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English to Croatian: Abstract General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English ABSTRACT. This paper studies the effectiveness of various categories of organic coatings
when applied on concrete surface, regarding reinforcement corrosion. Three major categories
of organic coatings were examined, including a high performance epoxy coating, a
chlorinated rubber coating and two acrylic dispersions, one of which is based on the
dispersion of nanoparticles and consists of a nanotechnology paint system. An appropriate
series of tests was contacted in order to examine and verify the coatings’ protection
capabilities against corrosion. The implemented evaluation methods included electrochemical
measurements, such as half-cell potential, linear polarization technique and impedance
spectroscopy in order to calculate crucial electrochemical parameters. Physicochemical and
mechanical properties were also assigned aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of each coating
system. From the results so far, it is observed that acrylic dispersion nano-coatings are able to
compete high performance application paints regarding the protection they offer against
reinforcement corrosion.
Translation - Croatian SAŽETAK
Ovaj rad proučava učinkovitost različitih kategorija organskih premaza primijenjenih na betonskoj površini u odnosu na koroziju armature. Proučavane su tri glavne kategorije organskih premaza, uključujući visoko izdržljivi epoksidni premaz, klorirani gumeni premaz i dvije akrilne disperzije, od kojih je jedna bazirana na principu disperzije nano-čestica i sastoji se od sustava bojanja nano-tehnologijom. Proveden je primjeren niz testova kako bi se ispitale i potvrdile sposobnosti zaštite od korozije. Primijenjene evaluacijske metode uključivale su elektro-kemijska mjerenja, poput potencijala polu-članka, tehnologiju linearne polarizacije i impedancijsku spektroskopiju kako bi se izračunali ključni elektro-kemijski parametri. Fizikalno-kemijska i mehanička svojstva su također dodijeljena s ciljem procjenjivanja učinkovitosti svakog sustava premazivanja. Prema dosadašnjim rezultatima, primijećeno je da disperzijski akrilni nano-premazi mogu izdržati primjene kod visokih opterećenja zbog zaštite koju pružaju protiv korozije armature.
English to Croatian: Gas turbine General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering: Industrial
Source text - English Engineering– Gas Turbine
Hydraulic Starter System
Operation: Pre-Start Checks
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to detail the checks to be carried out on the Hydraulic Starter System prior to start.
1.2 Summary
The Hydraulic Starter Motor is mounted on the underside of the Gas Generator. It rotates the Gas Generator HP turbine until the rotational speed is sufficient to sustain light-off. The motive power for the Hydraulic Starter Motor is provided by a singleHydraulic Starter Motor Pump which supplies high pressure oil from a stainless steel reservoir mounted within the Gas Generator Enclosure. Oil cooling is provided by a fan assisted cooler.
2.1 Precautions
1. All work must be carried out in accordance with the local Safety and Management Instructions.
2. Confirm there are no Safety Documents in force that may be affected by this procedure.
3. Following a maintenance outage, Safety Documents must be signed off and checked to confirm the plant is available for use.
4. Adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn.
2.2 Prerequisites
1. Inform Shift Supervisor that this procedure is to take place.
2. Gas Generator shut down.
3. MCC 480 V supply and 125 V control supply available.
4. Hydraulic Starter System Oil Reservoir filled to normal working level.
Hidraulični pokretački sustav
Rukovanje: Provjere prije pokretanja
1.1 Namjena
Namjena ovog postupka je detaljno prikazati provjere koje se moraju provesti prije pokretanja Hidrauličnog pokretačkog sustava.
1.2 Sažetak
Hidraulični pokretački motor postavljen je s donje strane plinskoga generatora. On okreće visokotlačnu turbinu plinskoga generatora sve dok brzina okretanja ne postane dovoljna za gašenje pokretača. Snaga za pokretanje hidrauličnog pokretačkog motora dolazi od crpke za hidraulički pokretački motor koja dovodi ulje pod visokim pritiskom iz spremnika od nehrđajućega čelika postavljenog unutar kućišta plinskoga generatora. Hlađenje ulja provodi se pomoću ventilatorskog hladnjaka.
2.1 Mjere predostrožnosti
1. Sav rad mora se obavljati u skladu s lokalnim uputama za sigurnost i upravljanje.
2. Provjerite postoje li sigurnosni propisi na koje se odnosi ovaj postupak.
3. Nakon obustave održavanja sigurnosni dokumenti moraju se zapisati i provjeriti kako bi se potvrdila valjanost postrojenja za korištenje.
