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English to Serbian: Power of Attorney General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English I, __________________, Notary Public of the City of London and elsewhere in England, by Royal Authority duly admitted and sworn, practicing in the said City,
THAT the signature set and subscribed at foot of the Document hereunto annexed is genuine, the same having been subscribed thereto by __________________, whose identity I attest,...
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal of Office in the City of London, aforesaid, the first day of August Two thousand and twelve.
Translation - Serbian Target text I: Serbian -Latin letters, Ijekavian dialect (srpski – latinica, ijekavski – Punomoć)
Ja, ________________, javni notar grada Londona i u drugim mjestima u Engleskoj, pod zakletvom i uredno priznat od strane Kraljevske vlasti, vršim praksu u navedenom gradu, te
DA JE potpis dat u dnu ovog priloženog dokumenta originalan, da je isti upisan tu od strane __________________, čiji identitet ja potvrđujem,
U SVJEDOČENJE OVOME ja ovdje stavljam svoj potpis i ovjeravam svojim pečatom gore navedene Kancelarije u Londonu, ovog prvog avgusta dvije hiljade i dvanaeste godine.
Target text II: Serbian – Cyrillic letters, Ekavian dialect (српски – ћирилица, екавски – Пуномоћ)
Ја, _________________, јавни нотар града Лондона и у другим местима у Енглеској, под заклетвом и уредно признат од стране Краљевске власти, вршим праксу у наведеном граду, те
ДА ЈЕ потпис дат у дну овог приложеног документа оригиналан, да је исти уписан ту од стране ________________, чији идентитет ја потврђујем,
У СВЕДОЧЕЊЕ ОВОМЕ ја овде стављам свој потпис и оверавам својим печатом горе наведене Канцеларије у Лондону. овог првог августа две хиљаде и дванаесте године.
Serbian to English: A literary text General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Serbian Kad se okrenuo, na onom čudnom stolu, stajala je jedna vaza, puna cveća. U toj vazi cvrčio se jedan crv. „Džonatane, ne dopusti da tu sumnja napravi čaure. Neka tu niču želje i otpadaju misli. Raste li raste život i vene li vene smrt, i tako u beskraj.“ Vaza je mirisala na strah i makove, kada joj se približio. Posmatrao je svoju podsvest dalje. Obratio se Amandi tiho. „Imam tu negde neki pod, bačen nehajno. Neki oslonac za razmišljanje o postupcima. Ko sam ja i ko mi je mene oduzeo? Gde je sistem vrednosti koji određuje cenu ideja? Možda ne ustanem sutra… sve jedno, ja stojim na njemu, i on stoji u meni. Imam, tako, ja na tom podu čak i tepih. Proziran, lagan, lebdi na zemlji. Kroz njega se vide svi koraci, prošli, trenutni i budući. I svačiji pokreti, od deteta Afrike do starca Tibeta. I svakakve suze su tu pale. Mnoge razne radosti plesale. On je moje ogledalo, koliko jako se držim na nogama. Možda ga nečujno slomim stopalom ponekad, ali zaraste bez mazala.“ Gledao je u proziran pod dok je govorio. Osetio je toplotu na vratu. „Amanda, znaš, imam i jedna vrata. Sama, ali vredna. Ne bih ih menjao ni za svoju odrubljenu glavu. Ta vrata su moj najbolji prijatelj. I kao i svaki, mogu da budu pomalo dvolična, zavisi sa koje ih strane zatvorim u sebe. Nekada su bleda od kiše (ne podnose mokru hladnoću), nekada rumena od radosti kada me vide da im letim. Ako ih zatvorim na setu, setu i očekujem kada se vratim. Prikrenem li ih na tišinu, ni najjače bombe ne mogu mrdnuti moje unutrašnje uho. Otvorim li ih na sreću ceo svet će se smešiti i plesati meni.“
Translation - English When he turned around, a vase stood on that strange table, full of flowers. In the vase, a worm sizzled. “Jonathan, do not let a doubt make cocoons there. Let there sprout wishes and fall out thoughts. Does the life grow and the death veins away, and so on forever.“ The vase smelled of fear and poppies when he approached it. He watched his subconsciousness further on. He spoke to Amanda quietly. “I have a floor somewhere around here, thrown carelessly. Some support for reflection on actions. Who am I and who took away myself? Where is the system of value that determines the price of ideas? I might not get up tomorrow... nevertheless, I stand on it, and it stands inside of me. So, I have on that floor a carpet as well. Translucent, lightweight, floating on the ground. You can see all the steps through it, past, present and future. And everyone's moves, from a child of Africa to an old man of Tibet. And all sorts of tears fell on it. Many different joys danced there. That is my mirror, how fast I stand on my feet. Maybe I break it quietly sometime with my foot, but it heals without anointment.