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20-year experience of translation in economics, banking, finance, business, IT and law
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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English to Lithuanian: Money Market Interest Rates General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Despite the decline observed recently in overnight index swap rates, interest rates on unsecured deposits have increased across all maturities over the past three months. On 1 December 2010 the one-month, three-month, six-month and twelve-month EURIBOR stood at 0.81%, 1.03%, 1.26% and 1.53% respectively – i.e. 19, 14, 12 and 12 basis points higher respectively than the levels observed on 1 September 2010. Overall, the spread between the twelve-month and one-month EURIBOR – an indicator of the slope of the money market yield curve – decreased by 5 basis points in that period, standing at 72 basis points on 1 December.
Translation - Lithuanian Nepaisant pastaruoju metu sumažėjusių vienos nakties indekso apsikeitimo sandorių palūkanų normų, visų terminų įkaitu neužtikrintų indėlių palūkanų normos per paskutinius tris mėnesius padidėjo. 2010 m. gruodžio 1 d. 1 mėn., 3 mėn., 6 mėn. ir 12 mėn. EURIBOR palūkanų normos buvo atitinkamai 0,81, 1,03, 1,26 ir 1,53 %, t. y. 19, 14, 12 ir 12 bazinių punktų didesnės negu 2010 m. rugsėjo 1 d. Bendrai skirtumas tarp 12 mėn. ir 1 mėn. EURIBOR palūkanų normų, pinigų rinkos pajamingumo kreivės nuolydžio rodiklis, per šį laikotarpį sumažėjo 5 baziniais punktais ir gruodžio 1 d. sudarė 72 bazinius punktus.
English to Lithuanian: Financial Investment of the Non-Financial Sectors and Institutional Investors General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English The annual growth rate of total financial investment by the non-financial sectors was unchanged in the second quarter of 2010. This conceals a decline in the annual growth rate of investment by the household sector, which was broadly offset by an increase in the annual growth rate of investment by non-financial corporations. The annual inflow for investment fund shares/units decreased further in the third quarter – mostly owing to base effects, but also in line with some flattening of the yield curve. The annual growth rate of financial investment by insurance corporations and pension funds was broadly unchanged in the second quarter, reflecting the moderation of the money-holding sectors’ investment in insurance technical reserves.
Translation - Lithuanian 2010 m. antrąjį ketvirtį nefinansinių sektorių visų finansinių investicijų metinis augimo tempas nepakito. Tai slepia sumažėjusį namų ūkių sektoriaus investicijų metinį augimo tempą, kurį beveik atsvėrė padidėjęs nefinansinių korporacijų investicijų metinis augimo tempas. Investicinių fondų akcijų ir vienetų metinės įplaukos trečiąjį ketvirtį toliau mažėjo – daugiausia dėl bazės efektų, bet taip pat ir dėl tam tikro pajamingumo kreivės plokštėjimo. Draudimo korporacijų ir pensijų fondų finansinių investicijų metinis augimo tempas antrąjį ketvirtį beveik nepakito, rodydamas pinigus turinčių sektorių sumažėjusias investicijas į draudimo techninius atidėjinius.
English to Lithuanian: Equity Markets General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Investment / Securities
Source text - English Overall, broad-based stock price indices in the euro area and the United States have increased over the last three months. In the euro area, this development was supported by robust actual and expected corporate earnings growth and overall positive macroeconomic news. At the same time, equity prices have probably been negatively affected by renewed tensions in euro area sovereign debt markets. Accordingly, euro area stock prices showed discernible decreases in November. The extent of these adverse effects has differed fairly widely across euro area countries and sectors, with the banking sector being the most affected. Stock market uncertainty in the euro area declined during most of the review period, but has increased signifi cantly in recent weeks.
