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English to Croatian: Pharmaceutical Product Monography General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English In contrast to progestogens derived from the 19-nor-testosterone series, XXX does not antagonise the XXX-induced increase of SHBG plasma levels. In addition, XXX may have a direct effect on sebum production. The suppression of ovarian as well as adrenal androgen synthesis effectively contributes to the
antiandrogenic activity of XXX and clinically decreased levels of androstendione and dehydroepiandrosterone
sulphate (DHEAS), representing the most important androgens of ovarian and adrenal origin, respectively, are evident. At the level of the hair follicle and the sebaceous gland testosterone is converted by 5-α-reductase into
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is twice as potent. Other androgens, such as androstendione, androstendiol,
androstandiol, androsterone and DHEAS can also be converted at the intracellular level into testosterone and DHT. XXX effectively inhibits 5-α-reductase type I activity, thereby reducing intracellular levels of DHT. Furthermore, XXX down-regulates the number of androgen receptors.
Translation - Croatian Za razliku od progestogena koji su derivirani iz 19-nor-testosteron serije, XXX ne antagonizira porast razina plazme SHBG-a koji je induciran XXX-om. K tome, XXX možda ima izravan učinak na proizvodnju sebuma. Sprječavanje androgenske sinteze ovarija i adrenalnih žlijezda učinkovito pridonosi antiandrogenskoj aktivnosti XXX, a klinički smanjene razine androstendiona i dehidroepiandrosteron sulfata (DHEAS-a), najvažnijih androgena ovarijskog i adrenalnog porijekla, očite su. Testosteron se na razini folikula dlake i lojnih žlijezda uz pomoć 5-α-reduktaze pretvara u dihidrotestosteron (DHT) koji je dvostruko potentan. Drugi androgeni, poput androstendiona, androstendiola, androstandiola, androsterona i DHEAS-a, mogu se također unutar stanice pretvoriti u testosteron i DHT. XXX učinkovito inhibira aktivnost 5-α-reduktaze tipa I i tako smanjuje razine DHT-a unutar stanice. Uz to XXX smanjuje i broj androgenskih receptora.
Russian to Croatian: Short Story by Yuriy Mamleev General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Russian У всех людей есть странности, пусть даже тайные, но у Дубова и Химикова они были налицо. Да, мировозрения их были одинаковы, взгляд на практику жизни - тоже, о политике и говорить нечего. Но, в конце концов, мало ли людей подходят друг другу. Связывало их не только это, но и тот факт, что Химиков не утоп благодаря Дубову. Химиков придавал этому факту большое значение, а Дубов просто млел, когда вспоминал об этом. В сущности, Химиков, в глубинах "подсознания" своего, считал, что он почти каждый день в чем-то тонет, а Дубов просто одним своим существованием его, Химикова, вытягивает и спасает. Химиков бообще обладал какой-то тягой к утоплению, хотя жизнь любил.
Translation - Croatian Svi ljudi imaju čudne navike, makar i tajne, no kod Dubova i Himikova one su bile očite. Da, oni su jednako gledali na svijet, imali su i jednake poglede na praktičan život, o politici da i ne govorimo. No na kraju krajeva malo ljudi si međusobno odgovara. Nije ih samo spomenuto povezivalo, već i činjenica da se Himikov nije utopio zahvaljujući Dubovu. Himikov je toj činjenici pridavao veliko značenje, a Dubov bi naprosto protrnuo kad bi se toga sjetio. Zapravo, duboko u svojoj “podsvijesti“ Himikov je smatrao da gotovo svakog dana tone u nečemu, a Dubov jednostavno samim svojim postojanjem njega, Himikova, izvlači i spašava. Općenito je Himikov imao nekakvu sklonost k utapanju iako je volio život.
Croatian to English: Decision on Enforcement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Croatian 1. Na temelju izvoda iz poslovnih knjiga (6) ovršenik je dužan platiti ovrhovoditelju iznos od ______ sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom tekućom od ¬_______ do isplate.
