Working languages:
Italian to French
English to French

Catherine Claisse
Le mot juste aiguise à la pensée.

Firenze, Toscana, Italy
Local time: 07:16 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: French Native in French
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Madrelingua francese, di formazione giornalista (laureata in Scienze della Comunicazione in Belgio), con esperienza nelle professione, ho proseguito i miei studi nel campo della traduzione per passione in Italia. Oggi vivo in Toscana da 20 anni. Traduco dall'inglese e dall'italiano in francese, la mia lingua madre, anche se, avendo studiato traduzione in Italia, ho spesso tradotto testi dall'inglese e dal francese in italiano.


libri d’arte, dépliant e guide turistiche o alberghiere, dépliant descrittivi o pubblicitari, conferenze, articoli, interventi e relazioni, siti web, canzoni, sotto titolatura film, idoneità all’adozione internazionale ivi compresi documenti sanitari e giuridici allegati; relazioni pre e post-adozione; diplomi; contenuti di corsi seguiti per procedure di equipollenza e programmazioni accademiche.

La mia esperienza come docente alcune università americane con sede in Italia mi permette di tradurre con accuratezza materiali nei campi della moda, del cinema e della comunicazione.

Inoltre, effettuo trascrizioni e revisioni di testi in francese.


De langue maternelle française, j'ai une formation et une expérience de journaliste (Master en Communications, en Belgique), d’où mon goût pour l’écriture, mais j’ai préféré continuer mes études en choisissant la traduction, par passion, en Italie. C’est en Toscane que je vis à présent depuis 20 ans. Je traduis de l'anglais et de l'italien en français, ma langue maternelle; cependant, ayant étudié la traduction en Italie, j'ai souvent traduit des textes du français et de l'anglais en italien.


livres d’art, guides et dépliants touristiques ou hôteliers, dépliants descriptifs ou publicitaires, conférences, rapports, articles ou interventions, sites web, chansons, sous-titrage de films, agrément d’adoption international y compris les documents médicaux et juridiques inclus au dossier; enquêtes pré- et post-adoption; diplômes; descriptifs de cours pour procédures d’équivalence et programmations académiques.

Mon expérience comme professeur pour plusieurs universités américaines basées en Italie me permet de traduire avec fidélité tout texte dans les domaines de la mode, du cinéma et de la communication.

J'effectue aussi des transcriptions et révisions de textes en français.


A French-mother tongue translator and a journalist (I have a Master in Communications, Belgium), I followed my passion for foreign languages and took a translation degree in Italy. I've lived in Tuscany for 20 years now. I translate from English and from Italian into French, my mothertongue. However, as I studied translation in Italy, I have often translated from English and French into Italian as well.


Art books and catalogues, guides and leaflets (tourism), ads, reports, articles, speeches, web sites, songs, film sub-titles, International adoption licenses, health and legal documents included; pre- and post-adoption enquiries; diplomas; course description for equivalence procedures and academics.

My experience as a professor for various American foreign study abroad programmes makes it possible for me to translate any text in the fields of fashion, cinema and communication.

I also transcribe or edit texts at the level of a french-mothertongue writing quality.
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Keywords: arts, fashion, textiles, letters, diplomas, CVs, certificates, film, anthropology, history. See more.arts, fashion, textiles, letters, diplomas, CVs, certificates, film, anthropology, history, literature, international adoption, lyrics, lectures, education, psychology, media, music, advertising, localization, websites, italian, french, english, tourism, hotels, academics, communications. See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 29, 2013

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