“ He was watching the translucent floor while he spoke. He felt warmth on his neck. “Amanda, you know, I have a door, too. Alone, but important. I would not trade it even for my severed head. The door is my best friend. And, as any, it can be a bit double-faced, it depends on which side I close it to myself. Sometimes it is pale from rain (it does not tolerate a damp cold) and sometimes it flushes with joy when it sees me running to it. If I close it on melancholy, the melancholy I expect when I return. If I leave it ajar in silence, not even the strongest bombs can stir my inner ear. If I open it on happiness, the whole world will smile and dance for me.“
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Professor of English Language and Literature
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Feb 2012.
English to Serbian (Republika Srpska - Ministry of Justice, verified) Serbian to English (Republika Srpska - Ministry of Justice, verified) English (University of East Saravejo, verified)
The Association of Court Interpreters of the Republic of Srpska
Adobe Acrobat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartcat
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I have been working as a translator since 2010.
I am a professor of English language and literature and also a certified Court
Interpreter for the English Language.
My mother tongue is Serbian, being that one of the
official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I can read and write in both Cyrillic and Latin
letters, in Ekavian (spoken in the Republic of Serbia) and Ijekavian (spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
I am reliable, dedicated to work, interested and
experienced in different fields, used to work under deadlines, open to
cooperation and negotiations.
I work a lot on the translation of legal
documents such as certificates, regulations, decisions, etc. I am also experienced in other areas: Education/Pedagogy,
Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, Law, Social Sciences in general, Tourism
and Travel, IT, Marketing, Medicine, Adult texts, General – conversation,
letters, greetings; (the order on this list is not preferential).
Some of the
projects that I have worked on are listed and described as follows:
- Legal: laws, decisions,
certificates, contracts, agreements, general documents more than 1000 pages; (I receive some of the documents from the Association of Court Interpreters of the
Republic of Srpska, or through the direct contacts with local legal and natural persons)
- European legal documents and acts more than 300 pages;
- Social
sciences / non-governmental organizations: projects, reports,
contracts, agreements, promotional material on gender equality issues and local
community development, more than 500 pages;
- Tourism: promotional material
about the tourist offers in the region, about 50 pages;
- Medicine: general medical texts,
pharmaceutical certificates of analysis, specialists’ reports, a manual for
equipment in radiology, more than 100 pages;
- Engineering: a feasibility study
for building mini hydro-power plants in the area, a study on metal processing,
laboratory analysis, about 200 pages;
- Economics: invoices, balance
sheets, financial reports, general economic documents, about 100 pages;
- An Integrated Quay Crane Assignment and Scheduling Problem (over 3000 words);
- Supply Chain Strategy (60000 words);
- Education: texts on psychology
and education in elementary schools, essays on different topics, more than 100
- Adult texts: promotional
material, short stories and poetry, more than 50 pages;
Other: conversation,
personal and official letters, greetings, instructions, manuals, etc., more
than 300 pages.
I also work on
proofreading in all the above subjects. The largest project I was involved in
concerned the literature of Arab Emirates, a collection of short stories and
poems, translated from English into Serbian, 125 pages.
- IT
proofreading task 20 570 words.
- IT translation
of software for mobile devices, more than 3000 words.
- Another project in the IT area, more than 2000 words.