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Serbian to English: Scientific paper on the Dark Tetrad General field: Science Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - Serbian 1.2. Ka konceptualizaciji mračne tetrade – sadizam kao ‘’četvrti element’’
Sudeći prema istraživanjima realizovanim u poslednjih nekoliko godina, sadizam može predstavljati crtu ličnosti kojom se mračna trijada može upotpuniti. Sadizam ima stabilne veze sa antisocijalnim i amoralnim ponašanjem, postepeno napušta klinički diskurs i počinje da se istražuje i na opštoj populaciji (Chabrol, Van Leeuwen, Rodgers & Séjourné, 2009; Reidy, Zeichner, & Seibert, 2011), i povezan je sa crtama mračne trijade na očekivan način. Sve više radova ide u prilog priključenju sadizma crtama mračne trijade i definisanju konstrukta ‘’mračne tetrade’’ (Chabrol, et al., 2009; Buckels, et al., 2013).
Sadizam. Sadizam obuhvata splet različitih bihejvioralnih, kognitivnih i interprersonalnih karakteristika povezanih sa zadovoljstvom usled nanošenja fizičkog ili emotivnog bola drugim osobama (Reidy, et al., 2011). Na ponašajnom planu, sadizam podrazumeva slabu kontrolu ponašanja, iritabilnost, nisku toleranciju na frustraciju. Na interpresonalnom planu, prisutni su surovost, hostilnost, manipulativnost, nedostatak empatije, grubost, posebno prema onima koje smatraju podređenima. Osobe sa visokim sadizmom sklone su netrpeljivosti i socijalnoj netoleranciji, fascinirane su oružjem, ratom, zločinima i počiniteljima zločina. Nastoje da ostvare društvenu poziciju koja će im omogućiti da kontrolišu, kažnjavaju i ponižavaju druge (Myers, Burket, & Husted, 2006).
Činjenica je da se sadizam do skora praktično nije izučavao van kliničkog konteksta, i da je bio zanemaren od strane psihologije ličnosti, bez obzira na to da se može opravdano pretpostaviti da postoje stabilne individualne razlike u pogledu potrebe za povređivanjem drugih (Fedoroff, 2008). Ipak, još pre nešto više od 10 godina ukazano je da i u opštojpopulaciji postoje pojedinci skloni uživanju u povređivanju drugih, kako neposredno, tako i posredno kroz uživanje u gledanju filmova i video-igara sa mnogo nasilja, u brutalnim sportovima i slično (Baumeister & Campbell, 1999). Takođe, sadizam se može manifestovati i kroz ispoljavanje oštrih i nemilosrdnih političkih stavova (Buckels, 2012). Dakle, sadizam se može manifestovati i u opštoj populaciji, kod običnih ljudi, u formi subkliničkog, ili svakodnevnog sadizma (Buckels et al., 2013).
Mračna tetrada. Pored konceptualnih, sve je više i empirijskih argumenata koji idu u prilog povezanosti sadizma sa crtama mračne trijade. Nekoliko istraživanja pokazalo je da sadizam i crte mračne trijade, pre svega psihopatija, imaju veći broj zajedničkih karakteristika, kao što su nedostatak empatije i spremnosti na emotivno ulaganje (Kirsch, & Becker, 2007), spremnost da se nanese patnja drugima i povezanost sa antisocijalnim ponašanjem (Holt, & Strack, 1999; Chabrol, et al., 2009) i slično. Ujedno, određeni broj nalaza pokazuje da se radi o povezanim, ali distinktivnim crtama (Mokros, Osterheider, Hucker, & Nitschke, 2011; Nitschke, Istrefi, Osterheider, & Mokros, 2012).
Kada je u pitanju odnos sadizma i crta mračne trijade, od posebnog su značaja istraživanja koja su bila usmerena na ispitivanje njihovog specifičnog doprinosa u predviđanju različitih relevantnih fenomena. Tako su Reidy, Zeichner, and Seibert (2011) našli da sadizam nezavisno od psihopatije predeviđa unprovoked aggression u laboratorijskom kontekstu. Chabrol i saradnici su našli ne samo da su sadističke karakteristike prisutne među učenicima srednjih škola, već i da sadizam predviđa delinkventno ponašanje nezavisno od drugih crta Mračne trijade, s kojima inače ostvaruje umerene korelacije. Buckels i saradnici (2013) kroz dve studije pokazali su da sadizam značajno predviđa ponašanje usmereno na povređivanje drugih živih bića, čak i kad se njegov doprinos kontroliše za varijansu preklapanja sa crtama Mračne trijade.
