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<b>Medical, Dental, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Translation.</b>
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English to Spanish: Heart Conduction System General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - English Abnormalities in the specialized infranodal conducting system may arise from any disease process, including intrinsic degeneration with or without other associated heart disease. Bundle branch block, the hemiblocks, and nonspecific intraventricular conduction defects are not arrhythmias per s e.
Translation - Spanish Las anomalías del sistema conductor especializado infranodal pueden tener origen en cualquier enfermedad, incluyendo la degeneración intrínseca con o sin enfermedad cardíaca asociada. El bloqueo de rama del haz, los hemibloqueos y los trastornos no específicos de la conducción intraventricular no son propiamente arritmias.
English to Spanish: Infectious Diseases General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English The genus Shigella is divided into four major subgroups: A, B, C, and D, which are subdivided into serologically determined types. The genus is distributed worldwide and is the typical cause of inflammatory disentery, responsible for 5 to 10% of diarrheal illness in many areas.
Translation - Spanish El género Shigella se divide en cuatro subgrupos principales: A, B, C y D, que se subdividen en tipos determinados serológicamente. El género tiene distribución mundial y es la causa habitual de la disentería inflamatoria, responsable del 5 al 10% de las enfermedades diarreicas en muchas áreas.
English to Spanish: Orthopedics-Ortolani General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English This sign is elicited with the patient lying supine; the hips are flexed to a right angle and internally rotated slightly; the knees are flexed. Holding the knees in the palms of the hands, with the thumbs on the inner aspect of the knees, abduction and internal rotation of the knees is carried out. At the same time the fingers press the greater trocanter medially.
Translation - Spanish Este signo puede observarse con el paciente en posición supina; se flexionan las caderas en ángulo recto y con ligera rotación interna, estando las rodillas flexionadas. Sujetando las rodillas en las palmas de las manos, con los pulgares en la cara interna de las rodillas, se realizan abducción y rotación interna de las rodillas. Al mismo tiempo los dedos presionan la zona media del trocánter mayor.
English to Spanish: Psychiatry General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English Current diagnostic practice emphasizes depression and elation as the core affective components of mood disorders. However, anxiety and irritability are equally common, explaining the continued popularity of the broader rubric "affective disorder".
Translation - Spanish En el diagnóstico actual se resaltan la depresión y la euforia como los principales componentes afectivos de los trastornos del estado de ánimo. Sin embargo, la ansiedad y la irritabilidad son igual de frecuentes, lo que explica la continuada popularidad del término más amplio "trastorno afectivo".
Spanish to English: Description General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish Densidad osea disminuida con cambios osteodegenerativos en columna dorsal. Los campos pulmonares con sobre distensión pulmonar y atelectasias bibasales. La silueta cardiaca, hilios pulmonares, traquea y ambos hemidiafragmas no muestran alteraciones. Aorta con placas ateroma a nivel del cayado.
Translation - English Decreased bone density with degenerative changes in dorsal spine. The lungs show hyperdistension and bibasilar atelectasis The cardiac silhouette, pulmonary hila, trachea, and both hemidiaphragms show no alterations. Atheromatous plaques in aortic arch.
Spanish to English: Liver General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish Hígado de morfología situación y ecogenicidad habitual sin datos de patología focal aparente, medida en su diámetro antero posterior de 16 cms. No hay dilatación de la vía biliar intra o extrahepática y colédoco. El páncreas es homogéneo sin datos de lesiones focales. No hay evidencia de dilatación del conducto pancreático, no colecciones a este nivel.
Translation - English Liver of normal morphology, location and echogenicity, with no signs of obvious focal pathology, measuring 16 cm in its anteroposterior diameter. There is no dilation of the intra- or extrahepatic bile ducts, and common bile duct. The pancreas is homogeneous with no evidence of focal lesions. There is no dilation of the pancreatic duct, and no collections at this level.
Spanish to English: Pathology General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish El riñón derecho tiene bordes discretamente lobulados, la relación corticomedular se encuentra conservada.
En intestino delgado se observa anastomosis termino-terminal. En colon se observa moderada cantidad de residuo fecal. Se observan divertículos en colon sigmoides sin evidencia de cambios inflamatorios.
Translation - English The right kidney has slightly lobulated edges with normal corticomedular differentiation
The small intestine shows termino-terminal anastomosis. Moderate amount of fecal residue in large intestine. Sigmoid colon diverticulosis with no inflammatory changes.
MD, Dentist, Pharmacist. ECFMG® CertifiedPharmaceutical ConsultantAreas of Specialization:Research Papers. Radiology. Pathology. Orthopedics. Medical Records (typed or handwritten). Medical Insurance Claims. Disability Claims. Autopsy Reports. Pharmaceutical Industry Documents. ICF & Clinical Trials. Dental Records. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Market Research Data (Surveys, etc.).
Special Services:HTML documents. PDF documents. Powerpoint presentations. Manuscripts. MT post-editing.
Many years of experience in Medicine (Radiology, Pathology, and Orthopedics), Dentistry, and Pharmacy.
Our areas of interest are: Medicine, Dentistry, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical sciences.
The projects we handle are carefully crafted, on budget and delivered on time.
Rates can be negotiated based on specific project details.
Confidentiality is assured.
Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus
Periodontitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Papanicolaou test
Rheumatoid Arthritis Injection delivery device
Personal variables and Creativity
Soft Color Contact lenses
Inflammation and Alzheimer’s Disease
Isoproterenol cardiac hyperthrophy
Latissimus Dorsi transfer
Medication delivery devices.
Repair of ureteral distal injuries.
Achilles tendon ruptures.
Oncology Services in Latin America.
Venous Thromboembolic Disease.
Breast Cancer Review.
Posterior Urethral Disruptions.
Salivary Cortisol Levels under Stress.
Patterns of Polypharmacy.
Psoriasis Treatment Survey.
Disinfectant Eye Drops Survey.
Medical Terminology Database.
Medical Records of Cancer Patients.
Oncology Patient Journey Surveys.
Insurance Claims.
Monoclonal Antibodies.
Mathematical Models of Aluminum Alloys.
Survival of patients treated with RF.
NSCLC Depth Interview.
NSCLC Data Mining Reports.
NSCLC Data Mining Software Templates.
Mannich-type Reactions.
Analytical Chemistry.
Erythema Multiforme.
Fruits coated with biopolymers.
Food processing.
Clinical Management of Urolithiasis.
Lower limb prosthesis design.
Ontologies and feature models in product lines.
Perspectives on Human Nutrition.
Vanadium toxicology.
Sympathy and Identification.
Laparoscopic Prostatectomy.
Computer-assisted [dental] model surgery. Patent Literature Review.
Lipid profile in Athletes.
Medical Devices. Instructions for Use.
Macrophage activation pathways in Periodontal disease.
Ethionamide PIL
Oxofloxacin PIL
Oxofloxacin SMPC
Amikacin PIL
HCV new treatment package.
HIV antiretroviral therapy.
Virtual reality in MS.
Pregnancy and periodontitis.
MSW MBT plants.
Atypical mycobacteria in Acupuncture.
Dentin bonding systems and mechanical retention.
Your one stop place for Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Translation.