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English to French: BENIN Project Execution Plan General field: Other Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English
N° 001/MT/AAOI/00112019/SIMAU DU 19 AVRIL 2019 – LOT 1
iLot 3, 4 & 8
Construction Project Management & Methodology
Compiled By:
Reviewed By:
Approved By:
Gaby Mattouk
Nouhad Daou
Project Manager
Contracts Director
Project objective 5
Important considerations 6
General 8
Legislation 9
Responsibility towards HSEC 9
Auditing 9
Appointments 9
Risk Management 9
Scope of works: 10
Program 11
Project Team 12
Project Program (CLC - PLN) 13
Earned Value (EV) Schedule 14
Project Scope Control 14
Value engineering 15
Quality Assurance (QA) 15
Human Resources Management 15
Team development 15
General 16
Retention of Meeting Notes/Minutes 17
Meeting Schedule 17
Project reports 17
General 18
Suppliers/Vendors/Subcontractors 18
Expediting orders placed 18
General 18
Vendor / Supplier QCP's (SSM) 19
Inspections, Deviations and Concession Requests 19
Data Packs 19
Manufacturing Program Control 20
General 20
CM and Construction Team's Responsibilities 20
Construction Management Team (CMT) Selection/Formation 21
Site diary 22
Lay-down Areas 23
Access Control 23
Site Establishment and Temporary Facilities 23
Site administration and Filing 24
Permission to Work on Site 24
Equipment Used on Site 24
Risk Assessments 24
Survey & Setting Out 25
Concrete Operations & Structures 25
Construction of Block Work 25
Formwork 25
Plastering & Screeds 25
Contractor Meetings on Site 25
Project close-out 25
CAPEX - Capital Expenditure
CLC - Contract Life Cycle
CM - Construction Manager
CMT - Contractor Management Team
CSO - Chief Safety Officer (HSSEM or SHEQ or HSM) DDC - Drawing and Document Control
DE - Discipline Engineer
DO - Drawing Office
E&I - Electrical and Instrumentation
HSEC - Health, Safety, Environmental and Community LTIFR - Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
MST - Method Statement
PEMS - This Project Execution Method Statement PE - Project Engineer
PM - Project Manager
PMT - Project Management Team PLN - Planning and Monitoring PR - Procurement Register
PSC - Project Steering Committee PQP - Project Quality Plan
RFQ - Request for Quotation
QA - Quality Assurance
SHE - Safety, Health and Environmental
SSM - Supplier and Subcontractor Management TRIFR - Total Reportable Incident Frequency Rate
This Project Execution Method Statement (PEMS) outlines the objectives, processes and strategies that will be employed by the parties managing the project to execute the works and also establishes a framework to ensure that the project expectations and key performance indicators are met. The PEMS ensures that a consistent approach is adopted by all parties managing the project and is intended to be a control document for all aspects of the project.
The PEMS service as the project master document, which encompasses the various procedures that will be required through the project life cycle. Below is a simplified illustration of the different procedures required through the life cycle of the project.
It is, however, not intended that this document introduces or implies changes in the contractual/commercial terms related to the Contract.
In the sections that follow, this PEMS outlines:
The project objectives,
The project scope,
The project structure, and the
Project management strategy including the engineering design (where required), and procurement and construction methodology for the project.
Project objective
The project objective is to complete the BENIN HOUSING PROJECT within the contractual timeframe meeting all SHEQ requirements.
Important considerations
The project team shall give proper attention to the following features of the project:
Highest possible achievable Health, Safety, Environmental and Community (HSEC) standards providing the best possible working conditions for all employees with,
As low as practicable environmental impact,
Increased project profitability (e.g. by reducing operating costs),
Where practical enhanced building technology,
High product quality.
Closure – life cycle cost and impact including closure.
The following performance criteria are expected outcomes for the successful delivery of the project:
Occupational health and safety Disabling injuries – Nil
Medical treated injuries – Nil
Serious or reportable incidents – TRIFR < 20, LTIFR < 4 100% of all incidents to be reported
Environmental and Community complaints - Nil
100% of all incidents to be reported.
Implementation and deliverables Scope – no unauthorized deviations
Cost – completion as specified in the Contract.
Time - completion as specified in the Contract or better. Quality - meet requirements of technical specifications.
Existing operations Delays – Nil
(Note: None of these considerations shall be interpreted as an open license to change the project scope, increase its capital cost or prolong program time. Impacts of activities that will or may influence overall project parameters of cost, quality or time must be properly managed by means of the scope and program change procedures)
The name of the project is N° 001/MT/AAOI/00112019/SIMAU DU 19 AVRIL 2019.
All drawings, correspondence (including e-mails), calculations, memos, enquiries, orders, etc., shall commence its subject description or heading marked “BENIN HOUSING PROJECT – (PROJECT)”.
