Experienced translator.
Attorney (licensed in New York).
Since June 2013: freelance translator.
August 2005−June 2013: full-time attorney; translation projects.
1997−2001: freelance translator.
Subject-matter translated:
French court documents (pleadings, decisions, expert testimony)
Business, banking, financial, accounting
Evidence in connection with Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation
Contracts relating to forward financial transactions / interest rate hedging
Debtor-creditor instruments
Wills, contracts, leases, by-laws
Metals processing and aircraft construction (not recent)
Experience reviewing and translating documents in connection with a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigation (approximately 11 months).
Legal experience: immigration law (5 years); environmental law and policy (approx. 1 year); litigation (approx. 1 1/2 years) (document review and privilege review).
Managing Editor, Brooklyn Journal of International Law (during law school).
Judge, Andrew P. Vance Memorial Writing Competition, a law student competition sponsored by the Customs and International Trade Bar Association and Brooklyn Law School (2009, 2010, 2013). |