4. Obavezno je korištenje prikladne zaštitne opreme.
2.2. Preduvjeti
1. Obavijestite nadzornika smjene o obavljanju ovog postupka.
2. Plinski generator je ugašen.
3. Kontrola dobave nad MCC 480 V i 125 V je dostupna.
4. Spremnik ulja za hidraulični pokretački sustav napunjen je do radne razine.
English to Croatian: Safety belt General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English Seatbelt tightening
Based on a command from the control unit, an electricmotor in the seatbelt reel tightens the belt. Tighteninglimits natural slack in the belt between the buckle,the B-pillar mount and the reel. This restricts bodymovement in case of sharp braking. After the risk ofcollision passes, the belts are automatically loosenedagain. The electric motor control unit is set up for1,000 of these cycles, either partial or complete, after which the driver is notified that the number of cycleshas been “exhausted” and this information is stored asa fault in the airbag control unit
Translation - Croatian Zatezanje sigurnosnog pojasa
Električni motor unutar koluta sigurnosnog pojasa zateže pojas na temelju naredbe iz upravljačke jedinice, čime se ograničava standardna opuštenost pojasa između kopče, nosača središnjeg stupa i koluta. Na ovaj se način sprječava pomicanje tijela pri snažnom kočenju. Pojasevi se automatski opuštaju po prolasku opasnosti od sudara. Nakon 1000 djelomičnih ili potpunih ciklusa upravljačke jedinice električnog motora, vozač prima obavijest o isteku broja ciklusa koja se sprema kao pogreška upravljačke jedinice zračnog jastuka.
English to Croatian: Advanced Audio Configuration General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English Technology – Multimedia
Advanced Audio Configuration
The Advanced Audio Configuration dialog allows you to view information about and adjust settings for audio device selected in the Audio device type drop-down list on the Audio tab of the Preferences dialog.
To display the dialog, select a device from the Audio device type drop-down list, click Apply, and then click Advanced.
What kind of device do you want to learn more about?
Item Description
Audio devices This list contains all of the audio devices that are installed in your computer. Select a device from the list to set the options below for that device.
Interpolate position When this check box is selected, the software will attempt to compensate for inaccurate devices by interpolating the playback or recording position. If you notice that your playback cursor is offset from what you are hearing, enable this option for the playback device.
Position bias If the position of playback or recording does not match what you hear after you enable Interpolate position, you can attempt to compensate using the Position biasslider.
Moving this slider will offset the position forward or backward to compensate for the inaccuracies of the device.
Do not pre-roll buffers before starting playback When this check box is selected, the software will not create buffers prior to starting playback. Some devices do not behave properly if this check box is cleared.
If your audio stutters when you start playback try selecting this check box.
Audio buffers Drag the slider to set the number of audio buffers that will be used. Adjusting this setting can decrease gapping or help you synchronize the input and output.
Buffer size Choose a setting from the drop-down list to indicate the buffer size you want to use. Choose MME to use the Playback buffering setting on the Audio Device tab in the Preferences dialog.
For example, if you choose MME from the Buffer size drop-down, set the Audio buffers slider to 5, and set Playback buffering to 0.35 seconds, five 0.07-second buffers are created.
Translation - Croatian Tehnologija– Multimedija
Napredna konfiguracija zvuka
Dijaloški okvir "Napredna konfiguracija zvuka" omogućuje pregledavanje informacija te prilagodbu postavki za zvučne uređaje odabrane u padajućem popisu „Vrsta zvučnog uređaja“ u kartici „Zvuk“dijaloškog okvira „Postavke“.
Za prikaz dijaloškog okvira odaberite uređaj u padajućem popisu „Vrsta zvučnog uređaja“, odaberite „Primjeni“, a zatim pritisnite „Napredno“.
O kojoj vrsti uređaja želite više saznati?
Stavka Opis
Zvučni uređaji Popis sadrži sve zvučne uređaje instalirane na vašem računalu. Odaberite uređaj s popisa kako biste postavili mogućnosti za taj uređaj.
Interpolacija položaja Ako odaberete ovaj okvir softver će pokušati kompenzirati neprecizne uređaje interpolacijom položaja za reprodukciju i snimanje, Omogućite ovu opciju na reprodukcijskom uređaju ako primijetite da je kursor reprodukcije u neskladu s onim što čujete.