The Contract number for this project is N° 001/MT/AAOI/00112019/SIMAU DU 19 AVRIL 2019.
This project will be executed in accordance with:
The Contract terms and conditions,
This manual, as well as
BENIN HOUSING PROJECT standard technical specifications and procedures,
BENIN HOUSING PROJECT & SANS PARAKUO standard HSEC specifications and procedures.
Constraints envisaged on the project are the lack of skilled artisanal workforce and adequate supervisory personnel within Benin as well as the limited time constraints.
A concentrated and consistent application of HSEC considerations will filter through all activities throughout the life of the project with the object of:
Minimizing safety hazards and other risks,
Improving working conditions during construction and subsequent operation of the plant,
Minimizing adverse effect(s) the project may have on its environment, and neighboring community.
Appropriate standards and procedures will be selected, developed or adapted to serve as a formal basis to achieve the project's HSEC objectives.
The Project Team’s (PT) goal is to take all practicable measures to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of all personnel on the project and to ensure that other persons affected by company operations are not exposed to safety or health risks – HSEC.
The PT will apply its professional management skills to the control of losses from personal injuries and illnesses, property damage, security breaches and any other consequences, which may be detrimental to the efficiency, or prestige of the BENIN HOUSING PROJECT and SANS PARAKUO.
HSEC implementation will be governed by the following procedures:
Health and Safety Plan
Environmental Management Plan
The project team shall also comply with all applicable legislative and regulatory HSEC requirements as well as the relevant IFC Standards.
Responsibility towards HSEC
Every engineer, manager or supervisor with responsibility and authority related to the project and related activities will actively apply this policy and assure development and implementation of effective practices and programs for HSEC.
All PT members as well as other personnel deployed on the project are expected to co- operate and contribute toward the overall success of the program by performing their jobs in the safest possible manner in compliance with these manual and regulatory requirements and by conducting themselves in a way that enhances their personal safety and that of others.
Regular inspections and audits will be performed and reported on by the appointed site safety officers so as to identify and correct non-compliance with the above.
Site based personnel will be formally appointed in positions required by law (as per the Act and regulations) and their competence verified.
Risk Management
A comprehensive risk management approach will form part of the overall management of the project.
Project risk management is discussed in detail in section 13.11.
Scope of works:
The scope of works comprises of the following:
RDC+2 Type C
RDC+3 Type A
RDC+3 Type B
RDC+3 Type C
No. of Apartements per Building
Total Housing Units
Total No. of Storey Buildings
Total No. of Houses
Our works will require us to execute and coordinate the activities of all the builders works.
The following works are envisaged for the project:
Surveying and Mapping
Foundations (sub-structure works)
Doors & Windows
Iron Mongery
The contract award of the Project is expected to be in November 2019
The key milestone projected dates are as stated below:
Access to Site 04/11/2019
Mobilization Commencement 11/11/2019
Surveying of Site & Mapping Out 22/11/2019
Site Works to start on iLot 3 06/01/2020
The Program of Works is attached as Appendix ……..:
Project Team
Project Steering Committee
The entire project will be managed in accordance with this PEMS and the project’s ultimate success is the responsibility of the following groups of people:
The PM has the following functions:
Ensuring that the project HSEC objectives are achieved,
Periodic monitoring of all cost, time and quality aspects of the project,
Taking corrective actions on significant negative deviations regarding the above, and
Approving any project Contract variations.
8.1.2 SANS PARAKUO Project Team (PMT)
The PMT is responsible for the day-to-day management of the project in accordance with this PEMS. The purpose of the PT is to operate as a unit to achieve the HSEC, time, cost and quality objectives of the project.
Project Program
The Project Program provided is a draft/proposed program with sufficient detail to manage and ensure completion of the Contract. Establishing, updating and monitoring this program is the responsibility of the Project Manager (PM). The PM may delegate the functions of the procedure but not the accountability for the results.
In general, the scope of work shall be separated into activities, covering, shop drawings/design, procurement, manufacture (up to delivery), erection/installation (up to readiness for pre commissioning) and commissioning (up to hand over).
The major Contract milestone/target ("baseline") dates are also indicated and may not be moved in, or removed from subsequent revisions to the program unless otherwise approved in writing.
The duration of activities are estimated on a Gantt chart and are established with the aid of Microsoft Project.
Progress shall be monitored with actual progress input to the program at fortnightly intervals, suited to the monthly project progress report. Significant program deviations that may (or do) affect key milestone dates shall be reported on in the monthly project report discussed at the monthly meeting.
The PM, and the Engineer as applicable, shall ensure achievement of the milestone dates by expediting delayed items and or augmenting resources to reduce lead times.