Dosadašnji nalazi pokazuju da sadizam nije svodiv na druge crte mračne trijade, da sa crtama mračne trijade korelira umereno, što sugeriše da su ovi konstrukti overlapping but distinct, te da ima nezavisan doprinos predikciji različitih antisocijalnih i amoralnih oblika ponašanja u odnosu na narcizam, makijavelizam i psihopatiju. Stoga izgleda da je opravdan predlog Chabrol i saradnika da se sadizam pridruži prethodnim trima crtama u okviru novog konstrukta ‘’Mračne tetrade’’ (Chabrol, et al., 2009; Buckels et al., 2013).
Iako postoji određene broja nalaza koji ukazuju na pravac daljeih istraživanja sa ciljem koncipiranja ‘’mračne tetrade’’, ovo je prvo istraživanje usmereno na obuhvatno ispitivanje mogućnosti empirijskog koncipiranja ‘’mračne tetrade’’.
Translation - English 1.2. Towards the conceptualisation of the Dark Tetrad – sadism as a “fourth element”
According to research carried out in the past several years, sadism can represent a personality trait which can supplement the Dark Triad. Sadism has a stable connection with antisocial and amoral behaviour, gradually leaving the clinical discourse and beginning to be studied also in the general population (Chabrol, Van Leeuwen, Rodgers & Séjourné, 2009; Reidy, Zeichner, & Seibert, 2011), and is connected with the Dark Triad traits in an expected way. More and more studies support the addition of sadism to the Dark Triad traits and defining the construct of the “Dark Tetrad” (Chabrol, et al., 2009; Buckels, et al., 2013).
Sadism. Sadism represents a combination of different behavioural, cognitive and interpersonal characteristics related to pleasure in connection with inflicting physical or emotional pain to other people (Reidy, et al., 2011). On a behavioural level, sadism entails low control of one’s behaviour, irritability, low tolerance to frustration. On an interpersonal level, there is cruelty, hostility, manipulativeness, lack of empathy, callousness, especially towards those persons who they consider as subordinate. Persons inclined to sadism are prone to animosity and social intolerance; they are fascinated by weapons, war, crimes and perpetrators of crime. They tend to reach a social position that would allow them to control, punish and humiliate others (Myers, Burket, & Husted, 2006).
It is a fact that, until recently, sadism has practically not been studied outside of the clinical context and was neglected by personality psychology, although it can be reasonably assumed that there are established individual differences with regard to the need for hurting others (Fedoroff, 2008). However, some ten years ago, it was already pointed out that there were individuals in the general population who were inclined to enjoying hurting others, either directly, or indirectly through watching movies and video-games with a lot of violence, in brutal sports and the like (Baumeister & Campbell, 1999). Also, sadism can be manifested through expressions of sharp and relentless political views (Buckels, 2012). Therefore, sadism can be manifested also in the general population, among ordinary people, in the form of subclinical or everyday sadism (Buckels et al., 2013).
The Dark Tetrad. Besides the conceptual, there are also more and more empirical arguments which favour the connection of sadism with the traits of the Dark Tetrad. Several studies have shown that sadism and the Dark Tetrad traits, primarily psychopathy, have many common characteristics, such as the lack of empathy and readiness for emotional involvement. (Kirsch, & Becker, 2007), readiness for inflicting suffering to others and a connection with antisocial behaviour (Holt, & Strack, 1999; Chabrol, et al., 2009) and similar characteristics. At the same time, certain findings show that these are connected but distinct traits (Mokros, Osterheider, Hucker, & Nitschke, 2011; Nitschke, Istrefi, Osterheider, & Mokros, 2012).
With regard to the relation between sadism and the Dark Triad traits, research that was aimed at investigating their specific contribution in predicting various relevant phenomena is of special importance. In this regard, Reidy, Zeichner, and Seibert (2011) have found out that sadism, separately from psychopathy, predicted unprovoked aggression in the laboratory context. Chabrol and associates have found out that sadistic characteristics are present among high school students, but also that sadism predicted the delinquent behaviour separately from other traits of the Dark Triad, with which it usually has a moderate correlation. Buckels and associates (2013) have shown in two studies that sadism significantly predicts behaviour aimed at hurting other living creatures, even when its contribution is analysed for the variance overlapping the traits of the Dark Triad.