Pristranost položaja Ako položaj reprodukcije ili snimanja ne odgovara onom što čujete nakon omogućivanja interpolacije položaja pokušajte to kompenzirati pomicanjem klizača za pristranost položaja.
Pomoću klizača pomiče se položaj prema naprijed ili natrag kako bi se kompenzirale netočnosti uređaja.
Nemojte prethodno učitati međumemoriju prije početka reprodukcije. Ako je potvrdni okvir odabran softver neće stvarati međumemoriju prije početka reprodukcije. Neki uređaji ne rade ispravno ako potvrdni okvir nije označen.
Ako vam zvuk trza prilikom reprodukcije odaberite ovaj potvrdni okvir.
Zvučne međumemorije Povucite klizač za postavljanje broja zvučnih međumemorija koje će se koristiti. Prilagodba postavki može smanjiti kašnjenje ili pomoći pri sinkronizaciji ulaza i izlaza.
Veličina međumemorije Odaberite postavke s padajućeg popisa kako biste označili željenu veličinu međumemorije. Odaberite MME za korištenje postavke Međumemorija reprodukcije na kartici "Zvučni uređaj" u dijaloškom okviru "Postavke".
Na primjer, odaberite MME na padajućem izborniku Veličina međumemorije, postavite klizač Međumemorije zvuka na 5 i podesite Međumemoriju reprodukcije na 0,35 sekundi, kako biste stvorili pet međumemorija od 0,07 sekundi.
English to Croatian: Journalist extract General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - English General
China Leads Major Countries with $34.6 Billion Invested in Clean Technology
China, Brazil and other developing countries are pouring billions of dollars into efforts to reduce carbon emissions and build up renewable energy markets, a trend that some experts say has turned the traditional climate change debate on its head.
A growing body of studies detail the government subsidies, regulatory policies and private investments that have sent money flowing into the clean energy sectors of some of the leading developing countries. The most recent report, out today from the Pew Environment Group, finds that China for the first time now leads the United States and all other major countries in green energy markets. Its private investments of $34.6 billion in 2009 alone are almost double America's.
Advocates of U.S. climate change legislation say the foreign buildup is a sign that America is falling behind in a global clean energy race. But many also feel it has blunted some of the sharpest demands from both rich and poor nations in the climate fight -- specifically developing countries' insistence that the West pay for any shift to low-carbon energy economies.
"The industrializing poor countries themselves have suddenly, in the space of two years, left that argument behind. It's been invalidated by their own behavior," said David Wheeler, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.
China aims to spend 34 percent of its $586 billion stimulus package on green projects, as well as $100 billion to upgrade the rail and transmission grid systems that one report calls the "backbone of China's clean energy economy." Brazil has invested more than $11 billion into ethanol production and has created a $1 billion conservation fund to help meet its 36 percent emissions reduction pledge.
Meanwhile, India, Wheeler pointed out in a report, is poised to demand that the country's utilities buy a minimum of 5 percent of their grid purchase from renewable energy sources this year, with an increase to 15 percent by 2020. The incremental cost: $50 billion. That, others note, is on top of India's unilateral pledge to reduce its carbon intensity by 24 percent.
Translation - Croatian Općenito
Kina prednjači s ulaganjem od 34,6 milijarde dolara u čistu tehnologiju
Kina, Brazil i druge zemlje u razvoju ulažu milijarde dolara kako bi smanjile ispuštanje ugljika u atmosferu i izgradili tržište za obnovljivu energiju. Ovaj trend je, prema nekim stručnjacima, potpuno promijenio tradicionalnu raspravu o promjeni klime.
Sve više studija detaljno prati vladine subvencije, pravne odredbe i privatne investicije koje na veliko ulažu novac u sektore čiste energije u nekim od vodećih zemalja u razvoju. Najnovije izvješće koje je danas objavila organizacija Pew Environment Group pokazuje kako je Kina po prvi put preuzela vodstvo nad Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i ostalim većim zemljama na tržištu ekološke energije. Privatne investicije u Kini u iznosu od 34,6 milijarde dolara samo u 2009. godini gotovo su dvostruko veće od američkih.