The schedule update shall include review of:
Project duration,
Percentage complete of activities,
Critical path,
Actual start and actual finish dates, and
Baseline start and baseline finish dates.
Earned Value (EV) Schedule
In order to monitor project progress from a financial point of view the cash flow depicted in the Contract, will be broken into monthly amounts.
Each month, as part of the monthly invoice submitted by SANS PARAKUO, the Contract cash flow will be updated with respect to actual progress achieved during the month. The update is checked by the PM and attached to SANS PARAKUO invoice.
Project Scope Control
The project/contract scope is defined in the contract document. It is a project requirement that any change from the scope of works in the contract, which will impact either the project schedule and/or budget be communicated through a Variation Order (VO).
Variations may be initiated by the Consultant at any time prior to issuing of the Practical Completion for the Project or part of the works either by an instruction or a request. SANS PARAKUO shall execute each variation, unless the SANS PARAKUO promptly gives notice to the Consultant, the Contractor cannot readily obtain the Goods required for the variation or the variation will reduce the safety and sustainability of the Works or that the variation will have an adverse effect on the achievement of the Performance Guarantees. Upon receiving this notice, the Consultant shall cancel, confirm or vary the instruction
Value engineering
The SANS PARAKUO JV may at any time submit to the Consultant a written proposal which in SANS PARAKUO opinion will accelerate completion, reduce the cost of the Project and improve the efficiency or value of the Project.
Quality Assurance (QA)
The quality management process is required to ensure that the project will meet the client's expectations.
Project quality management includes the quality of the management process within the project as well as quality of the products incorporated into the project. It involves the following main steps:
Quality Assurance involves setting up the project quality system by means of which the performance of the project, suppliers, equipment, services, materials, equipment, installation and erection are evaluated on a systematic basis to provide confidence that the relevant quality standards will be met.
The process starts with Quality Planning – Identifying risks, which quality standards are relevant to the goods to be procured and determining how to satisfy these standards, and
Followed by Quality Control - Monitoring specific project results or aspects of fabricated or installed items to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identification of ways to eliminate or resolve unsatisfactory performance.
Human Resources Management
Prior to the start of a project, it is the responsibility of SANS PARAKUO JV to identify and assign project roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships for the staff members who will execute the project.
Based on its forecast manpower requirements SANS PARAKUO JV shall strive to maintain an adequate core staff complement. This resource is allocated as required for each project, with temporary/additional staff or consulting services brought in to augment SANS PARAKUO JV current resources with local resources supplied by SANS PARAKUO and within the mechanism of the project labor practices and procedures.
Employee Relations Plan - BENIN Housing Project
Team development
The nature and/or scope of projects may differ and it is SANS PARAKUO JV policy to provide its personnel with experience across the range of works undertaken.
Engineering or other personnel will therefore be assigned to a variety of roles to gain experience as required with local content provisions. A typical example would be, engineers become involved with cross functional disciplines activities. Notwithstanding, the works will be undertaken in Packages.
Skills shortcomings, either as a result of inexperience or as a result of specific or unusual project requirements should be addressed by means of appropriate courses, seminars or training programs. Particular attention will be given to PMT members' needs for HSEC training.
Lack of experience or other shortcomings will be identified and an action plan put in place to address the identified issues. In this respect, "on the job" training under an experienced supervisor or peer will be provided as one of the preferred training methods.
PMT members will be evenly loaded and PMT members should be encouraged to provide feedback on difficulties they experience as and when they occur.
The Work Program is divided into 4 Sections, namely:
iLot 3 Works
iLot 4 Works
iLot 8 Works
Mobilization: Full mobilization will not exceed 3.75 months. The main activities will be
Task Name
Contract Formalities
Advance Payment
Site Set-ups
Full Mobilization is projected to take 3.75 months although works on site will commence mid January 2020. Until such time that our off-site facilities such as Batching Plants and Building Block Factory as well as our pre-cast hollow core factory is set up, supplies for such products will be purchased from local sources within Cotonou.
iLot 3, 4 & 8 Works
The main works will commence in earnest with works on iLot 3 in mid-January 2020. Teams A1 & A2 will effectively be working simultaneously but just 10 days apart. All aspects of the works will be carried out in packages. Ie.
Setting out package
Excavation package
Sub-structure package
Super-structure package
Block work package
MEP packages
Plastering package
Finishing package
In this fashion, each package when completed, moves on to the next site.
Each team will consist of 5-10 sub-teams so ensuring a speedy ‘factory process’ of development.
This process will be repeated for all the iLots
All the works will be closely monitored and other Teams will be trained to be able to buttress the main teams in the event some of the Teams begin to fall behind.