Dokaz: izvod iz poslovnih knjiga ovrhovoditelja
2. Kako ovršenik nije izvršio svoju obavezu ovrhovoditelj predlaže da javni bilježnik donese slijedeće
rješenje o ovrsi
I Na temelju izvoda iz poslovnih knjiga ovrhovoditelja (naziv vjerodostojne isprave i drugi podaci) , nalaže se ovršeniku da ovrhovoditelju u roku od 8 dana od dana primitka ovog rješenja namiri tražbinu u iznosu (podaci o tražbini, glavnica, kamate, datum dospijeća i trošak te eventualno kamata na trošak). (7)
II Radi prisilnog ostvarivanja tražbine ovrhovoditelja određuje se
o v r h a
određuje se ovrha na cjelokupnoj imovini ovršenika isplatom na račun ovrhovoditelja (broj računa i banka). (8)
III Na temelju ovog rješenja i nakon njegove pravomoćnosti ovrhovoditelj može neposredno tražiti provođenje izvansudske ovrhe odnosno od nadležnog suda tražiti nastavak ovrhe na onim predmetima na kojima se može provesti samo sudska ovrha. (9)
Translation - English 1. On the basis of the excerpt from the business books (6) the enforcement debtor owes the enforcement creditor the amount of ______ with the legal default interest current from ¬_______ until payment.
Evidence: excerpt from the business books of the enforcement creditor
2. Seeing as though the enforcement debtor has not met their liability, the enforcement creditor hereby requests that the public notary issue the following
I On the basis of the excerpt from the enforcement creditor’s business books (the name of the authentic document and other information) the enforcement debtor shall satisfy the claim in the amount of (claim information, principal, interest, due date, costs and, if required, the interest on costs) within 8 days from the day of receival of this decision. (7)
II For the purposes of enforcing the satisfying of the enforcement creditor's claim
of all of the property of the enforcement debtor shall be carried out and payment shall be made to the account of the enforcement creditor (account number and bank details). (8)
III On the basis of this decision and after its coming into full force and effect, the enforcement creditor may directly request an out-of-court enforcement or request from the competent court to continue the enforcement of the property which may only be enforced by a court of law. (9)
Croatian to Russian: Hotel Advertising Material General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Croatian Kako do nas
Obzirom da se Butterfly Home smještaj nalazi u pješačkoj zoni, u strogom centru grada predlažemo Vam da nas prije polaska kontaktirate vezano za mogučnosti parkiranja, kako bi Vam mogli preporučili najbolji način parkiranja Vašeg vozila, što bliže Vašem smještaju.
Iz smjera autoputa M1-M7-pri ulasku u Budimpeštu slijediti putokaz prema Erzsebet-híd (Elizabetin most). Nakon što prođete preko mosta dolazite u Kossuth Lajos utca (ulica), te nakon 300 metara na prvom velikom križanju sa semaforima skrenete desno u Múzeum körút (aleja). Držite se desno nakon skretanja te nakon 450 metera ponovno skrenite desno u Kecskeméti utca (ulica). Nakon 100 metara druga ulica sa Vaše lijeve strane je Képíró utca. Obzirom da se Képíró utca (ulica) nalazi u pješačkoj zoni, predlažemo Vam da nas prije polaska kontaktirate kako bi Vam mogli preporučiti najbolje načine parkiranja Vašeg vozila, a u blizini Vašeg smještaja (parkiranje se naplaćuje po satu ili po danu).
Translation - Russian Как доехать до нас
На машине
Поскольку Butterfly Home находится в пешеходной зоне, в самом центре города, мы рекомендуем Вам контактировать нас в связи с возможностями парковки, чтобы мы могли Вам рекомендовать самого лучшего способа парковки Вашего автомобиля, чем ближе Вашем помещению.
По автомагистрали М1-М7 При въезде в Будапешт следите за дорожным указателем в направлении Erzsebet-híd (Моста Эржебет). После того, что вы проехали через мост, вы приедете на Kossuth Lajos utca (улице Лайоша Кошута) и через 300 метров на первой большой перекрестке со светофорами поверните направо в Múzeum körút (Аллея музеев). Продолжите ехать направо позже сворачивания, и через 450 метров Вам налево будет Képíró utca (улица Кепиро). Поскольку Képíró utca находится в пешеходной зоне, мы рекомендуем Вам контактировать нас прежде поездки, чтобы мы могли Вам рекомендовать самый лучший способ парковки Вашего автомобиля, вблизи Вашего помещения (парковку надо платить за час или день).