Translation - Lithuanian Per paskutinius tris mėnesius bendrieji akcijų kainų indeksai euro zonoje ir JAV bendrai padidėjo. Euro zonoje šią raidą palaikė stabilus faktinio ir numatomo korporacijų pelno augimas ir bendrai teigiamos makroekonominės naujienos. Tuo pačiu metu akcijų kainoms neigiamą
įtaką tikriausiai darė atsinaujinusi įtampa euro zonos valstybės skolos rinkose. Atitinkamai euro zonos akcijų kainos lapkričio mėn. aiškiai mažėjo. Šių neigiamų poveikių mastas gana stipriai skyrėsi skirtingose euro zonos šalyse ir sektoriuose, o didžiausią poveikį patyrė bankų
sektorius. Akcijų rinkos netikrumas euro zonoje didžiąją nagrinėjamo laikotarpio dalį mažėjo, bet pastarosiomis savaitėmis reikšmingai padidėjo.
English to Lithuanian: TARGET2-SECURITIES General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English T2S is the future Eurosystem service for securities settlement in central bank money. It will make the settlement of cross-border securities transactions as simple and efficient as that of domestic transactions. With T2S, it will be possible to settle almost all traded securities in Europe in a single settlement engine according to a harmonised timetable, using a common IT interface and a harmonised message format. T2S therefore represents a major breakthrough towards an integrated European capital market. Furthermore, although it is an initiative of the Eurosystem, T2S will settle securities transactions not only in euro, but also in other currencies if the relevant central bank, supported by its market, gives its consent.
Translation - Lithuanian TARGET2-Securities (T2S) yra būsima Eurosistemos paslauga, skirta vertybinių popierių atsiskaitymams centrinio banko pinigais. Ji padarys atsiskaitymus už tarptautinius vertybinių popierių sandorius tokius pačius paprastus ir efektyvius, kokie yra atsiskaitymai už vietinius sandorius. Veikiant T2S, bus galima atsiskaityti už beveik visus vertybinius popierius, kuriais prekiaujama Europoje, vienoje atsiskaitymų platformoje pagal suderintą tvarkaraštį, naudojantis bendra IT sąsaja ir suderintu pranešimų formatu. Todėl T2S yra esminis laimėjimas kelyje į integruotą Europos kapitalo rinką. Be to, nors tai yra Eurosistemos iniciatyva, T2S bus atsiskaitoma už vertybinių popierių sandorius ne tik eurais, bet ir kitomis valiutomis, jeigu atitinkamas centrinis bankas, palaikomas savo rinkos, duos savo sutikimą.
Translation education
Master's degree - Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Years of experience: 30. Registered at Oct 2012.
NEWS: Succesfully completed the Memsource Trainer Certification program in June 2020.
Hi everyone!
After gaining useful experience and enhancing my knowledge and skills during my work at the European Parliament's Lithuanian Language Division, I am back in the freelance translation business.
Looking forward to your new projects!
High quality translation
in finance, banking, economics, business, IT, law and EU
by an experienced translator
I am a professional translator with more than 24 years of translation experience in the field of economics, banking, finance, statistics, business, accounting, insurance, payment systems; information technologies, software, hardware, systems; law, contracts, legislation; marketing, business, etc. I also have an extensive experience in editing, revision and proofreading of texts in English and Lithuanian.
Professional experience – more than 15 years of experience working as an in-house translator and the head of translation unit for the central bank of Lithuania;
– an in-house translator’s experience at the European Central Bank;
– an in-house translator’s experience at the European Parliament;
– an in-house translator’s experience at a translation agency;
– an in-house translator’s experience at a TV/video production company;
– freelance translator’s experience.
I have an extensive translation experience in the field of economics, finance, banking (in particular central banking), IT and law acquired during the translation of a variety of documents and publications for the Lithuanian central bank from English to Lithuanian and vice versa, the European Central Bank's press releases, public relations and website materials, official publications (such as Annual Reports, Monthly Bulletins and Convergence Reports) from English to Lithuanian as well as the translation of EU legislation at the European Parliament.
Education – Master of Arts degree in English linguistics obtained at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania;
– participation in various training events in the area of translation, languages, Trados and office software, economics and finance, communication and management.
