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Russian to English: Excerpt from a book on transitional period legal proceedings General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Russian Если такие кандидаты, став депутатами в результате выборов, составляют необходимое большинство, то, согласно ст.2 Конституции Латвийской ССР, это есть воля народа ЛССР, кому и принадлежит власть. Но и в этом случае вопрос о выходе из СССР депутаты ЛССР имеют право лишь ставить на всенародное обсуждение, а не сами голосовать за выход из СССР. Порядок выхода из состава СССР регулировала ст.97, п.З, Конституции ЛССР, где определено, что Верховный Совет ЛССР (только он!) имеет право «организовывать референдум о выходе респуб¬лики из СССР». Конституция ЛССР (в редакции от 01.03.90 г.) на выборах народных депутатов Латвийской ССР была единственным конституционным актом. В марте 1990 года это был единственный действующий конституционный акт. Это после 04.05.90 г. на терри¬тории Латвии действовали три конституции: четыре статьи (1, 2, 3, 6) Сатверсме ЛР; Конституция ЛССР, поскольку не противоречит этим 4 статьям Сатверсме ЛР, и Конституция СССР в полном объеме, т.к. ее отменить юридически не мог ВС ЛССР, тем более ВС ЛР – другого государства, не являющегося составной частью СССР. На территории Латвии все жители оставались гражданами СССР. Вот в чем сложность.
Translation - English If the majority of the elected share the above convictions then, according to Article 2 of the Constitution of the LSSR, they would express the will of the people on who should have the power. But then the Members of the Supreme Council of the LSSR would not be entitled to vote themselves for the secession from the USSR, they would have to initiate a public debate. Article 97, Para 3 of the Constitution of the LSSR regulates the procedure of secession from the USSR. It stipulates that only the Supreme Council of the LSSR (and nobody else!) has the right to “organize a referendum on the secession from the USSR.” Constitution of the LSSR (as amended on March 1, 1990) was the only valid constitutional act at the time of election of People’s Deputies. In March 1990 it was the only applicable constitutional act. Only after May 4, 1990 three constitutions started to be applicable in Latvia: four articles (1, 2, 3, 6) of Satversme of the RL, the Constitution of the LSSR, to the extent that it did not contradict the above articles of Satversme, and the Constitution of the USSR, as the Supreme Council of the LSSR was legally incapable or revoking it, not to say about the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia, which was a different state, not part of the USSR. At the same time all inhabitants of Latvia remained citizens of the USSR. This is where the difficulty lied.
Latvian to English: Excerpt from an article in the leading business newspaper General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - Latvian Pagājušajā gadā Rīgas biržas raksturojošā indeksa OMXR vērtības izmaiņas lielā mērā kopēja notiekošo vadošajos pasaules akciju tirgos, bet šoreiz tā teikt nevarētu. Pašmāju biržas indeksa dinamika pēdēja gada skatījumā diemžēl ir bijusi visai neizteiksmīga – OMXR vērtība punktu izteiksmē sarukusi par 2,8%. Turklāt tas noticis, pat neskatoties uz to, ka daudzi Latvijas makroekonomikas rādītāji liecināja par spēcīgu tautsaimniecības atgūšanos un zināmā mērā arī pārsteidzoši labu noturību pret omu bojājošo parādu krīzi eirozonā. Tiesa, attiecībā pret parādu krīzi eirozonā investori ir uzaudzējuši ļoti biezu ādu, un vadošo indeksu lejupslīdi var radīt tikai totāla kraha tuvums. Piemēram, Vācijas akciju tirgus raksturojošā indeksa DAX vērtība ir pieaugusi par 23,6%, bet pasaules akciju tirgus flagmaņa ASV S&P 500 indeksa vērtības kāpums mērāms ar plus 14%.
Translation - English Fluctuations of Riga Stock Exchange index OMXR generally copied the leading world stock exchanges last year, but this year the trend changed. Unfortunately, the dynamics of the local stock exchange index was quite bleak - OMXR value in points fell by 2.8%. Besides, it fell irrespective of the fact that many macroeconomic indicators showed strong economic recovery and to a certain extent surprisingly good resistance against the distressing Eurozone debt crisis. To tell the truth, though, investors have become quite immune to the debt crisis and downslide of the leading indexes can be caused by an imminent total breakdown only. For example, the value of the German stock market index DAX increased by 23.6%, but the value of the world stock market flagship index - the US S&P 500 - by 14%.
Years of experience: 30. Registered at Nov 2012.
English to Latvian (University of Latvia - BA, MSc; Riga Graduate Scho) Latvian to English (University of Latvia - BA, MSc; Riga Graduate Scho)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I am a highly qualified professional translator/interpreter that can offer you quality translation/interpreting services in several language pairs. As a native speaker of a small language I have extensive experience in various subject fields: legal, administrative, especially EU matters, medical, veterinary sciences, business and finance, as well as technical. I always do my best, stick to deadlines and have a flexible approach to my work and clients.