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Subtitling, Translation, MT post-editing
Specializes in:
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Tourism & Travel
Media / Multimedia
Also works in:
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Food & Drink
Volunteer / Pro-bono work
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.08 - 0.11 EUR per word / 25 - 35 EUR per hour / 6.75 - 8.50 EUR per audio/video minute
English to Spanish: Journalistic text on Medicare and politics General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English The White House released budget figures yesterday indicating that the new Medicare prescription drug benefit will cost more than $1.2 trillion in the coming decade, a much higher price tag than President Bush suggested when he narrowly won passage of the law in late 2003.
The projections represent the most complete picture to date of how much the program will cost after it begins next year. The expense of the new drug benefit has been a source of much controversy since the day Congress approved it, with Democrats and some Republicans complaining that the White House has consistently low-balled the expected cost to the government.
As recently as September, Medicare chief Mark B. McClellan said the new drug package would cost $534 billion over 10 years. Last night, he acknowledged that the cumulative cost of the program between 2006 and 2015 will reach $1.2 trillion, but he cited several major savings and offsets that he said will reduce the federal government's bottom-line cost to $720 billion.
The disclosure prompted new criticism by Democrats about the administration's long-term budget estimates. It also showed that Medicare, the national medical insurance program for seniors, may pose a far more serious budgetary problem in the com- ing decade than concerns about the solvency of Social Security.
Translation - Spanish La Casa Blanca ha hecho públicas ayer las cifras presupuestarias que indican que la nueva cobertura de medicamentos con receta costará más de 1,2 billones de dólares a lo largo de la próxima década; un coste mucho más alto del que el presidente Bush sugirió cuando, con escaso margen, logró que se aprobará la ley a finales de 2003.
Estos pronósticos nos ofrecen la más completa idea hasta la fecha de lo que costará este programa una vez que se ponga en marcha el próximo año. Los gastos que se generarán de la cobertura de medicamentos han causado una gran polémica desde el día en que dicho programa fue aprobado por el Congreso; tanto los demócratas como algunos republicanos se han quejado de que la Casa Blanca, exponiendo al Gobierno unas cifras por debajo de las esperadas, ha estado sistemáticamente falseando el verdadero coste.
Recientemente, en septiembre, el responsable de Medicare, Mark B. McClellan, dijo que el nuevo paquete de medicamentos tendría un coste de 534 000 millones de dólares a lo largo de los próximos 10 años, pero anoche reconoció que el coste total del programa entre los años 2005 y 2015 se elevaría a los 1,2 billones de dólares; sin embargo, citó numerosas e importantes medidas de ahorro y compensaciones que considera que reducirán el coste final para el Gobierno Federal a 720 000 millones de dólares.
La revelación de estos datos dio lugar a una nueva oleada de críticas por parte de los demócratas acerca de las estimaciones presupuestarias a largo plazo hechas por la Administración. También mostraron que Medicare, el programa nacional de seguro médico para mayores de 65 años, puede plantear un problema presupuestario en la próxima década mucho más grave que las preocupaciones relacionadas con la solvencia de la Seguridad Social.
English to Spanish: Test requirements General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English 1. The purpose of the present information circular is to invite applications from staff members of the xxxx at the xxx level and below who wish to take one or both of the following competitive examinations in xxx, in accordance with the provisions of xxxxx of xxxxxx:
(a) Competitive examination for Spanish-language editors;
(b) Competitive examination for Spanish-language translators/précis-writers.
2. The competitive examinations for Spanish-language editors and translators/précis-writers will be held on x and x xxxxx 2006, respectively, in xxx, xxx, xxx and other locations according to the number and location of qualified candidates convoked for the examination. The purpose of these examinations is to establish rosters from which present and future vacancies for Spanish-language editors and translators/précis-writers will be filled. When vacancies occur in a service, successful candidates will be recruited from the roster for that service, subject to the requirements of the service in terms of expertise and language combinations.
Translation - Spanish 1. El propósito de este boletín informativo es solicitar el envío de candidaturas de funcionarios de la xxx con categoría xxx y categorías inferiores que deseen presentarse a uno o ambos de los siguientes concursos en xxx, de acuerdo con lo estipulado xxxx del xxx:
(a) Concurso para la contratación de editores en español;
(b) Concurso para la contratación de traductores y redactores de actas en español.
2. El concurso para la contratación de editores y traductores/redactores de actas en español se celebrará el xx y el xx de xx en xxx, xxx ,xxxy en otros lugares en función al número y a la ubicación de los candidatos cualificados convocados para estas pruebas. El propósito de estas pruebas es establecer listas que cubrirán los puestos vacantes, presentes y futuros, de editores y traductores/redactores de actas en español. Cuando haya un puesto vacante, los candidatos que hayan superado con éxito las pruebas serán contratados a partir de las listas para prestar ese servicio, y estarán sujetos a los requisitos que demande el servicio en términos de experiencia en la materia y combinación lingüística.
English to Spanish: Host guide General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English Again, before your guest arrives, it's prudent to be advised to any special needs/accommodations (eg, business traveler with morning routine that conflicts with yours; pet, food allergies; etc). Be sure to know the "can nots" of your guest before a booking occurs.
Translation - Spanish Te recordamos que es aconsejable que, antes de que tu invitado llegue, te informes de sus necesidades específicas; por ejemplo, alguien que viaje por negocios y cuyos horarios por las mañanas sean incompatibles con los tuyos, mascotas, alergia a ciertos alimentos, etc. Asegúrate de que conoces estos detalles antes de que se haga la reserva.
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A brief introduction
I first got in touch with the English language when I was around 7. My teacher was an English man named George and I vividly remember my first lesson: the verb "to be". In my textbook the kids were from Bristol and I recall being excited at the possibility of understanding what the children said about the adventures they had.
Why I became a translator
Not long after this, I started listening to British music, especially music from the 60s. I wanted to know what they said so I managed somehow to transcribe the lyrics and translate them. I had a textbook that I would take to school and, when my classmates found out, they started to ask me to translate their favourite songs. Translating Nirvana songs wasn´t precisely an easy task, but I never knew I could make my career - and money, out of that hobbie. Music, along with my obssession with cinema, books and pop culture in general, paved the way to my future professional career. I would also write, a lot.
What I do know
I am currently working with some renowned VOD platforms translating, subtitling, timecoding and QCing movies, marketing clips, trailers, documentaries, drama and comedy series and reality shows. I have also collaborated with local filmmakers in the subtitling and final proofreading of their documentary shorts that went on to be widely awarded.
As a professional I guarantee...
Good communication with my client/agency is paramount. I ask a lot of questions whenever in doubt.
I only accept projects that I know for sure that I can take forward.
On time deliveries.
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