Zagovornici zakonodavstva na području klimatskih promjena u SAD-u tvrde da je strani rast znak da SAD kasni u globalnoj utrci za čistu energiju. S druge strane, mnogi smatraju da je na području klimatskih promjena SAD odgovorio na neke od najoštrijih zahtjeva bogatih i siromašnih država - posebno zahtjeva zemalja u razvoju da Zapad plati za sva prebacivanja na proizvodnju sa smanjenim ispuštanjem ugljika.
„Siromašne zemlje u industrijalizaciji odjednom su, u razmaku od dvije godine, odustale od tog argumenta. Vlastitim su ponašanjem pobili taj argument“ kazao je David Wheeler, viši znanstveni suradnik u Centru za globalni razvoj.
Kina namjerava potrošiti 34% svog poticajnog paketa od 586 milijardi dolara na zelene projekte, kao i 100 milijardi dolara na nadogradnju željezničkih i prijevoznih sustava koji su, prema jednom izvještaju, „kralježnica kineske ekološke ekonomije.“ Brazil je uložio više od 11 milijardi dolara u proizvodnju etanola te je stvorio zaštitni fond od 1 milijarde dolara kako bi pomogao ispunjenju obećanja o smanjenju zagađenja za 36%.
S druge strane , prema Wheelerovim riječima, Indija zahtjeva od državnih službi da minimalno 5% od ukupne energetske potrošnje u ovoj godini kupe od obnovljivih izvora energije, s povećanjem na 15% do 2020. Postupni trošak: 50 milijardi dolara. Prema riječima drugih, to je na vrhu indijskoga jednostranog obećanja o smanjenju ispuštanja ugljika za 23%.
Croatian to English: New Skoda General field: Marketing Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - Croatian Nova Octavia Scout, koja se temelji na trećoj generaciji Octavije Combi 4x4, uskoro će krenuti na
put do Vaših izložbenih salona.
Nova Octavija Scout namjerava zadržati postojeće kupce i pridobiti nove svojim prerađenim dizajnom,
vrhunskom razinom udobnosti i značajkama sigurnosti koje se temelje na ponudi osnovne linije treće generacije Octavije.
Ekskluzivno pozicioniranje Octavije Scout dodatno je istaknuto vrhunskim motorima, koji su pažljivo odabrani samo za ovaj model. Pravi dragulj među njima je 2.0 TDI/135 kW (184 KS), koji je iznimno konfiguriran sa 6-stupanjskim automatskim DSG prijenosom i pogonom na sva četiri kotača. Određene grupe kupaca preferirat će novu Octaviju Scout s 2.0 TDI/110 kW motorom, koja može vući prikolicu – s kočnicama – težine i do dvije tone, što je značajnih 300 kg više od svog prethodnika. Svi motori su u skladu s EU 6 normom emisija koja stupa na snagu u rujnu 2014.
Translation - English The new Octavia Scout, based on 3rd generation Octavia Estate 4x4, will soon be in showrooms near you.
The new Octavia Scout aims to keep the current customers and to attract new customers with its redesigned look, superior level of comfort and safety features based on the standard model of 3rd generation Octavia.
Top-of-the-line engines, carefully chosen for this model, additionally highlight the exclusive position of Octavia Scout. The real masterpiece is all-wheel drive model equipped with 2.0 TDI/135 kW (184 HP) engine and exceptionally configured 6-speed DSG automatic transmission. Certain groups of buyers will prefer the new Octavia Scout with 2.0 TDI/110 kW engine which can haul a trailer equipped with brakes and weighing up to two tons – 300 kg more than its predecessor could haul. All engines are in accordance with Euro 6 emission standards which will be effective from November 2014.
English to Croatian: Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English . Grant of License
1.1 The Intellectual Property Rights under the Agreement
Under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee and the Licensee accepts from the Licensor, a non-exclusive license, to use parts of or all of the Intellectual Property Rights under the Agreement, in the Licensee's operations in the PRC. Without the Licensor's consent, the Licensee shall not, by license, assignment or in any other manner, permit a third party to use the Intellectual Property Rights under the Agreement. …
1.3 Licensee's confirmation
The Licensee confirms that it does not have any rights, titles or interests of the Intellectual Property Rights under the Agreement except the rights, titles and interests provided for under this Agreement.