Training and Capacity Building will be provided from the onset of the works. This will be a fundamental aspect of the project to provide the required number of workers for a project of this magnitude. Both onsite and offsite training will be undertaken to ensure that the locals are provided with the right skills and tooling for the works. A separate document outlining our training proposals is attached to this document as Appendix …………..
Cottage Industries
A project of this magnitude will require a constant supply of building components made available well in advance of when they will be required. To enable us meet this high demand, a number of smaller Cottage Industries will be set up alongside the Training, to provide such products as;
Blocks both conventional and Gamablocks
Assorted door and window frames
Cutting and bending of Reinforcement for the works as well as all metal products such as burglar proofing
Molds for the works
Roofing Material
Some of the machinery for such small cottage workshops will at the end of the project, be left behind to support local communities in self-help development projects. The Sans Parakuo JV will work closely with official establishments in this regard to map out the areas and collaboration in this regard.
Special emphasis will be put into ensuring that Women form no less than 40% of the trained personnel. Women are known to be meticulous in their work and have an eye for detail, so ensuring that the standards and quality of the works is ensured at all times
Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance will be one area that will be addressed. A team of Quality Assurance Officers will be designated to do keep a open eye on all aspect of the works. This team will consist of a variety of disciplines including but not limited to Architects, Structural Engineers, MEP Engineers etc.
Snagging Teams: On completion of any works, such works will be continuously monitored for any defects, leakage and or electrical faults. Where such faults are identified, the Snagging Teams will be notified and the faults remedied. A log will be kept at all times of such occurrences.
Security: Security will be a major challenge to the project. Completed units will have to be secured at all times until the project is handed over. A combination of CCTV, Lights and Security Personnel will be used to ensure security. Identity Cards with picture of the holder will be issued to everyone and color coded to show clearly the designation of the person and the Team he is working with and who is responsible for him. Thumb recognition will be used to provide access to the work site(s) and monitor attendance.
Meetings remain an important project tool if used effectively. There are two main purposes of meetings, the one being to communicate or distribute information and the other is to take informed decisions.
It should, however, be kept in mind that meetings are expensive in terms of manpower consumption, especially if participants are not prepared in advance to communicate their expected contribution.
Before a meeting is called / scheduled the purpose of the meeting as well as the place and time of the meeting must therefore be clear to the invitees. To enable proper preparation for the meeting the agenda and or decision documents should be made available to invitees in advance. If it is a regular meeting, the notes of the previous meeting must be circulated before the meeting.
Unless meetings are properly controlled they become wasteful and even counterproductive. The meeting chairman must not allow more than one person to speak at any time and keep the discussion focussed on the issue at hand.
Notes should be kept during all meetings by the chairman (or designated secretary). All HSEC issues must be recorded under a "HSEC" heading to highlight these issues to all meeting attendees.
Notes must state all issue clearly and if actions are associated with the note(s), the person responsible for initiating/completing the action must be listed as well as a due date by which the action must be completed. Meeting notes should be circulated soon after the meeting as a reminder regarding action points.
Retention of Meeting Notes/Minutes
Minutes will be maintained and filed in the project file and shall be retained for a minimum period of two years, but at least until completion of the project.
Meeting Schedule
The following recurrent project meetings, which will form the basis for communication and feedback, are to be held at regular intervals:
Who needs to attend
Construction Progress Meeting
Contractors (construction meetings only)
Internal Project Progress Meeting
Every Second Week
Main Contractors Meeting
HSEC Meeting
Project reports
The following reports will be generated for internal PMT review and as input to the monthly project progress report:
Responsible Person
Monthly/Weekly Progress Reports
HSEC overview, program review, engineering review, construction and commissioning progress update, QA review financial and cost control report and expediting report
Sub-contractors’ Reports
Written report covering all contract activities, including program and areas of concern
Discipline PM
Project program update
Updated Microsoft Project print- out.
Construction report
HSEC, weather, manpower, equipment delivery statistics. Erection progress and concerns.
Procurement is a costly and time consuming process. Introducing "new/additional" requirements later on in the procurement process may lead to confusion, time loss and additional costs. It is therefore necessary to:
Prepare all the information required by prospective tenderers carefully and comprehensively, and to
Ensure that the vendor is capable of providing the goods or services to the required
level of quality and within the required time frame.
Before a contract is placed with any vendor / supplier the vendor / supplier must be evaluated in accordance to:
Suppliers track record with respect to HSEC, quality and reliability
Support services and spares holding stock
Expediting orders placed
The originator of any order is responsible for ensuring the necessary expediting actions to ensure timeous delivery of all items on the order.
Assistance may be requested from the appointed expeditor.
This expediting function will include the monitoring of the supplier’s performance against the order program as well as the requirements of the project schedule. Long delivery items should be expedited on a periodic basis even where no formal inspection is required.
