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English to Latvian: Translated UK Notice for company General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under Section 114(2) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the “Act”) that an Order pursuant to Section 111 of the Act sanctioning a scheme for the transfer (the “Transfer”) of the long-term insurance business of XXX (formerly known as XXX) (“X”) to XXX (formerly known as XXX) (“X”) was made by Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice in England on 6 December 2016. The Transfer became effective in accordance with the said Order at 00.01a.m (London time) on 1 January 2017.
Any policyholder who was habitually resident (or where the policyholder is not an individual, where the policyholder was established)in an EEA State (other than the United Kingdom) at the time that he or she entered into a policy included in the Transfer, may exercise any right which he or she may have under the law of the relevant country to cancel his or her policy in writing to the designated XXX address below which has been created for the purpose of the scheme, being a period of up to three months starting from the date of publication of this notice or the period (if any) prescribed by that country’s law.
Policyholders will continue to have the same rights under their policies following the Transfer.
Translation - Latvian AR ŠO TIEK SNIEGTS PAZIŅOJUMS saskaņā ar 2000. gada Finanšu pakalpojumu un tirgus likuma („Likums”) 114.(2) pantu, ka Viņas Majestātes Augstākā Tiesa Anglijā 2016. gada 6. decembrī ir izdevusi Rīkojumu atbilstoši Likuma 111. pantam, kas sankcionē XXX (agrāk saukta kā XXX) („X”) ilgtermiņa apdrošināšanas biznesa nodošanas („Nodošana”) shēmu XXX (agrāk saukta kā XXX) („X”). Saskaņā ar minēto Rīkojumu Nodošana stājas spēkā 2017. gada 1. janvārī plkst. 00.01 (pēc Londonas laika).
Jebkurš polises turētājs, kurš bija pastāvīgais iedzīvotājs (vai, ja polises turētājs nav fiziska persona, polises turētājs ir dibināts) EEZ valstī (izņemot Apvienoto Karalisti) laikā, kad noslēdza Nodošanā iekļauto polisi, var īstenot jebkuras tiesības, kas viņam vai viņai pienākas saskaņā ar atbilstošās valsts tiesību aktiem, lai atceltu savu polisi, sūtot rakstisku pieprasījumu uz zemāk norādīto, īpaši shēmas mērķiem izveidoto, XXX adresi trīs mēnešu laikā no šī paziņojuma publicēšanas datuma vai šīs valsts tiesību aktos noteiktajā periodā (ja tāds pastāv).
Pēc Nodošanas polišu turētājiem paliks spēkā esošās, uz konkrētajām polisēm attiecināmās tiesības.
English to Latvian (The University of Economics and Culture) English to Macedonian (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Google Translator Toolkit, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SmartCAT, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Wordbee, Wordfast
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I have MA in Business translation. Currently doing training in Digital marketing.
I am a native speaker of Latvian and Macedonian languages. Full-time freelance translator since July 2013. During this time, I learned and worked with many CAT tools, like Workbee, Trados, Wordfast, Xbench, QA distiller, etc.
Translating legal cases, medical cases, and other projects. currently a freelancer for TransPerfect, Andover, Fidel Softech, and others. Translating projects related to Samsung, FedEx, etc.
I am also working as a content writer, copy-adapt translator, and working in SEO field.
I don't do sloppy. For every task, give your 100%. Nothing less will do!