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English to Portuguese: Excerpt of the book The Lost Phoebe written by Theodor Dreiser General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Phoebe Ann was thin and shapeless, a very umbrella of a woman, clad in a shabby black, and with a black bonnet for her best wear. As time had passed, and they had only themselves to look after, their movements had become slower and slower, their activities fewer and fewer. The annual keep of pigs had been reduced from five to one grunting porker, and the single horse which Henry now retained was a sleepy, animal, not over-nourished and not very clean. The chickens, of which formerly there was a large flock, had almost disappeared, owing to ferrets, foxes, and the lack of proper care, which produces disease. The former healthy garden was now a straggling memory of itself, and the vines and flower-beds that formerly ornamented the windows and dooryard had now become choking thickets. A will had been made which divided the small tax-eaten property equally among the remaining four, so that it was really of no interest for any of them. Yet these two lived together in peace and sympathy, only that now and then old Henry would become unduly cranky, complaining almost invariably that something had been neglected or mislaid which was of no importance at all.
Translation - Portuguese Phoebe Ann era magra e reta, do tipo mulher-guarda-chuva, envolta em roupa preta e surrada, e com um chapéu preto quando na melhor domingueira. Com o passar do tempo, como eles tinham apenas a si próprios para cuidar, seus movimentos haviam se tornado mais e mais lentos e cada vez menos ativos. A pocilga, com cinco porcos a cada ano, abrigava agora apenas um que ressoava seu ronco e o único cavalo que Henry havia retido era um animal sonolento, nem supernutrido, nem muito limpo. As galinhas, que formavam antes um grande bando, tinham quase desaparecido, devido aos furões, raposas e falta do devido cuidado, o que lhes provocava doenças. O antes saudável jardim era agora uma borrada memória de si próprio, e as parreiras e canteiros de flores que antes ornavam as janelas e a soleira da porta agora estavam sufocados por moitas. Um testamento havia dividido a pequena propriedade por quatro herdeiros, mas, devorada pelos impostos, já não interessava a nenhum deles. Não obstante estes dois viviam juntos em paz e simpatia, só que agora o velho Henry havia se tornado excessivamente irritado; reclamando quase que invariavelmente que algo foi negligenciado ou mal feito, coisas sem a menor importância.
I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at April, First, 1950 and grew up at the city of Recife, Brazilian Northeast.
When I was eighteen, I went to Israel to study Electric Engineering, and stayed there for seven years.
I returned to Brazil at 1975 and studied Literature and then dedicated to study, read and write poetry and work with amateur theater groups.
I lived in Salvador – Bahia, Aracaju – Sergipe, and now stay at São Paulo.
I’ve worked as engineer, journalist, editor, writer and was also member of the Town Hall Council of the City of Aracaju, where I was able to study and discuss Brazilian legislation.
Just now, I am working as a freelance translator and as newspaper International Editor. I have already undergone several language courses in English, Hebrew and Arabic and am always in touch with Spanish.
I have concluded the courses mentioned at my CV, which are: New Technologies at the Service of Translation (Pontifical Catholic University), Translation and Subtitling (English Culture Society).
I am also at the middle of the Literature Translators Formative Course at Guilherme de Almeida House which is sponsored by the São Paulo Government.
My wish is to always learn and get update with my professional work tools and theory.
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