In expediting an order, the expeditor must ensure that all documentation referred to in the order like, certified design information drawings, material certificates, welder qualifications, recommended spares list, manuals etc., are provided timeously by the supplier for the compilation of the equipment data pack .
Another essential check to be performed by the expeditor is to ensure that the latest revisions of duly certified “ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION” prints are being used for fabrication and construction.
Internationally engineering standards shall also apply where appropriate.
Sub-standard workmanship shall not be tolerated in any discipline or at any stage of the project. Quality standards shall be applied uniformly to all suppliers and disciplines.
Vendor / Supplier QCP's (SSM)
Suppliers are required to supply Quality Control Plans (QCP's). The supplier must initiate the QCP document and must be approved by the expeditor.
After proper approval, the QCP is formalized and forms the basis on which inspection is undertaken.
QCP’s shall be strictly adhered to and monitored by the expeditor and signed off as applicable.
In order to comply with project’s overall quality requirements the expeditor should ensure that as far as practicable, suppliers utilizing sub-contractors apply the same QA/QCP principles and procedures to such sub-contractors.
Inspections, Deviations and Concession Requests
The project expeditor shall subject suppliers to regular inspections in accordance with the approved QCP. Suppliers well versed in QA with satisfactorily operating QA systems may be visited less regularly than those without.
Significant quality deviations or discrepancies shall immediately be brought to the attention of the supplier, who shall be obliged to fix the problem in accordance with the order on good engineering practice, or apply for a concession.
If the supplier applies for a concession, the expeditor must submit a report and his recommendation to the PM/discipline engineer for approval. The PM (for design/manufacture) and the CM (for site related issues), will be the final authority in the case of a concession application received from a supplier.
The expeditor shall ensure that the suppliers have a copy of the order and all associated documents, like order amendments, QCP, Rev 0 drawings (or later revisions, if any), etc., available for reference during inspections.
Data Packs
Contracts/orders shall clearly specify the data pack requirements, including HSEC related issues to be addressed within the data packs that have to be supplied by the vendor of the goods.
The project expeditor’s function shall ensure that data packs are prepared in accordance with order requirements and are ready for inspection by the Principal’s PM or his representative.
After placing of an order with a supplier, the supplier's QA function will create an equipment data pack (EDP) file.
Before starting and during manufacture, progressive updating of the book must include:
Order and subsequent order modifications (with acknowledgement),
Manufacturing bar chart (plan and actual),
QCP, signed off as inspected,
Material certificates (with identification),
Non-destructive testing reports,
Pressure testing reports,
Outside/3rd party inspection reports,
Certified drawings (including latest revisions),
All special reports, testing, and
Inspection release note.
The expeditor will assist with obtaining relevant information for inclusion in the EDP.
Manufacturing Program Control
There must be close co-operation between the expediting function, the project QA function and the project planning function.
The planner must feedback relevant information to allow the expeditor to prioritize their activities in the interest of the project.
The purpose of the site procedures are to ensure that the designated objectives of the project during construction, erection and commissioning on site are in accordance with the specifications, program and budget. To achieve these objectives the following activities are foreseen (not limited to):
Safe working conditions and zero incidents,
Site/plant safety and other applicable standards.
Properly control all activities on site,
Supervising site contractors work, including co-ordination between site contractors,
Interfacing and liaison with the appointed project personnel on site,
Conducting all site meetings, including taking and issuing notes of all such
Inspection of goods delivered to site, including notification of any damage during
Keeping of a daily site diary,
Facilitating communication between head-office, suppliers and site contractors,
Control of the storage of “free issue” equipment and materials to site
CM and Construction Team's Responsibilities
The PMT representative on site will be the Project Manager (PM), who will have delegated authority for all construction related site matters.
The PM, assisted by his team of site supervisors, will provide detailed planning information for all construction activities and logistics. This planning will be included in the project program during the early stages of detailed engineering and encompass all aspects of site activities, from before site establishment to the end of site disestablishment.
Immediately following contract award and throughout the construction period on site, the CM will plan and execute pre-construction and construction activities that will include the following:
Obtaining and implementing site safety and security specification,
Finalize, collectively with the Consultant, the site-specific HSEC requirements. This work will be carried out in conjunction with the appointed site safety co-coordinator.
Develop detailed construction details for temporary facilities including camp management
Identify major construction milestones and available resources,
Prepare and display a site disaster plan,
Do risk assessments.
Do general rigging studies for repeat lifts and specific rigging studies for special/heavy lifts (contractor/crane/job specific).
Develop with assistance of the project planner, a detailed construction schedule, which incorporates all aspects of construction,
Review the overall project program, to ensure critical activities are identified and that engineering, drawing and equipment deliveries are scheduled to meet required construction milestone dates.