Current findings show that sadism is not congruous with other traits of the Dark Triad, that it correlates moderately with the traits of the Dark Triad, which suggests that these constructs are overlapping but distinct, and that it has a separate contribution to the prediction of different antisocial and amoral modes of conduct in relation to narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Therefore, the proposal of Chabrol and associates to add sadism to other three traits within the new construct of the “Dark Tetrad” seems reasonable (Chabrol, et al., 2009; Buckels et al., 2013).
Although there are certain findings which indicate the direction of further research with the aim of making a concept of the “Dark Tetrad”, this is the first study with the aim of a comprehensive investigation of possibilities of the empirical conceptualisation of the “Dark Tetrad”.
English to Serbian: Terms of Reference, Regional integrated irrigation system in the area of Srem General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Agriculture
Source text - English The recommended technical solutions must be in accordance with current planning documents (law on planning and construction and Rule book on the content, scope and method of preparation of the pre-feasibility and feasibility study for the building(object)construction. All proposed solutions must be modern, efficient and suitable for usage. It must follow the current/proposed irrigation management scheme. However, in the course of this assignment no investigation works, site works are envisaged (except on-site inspection, if necessary for determination of the conditions of the existing installations, if necessary). All site related data collected in the earlier versions of the available documentation should be used, upon expert validation of their actuality / validity.
The activities in the development of the General Design
a. Identification of all water users and the relevant natural and socio-economic factors which have a significant impact on irrigation, the analysis of surface and development of all the necessary basis for further analysis, investors' decisions and design work required in this area;
b. Defining the water balance for all existing and potential customers;
c. Design infrastructural structures for water capturing, supply, accumulation and distribution of agricultural water users. Proposal of alternative solutions based on development requirements and use of spatial elements and the integration of existing components of the system in the proposed solutions, with full consideration of other local interests and needs, and the needs of the wider region;
d. The proposed solution should put the concept of water irrigation of the Srem region, to divide based on the water resources, to determine the location of the main water intake and pumping stations, determine main channel network (altitude and horizontal) at the level of general project;
e. Selection of the best variant (option) through the process of comparing variants based on multi-criteria analysis (value of the investment, the payback time, the cost of energy use, maintenance and operation, and others);
f. Development of optimal technical solution for irrigation within defined conditions, management and use of water and water regime on the level of conceptual design, take into account the possibility of building in phases;
g. For the chosen design provision of the solution for energy supply and presentation of the system of organization and management;
h. Proposing the dynamics of sequencing the works in accordance with the projected rate of agricultural production;
i. Consideration of the social and economic effects and justification of anticipated trends,
j. Ensuring the safety of the system in various operating conditions, monitoring and management of the system
k. For the purpose of applying for funding for EU funds and other financial institutions to prepare the selected solution in smaller lots
In order to determine the need for water for irrigation the Designer will create a web application. The web application needs to provide input on potential beneficiaries of the irrigation system in the municipalities covered by the project.
When application is started it is necessary to first provide a user name and password. The application must provide three access levels, namely:
4. Operational level that will have users running applications on entering and updating data ,
5. Informational level that will have users who can only browse and view the data through the application
6. Administrator level who with users who will perform all the necessary settings in the application and export all the data entered (eg, enter usernames and passwords for a particular municipality and assigning access levels).
Data to be entered must be located in one of the relational database (eg MySQL ), which together with the applications will be hosted and maintained at the newly opened domain for at least 2 years. Login and work of the beneficiaries participating in the entry and editing must be stored in the database in order to know exactly what the user is doing.