Croatian to English: Plant Technical Description General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Petroleum Eng/Sci
Source text - Croatian Komorno koksiranje je proces toplinske razgradnje koji se koristi u XXX za pretvorbu atmosferskog i vakuumskog ostatka u kapljevinu i plin pored čvrsto koncentriranog ugljičnog materijala, tzv. naftnog koksa... Ulazne sirovine su: vakuumski ostatak s vakuumske destilacije (XXX t/dan); dekantirano ulje sa FCC postrojenja (XXX t/dan), propan/propen frakcija s FCC postrojenja (XXX t/dan), rafinerijski slop (XXX t/god.) te talozi od API separatora i ciscenja spremnika (XXX t/god.)... Radom XXX, kroz značajno povećanje dubine prerade nafte, povećat ce se ukupni prinosi suhog plina (XXX t/dan), UNP-a (XXX t/dan), lakog i teškog koking benzina (XXX t/dan) te koking plinskog ulja (XXX t/dan). Proizvodit će se i naftni koks kao novi XXX proizvod.
Translation - English Delayed coking is a thermal decomposition process used in XXX to transform atmospheric and vacuum residue into liquid and gas along with heavily concentrated carbon material, so-called petroleum coke... The input raw materials are as follows: the vacuum residue from vacuum distillation (XXX t/day), the slurry from the FCC plant (XXX t/day), the propane/propene fraction from the FCC plant (XXX t/day), refinery slop (XXX t/year) and sediment from the APJ separator and tank cleaning (XXX t/year)... By putting the XXX into operation and significantly increasing the depth of oil processing the total recovery of dry gas (XXX t/day), LPG (XXX t/day), light and heavy coking gasoline (XXX t/day) and coking gas oil (XXX t/day) will be increased. A new XXX product - petroleum coke - will also be produced.
Russian to English: Construction Material Specifications General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Russian Пеностекло — теплоизоляционный материал, представляющий собой застывшую прочную вспененную стекломассу. Закрытые поры обеспечивают прекрасную теплоизоляцию и практически нулевое влагопоглощение. Особым преимуществом пеностекла является его колоссальная долговечность и надежность в самых сложных условиях эксплуатации.
Оно абсолютно нейтрально и безопасно для здоровья людей, почвы и растений, устойчиво к агрессивным средам, вредителям и грызунам. Материал состоит из минерального сырья, легко транспортируется, неприхотлив в хранении и прост в применении. Использование пеностекла в строительстве позволяет значительно облегчить конструкции и повысить энергосбережение как при новом строительстве, так и при реконструкции зданий. Сырьем для пеностекла служит
бой обыкновенного стекла, что является немаловажным для окружающей среды, так как позволяет утилизировать отходы. Сначала стекло размалывается, а затем запекается при температуре, достигающей 950 °C. Оно вспенивается и покидает плавильную печь уже в виде пеностекла, после чего подвергается резкому охлаждению и превращается в щебень.
Translation - English Foam glass is a thermal insulation material which consists of frozen and durable foamed molten glass. Its sealed pores ensure perfect thermal insulation and virtually zero moisture absorption. A special advantage of the foam glass is its magnificent long-lasting quality and reliability in the most difficult conditions of use. It is completely safe and harmless for one’s health, the soil and plants, while also resistant to harmful environments, pests and rodents. The material consists of mineral raw materials and is easy to transport, store and use. The use of foam glass in construction facilitates construction activities and results in increased energy savings both in construction of new buildings and renovation of old buildings. The raw material used for foam glass is made from pieces of ordinary glass, which is very significant in terms of environmental protection since its waste products can be utilized. The glass is first grounded and then cooked at a temperature of up to 950 °C. It begins to foam and by the time it leaves the smelting furnace it already has foam glass form; then it undergoes severe cooling and is transformed into pebble.
English to Russian: Business E-Mail General field: Other Detailed field: Other
Source text - English Dear ms /mr @ [contact customer],
I have been informed by ms/mr @ [contact of XXX] of XXX that @ [company name] would like XXX to recover their foreign VAT. We appreciate that you have chosen to do business with XXX.
Before we can start recovering foreign VAT we would like @ [company name] to sign 3 contracts (Agreement to Perform Services + Deed of Assignment + Deed of Pledge) and several powers of attorney. We need a power of attorney for every country in which we recover VAT.