Review layout drawings for constructability, erection sequencing, special handling and or rigging requirements and special construction equipment that may be required.
Construction Management Team (CMT) Selection/Formation
The construction team will be formed from internal resources and, if necessary, be supplemented by selected external resources to provide the following essential requirements:
Recent and relevant project experience
Remote site construction experience,
Constructability and construction planning
HSEC experience,
testing and commissioning experience, and
Operability and maintainability experience
The CMT will have full responsibility for managing and supervising all aspects of construction. Duties of the team include the following:
HSEC issues on site
Providing inter-disciplinary co-ordination to simplify construction logistics whilst meeting the required construction goals, deadlines and milestones on the project,
Monitoring of construction sequencing and progress,
Co-ordination between contractors and access requirement
Conducting weekly construction co-ordination meetings,
Facilitating site establishment and disestablishment
Reviewing and monitoring safe and efficient work practices,
Directing the testing, check out, and hand-over of completed facilities to the cold commissioning team
Assisting in resolution of design/drawing errors discovered on site,
Supplying field input as required for as-built drawings/documents,
Providing the necessary input to forecasts, physical progress and cost reports
Providing the necessary information to determine progress, assist in, and analyze specialty subcontract charges and resolve interface problems
Developing and approving special erection procedures
Approving detail rigging studies submitted by erection contractors,
Approving individual job risk assessments,
Where necessary, providing detail job specific risk assessment input to assist
contractors with specific work activity approval,
Compiling and maintaining necessary inspection records of lifting/rigging equipment
on site
Site instruction administration and records,
Ensuring requirements under the Benin Labour Law are upheld on site, and
Ensuring site discipline, and housekeeping
Site diary
The CM will maintain a daily site diary in an agreed format, in which he will log:
HSEC incidents and near-misses on site,
Instructions issued by the Consultant or its appointed representatives,
Weather and precipitation,
Potential claims that may be lodged by or against Contractors.
Work done by or its sub-contractor(s) outside of their contract scope without
Work instructed to be done by Contractors
Damage to equipment or buildings or facilities, how caused, and by whom,
Manpower on site,
Plant on site, and
Any other significant event.
Lay-down Areas
Each sub-contractor will be allocated a site establishment (“lay-down") area appropriate to the work to be performed on site and the area required for its site establishment incorporated under SANS PARAKUO JV allocated lay-down areas.
It is the sub-contractor’s responsibility to set up all facilities and security according to its needs in areas provided.
Access Control
Security and access control onto the property as well as onto the construction site will be in place at all times by appointed security company. The procurement process for suppliers and subcontractors (SSM) will be complied with in order to appoint a responsible security services provider during the early stages of mobilization.
Site access induction and medical (entrance and exit) requirements onto site will be checked.
The construction access control method will be incorporated into the permanent fencing solution for SANS PARAKUO JV site camp management.
Site Establishment and Temporary Facilities
The Sans Parakuo JV Site Office facilities will be fully operational to support all the construction disciplines during delivery of the project until full operational handover of the Project.
Offices and Laydown Areas
Ablution facilities for male and female personnel will be provided within the locations for the works.
Safe vehicular access will be provided to offices.
The entire office area will be secured by means of security fencing provided with an access gate.
For this project, full generator power will be supplied to the offices and stores and site by means of generator power supply.
All waste water will be collected in tanks on site and removed by tankers and disposed of at the local municipality treatment works.
Satellite portable ablution facilities and rest areas will be provided throughout the works to ensure sufficient facilities are provided for all staff and workers engaged on the project including subcontractors.
The site laydown area will be secured, with only one gate allowing movement of goods.
Office space will be established at the site laydown area, where Material Control staff will be available to monitor and control the goods in the laydown.
Site administration and Filing
The CM is responsible for proper administration related to work done on site. This administration includes:
Setting up and maintaining universally applied site access procedure for all persons entering the site, keeping records related to persons on site (copy of I/D document, etc.)
Communicating and recording issues that may affect budget, program,
performance of equipment,
Recording and communicating alterations to design done on site,
Maintaining the daily diary on site.
A complete and orderly filing system is to be maintained by the CM’s site secretary
containing all pertinent documents, including,
Safety records and appointment documentation,
Minutes of all meetings
Records of manpower, plant and machinery on site,
Copies of approved job risk assessments,
On completion of the project, the site secretary must also ensure that these files are
ultimately transferred into the central filing archive.
Permission to Work on Site
The applicable site rules in this regard will be explained before site establishment.
Permission to work on site will be indicated by a personal I/D disc, issued to the person concerned. This identification card shall be worn at all times by all persons working on site.
Equipment Used on Site
All machinery and equipment to be used on site must undergo inspection and approval by the designated site safety officer(s) prior to utilization of such equipment on site.