1.4 Prohibitions
Licensee undertakes that, at any time either during or after the Term, it shall not:
1.4.1 commit any act which affects the rights of Licensor in relation to any of the Intellectual Property Rights Under the Agreement; or
1.4.2 apply for the registration of any of the Intellectual Property Rights Under the Agreement or any similar intellectual property right in any country or region in the world.
Translation - Croatian 1. Izdavanje licence
1.1 Prava intelektualnog vlasništva u ugovoru
Pod ovdje navedenim odredbama i uvjetima, Izdavatelj dozvole izdaje Nositelju dozvole, a Nositelj prihvaća od Izdavatelja, neisključivu dozvolu za korištenje, djelomično ili u cijelosti, prava intelektualnog vlasništva utvrđenih u ugovoru za potrebe rada Nositelja u PRC. Nositelj neće bez dopuštenja Izdavatelja dozvoliti trećoj strani da koristi intelektualna prava intelektualnog vlasništva utvrđenog u ugovoru putem dozvole, zadatka ili na bilo koji drugi način.
1.3 Suglasnost Nositelja dozvole
Nositelj dozvole suglasan je da nema nikakva prava, funkcije ili udjele u pravima intelektualnog vlasništva utvrđenima u ugovoru, osim prava, funkcija ili udjela pruženih unutar ovog ugovora. 1.4 Zabrane
Nositelj dozvole obvezuje se da, za vrijeme ili nakon trajanja ugovora, neće:
1.4.1 počiniti nikakvu radnju koja utječe na prava Izdavatelja dozvole u odnosu na bilo koje od prava intelektualnog vlasništva utvrđenih u ugovoru; ili
1.4.2 prijaviti se za registriranje bilo kojeg od prava intelektualnog vlasništva utvrđenih u ugovoru ili bilo kojeg sličnog prava intelektualnog vlasništva u bilo kojoj državi ili regiji svijeta.
English to Croatian: Accounting aspects of active banking operations General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - English Accounting aspects of active banking operations
Banks and other financial institutions in the financial market should manage assets and liabilities in a strategic way, considering the fact that the effective management of asset and liability depends on the possibility of further development of the bank and its liquidity and profitability.
This paper presents the accounting treatment of active banking operations. Registrations of business transactions in financial institutions are mostly regulated by the Accounting act and Credit Institutions act. Registration of business transactions will be presented in classes: 3 - Foreign currencies, 4 - Investments in securities and similar financial instruments, 5 - Investments in loans, deposits and financial leasing. Review of the accounting records of active banking operations will highlight the importance of active banking operations, which are the most important sources of income of each bank.
Translation - Croatian Računovodstveni aspekti aktivnih bankovnih poslova
Banke i druge financijske institucije na financijskom tržištu trebaju na strateški način upravljati aktivom i pasivom, jer od efikasnog upravljanja pozicijama aktive i pasive ovisi mogućnost daljnjeg razvoja banke te likvidnost i profitabilnost banke. Kroz ovaj rad prikazano je računovodstveno evidentiranje aktivnih bankovnih poslova. Evidentiranje poslovnih promjena u financijskim institucijama regulirano je zakonom o računovodstvu i zakonom o kreditnim institucijama. Evidentirati će se poslovne promjene koje se iskazuju u razredu 3- Devizna sredstva, u razredu 4- Plasmani u vrijednosne papire i slične financijske instrumente, te u razredu 5- Plasmani u kredite, depozite i financijski lizing. Prikazom računovodstvene evidencije aktivnih bankovnih poslova ukazat će se na važnost aktivnih bankovnih poslova koji su najvažniji izvori prihoda svake banke.
Croatian to English: Paper summary General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - Croatian Tema ovog rada je prikazati razlike upravljanja privatnim markama i markama proizvođača. Dok markama proizvođača upravljaju sami proizvođači, privatnim markama upravljaju isključivo trgovci uz to što trgovci sami biraju proizvođača za svoje privatne marke.
U teorijskom dijelu objašnjeni su pojmovi privatne marke, marke proizvođača, životni ciklus marke, tržišno pozicioniranje marke, identitet marke te tržišna vrijednost marke.
Empirijski dio obrađuje tvrtku Dm te način kako upravlja svojim privatnim markama. Kako bi se proučile marke proizvođača u radu se obrađuje i poslovni slučaj Podravka sa svojim markama.
Translation - English The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the differences between private brands and house brands management. Manufacturers manage their house brands, while traders manage private brands. Furthermore, traders independently choose manufacturers for their private brands.