The various Tax authorities require that the contracts and powers of attorney are signed by the authorized person. Therefore we kindly ask you to send us a recent (max 3 months old) extract from the Trade Chamber on which the person is visible who is authorized to fully represent the company. Furthermore I kindly ask you to send me a copy of the identity card of the person who is authorized to sign. In some cases two or more people need to sign together. In this case we would like to receive a copy of the identity card of all of these people. You can send these documents to me by e-mail to XXX.
As soon as we have received the extract from the Trade Chamber and a copy identity card, we will send you the contracts and powers of attorney which need to be signed.
Should you have any questions regarding the above, please don't hesitate to ask.
Translation - Russian Уважаемая госпожа/господин @ [имя и отчество клиента для контакта],
Госпожа/господин @ [имя и отчество контактного лица из XXX] из XXX сообщила/сообщил мне, что @ [название компании] нужны услуги возврата иностранного НДС, предоставляющиеся XXX. Мы Вам очень благодарны, что Вы выбрали именно XXX для своих деловых потребностей.
Прежде того, что мы начнем процесс возврата иностранного НДС, мы просим @ [название компании] подписать 3 контракта (Соглашение о предоставлении услуг + Акт передачи прав + Акт о передаче в залог) и несколько доверенностей. Нам нужна доверенность для каждой страны, в которой нужно произвести возврат НДС.
Разные налоговые управления требуют контрактов и доверенностей, подписанных уполномоченным лицом. Следовательно, мы просим Вас выслать нам новую (не старше 3 месяцев) выписку от Торгого-промышленной палаты, из которой видно, кто является уполномоченным полноправным представителем Вашей компании. Кроме этого, мы просим Вас выслать нам экземпляр внутреннего паспорта лица, уполномоченного для подписи. В некоторых случаях два или больше лиц должны подписать вместе. В этом случае мы просим Вас выслать нам экземпляры внутренних паспортов всех этих лиц. Вы можете нам отправить упомянутые документы по электронной почте XXX.
Как только мы получим от Вас выписку Торговой палаты и экземпляр внутреннего паспорта, мы вышлем Вам договоры и доверенности, которые Вы должны подписать.
Если у Вас какие-либо вопросы в связи с вышеуказанным делами, пожалуйста, мы к Вашим услугам.
Translation education
Master's degree - Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jun 2012.
English to Croatian (University of Zagreb , verified) Croatian to English (University of Zagreb , verified) Russian to Croatian (University of Zagreb , verified) Croatian to Russian (University of Zagreb , verified) English to Russian (University of Zagreb , verified)
Russian to English (University of Zagreb , verified) Serbian to English (University of Zagreb ) Serbian to Russian (University of Zagreb ) Bosnian to English (University of Zagreb ) Serbian to Croatian (University of Zagreb )
Adobe Acrobat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Wordfast
I hold BA degrees in English and Russian Language and Literature, as well as MA degrees in English Language and Literature (with emphasis on American Studies) and Russian Language and Literature (with emphasis on Translation Studies) from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb.
I also hold a Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2 Level of the Council of Europe) from the British Council in Zagreb - the highest Cambridge certificate for those who have a command of English equal to that of a fairly educated native speaker.
In addition, I have acquired a C1 Level Certificate in German from the TASI Association in Trier in Germany and have resided in Germany for numerous longer periods perfecting my German.
I have spent time abroad in St. Petersburg in the Russian Federation perfecting both my English and Russian and have been awarded a Certificate of Completion of the Program in Cultural and Cognitive Studies from the New York - St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition and Culture (Stony Brook University & State University of St. Petersburg).
I specialize in translation in all language combinations with English, Russian, German and Croatian, particularly in the fields of oil & gas, law, finance and literature.
I am assiduous, precise and will pursue a translation problem to the ends of the Earth if needed. In short - your translator for the job .
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: English, Russian, Croatian, Zagreb, translator, translation, interpreter, interpretation, oil & gas, law. See more.English, Russian, Croatian, Zagreb, translator, translation, interpreter, interpretation, oil & gas, law, finance, pharmaceutics, English to Croatian oil and gas translations, Russian to Croatian oil and gas translations, Croatian to English oil and gas translations, Croatian to Russian oil & gas translations, Russian to English oil & gas translations, English to Russian oil & gas translations, English to Croatian legal translations, Russian to Croatian legal translations, Croatian to English legal translations, Croatian to Russian legal translations, Russian to English legal translations, English to Russian legal translations. See less.