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English to Indonesian: Breast cancer General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Breast cancer is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Breast cancer occurs in humans and other mammals. While the overwhelming majority of human cases occur in women, male breast cancer can also occur. The size, stage, rate of growth, and other characteristics of a breast cancer determine the kinds of treatment. Treatment may include surgery, drugs (hormonal therapy and chemotherapy), radiation and/or immunotherapy.[3] Surgical removal of the tumor provides the single largest benefit, with surgery alone curing many cases. To increase the likelihood of cure, several chemotherapy regimens are commonly given in addition to surgery. Radiation is used after breast-conserving surgery and substantially improves local relapse rates and in many circumstances also overall survival.[4] Some breast cancers are sensitive to hormones such as estrogen and/or progesterone, which makes it possible to treat them by blocking the effects of these hormones.
Translation - Indonesian Kanker payudara adalah jenis kanker yang berasal dari jaringan payudara, pada umumya dari lapisan dalam duktus (saluran air susu) atau lobulus (penyedia air susu). Di samping manusia, kanker payudara juga dapat ditemui di binatang menyusui. Sebagian besar kasus kanker payudara di manusia terjadi pada wanita, namun pria juga bisa menderita penyakit ini. Ukuran, stadium, tingkat pertumbuhan, dan karakteristik lain dari kanker payudara menentukan jenis pengobatan yang sesuai. Contoh pengobatan adalah operasi, obat-obatan (terapi hormon dan kemoterapi), radiasi dan/atau imunoterapi. Operasi pengangkatan tumor adalah pengobatan yang paling manjur, dalam banyak kasus kanker payudara bisa disembuhkan hanya dengan operasi. Untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan penyembuhan, kemoterapi dapat diterapkan bersama-sama operasi. Radiasi umumnya dilakukan setelah operasi yang tidak mengangkat payudara dan secara substansial mengurangi resiko kambuh dan dalam banyak kasus meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup. Beberapa jenis kanker payudara yang sensitif terhadap hormon, seperti estrogen dan/atau progesteron, dapat diobati dengan menghentikan efek-efek dari hormon-hormon tersebut.
English to Indonesian: Usain Bolt General field: Other Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - English Usain St. Leo Bolt, OJ, C.D. (born 21 August 1986), is a Jamaican sprinter and a five-time World and four-time Olympic gold medalist. He is the world record and Olympic record holder in the 100 metres, the 200 metres and (along with his teammates) the 4×100 metres relay. He is the reigning Olympic champion in these three events, and is one of only seven athletes to win world championships at the youth, junior, and senior level of an athletic event. Bolt won a 200 m gold medal at the 2002 World Junior Championships, making him the competition's youngest-ever gold medalist at the time (since surpassed by Jacko Gill). In 2004, at the CARIFTA Games, he became the first junior sprinter to run the 200 m in less than 20 seconds with a time of 19.93 s,[9] breaking the previous world junior record held by Roy Martin by two-tenths of a second. He turned professional in 2004, and although he competed at the 2004 Summer Olympics, he missed most of the next two seasons due to injuries.
Translation - Indonesian Usain St. Leo Bolt, OJ, C.D. (kelahiran 21 Agustus 1986) adalah pelari jarak pendek asal Jamaika yang pernah memenangkan lima Kejuaraan Dunia dan empat medali emas di ajang Olimpiade. Dia mencetak rekor dunia dan rekor Olimpiade di cabang lari 100 meter, 200 meter, dan (bersama rekan-rekan timnya) 4x100 meter estafet. Dia adalah juara bertahan untuk ketiga cabang ini. Dia juga satu dari tujuh atlet yang pernah memenangkan kejuaraan atletik dunia di tingkat muda, yunior, dan senior. Medali emas yang didapat dari ajang lari 200 meter di Kejuaran Dunia Tingkat Yunior 2002 menjadikan Bolt peraih medali emas termuda saat itu (kini telah dipatahkan oleh Jacko Gill). Tahun 2004, di CARIFTA Games, dia menjadi pelari jarak pendek yunior pertama yang berhasil menempuh 200 meter dalam waktu kurang dari 20 detik, tepatnya 19.93 detik, memecahkan rekor dunia yunior yang sebelumnya dipegang oleh Roy Martin dengan beda waktu 0.2 detik. Dia mulai menjalani karir professional di tahun 2004, dan meski mengikuti Olimpiade Musim Panas 2004, Bolt absen dari sebagian besar dari dua musim tanding berikutnya karena cedera.
English to Indonesian: Case study General field: Science Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Case 22-2012: A 34-year-old man with intractable vomiting after ingestion of an unknown substance. (From: New England Journal of Medicine - July 2012)
A 34-year old man was seen in the emergency department at this hospital because of vomiting and abdominal pain. The patient had been well until the morning of admission. He had spent the night out with friends drinking alcohol, and when he returned home in the morning intoxicated, his wife reportedly gave him lemonade into which she had mixed a packet of powder that she had been told would induce vomiting and cause him to stop drinking alcohol. Approximately 15 minutes later, abdominal pain developed, followed by nausea and more than 50 episodes of vomiting, as well as diarrhea. Eight hours later he came to the emergency department at this hospital.
Translation - Indonesian Laporan Kasus Rumah Sakit Umum Massachusetts, Kasus 22-2012: Pria berusia 34 tahun menderita muntah tak henti-henti setelah menelan zat tak dikenal. (Dari: New England Journal of Medicine - Juli 2012)
Seorang pria berumur 34 tahun masuk ruang gawat darurat di rumah sakit ini dengan keluhan muntah-muntah dan sakit perut. Pagi sebelum dirawat di rumah sakit, pria tersebut masih sehat. Malam sebelumnya dia mengkonsumsi minuman beralkohol bersama teman-temannya, ketika dia pulang dalam keadaan mabuk di pagi hari, istrinya memberi jus lemon yang telah dicampur sebungkus bubuk yang katanya dapat menyebabkan muntah dan membuat suaminya berhenti minum minuman beralkohol. Kira-kira 15 menit kemudian, sang suami mengalami sakit perut, diikuti dengan mual, muntah-muntah sebanyak 50 kali, dan diare. Delapan jam kemudian, dia datang ke ruang gawat darurat di rumah sakit ini.
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Aug 2012.
Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV available upon request
I am a native Indonesian speaker who had the chance to reside in English-speaking country, Singapore, for more than 10 years. Currently, I live in the Netherlands, affording me the opportunity of new language exposure. While still learning Dutch, I am confident that my English is more than adequate to perform translation in science, medical, retail, and general information.
I obtained both Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from the National University of Singapore, during which I conducted survey studies involving over 5000 Indonesian respondents. For this, I was required to construct, translate, and analyze questionnaires in Indonesian and English. This equipped me with necessary skills to handle surveys, questionnaires, and interviews.
I have a 4-year working experience as a cancer-researcher in a well-established laboratory in the National University Hospital in Singapore. In addition, I have also worked as laboratory executive in one of the hospital facilities. During my time as researcher, I have authored five scientific articles in international journals. These experiences familiarized myself with science and medical terminology. I am able to translate scientific and medical documents compliant to the needed confidentiality.
Lastly, my interests lay in retail, sport&entertainment, as well as cooking&baking. For most of my life, I have read extensively in these subjects.
So, should you require general translation or specific ones related to medicine and/or science, I will be more than happy to provide the necessary services. I will ensure that every project is handled thoroughly and promptly.
Keywords: indonesian, science, medicine, medical, cooking, baking, entertainment