Fields of specialisation Finance – Banking – Economics – Financial Markets – Accounting – Investment – Statistics
Information Technologies – Hardware – Software – Website, Software and Game Localization
European Union Legislation – Law – Contracts
Marketing – SEO – Business
Hotels – Travel – Tourism
Some specific translation jobs and projects Banking/economics/finance/business/statistics/accounting:
– a wide range of various texts related to all central banking activities;
– economic reviews, macroeconomic forecasts, various publications and surveys (Bank Lending Survey, Annual Report, financial statements), documents and communication materials of the central bank of Lithuania;
– the European Central Bank’s publications (Annual Reports, Monthly Bulletins, Convergence Reports);
– translations related to international institutions, such as IMF, EC, World Bank (communication materials, mission statements, positions, opinions and comments, consultation materials);
– the European Systemic Risk Board's Annual Report;
– financial stability and financial market supervision materials;
– reviews of operations of credit institutions (banks and credit unions), payment institutions, insurance market participants, issuers, pension funds, investment funds, collective investment undertakings, financial brokerage companies;
– statistical texts (monetary and financial statistics, external statistics, financial accounts statistics);
– translation of press releases, public relations materials, website materials;
– materials about banknotes and coins (coin and banknotes descriptions, specifications, commemorative coin booklets);
Law and legislation:
– EU legislation;
– various types of contracts;
– laws, legal acts and regulations;
– witness statements, litigation materials, affidavits;
IT and payment systems:
– software, website and game localization;
– marketing materials of IT companies;
– IT contracts (service contracts, subscription and licence agreements, procurement contracts and documentation) with providers of information technology services and products, such as Thomson Reuters, SWIFT, Bloomberg, Moody’s, Fitch, Nexor, RiskMetrics, NovaRes, Fujitsu, SunGard, etc.
– IT procurement tender terms and conditions and specifications;
– translation and editing of the documentation of Lithuania’s payment systems, such as TARGET2-LIETUVOS BANKAS, LITAS-RLS, LITAS-MMS.
IT tools used for translation
– Memsource;
– SDL Trados Studio (2011/2014/2015/2017);
– SDL Trados 2007 (Translator’s Workbench, MultiTerm, WinAlign, TagEditor): SDL Trados training certificate, experience of SDL Trados systems administration, maintenance and technical support within an enterprise;
– Wordfast Anywhere;
– MS Office: MS Office proficiency attested by European Computer Driving License (ECDL) certificate (issued by the ECDL Foundation,
CV and references can be submitted upon request.
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Keywords: Lithuanian to English translator, English to Lithuanian translator, high quality translations, professional translator, experienced translator, patyręs vertėjas, vertimai, vertėjas, profesionalus vertėjas, aukštos kokybės vertimai. See more.Lithuanian to English translator,English to Lithuanian translator,high quality translations,professional translator,experienced translator,patyręs vertėjas,vertimai,vertėjas,profesionalus vertėjas,aukštos kokybės vertimai,finansiniai vertimai,finansinių tekstų vertimai,bankinių tekstų vertimai,verslo vertimai,bankiniai vertimai,vertimai bankų srityje,vertimai ekonomikos srityje,ekonominiai vertimai,translation English Lithuanian,translation Lithuanian English,vertimo raštu paslaugos,vertimas iš lietuvių į anglų,vertimas iš anglų į lietuvių,anglų lietuvių vertėjas,lietuvių anglų vertėjas,banking translation,economics translation,financial translation,business translation,information technologies,IT,financial markets,financial stability,supervision,contracts,EU legislation,Lithuanian proofreading, Lithuanian proofreader,Lithuanian editor,Lithuanian editing,translate to Lithuanian,Trados,SDL Trados Studio 2014,terminology,translation of financial statements,translation of annual reports,translation of legal documents,translation of business documents,translation of financial accounts,translation of contracts,vertimai,vertėjas,investment,securities, European Union,directive,international organisations,European Central Bank,European Parliament translation,ECB translation,central bank,central banking,credit institutions,payment systems,payment institution,stock market,stock exchange,bank,corporate documents translation,collective investment undertaking,EU legislation translation,banking union,ES vertimai,translate Lithuanian English,lithuanian to english,english to lithuanian,lithuanian translation,lithuanian translator,translate lithuanian,English to Lithuanian business translator,English to Lithuanian business translations,English to Lithuanian financial translations,English to Lithuanian IT translations, English to Lithuanian legal translations,English to Lithuanian contract translations,app translation,game translation,software localization,game localization,. See less.