Translation - Serbian Predložena tehnička rešenja moraju da budu u skladu sa tekućim planskim dokumentima (Zakonom o planiranju i izgradnji i Pravilnikom o sadržaju, obimu i metodu pripreme prethodne studije ekonomske opravdanosti i studije ekonomske opravdanosti za izgradnju objekata. Sva predložena rešenja moraju da budu savremena, efikasna i pogodna za upotrebu. Moraju da prate tekući/predloženi plan upravljanja sistemom navodnjavanja. Međutim, u toku ovog zadatka nisu predviđeni istražni radovi, radovi na gradilištu (osim inspekcije na gradilištu, ako je neophodna radi utvrđivanja stanja postojećih instalacija). Potrebno je da se koriste podaci koji se odnose na gradilište koji su prikupljeni u prethodnim verzijama postojeće dokumentacije, nakon što se izvrši stručna potvrda njihove aktuelnosti/valjanosti.
Aktivnosti u izradi Generalnog projekta
a. Utvrđivanje svih korisnika vode i relevantnih prirodnih i društveno-ekonomskih činioca koji imaju značajan uticaj na navodnjavanje, analiza površine i izrada svih neophodnih osnova za dalje analize, odluke investitora i rad na projektu koji se traži u ovoj oblasti;
b. Definisanje bilansa vode za sve postojeće i potencijalne potrošače;
c. Projektovanje infrastrukturnih objekata za kaptiranje vode, snabdevanje, akumuliranje i distribuciju korisnicima vode u poljoprivredi. Predlog alternativnih rešenja zasnovanih na razvojnim potrebama i korišćenju prostornih elemenata i integracija komponenata sistema u predložena rešenja, uz puno uvažavanje drugih lokalnih interesa i potreba, i potreba šireg regiona;
d. Predloženo rešenje treba da postavi koncept navodnjavanja u regionu Srema, da izvrši podelu na osnovu vodnih resursa, da utvrdi položaj glavnog vodozahvata i crpnih stanica, da utvrdi glavnu mrežu kanala (visinsku i horizontalnu), na nivou generalnog projekta;
e. Izbor najbolje varijante (opcije) kroz proces upoređivanja varijanti na osnovu analize korišćenjem više kriterijuma (vrednost ulaganja, vremena potrebnog za povraćaj početnog troška projekta, trošak korišćenja energije, održavanje i funkcionisanje i drugih);
f. Izradu optimalnih tehničkih rešenja za navodnjavanje u okviru utvrđenih uslova, upravljanja i korišćenja vode i vodnog režima na nivou idejnog projekta, uzimanjem u obzir mogućnosti gradnje u fazama;
g. Za izabrani projekat obezbeđivanje rešenja za snabdevanje energijom i predstavljanje organizacionog i upravljačkog sistema;
h. Predlog dinamike radova u nizu u skladu sa projektovanom stopom poljoprivredne proizvodnje;
i. Uzimanje u obzir društvenih i ekonomskih efekata i obrazloženje predviđenih trendova,
j. Obezbeđenje bezbednosti sistema u raznim operativnim stanjima, monitoringa i upravljanja sistemom
k. U svrhu konkurisanja za sredstva Evropske Unije i drugih finansijskih institucija potrebno je pripremiti odabrana rešenja u manjim celinama
U cilju utvrđivanja potrebe za vodom za navodnjavanje Projektant će kreirati internet aplikaciju. Potrebno je da internet aplikacija obezbedi ulazne podatke o potencijalnim korisnicima sistema za navodnjavanje u opštinama koje su pokrivene projektom.
Kada aplikacija počne sa primenom neophodno je da se prvo obezbedi korisničko ime i lozinka. Aplikacija mora da pruži tri nivoa pristupa, naime:
1. Operativni nivo koji će imati korisnike koji pokreću aplikaciju kod unosa i ažuriranja podataka,
2. Informativni nivo koji će imati korisnike koji mogu samo da pretražuju i gledaju podatke kroz aplikaciju
3. Nivo administratora koji će imati korisnike koji će vršiti sva neophodna podešavanja u aplikaciji i izvoziti unete poidatke (npr. unositi korisnička imena i lozinke za određenu opštinu i dodeljivati nivo za pristup).
Podaci koji treba da se unesu moraju da se nalaze u jednoj od relacionih baza podataka (npr. MySQL), koja će zajedno sa aplikacijom biti smeštena i održavana u novootvorenom domenu najmanje dve godine. Prijavljivanje (login) i rad korisnika koji učestvuju u unosu i editovanju moraju da se čuvaju u bazi podataka kako bi se tačno znalo šta korisnik radi.
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Bachelor's degree - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Years of experience: 32. Registered at Sep 2012.
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