Theoretical part of this paper deals with terms such as private brands, house brands, brand life cycle, brand-positioning on market, brand identity and brand-market value.
Empirical part of this paper takes a closer look at company “Dm” and the way they manage their own private brands. In order to study house brands, this paper also mentions company “Podravka” and their brands.
English to Croatian: Food menu General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Food & Drink
Source text - English New Year's Party Price: HRK x
Live music „x“
Welcome drink /aperitif, Dalmatian doughnuts (fritule) , biscuits, candied orange peels/
Cold dish "Dalmacija" /Dalmatian prosciutto, goat cheese, octopus salad, marinated shrimps, smoked salmon on toasted bread with cheese spread/
Creamy pumpkin soup with cheese croutons
Rolled veal filled with Dalmatian prosciutto and goat cheese / Swiss chard and salt potatoes prepared according to traditional Dalmatian recipe/
Grilled lamb chops with red wine sauce and herbs from mountain Biokovo /grilled fresh vegetables and rice/
Midnight champagne
Dessert buffet
/wide selection of cakes, biscuits and cream cakes, fruit and chocolate fountain/
Cold buffet served after midnight
/Dalmatian prosciutto, smoked pork neck, salami, flavoured pork sausage (kulen ), semi-hard and hard cheese, octopus salad, fish pâté/
/bread baked under the bell and warm doughnuts served all night/
Information and reservations.
Translation - Croatian New Year's Party Price: HRK x
Live music „x“
Welcome drink /aperitif, Dalmatian doughnuts (fritule) , cookies, candied orange peels/
Cold dish "Dalmacija" /Dalmatian prosciutto, goat cheese, octopus salad, marinated shrimps, smoked salmon on toasted bread with cheese spread/
Creamy pumpkin soup with cheese croutons
Rolled veal filled with Dalmatian prosciutto and goat cheese / Swiss chard and salt potatoes prepared according to traditional Dalmatian recipe/
Grilled lamb chops with red wine sauce and herbs from mountain Biokovo /grilled fresh vegetables and rice/
Midnight champagne
Dessert buffet
/wide selection of cakes, cookies and cream cakes, fruit and chocolate fountain/
Cold buffet served after midnight
/Dalmatian prosciutto, smoked pork neck, salami, flavoured pork sausage (kulen), semi-hard and hard cheese, octopus salad, fish pâté/
/bread baked under the bell and warm doughnuts served all night/
Information and reservations
Croatian to English: EXTENDED ABSTRACT General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Croatian EXTENDED ABSTRACT
Dva su temeljna cilja ovog rada. Prvi je prikazati psihološki profil ekstremnog ljevičara u dvanaest europskih zemelja (šest istočnoeuropskih i šest zapadnoeuropskih država). Profil sadržava stavove prema pitanjima inkluzivnog društva (otvorenost prema imigrantima i homoseksualcima), državnog intervencionzma i egalitarizma. Drugi cilj je istražiti razlike u spomenutim stavovima između ljevičara u zemljama zapadnog bloka i ljevičara u zemljama istočnog bloka.
Dosadašnji radovi relevantnih istraživača pokazuju kako su stavovi upravo o tim temema ugrađeni u same temelje left-wing političke ideologije. Naime, kao važna obilježja ljevičara prepoznati su: borba protiv nejednakosti (Freire, 2006; Bobbio, 1996; Zakošek, 1996), zalaganje za veću ulogu države u ekonomiji i društvu, prioritet „jednakosti“ pred „slobodom“ (Freire, 2006),podržavanjeetničke i spolne jednakosti (Escoffier, 2008), zaštita i promicanje ljudskih prava, pomoć slabije razvijenimzemljama, otvorenost društva prema imigrantima i različitim manjinama (Henjak, 2005) itd.
S obzirom na afore mentioned postavljamo nekoliko hipoteza. Očekujemo da će ljevičari u svim analiziranim zemljama imati pozitivan stav prema egalitarizmu/jednakosti te pozitivan stav prema državnom intervencionizmu kao metodi povećavanja jednakosti u društvu. Nadalje, očekujemo da će svi ispitanici u svih dvanaest zemalja pokazati snošljivost prema imigrantima i različitim manjinamaodnosno da će pokazati pozitivan stav prema inkluzivnom društvu.