Equipment requiring site registration must be clearly identifiable (by hard stamping or metal tag attached). Proper record shall be kept of when the equipment was last checked for compliance and what the inspection results were.
Risk Assessments
All work to be performed on site will be covered by approved risk assessments drawn up by the person(s) involved with or performing the work, before work commences. These assessments shall be submitted for approval upon site establishment of each contractor, and as and when they are required during the contractor’s tenure on site.
Survey & Setting Out
Surveying and mapping out will be undertaken by qualified licensed surveyors and approved by the Consultant prior to any construction works being undertaken.
Concrete Operations & Structures
All concrete works will be preceded by design approved mixes and duly tested for compliance. Batching plants and facilities will be located within 5 klms distance from the site and mobile mixer trucks will supply all concrete to site.
Where so required, each iLot will be supplied with adequate number of 10/7 Concrete Mixers that will be used to complement supplies from the batching plant and cater for small amounts of mixes.
Construction of Block Work
All building blocks will be produced at our off-site facilities and will meet the standards required. These will also be tested for compliance prior to use.
Formwork works will be headed by a formwork officer/foreman and will meet the requisite standards and compliance. Formwork gangs will be established solely for erection and removal of formwork. A detailed program will be provided for this prior to commencement of works.
Plastering & Screeds
Plastering and screeds will comply with the standard procedures of production and application.
Contractor Meetings on Site
The PM or his appointed representative will conduct bi-weekly meetings (at least every 7 days), with all sub-contractors on site to discuss aspects of the project specific to progress and safety. The frequency and venue of the meetings may change as the project progresses. The PM may change this according to the current needs on site.
The PM will ensure that proper minutes are kept and circulated.
The PM shall also ensure that proper notes are maintained on any ad hoc site meeting or discussions impacting on costs, resources or completion dates.
Copies of all minutes/written notes must be sent to head office. The PM shall also ensure that proper notes are maintained on any ad hoc site meeting or discussions impacting on costs, resources or completion dates.
Project close-out
Before the CMT leaves site, specific attention shall be given to providing input to the update of construction drawings to “as-built” status.
The CMT must ensure that each sub-contractor clears its own site to the CMT's satisfaction. Upon leaving site the temporary services to that lay-down area and the camp must be disconnected and left in a safe condition and satisfaction.
All site files must be properly archived at head office.
After physical completion of the project the CMT will ensure that site is cleared in a proper and professional manner.
The PM, assisted by the PMT will ensure that, where applicable, Operating and Maintenance (O&M) manuals are included in the suppliers’ scope of supply.
The number of copies (typically at least three hardcopies and one electronic version) shall be according to the requirements and specified in the enquiry document.
These manuals form an essential part of the hand-over of the project. As a result, delivery of the O&M manuals by the supplier must relate to release of a portion of the payment to the supplier.
O&M manuals shall include for the supplier’s own equipment as well as “bought-out” components and assemblies procured by the sub-contractor.
Within the O&M manual, sufficient information must exist to:
Define HSEC requirements and corresponding safety precautions (to be highlighted/emphasised)
Properly install and cold commission the equipment,
Provide operating personnel with clear instructions on the operating and maintenance of all equipment supplied,
Define the level of competence required by the operator and any specific experience/training requirements (but not necessarily the details of such training unless specifically required in terms of the contract),
Lubrication and service requirements for the equipment (including list of lubricants and associated first fill volumes),
As-built drawings and wiring diagrams,
Part list with associated numbers,
Recommended preventative maintenance actions,
Recommended spares and associated part numbers.
Practical completion and Handover procedures will be discussed in detail with the Consultants and Client Representative prior.
After physical completion of the project, the PMT will ensure that site and queries are effectively handled.
Close out of sub-contracts and purchase orders, which will include the processing of claims, release of retention, etc., shall be handled by the PM with assistance from the PMT prior to complete demobilization.
Specific attention shall be given to the update of final drawings to “as-built” status.
