, he was also inspired by the paintings of Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell, Franz Kline and Willem deKooning, and David soon began to explore abstraction for himself.
| Translation - Japanese デイビッド・タイコ 生い立ち
京都では書道と出会い、流れるような身振りの筆さばきからもはや判別不能なぐらい抽象化された状態に生み出される禅僧の書に極めて感銘を受けた。また同時期に、マーク・ロスコ(Mark Rothko)、ロバート・マザーウェル(Robert Motherwell)、フランツ・クライン(Franz Kline)、ウィレム・デ・クーニング(Willem de Kooning)ら抽象画家の作品に刺激を受け、間もなく自分自身も抽象画への探求を始める。