U ovom istraživanju korišteni su podaci prikupljeni 2010. godine u 5. krugu European Social Survey. Za potrebe ovog radakorišten je poduzorak ispitanika koji su se na pitanje o ideološkoj orijenatciji izjasnili kao ekstremno lijevi. Za mjerenje ideološke orijentacije korištena je mjera ideološke samoidentifikacije sa standardnom ljestvicom lijevo-desno s vrijednostima od 0 do 10. Stavovi su ispitani na skalama Likertovog tipa koje se ovisno o stavu kreću od 1-4, 1-5 te 0-10.
Najvažniji rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se ekstremni ljevičari iz analiziranih zemalja međusobno razlikuju u stavovima o državnom intervencionizmu, jednakosti/egalitarizmu te otvorenom/inkluzivnom društvu. Najmanje razlike između ispitanika u različitim zemljama koji su se izjasnili kao ekstremno lijevo orijentirani dobivene su u stavovima o državnom intervencionizmu, jednakosti/egalitarizmu te u stavu o doseljavanju imigranata iste rase ili etničkog podrijetla. Veće razlike između istih ispitanika u različitim zemljama dobivene su u stavovima prema homoseksualcima, doseljavanju imigranata drugačije rase ili etničkog podrijetla te utjecaju imigranata na gospodarstvo i kulturu zemlje.
Nadalje, kada se razmatrala razlika između ispitanika u zemljama zapadnog i zemljama istočnog bloka koji su se izjasnili kao ekstremni ljevičari, dobivena je statistički značajna razlika u svim analiziranim stavovima osim u stavu o državnom intevencionizmu i jdnakosti/egalitarizmu. Pri tome su stavovi ekstremnih ljevičara iz bloka zapadnih zemalja u kojima postoji statistički značajna razlika više u skladu sa stavovima koji se u literaturi navode kao stavovi karakteristični za ljevicu.
Translation - English EXTENDED ABSTRACT
This paper focuses on two main goals. The first one is to present the psychological profile of an extreme left-winger in twelve European countries (six East-European and six West-European countries). The profile contains attitudes towards questions of the inclusive society (openness towards immigrants and homosexuals), state interventionism and equality. The second goal is to explore the differences between aforementioned attitudes of left-wingers in western countries and left-wingers in eastern countries.
Works of relevant researchers up to now have shown that attitudes about these topics are built in the mere foundations of left-wing political ideology. Important characteristics of left-wingers are: struggle against inequality (Freire, 2006; Bobbio, 1996; Zakošek, 1996), advocating for a greater role of a state in economy and society, giving priority to “equality” over “liberty” (Freire, 2006), supporting ethnic and gender equality (Escoffier, 2008), protection and promotion of human rights, helping poorly developed countries, openness of society towards immigrants and different minorities (Henjak, 2005) etc.
Considering the aforementioned, several hypotheses were set. It was expected that left-wingers in all analyzed countries would have a positive attitude towards equality/egalitarianism as well as towards state interventionism as a method of increasing equality in a given society. Furthermore, it was expected that all subjects in all twelve countries would demonstrate tolerance towards immigrants and homosexuals as well as towards minorities, namely that they would demonstrate positive attitude towards inclusive society.
Data collected in 5th circle of European Social Survey in 2010 was used in this research. Subsample of subjects was used for this paper. These subjects declared themselves as extreme left-wingers. For ideology measurement a standard chart for ideological self-identification with a left-right scale and values ranging from 0 to 10 was used. Attitudes were examined according to Likert’s scales which, depending on attitude, range from 1-4, 1-5 and 0-10.
The most important results of the research have shown that extreme left-wingers from analyzed countries are mutually different in attitudes about state interventionism, equality/egalitarianism and open/inclusive society. Minor differences between subjects who have declared themselves as extreme left-wingers in different countries are in attitudes about state interventionism, equality/egalitarianism and thoughts about immigrants of the same race or ethnicity. Major differences between the same subjects in different countries are in attitudes towards homosexuals, immigrants of different race or ethnicity and thoughts about influence immigrants have on economy and culture of a given country.
Furthermore, a statistically significant difference was noticed between subjects from western and eastern countries who declared themselves as extreme left-wingers. This difference primarily relates to all analyzed attitudes except to the attitude about state interventionism and equality/egalitarianism. It was noted that extreme left-wingers from western countries where there is a statistically greater difference demonstrated attitudes which were more similar to attitudes often described in literature as typically left-wing attitudes.