Translation - French
N ° 001 / MT / AAOI / 00112019 / SIMAU DU 19 AVRIL 2019
Ilot 3, 4 et 8
Gestion de projet de construction et méthodologie
Compilé par:
Revu par:
Approuvé par:
Gaby Mattouk
Nouhad Daou
La désignation
Chef de projet
Directeur des contrats
Objectif du projet 5
considérations importantes 6
Général 8
Législation 9
Responsabilité envers HSEC 9
Vérification des comptes 9
Rendez-vous 9
Gestion des risques 9
Portée des travaux: dix
Programme 11
Equipe pour le Projet 12
Programme du projet (CLC - PLN) 13
Tableau de Valeur Acquise (VA) 14
Contrôle de la portée du projet 14
Ingénierie de la valeur 15
Assurance qualité (QA) 15
Gestion des ressources humaines 15
Développement d'équipe 15
Général 16
Conservation des notes de réunion / Procès-verbaux 17
Calendrier des réunions 17
Rapports de projet 17
Général 18
Fournisseurs / vendeurs / Sous-traitants 18
Expédier les commandes passées 18
Général 18
Vendeur / Fournisseur QCP (MSS) 19
Inspections, déviations et demandes de concession 19
Packs de données 19
Contrôle du programme de fabrication 20
Général 20
Gestion de la construction et responsabilités de l'équipe de construction 20
Sélection / formation de l'Équipe de Gestion de la Construction (CMT) 21
Agenda du site 22
Zones posées 23
Contrôle d'accès 23
Etablissement du site et Activités Temporaires 23
Administration du Site et Classement 24
permission de travailler sur le site 24
Matériel utilisé sur le site 24
Évaluations des risques 24
Enquête et Implantation 25
Opérations et structures en béton 25
Travaux de Blocs 25
Coffrages 25
Plâtrage et Chapes 25
Réunions des entrepreneurs sur le site 25
Clôture du projet 25
CAPEX - Dépenses en Capital
CLC - Cycle de vie du Contrat
CM - Directeur de la Construction
CMT - Equipe de gestion des contrats
OSC - Chef de sécurité (ou HSSEM SHEQ ou HSM) DDC - Dessin et contrôle des documents
DE - Ingénieur de discipline
DO - Bureau de dessin
E & I - Electrique et Instrumentation
HSEC - Santé, sécurité, environnement et communauté
LTIFR - Taux de Fréquence des blessures entraînant une perte de temps
MST - Déclaration de Méthode
PEMS - Cette Méthode d'Exécution du Projet
Statement PE - Ingénieur de projet
PM - Chef de Projet
PMT - Équipe de Gestion de projet
Team PLN - Planification et surveillance
PR - Registre des Achats
PSC - Pilotage de projet
Committee PQP - Plan de qualité de projet
RFQ - Demande de Devis
QA - Assurance Qualité
SHE - Sécurité, santé et environnement
SSM - Gestion des fournisseurs et sous-traitants
TRIFR - Fréquence totale des incidents à signaler
La présente déclaration de méthode d’exécution du projet (PEMS) décrit les objectifs, processus et stratégies qui seront utilisés par les parties chargées de la gestion du projet pour exécuter les travaux. Elle établit également un cadre garantissant la conformité des attentes et des indicateurs de performance clés du projet. Le PEMS veille à ce qu'une approche cohérente soit adoptée par toutes les parties gérant le projet et se veut un document de contrôle pour tous les aspects du projet.
Le service PEMS en tant que document de service de projet, qui englobe les diverses procédures requises pendant le cycle de vie du projet. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une illustration simplifiée des différentes procédures requises tout au long du cycle de vie du projet..
Cycle de vie du contrat d'ingénierie et de construction
Il n'est toutefois pas prévu que ce document introduise ou implique des modifications dans les termes contractuels / commerciaux du contrat.
Dans les sections suivantes, ce PEMS décrit:
Les objectifs du projet
La portée du projet
La structure du projet et la
La stratégie de gestion de projet, y compris la conception technique (si nécessaire), ainsi que la méthodologie d'approvisionnement et de construction du projet.
Objectif du projet
L’objectif du projet est d’achever le Projet de Logement au Bénin dans les délais contractuels, en respectant toutes les exigences SHEQ.
Considérations Importantes
L’équipe de projet doit accorder l’attention voulue aux caractéristiques suivantes du projet:
Les normes les plus élevées possibles en matière de santé, de sécurité, d’environnement et de communauté (HSEC) offrant les meilleures conditions de travail possibles à tous les employés avec,
Impact environnemental aussi faible que possible,
Augmentation de la rentabilité du projet (par exemple en réduisant les coûts d’exploitation),
Lorsque possible, technologie de construction améliorée,
Haute qualité du produit
Fermeture - coût du cycle de vie et impact, fermeture comprise.
Les critères de performance suivants sont les résultats attendus pour la bonne exécution du projet:
Lésions invalidantes pour la santé et la sécurité au travail - Néant
Traumatismes médicaux - néant
Incidents graves ou à signaler - TRIFL
Translation education
Master's degree - KNUST, Ghana
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Dec 2012.
I am a lecturer of French and English as well as a prolific translator of both languages, ie English to French /French to English with more than 10 years' experience in translation. My research areas are the following:
* (Re)translation into French with analysis of Ghanaian Literature written
in English
Stylistic analysis of translations vis-à-vis the original versions
Aesthetic/Stylistic analysis of Twi language proverbs and songs
My watchwords are "timeliness and dedication".
This profile has received 30 visits in the last month, from a total of 27 visitors