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Source text - English researchers, from University College London (UCL), said their findings contradict the common perception that "fat shaming" helps people lose weight.
They suggested that people may "comfort eat" as a result of being discriminated against because of their weight.
"There is no justification for discriminating against people because of their weight," said lead author Dr Sarah Jackson from UCL.
"Our results show that weight discrimination does not encourage weight loss, and suggest that it may even exacerbate weight gain.
"Previous studies have found that people who experience discrimination report comfort eating. Stress responses to discrimination can increase appetite, particularly for unhealthy, energy-dense food.
Translation - Arabic قال باحثون من جامعة كوليدج في لندن أن نتائج أبحاثهم جائت متناقضة مع الرؤية الشائعة بأن " الخجل من البدانة" يساعد الأشخاص على انقاص الوزن.
ولقد اقترح الباحثون بأن الأشخاص قد يلجؤون إلى "الأكل بدون الاكتراث إلى وزنهم" نتيجة الإحساس بالتمييز بسبب وزنهم
كما أضافت الدكتورة سارة جاكسون الكاتبة الرئيسية للبحث بجامعة كوليدج في لندن" لا يوجد أي مبرر للتمييز ضد الأشخاص بسسب وزنهم"
"أظهرت نتائجنا أن التمييز بسبب الوزن لا يشجع على انقاص الوزن، بل قد يكون سبب في زيادة الوزن بشكل مفرط"
"ولقد أظهرت دراسات سابقة أن الأشخاص الذي يعانون من التمييز يلجؤون إلى الأكل بدون الاكتراث إلى وزنهم. وقد تؤدي ردة فعل التوثر بسبب التمييز إلى زيادة في الشهية خصوصا للأكل الغير صحي و الغني بالسعرات الحرارية.
French to English: French into English sample
Source text - French le film To read set constituer de plan fixe sur les pages d'un livre. le montage des images et des textes se produit en tournant les pages. le film commence avec une critique de la représentation du lecteur dans quelques peintures classique, ou le lecteur est montrer dans une posture passive, un élément parmi d'autre dans le tableau.
à travers des exemples de la littérature contemporaine et certains de ses figures : comme le contexte sociale et historique de l'apprentissage tardive d'un écrivain comme Mohamed Choukri. l'originalité et la radicalité de l'interprétation d'Edward Said des textes classique occidentale ou encore la lecture critique de Malik Alloula des cartes postales coloniale et orientaliste. l'auteur trace un portrait active et dynamique du lecteur:
Au cour de la lecture, le lecteur voyage et s'installe dans la même pièce et la même table où l'écrivain a rédigé son texte. il lit le texte et entend la voix de l'auteur. Et si l'écrivain n'a pas achevé son texte, c'est le lecteur qui prend sa place pour continuer le travail.
Translation - English The film « To read » is a set of fixed plan of the pages of a book. The editing of the images and texts is produced whilst the pages are turned. The film begins with a criticism of the reader’s portrayal in a few classic paintings where he is shown in a passive posture which is one of the different elements in the painting.
Through contemporary literary examples and some of its figures: the social and historical context of the late learning of a writer such as Mohamed Choukri ; Edward Said’s original and radical interpretation of the western classic texts; and Malik Alloula’s critical reading of the colonial and orientalist post cards. The author draws an active and dynamic portrait of the reader: During the reading, the reader travels and lives in the same room and at the same table where the writer composed the text. The reader reads the text and hears the voice of the author. And if the writer didn’t finish the text, then it’s the reader who takes the author’s place in order to continue the work.
English to Arabic (King Fahd School of Translation ) Arabic to English (King Fahd School of Translation ) French to Arabic (King Fahd School of Translation ) French to English (King Fahd School of Translation ) Arabic to French (King Fahd School of Translation )
English to French (King Fahd School of Translation )