English to Croatian: Upgrade For Installed Base Sites General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - English Centricity PACS UpgradeFor Installed Base Sites at 3.X
This FMI instruction document provides the information that will upgrade the RA1000 Workstations for the installed base currently at Centricity PACS 3.x versions of software to Centricity PACS This Workstation upgrade will not require any site downtime if neither the AW Server 2.5 patch nor the WebDX 2.1 patch is installed.
Installing the backend patch provided in this FMI’s media kit even if you do not have or plan to install AW Server 2.5 or WebDX 2.1 will not affect any backend server operations. The backend patch contains an IMS database and a Middle Tier software patch.
Translation - Croatian Nadogradnja softvera Centricity PACS na instaliranu bazu 3.x
Ove instalacijske upute sadrže podatke za nadogradnju radnih stanica RA1000 za baze koje su trenutno instalirane u verziji 3.x softvera Centricity PACS na verziju Centricity PACS Ova nadogradnja radne stanice neće zahtijevati prekid u radu stranice u slučaju da niti zakrpa softvera AW Server 2.5 ni zakrpa softvera WeDx 2.1 nisu instalirane.
Instalacija serverske zakrpe sadržana u materijalima za medije koji su dio instalacijskih uputa neće utjecati na rad pozadinskog servera čak i ako nemate ili ne namjeravate instalirati softver AW Server 2.5 ili WebDX 2.1. Serverska zakrpa sadrži integrirani sustav baze podataka i softversku zakrpu u srednjem sloju.
English to Croatian: Digital Stereotaxy General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English Probe and Discover Stereotaxy with the Senographe DS Interventional
The introduction of screening by mammography has led to the detection of a considerable number of non-palpable abnormal lesions. Most of them, typically, are benign, and regular follow-up may be sufficient. But some are indeterminate or suspicious and require further investigation.
While some lesions, inevitably, have to be verified surgically, it is preferable to keep the number as low as possible as surgery involves a risk of morbidity linked to general anaesthesia and local complications. To avoid this type of intervention on benign lesions, without taking the risk of failing to detect a cancer, the preoperative diagnosis of these abnormal mammographic images needs to be refined by the use of additional techniques such as cytology, core biopsy, and surgical or vacuum-assisted macrobiopsy.
Translation - Croatian Digitalna stereotaksija
Istražite i otkrijte stereotaksiju uz pomoć intervencijskog uređaja Senographe DS
Uvođenje mamografskog probira dovelo je do uočavanja znatnog broja neopipljivih oštećenja tkiva. Mnoga od njih su najčešće dobroćudna te se redoviti kontrolni pregled smatra dostatnim. No neka od njih su neodređene i sumnjive prirode, stoga zahtijevaju daljnju obradu.
Dok se neka oštećenja tkiva nezaobilazno moraju provjeriti kirurškim putem, poželjno je zadržati nizak broj kirurških zahvata budući da oni uključuju opasnost od smrtnosti koja je povezana s općom anestezijom i lokalnim komplikacijama. Kako bi se izbjegli takvi zahvati na dobroćudnim oštećenjima tkiva i izbjegao rizik od neotkrivanja raka, uz predoperativnu dijagnozu tih abnormalnih mamografskih snimaka potrebno je provesti i detaljnije dodatne pretrage kao što su citologija, biopsija širokom iglom i kirurška ili vakumska makrobiopsija.
Translation education
Master's degree - Faculty of Philosophy Split, Croatia
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jun 2013.
English (Croatia: University of Split, verified) Croatian (Croatia: University of Split, verified) Croatian to English (Municipal court of Dubrovnik, verified) English to Croatian (Municipal court of Dubrovnik, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Idiom, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Word, NEMO, Tag Editor, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Marketing yourself is not as easy as it seems. One needs to be careful not to boast, but in the same time present himself/herself in the right way.
My name is Ante and I have master's degree in Croatian and English language. Translating is not just bread winning for me. I love it. My ideal day would consist of translating in some cabin in the mountains, along with some good music and a cup of black tea. I am also court interpreter for the English and Croatian kanguage.
In my free time I work as a DJ in local clubs and I do some tutoring with high school students as well.
I speak German and understand almost all Slavic languages quite well.
In the past, I worked as manager, translator and teacher.
For any further information feel free to send me an e-mail. :)